




from dgl.data.knowledge_graph import FB15k237Datasetdata = FB15k237Dataset(reverse=False)graph = data[0]print("graph",graph)



g = dgl.graph((src, dst), num_nodes=num_nodes)g.edata[dgl.ETYPE] = rel



图片[1] - 如何利用DGL官方库中的rgcn链接预测代码跑自己的数据集(如何在DGL库的链接预测数据集模块定义自己的数据集类) - MaxSSL

图片[2] - 如何利用DGL官方库中的rgcn链接预测代码跑自己的数据集(如何在DGL库的链接预测数据集模块定义自己的数据集类) - MaxSSL

import numpy as npimport torchimport torch.nn as nnimport scipy as spimport torch.nn.functional as Fimport dglfrom dgl.data.knowledge_graph import FB15k237Datasetfrom dgl.data.knowledge_graph import FB15kDatasetfrom dgl.dataloading import GraphDataLoaderfrom dgl.nn.pytorch import RelGraphConvimport tqdm# for building training/testing graphsdef get_subset_g(g, mask, num_rels, bidirected=False):    src, dst = g.edges()    sub_src = src[mask]    sub_dst = dst[mask]    sub_rel = g.edata['etype'][mask]    if bidirected:        sub_src, sub_dst = torch.cat([sub_src, sub_dst]), torch.cat([sub_dst, sub_src])        sub_rel = torch.cat([sub_rel, sub_rel + num_rels])    sub_g = dgl.graph((sub_src, sub_dst), num_nodes=g.num_nodes())    sub_g.edata[dgl.ETYPE] = sub_rel    return sub_gclass GlobalUniform:    def __init__(self, g, sample_size):        self.sample_size = sample_size        self.eids = np.arange(g.num_edges(),dtype='int64')    def sample(self):        return torch.from_numpy(np.random.choice(self.eids, self.sample_size))class NegativeSampler:    def __init__(self, k=10): # negative sampling rate = 10        self.k = k    def sample(self, pos_samples, num_nodes):        batch_size = len(pos_samples)        neg_batch_size = batch_size * self.k        neg_samples = np.tile(pos_samples, (self.k, 1))        values = np.random.randint(num_nodes, size=neg_batch_size)        choices = np.random.uniform(size=neg_batch_size)        subj = choices > 0.5        obj = choices <= 0.5        neg_samples[subj, 0] = values[subj]        neg_samples[obj, 2] = values[obj]        samples = np.concatenate((pos_samples, neg_samples))        # binary labels indicating positive and negative samples        labels = np.zeros(batch_size * (self.k + 1), dtype=np.float32)        labels[:batch_size] = 1        return torch.from_numpy(samples), torch.from_numpy(labels)class SubgraphIterator:    def __init__(self, g, num_rels, sample_size=30000, num_epochs=6000):        self.g = g        self.num_rels = num_rels        self.sample_size = sample_size        self.num_epochs = num_epochs        self.pos_sampler = GlobalUniform(g, sample_size)        self.neg_sampler = NegativeSampler()    def __len__(self):        return self.num_epochs    def __getitem__(self, i):        eids = self.pos_sampler.sample()        src, dst = self.g.find_edges(eids)        src, dst = src.numpy(), dst.numpy()        rel = self.g.edata[dgl.ETYPE][eids].numpy()        # relabel nodes to have consecutive node IDs        uniq_v, edges = np.unique((src, dst), return_inverse=True)        num_nodes = len(uniq_v)        # edges is the concatenation of src, dst with relabeled ID        src, dst = np.reshape(edges, (2, -1))        relabeled_data = np.stack((src, rel, dst)).transpose()        samples, labels = self.neg_sampler.sample(relabeled_data, num_nodes)        # use only half of the positive edges        chosen_ids = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.sample_size),                                      size=int(self.sample_size / 2),                                      replace=False)        src = src[chosen_ids]        dst = dst[chosen_ids]        rel = rel[chosen_ids]        src, dst = np.concatenate((src, dst)), np.concatenate((dst, src))        rel = np.concatenate((rel, rel + self.num_rels))        sub_g = dgl.graph((src, dst), num_nodes=num_nodes)        sub_g.edata[dgl.ETYPE] = torch.from_numpy(rel)        sub_g.edata['norm'] = dgl.norm_by_dst(sub_g).unsqueeze(-1)        uniq_v = torch.from_numpy(uniq_v).view(-1).long()        return sub_g, uniq_v, samples, labelsclass RGCN(nn.Module):    def __init__(self, num_nodes, h_dim, num_rels):        super().