
图片[1] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL


之前两篇(浅谈区块链DAPP学习和 浅谈区块链DAPP学习·续),我们聊了DAPP以及DAPP的一个简单的投票实现,可能还是有很多非技术类的朋友,他们不理解web3.0这样一种可以拥有的网络到底有什么用。


图片[2] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL


DAO是 Decentralized Autonomous Organization 的简写,即去中心化自治组织,有时也被称为分布式自治公司(DAC);有共同的目标或是共识,有明确的核心价值观。它的民主化的投票机制,决定了组织的方向和运作方式。


图片[3] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL




图片[4] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL

理论上,任何组织都可以是DAO。投资DAO和赠款DAO可以资助项目。收藏家DAO可以收集NFT数字艺术和其他收藏品。社交DAO可以为其成员提供一定的社交圈。图片[5] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL

DAO Operation Systems

作为技术我不像做预言家,我还是切入我文章的主题,去介绍DAO的技术(DAO Operation Systems),相关的技术蛮多的。




Aragon喜欢视自己为数字司法管辖区。该网络正在创建一个去中心化的结算系统,该系统可用于在相关各方之间快速有效地进行仲裁。该平台具有自己的Token 令牌 Aragon Network Token – 简称“ANT” – 用于支付费用,并托管在第三方中以提供激励给良好诚实的用户行为。


首先https://aragon.org/是他的官网,你可以上官网创建自己的DAO组织图片[6] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL我们当然不会只使用他们官网来建立自己的DAO;使用他的技术架构才是我们的目的。

快速搭建ARAGON DAO本地架构






npm install --global @aragon/clinpm install --global @aragon/cli@nightly

创建你第一个ARAGON DAO项目

npx create-aragon-app myappcd myappnpm start

项目打开后会用默认浏览器打开 http://localhost:3000/图片[7] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL可以看到启动了一个ganache初始化了8个账号;以及ENS,DAO APM等的address;简单的说他初始化了一个aragon的本地环境。图片[8] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL从右上角看默认链接了本地ganache的钱包,同时已经显示了本地钱包的地址。图片[9] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL


图片[10] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL看了以后大家会发现和我们以前的结构很类似contracts下有个CounterApp.sol合约

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;import "@aragon/os/contracts/apps/AragonApp.sol";import "@aragon/os/contracts/lib/math/SafeMath.sol";contract CounterApp is AragonApp {    using SafeMath for uint256;    /// Events    event Increment(address indexed entity, uint256 step);    event Decrement(address indexed entity, uint256 step);    /// State    uint256 public value;    /// ACL    bytes32 constant public INCREMENT_ROLE = keccak256("INCREMENT_ROLE");    bytes32 constant public DECREMENT_ROLE = keccak256("DECREMENT_ROLE");    function initialize(uint256 _initValue) public onlyInit {        value = _initValue;        initialized();    }    /**     * @notice Increment the counter by `step`     * @param step Amount to increment by     */    function increment(uint256 step) external auth(INCREMENT_ROLE) {        value = value.add(step);        emit Increment(msg.sender, step);    }    /**     * @notice Decrement the counter by `step`     * @param step Amount to decrement by     */    function decrement(uint256 step) external auth(DECREMENT_ROLE) {        value = value.sub(step);        emit Decrement(msg.sender, step);    }}


图片[11] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL

scripts目录下 buidler-hooks.js 这些钩子由 Aragon Buidler 插件在start任务的生命周期中调用的,结合buidler配置文件(buidler.config.js)部署和挂钩合约。

const { usePlugin } = require('@nomiclabs/buidler/config')const hooks = require('./scripts/buidler-hooks')usePlugin('@aragon/buidler-aragon')module.exports = {  // Default Buidler configurations. Read more about it at https://buidler.dev/config/  defaultNetwork: 'localhost',  networks: {    localhost: {      url: 'http://localhost:8545',    },  },  solc: {    version: '0.4.24',    optimizer: {      enabled: true,      runs: 10000,    },  },  // Etherscan plugin configuration. Learn more at https://github.com/nomiclabs/buidler/tree/master/packages/buidler-etherscan  etherscan: {    apiKey: '', // API Key for smart contract verification. Get yours at https://etherscan.io/apis  },  // Aragon plugin configuration  aragon: {    appServePort: 8001,    clientServePort: 3000,    appSrcPath: 'app/',    appBuildOutputPath: 'dist/',    appName: 'myapp',    hooks, // Path to script hooks  },}

buidler.config.js代码可见默认是链接本地localhost的ganache 并部署相关合约。

图片[12] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL


import { useAragonApi } from '@aragon/api-react'const { api, appState, path, requestPath } = useAragonApi()const { count, isSyncing } = appState

很清楚是通过 useAragonApi 去获得 api 方法和 appState 的 count 值的 附上 app.js 源码

import React from 'react'import { useAragonApi } from '@aragon/api-react'import {  Box,  Button,  GU,  Header,  IconMinus,  IconPlus,  Main,  SyncIndicator,  Tabs,  Text,  textStyle,} from '@aragon/ui'import styled from 'styled-components'function App() {  const { api, appState, path, requestPath } = useAragonApi()  const { count, isSyncing } = appState  const pathParts = path.match(/^\/tab\/([0-9]+)/)  const pageIndex = Array.isArray(pathParts)    " />点击加号或减号图片[13] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL功能就这么简单的完成了,用它改建一个投票是非常简单的。



mkdir aragonnpm initnpm install @aragon/aragennpx aragen start

图片[14] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL


其中就包括了:ENS instance deployed at: 0x5f6f7e8cc7346a11ca2def8f827b7a0b612c56a1(use-token:用于获取以太坊上代币相关信息的 React 实用程序,包括相关合约)。