__init__()        # two-layer RGCN        self.emb = nn.Embedding(num_nodes, h_dim)        self.conv1 = RelGraphConv(h_dim, h_dim, num_rels, regularizer='bdd',                                  num_bases=100, self_loop=True)        self.conv2 = RelGraphConv(h_dim, h_dim, num_rels, regularizer='bdd',                                  num_bases=100, self_loop=True)        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.2)    def forward(self, g, nids):        x = self.emb(nids)        h = F.relu(self.conv1(g, x, g.edata[dgl.ETYPE], g.edata['norm']))        h = self.dropout(h)        h = self.conv2(g, h, g.edata[dgl.ETYPE], g.edata['norm'])        return self.dropout(h)class LinkPredict(nn.Module):    def __init__(self, num_nodes, num_rels, h_dim = 500, reg_param=0.01):        super().__init__()        self.rgcn = RGCN(num_nodes, h_dim, num_rels * 2)        self.reg_param = reg_param        self.w_relation = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_rels, h_dim))        nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.w_relation,                                gain=nn.init.calculate_gain('relu'))    def calc_score(self, embedding, triplets):        s = embedding[triplets[:,0]]        r = self.w_relation[triplets[:,1]]        o = embedding[triplets[:,2]]        score = torch.sum(s * r * o, dim=1)        return score    def forward(self, g, nids):        return self.rgcn(g, nids)    def regularization_loss(self, embedding):        return torch.mean(embedding.pow(2)) + torch.mean(self.w_relation.pow(2))    def get_loss(self, embed, triplets, labels):        # each row in the triplets is a 3-tuple of (source, relation, destination)        score = self.calc_score(embed, triplets)        predict_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(score, labels)        reg_loss = self.regularization_loss(embed)        return predict_loss + self.reg_param * reg_lossdef filter(triplets_to_filter, target_s, target_r, target_o, num_nodes, filter_o=True):    """Get candidate heads or tails to score"""    target_s, target_r, target_o = int(target_s), int(target_r), int(target_o)    # Add the ground truth node first    if filter_o:        candidate_nodes = [target_o]    else:        candidate_nodes = [target_s]    for e in range(num_nodes):        triplet = (target_s, target_r, e) if filter_o else (e, target_r, target_o)        # Do not consider a node if it leads to a real triplet        if triplet not in triplets_to_filter:            candidate_nodes.append(e)    return torch.LongTensor(candidate_nodes)def perturb_and_get_filtered_rank(emb, w, s, r, o, test_size, triplets_to_filter, filter_o=True):    """Perturb subject or object in the triplets"""    num_nodes = emb.shape[0]    ranks = []    for idx in tqdm.tqdm(range(test_size), desc="Evaluate"):        target_s = s[idx]        target_r = r[idx]        target_o = o[idx]        candidate_nodes = filter(triplets_to_filter, target_s, target_r,                                 target_o, num_nodes, filter_o=filter_o)        if filter_o:            emb_s = emb[target_s]            emb_o = emb[candidate_nodes]        else:            emb_s = emb[candidate_nodes]            emb_o = emb[target_o]        target_idx = 0        emb_r = w[target_r]        emb_triplet = emb_s * emb_r * emb_o        scores = torch.sigmoid(torch.sum(emb_triplet, dim=1))        _, indices = torch.sort(scores, descending=True)        rank = int((indices == target_idx).nonzero())        ranks.append(rank)    return torch.LongTensor(ranks)def calc_mrr(emb, w,  triplets_to_filter, batch_size=100, filter=True):    with torch.no_grad():        test_triplets = triplets_to_filter        s, r, o = test_triplets[:,0], test_triplets[:,1], test_triplets[:,2]        test_size = len(s)        triplets_to_filter = {tuple(triplet) for triplet in triplets_to_filter.tolist()}        ranks_s = perturb_and_get_filtered_rank(emb, w, s, r, o, test_size,                                                triplets_to_filter, filter_o=False)        ranks_o = perturb_and_get_filtered_rank(emb, w, s, r, o,                                                test_size, triplets_to_filter)        ranks = torch.cat([ranks_s, ranks_o])        ranks += 1 # change to 1-indexed        mrr = torch.mean(1.0 / ranks.float()).item()        mr = torch.mean(ranks.float()).item()        print("MRR (filtered): {:.6f}".format(mrr))        print("MR (filtered): {:.6f}".format(mr))        hits=[1,3,10]        for hit in hits:            avg_count = torch.mean((ranks <= hit).float())            print("Hits (filtered) @ {}: {:.6f}".format(hit, avg_count.item()))    return mrrdef train(dataloader, test_g, test_nids, triplets, device, model_state_file, model):    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-2)    best_mrr = 0    for epoch, batch_data in enumerate(dataloader): # single graph batch        model.train()        g, train_nids, edges, labels = batch_data        g = g.to(device)        train_nids = train_nids.to(device)        edges = edges.to(device)        labels = labels.to(device)        embed = model(g, train_nids)        loss = model.get_loss(embed, edges, labels)        optimizer.zero_grad()        loss.backward()        nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), max_norm=1.0) # clip gradients        optimizer.step()        print("Epoch {:04d} | Loss {:.4f} | Best MRR {:.4f}".format(epoch, loss.item(), best_mrr))        if (epoch + 1) % 500 == 0:            # perform validation on CPU because full graph is too large            model = model.cpu()            model.eval()            embed = model(test_g, test_nids)            mrr = calc_mrr(embed, model.w_relation,  triplets,                           batch_size=500)            # save best model            if best_mrr < mrr:                best_mrr = mrr                torch.save({'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'epoch': epoch}, model_state_file)            model = model.to(device)if __name__ == '__main__':    device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')    print(f'Training with DGL built-in RGCN module')    # load and preprocess dataset    # data = FB15k237Dataset(reverse=False)    # data = FB15kDataset(reverse=False)    entityfile=r'data/entity.txt'    relationfile=r'data/relation.txt'    f1 = open(entityfile, 'r')    f2 = open(relationfile, 'r')    entity=[]    relation=[]    for line in f1:        l=line.strip().split("\t")        entity.append(int(l[0]))    for line in f2:        l=line.strip().split("\t")        relation.append(int(l[0]))    num_nodes=len(entity)    num_rels=len(relation)    n_entities=num_nodes    print("# entities:",num_nodes)    print("# relations:",num_rels)        trainfile=r'data/train.txt'    f3 = open(trainfile, 'r')    src_train=[]    rel_train=[]    dst_train=[]    for line in f3:        l=line.strip().split("\t")        h=int(l[0])        r=int(l[1])        t=int(l[2])        src_train.append(h)        rel_train.append(r)        dst_train.append(t)    print("# training edges: ",len(src_train))    src_train=torch.LongTensor(src_train)    rel_train=torch.LongTensor(rel_train)    dst_train=torch.LongTensor(dst_train)    train_g = dgl.graph((src_train, dst_train), num_nodes=num_nodes)    train_g.edata[dgl.ETYPE] = rel_train        src_test, dst_test = torch.cat([src_train, dst_train]), torch.cat([dst_train,src_train])    rel_test = torch.cat([rel_train, rel_train + num_rels])    test_g = dgl.graph((src_test, dst_test), num_nodes=num_nodes)    test_g.edata[dgl.ETYPE] = rel_test    test_g.edata['norm'] = dgl.norm_by_dst(test_g).unsqueeze(-1)    test_nids = torch.arange(0, num_nodes)        subg_iter = SubgraphIterator(train_g, num_rels) # uniform edge sampling    dataloader = GraphDataLoader(subg_iter, batch_size=1, collate_fn=lambda x: x[0])    validfile=r'data/valid.txt'    f4 = open(validfile, 'r')    num_valid=0    for line in f4:        num_valid+=1    print("# validation edges: ",num_valid)        # Prepare data for metric computation    testfile=r'data/test.txt'    f5 = open(testfile, 'r')    src=[]    rel=[]    dst=[]    for line in f5:        l=line.strip().split("\t")        h=int(l[0])        r=int(l[1])        t=int(l[2])        src.append(h)        rel.append(r)        dst.append(t)    print("# testing edges: ",len(src))    src=torch.LongTensor(src)    rel=torch.LongTensor(rel)    dst=torch.LongTensor(dst)    triplets_test = torch.stack([src,rel, dst], dim=1)    # create RGCN model    model = LinkPredict(num_nodes, num_rels).to(device)    # train    model_state_file = 'model_state.pth'    train(dataloader, test_g, test_nids, triplets_test, device, model_state_file, model)    # testing    print("Testing...")    checkpoint = torch.load(model_state_file)    model = model.cpu() # test on CPU    model.eval()    model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'])    embed = model(test_g, test_nids)    best_mrr = calc_mrr(embed, model.w_relation,triplets_test,                        batch_size=500)    print("Best MRR {:.4f} achieved using the epoch {:04d}".format(best_mrr, checkpoint['epoch']))


– step 1 :

找到你的dgl.data.knowledge_graph.py文件,(我这里使用的版本是dgl 0.9.0),在这个文件中,定义了FB15k237DatasetFB15DatasetWN18Dataset三个常用的知识图谱数据集类,我们添加一个自己的数据集类MyDataset(其实就是copy了一下别的类(°ー°〃))

图片[3] - 如何利用DGL官方库中的rgcn链接预测代码跑自己的数据集(如何在DGL库的链接预测数据集模块定义自己的数据集类) - MaxSSL

class MyDataset(KnowledgeGraphDataset):        def __init__(self, reverse=True, raw_dir=None, force_reload=False,                 verbose=True, transform=None):        name = 'mydata'        super(MyDataset, self).__init__(name, reverse, raw_dir,                                              force_reload, verbose, transform)    def __getitem__(self, idx):        r"""Gets the graph object """        return super(MyDataset, self).__getitem__(idx)    def __len__(self):        r"""The number of graphs in the dataset."""        return super(MyDataset, self).__len__()

– step 2

(至于为什么要这样呢,,,,自己看代码吧,虽然我也很想做记录,方便自己下次看懂,但是感觉要讲的话将不太清楚,打半天字解释不如自己看看代码咋写的 ┭┮﹏┭┮)

if self.name=='mydata':     return os.path.join(self.raw_dir)

图片[4] - 如何利用DGL官方库中的rgcn链接预测代码跑自己的数据集(如何在DGL库的链接预测数据集模块定义自己的数据集类) - MaxSSL

– step 3


from dgl.data.knowledge_graph import MyDatasetdataset = MyDataset(raw_dir=r'你自己装数据集的文件夹位置',reverse=False)

图片[5] - 如何利用DGL官方库中的rgcn链接预测代码跑自己的数据集(如何在DGL库的链接预测数据集模块定义自己的数据集类) - MaxSSL
– step 4

还有十分重要的一点就是,数据集的格式,我是把自己的数据集都设成了和它调用的FB15k237数据集一样的格式,因为step 3中要写入的文件夹地址内要包含的文件有5个:entities.dictrelations.dicttrain.txtvalid.txttest.txt

图片[6] - 如何利用DGL官方库中的rgcn链接预测代码跑自己的数据集(如何在DGL库的链接预测数据集模块定义自己的数据集类) - MaxSSL


图片[7] - 如何利用DGL官方库中的rgcn链接预测代码跑自己的数据集(如何在DGL库的链接预测数据集模块定义自己的数据集类) - MaxSSL


图片[8] - 如何利用DGL官方库中的rgcn链接预测代码跑自己的数据集(如何在DGL库的链接预测数据集模块定义自己的数据集类) - MaxSSL


import numpy as npimport torchimport torch.nn as nnimport torch.nn.functional as Fimport dglfrom dgl.data.knowledge_graph import FB15k237Datasetfrom dgl.data.knowledge_graph import FB15kDatasetfrom dgl.data.knowledge_graph import MyDatasetfrom dgl.dataloading import GraphDataLoaderfrom dgl.nn.pytorch import RelGraphConvimport tqdm# for building training/testing graphsdef get_subset_g(g, mask, num_rels, bidirected=False):    src, dst = g.edges()    sub_src = src[mask]    sub_dst = dst[mask]    sub_rel = g.edata['etype'][mask]    if bidirected:        sub_src, sub_dst = torch.cat([sub_src, sub_dst]), torch.cat([sub_dst, sub_src])        sub_rel = torch.cat([sub_rel, sub_rel + num_rels])    sub_g = dgl.graph((sub_src, sub_dst), num_nodes=g.num_nodes())    sub_g.edata[dgl.ETYPE] = sub_rel    return sub_gclass GlobalUniform:    def __init__(self, g, sample_size):        self.sample_size = sample_size        self.eids = np.arange(g.num_edges())    def sample(self):        return torch.from_numpy(np.random.choice(self.eids, self.sample_size))class NegativeSampler:    def __init__(self, k=10): # negative sampling rate = 10        self.k = k    def sample(self, pos_samples, num_nodes):        batch_size = len(pos_samples)        neg_batch_size = batch_size * self.k        neg_samples = np.tile(pos_samples, (self.k, 1))        values = np.random.randint(num_nodes, size=neg_batch_size)        choices = np.random.uniform(size=neg_batch_size)        subj = choices > 0.5        obj = choices <= 0.5        neg_samples[subj, 0] = values[subj]        neg_samples[obj, 2] = values[obj]        samples = np.concatenate((pos_samples, neg_samples))        # binary labels indicating positive and negative samples        labels = np.zeros(batch_size * (self.k + 1), dtype=np.float32)        labels[:batch_size] = 1        return torch.from_numpy(samples), torch.from_numpy(labels)class SubgraphIterator:    def __init__(self, g, num_rels, sample_size=30000, num_epochs=6000):        self.g = g        self.num_rels = num_rels        self.sample_size = sample_size        self.num_epochs = num_epochs        self.pos_sampler = GlobalUniform(g, sample_size)        self.neg_sampler = NegativeSampler()    def __len__(self):        return self.num_epochs    def __getitem__(self, i):        eids = self.pos_sampler.sample()        src, dst = self.g.find_edges(eids)        src, dst = src.numpy(), dst.numpy()        rel = self.g.edata[dgl.ETYPE][eids].numpy()        # relabel nodes to have consecutive node IDs        uniq_v, edges = np.unique((src, dst), return_inverse=True)        num_nodes = len(uniq_v)        # edges is the concatenation of src, dst with relabeled ID        src, dst = np.reshape(edges, (2, -1))        relabeled_data = np.stack((src, rel, dst)).transpose()        samples, labels = self.neg_sampler.sample(relabeled_data, num_nodes)        # use only half of the positive edges        chosen_ids = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.sample_size),                                      size=int(self.sample_size / 2),                                      replace=False)        src = src[chosen_ids]        dst = dst[chosen_ids]        rel = rel[chosen_ids]        src, dst = np.concatenate((src, dst)), np.concatenate((dst, src))        rel = np.concatenate((rel, rel + self.num_rels))        sub_g = dgl.graph((src, dst), num_nodes=num_nodes)        sub_g.edata[dgl.ETYPE] = torch.from_numpy(rel)        sub_g.edata['norm'] = dgl.norm_by_dst(sub_g).unsqueeze(-1)        uniq_v = torch.from_numpy(uniq_v).view(-1).long()        return sub_g, uniq_v, samples, labelsclass RGCN(nn.Module):    def __init__(self, num_nodes, h_dim, num_rels):        super().__init__()        # two-layer RGCN        self.emb = nn.Embedding(num_nodes, h_dim)        self.conv1 = RelGraphConv(h_dim, h_dim, num_rels, regularizer='bdd',                                  num_bases=100, self_loop=True)        self.conv2 = RelGraphConv(h_dim, h_dim, num_rels, regularizer='bdd',                                  num_bases=100, self_loop=True)        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.2)    def forward(self, g, nids):        x = self.emb(nids)        h = F.relu(self.conv1(g, x, g.edata[dgl.ETYPE], g.edata['norm']))        h = self.dropout(h)        h = self.conv2(g, h, g.edata[dgl.ETYPE], g.edata['norm'])        return self.dropout(h)class LinkPredict(nn.Module):    def __init__(self, num_nodes, num_rels, h_dim = 500, reg_param=0.01):        super().__init__()        self.rgcn = RGCN(num_nodes, h_dim, num_rels * 2)        self.reg_param = reg_param        self.w_relation = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_rels, h_dim))        nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.w_relation,                                gain=nn.init.calculate_gain('relu'))    def calc_score(self, embedding, triplets):        s = embedding[triplets[:,0]]        r = self.w_relation[triplets[:,1]]        o = embedding[triplets[:,2]]        score = torch.sum(s * r * o, dim=1)        return score    def forward(self, g, nids):        return self.rgcn(g, nids)    def regularization_loss(self, embedding):        return torch.mean(embedding.pow(2)) + torch.mean(self.w_relation.pow(2))    def get_loss(self, embed, triplets, labels):        # each row in the triplets is a 3-tuple of (source, relation, destination)        score = self.calc_score(embed, triplets)        predict_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(score, labels)        reg_loss = self.regularization_loss(embed)        return predict_loss + self.reg_param * reg_lossdef filter(triplets_to_filter, target_s, target_r, target_o, num_nodes, filter_o=True):    """Get candidate heads or tails to score"""    target_s, target_r, target_o = int(target_s), int(target_r), int(target_o)    # Add the ground truth node first    if filter_o:        candidate_nodes = [target_o]    else:        candidate_nodes = [target_s]    for e in range(num_nodes):        triplet = (target_s, target_r, e) if filter_o else (e, target_r, target_o)        # Do not consider a node if it leads to a real triplet        if triplet not in triplets_to_filter:            candidate_nodes.append(e)    return torch.LongTensor(candidate_nodes)def perturb_and_get_filtered_rank(emb, w, s, r, o, test_size, triplets_to_filter, filter_o=True):    """Perturb subject or object in the triplets"""    num_nodes = emb.shape[0]    ranks = []    for idx in tqdm.tqdm(range(test_size), desc="Evaluate"):        target_s = s[idx]        target_r = r[idx]        target_o = o[idx]        candidate_nodes = filter(triplets_to_filter, target_s, target_r,                                 target_o, num_nodes, filter_o=filter_o)        if filter_o:            emb_s = emb[target_s]            emb_o = emb[candidate_nodes]        else:            emb_s = emb[candidate_nodes]            emb_o = emb[target_o]        target_idx = 0        emb_r = w[target_r]        emb_triplet = emb_s * emb_r * emb_o        scores = torch.sigmoid(torch.sum(emb_triplet, dim=1))        _, indices = torch.sort(scores, descending=True)        rank = int((indices == target_idx).nonzero())        ranks.append(rank)    return torch.LongTensor(ranks)def calc_mrr(emb, w, test_mask, triplets_to_filter, batch_size=100, filter=True):    with torch.no_grad():        test_triplets = triplets_to_filter[test_mask]        s, r, o = test_triplets[:,0], test_triplets[:,1], test_triplets[:,2]        test_size = len(s)        triplets_to_filter = {tuple(triplet) for triplet in triplets_to_filter.tolist()}        ranks_s = perturb_and_get_filtered_rank(emb, w, s, r, o, test_size,                                                triplets_to_filter, filter_o=False)        ranks_o = perturb_and_get_filtered_rank(emb, w, s, r, o,                                                test_size, triplets_to_filter)        ranks = torch.cat([ranks_s, ranks_o])        ranks += 1 # change to 1-indexed        mrr = torch.mean(1.0 / ranks.float()).item()        mr = torch.mean(ranks.float()).item()        print("MRR (filtered): {:.6f}".format(mrr))        print("MR (filtered): {:.6f}".format(mr))        hits=[1,3,10]        for hit in hits:            avg_count = torch.mean((ranks <= hit).float())            print("Hits (filtered) @ {}: {:.6f}".format(hit, avg_count.item()))    return mrrdef train(dataloader, test_g, test_nids, test_mask, triplets, device, model_state_file, model):    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-2)    best_mrr = 0    for epoch, batch_data in enumerate(dataloader): # single graph batch        model.train()        g, train_nids, edges, labels = batch_data        g = g.to(device)        train_nids = train_nids.to(device)        edges = edges.to(device)        labels = labels.to(device)        embed = model(g, train_nids)        loss = model.get_loss(embed, edges, labels)        optimizer.zero_grad()        loss.backward()        nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), max_norm=1.0) # clip gradients        optimizer.step()        print("Epoch {:04d} | Loss {:.4f} | Best MRR {:.4f}".format(epoch, loss.item(), best_mrr))        if (epoch + 1) % 500 == 0:            # perform validation on CPU because full graph is too large            model = model.cpu()            model.eval()            embed = model(test_g, test_nids)            mrr = calc_mrr(embed, model.w_relation, test_mask, triplets,                           batch_size=500)            # save best model            if best_mrr < mrr:                best_mrr = mrr                torch.save({'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'epoch': epoch}, model_state_file)            model = model.to(device)if __name__ == '__main__':    device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')    print(f'Training with DGL built-in RGCN module')    # load and preprocess dataset    # data = FB15k237Dataset(reverse=False)    data = MyDataset(raw_dir=r'data/FB15k237',reverse=False)        g = data[0]    num_nodes = g.num_nodes()    num_rels = data.num_rels    train_g = get_subset_g(g, g.edata['train_mask'], num_rels)    test_g = get_subset_g(g, g.edata['train_mask'], num_rels, bidirected=True)    test_g.edata['norm'] = dgl.norm_by_dst(test_g).unsqueeze(-1)    test_nids = torch.arange(0, num_nodes)    test_mask = g.edata['test_mask']    subg_iter = SubgraphIterator(train_g, num_rels) # uniform edge sampling    dataloader = GraphDataLoader(subg_iter, batch_size=1, collate_fn=lambda x: x[0])    # Prepare data for metric computation    src, dst = g.edges()    triplets = torch.stack([src, g.edata['etype'], dst], dim=1)    # create RGCN model    model = LinkPredict(num_nodes, num_rels).to(device)    # train    model_state_file = 'model_state.pth'    train(dataloader, test_g, test_nids, test_mask, triplets, device, model_state_file, model)    # testing    print("Testing...")    checkpoint = torch.load(model_state_file)    model = model.cpu() # test on CPU    model.eval()    model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'])    embed = model(test_g, test_nids)    best_mrr = calc_mrr(embed, model.w_relation, test_mask, triplets,                        batch_size=500)    print("Best MRR {:.4f} achieved using the epoch {:04d}".format(best_mrr, checkpoint['epoch']))


图片[9] - 如何利用DGL官方库中的rgcn链接预测代码跑自己的数据集(如何在DGL库的链接预测数据集模块定义自己的数据集类) - MaxSSL


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