首先来到ARAGON GITHUB找到Aragon Client



yarnnpm run start:local

服务启动在:http://localhost:3000 在项目根目录下有个arapp.json里面的内容默认的是rpc网络也就是本地网络localhost:8545

"environments": {    "default": {      "registry": "0x5f6f7e8cc7346a11ca2def8f827b7a0b612c56a1",      "appName": "aragon.aragonpm.eth",      "network": "rpc"    },

他的registry address和aragon启动的网络是一样的

图片[15] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL


图片[16] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL


右上角你会发现钱包无法连接本地链; 看来我们要改造他们项目的钱包了。 废话少说,在项目src/contexts/目录下有一个wellet.js附上代码

import React, {  useContext,  useEffect,  useMemo,  useCallback,  useState,} from 'react'import PropTypes from 'prop-types'import BN from 'bn.js'import {  useWallet as useWalletBase,  UseWalletProvider,  ChainUnsupportedError,  chains,} from 'use-wallet'import { getWeb3, filterBalanceValue } from '../util/web3'import { useWalletConnectors } from '../ethereum-providers/connectors'import { useAPM, updateAPMContext } from './elasticAPM'import { LocalStorageWrapper } from '../local-storage-wrapper'export const WALLET_STATUS = Object.freeze({  providers: 'providers',  connecting: 'connecting',  connected: 'connected',  disconnected: 'disconnected',  error: 'error',})// default network is mainnet if user is not connectedconst NETWORK_TYPE_DEFAULT = chains.getChainInformation(1)" />文件位置src/connectors/ConnectorInjected.ts




const EDC: Currency = {  name: 'Ether',  symbol: 'ETH',  decimals: 18,}.....................  [    1337,    {      id: 1337,      nativeCurrency: EDC,      fullName: 'EDC',      shortName: 'EDC',      type: 'local',      testnet: true,    },  ],


import { ChainUnknownError } from './errors'import { ChainInformation, ChainType, Currency } from './types'const ETH: Currency = {  name: 'Ether',  symbol: 'ETH',  decimals: 18,}const MATIC: Currency = {  name: 'Matic Token',  symbol: 'MATIC',  decimals: 18,}const AVAX: Currency = {  name: 'Avax',  symbol: 'AVAX',  decimals: 9,}const ONE: Currency = {  name: 'ONE Token',  symbol: 'ONE',  decimals: 18,}const XDAI: Currency = {  name: 'xDAI',  symbol: 'xDAI',  decimals: 18,}const BNB: Currency = {  name: 'Binance Token',  symbol: 'BNB',  decimals: 18,}const TT: Currency = {  name: 'Thunder Token',  symbol: 'TT',  decimals: 18,}const CELO: Currency = {  name: 'Celo',  symbol: 'CELO',  decimals: 18,}const METIS: Currency = {  name: 'METIS',  symbol: 'METIS',  decimals: 18,}const FTM: Currency = {  name: 'FTM',  symbol: 'FTM',  decimals: 18,}const DEV: Currency = {  name: 'DEV',  symbol: 'DEV',  decimals: 18,}const MOVR: Currency = {  name: 'Moonriver',  symbol: 'MOVR',  decimals: 18,}const GLMR: Currency = {  name: 'Glimmer',  symbol: 'GLMR',  decimals: 18,}const EDC: Currency = {  name: 'Ether',  symbol: 'ETH',  decimals: 18,}const CHAIN_INFORMATION = new Map([  [    1,    {      id: 1,      nativeCurrency: ETH,      type: 'main',      fullName: 'Ethereum Mainnet',      shortName: 'Ethereum',      explorerUrl: `https://etherscan.io`,      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    3,    {      id: 3,      nativeCurrency: ETH,      type: 'ropsten',      fullName: 'Ropsten Testnet',      shortName: 'Ropsten',      explorerUrl: `https://ropsten.etherscan.io`,      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    4,    {      id: 4,      nativeCurrency: ETH,      type: 'rinkeby',      fullName: 'Rinkeby Testnet',      shortName: 'Rinkeby',      explorerUrl: `https://rinkeby.etherscan.io`,      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    5,    {      id: 5,      nativeCurrency: ETH,      type: 'goerli',      fullName: 'Goerli Testnet',      shortName: 'Goerli',      explorerUrl: `https://goerli.etherscan.io`,      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    42,    {      id: 42,      nativeCurrency: ETH,      type: 'kovan',      fullName: 'Kovan Testnet',      shortName: 'Kovan',      explorerUrl: `https://kovan.etherscan.io`,      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    43112,    {      id: 43112,      nativeCurrency: AVAX,      type: 'avalocal',      shortName: 'Avalanche Local',      fullName: 'Avalanche Local',      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    43113,    {      id: 43113,      nativeCurrency: AVAX,      type: 'fuji',      fullName: 'Avalanche Fuji',      shortName: 'Fuji',      explorerUrl: 'https://testnet.snowtrace.io/',      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    43114,    {      id: 43114,      nativeCurrency: AVAX,      type: 'avalanche',      fullName: 'Avalanche Mainnet',      shortName: 'Avalanche',      explorerUrl: 'https://snowtrace.io/',      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    100,    {      id: 100,      nativeCurrency: XDAI,      type: 'xdai',      fullName: 'xDAI',      shortName: 'xDAI',      explorerUrl: 'https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/',      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    137,    {      id: 137,      nativeCurrency: MATIC,      type: 'matic',      fullName: 'Polygon Mainnet',      shortName: 'Polygon',      explorerUrl: `https://polygonscan.com`,      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    80001,    {      id: 80001,      nativeCurrency: MATIC,      type: 'mumbai',      fullName: 'Mumbai Testnet',      shortName: 'Mumbai',      explorerUrl: `https://mumbai.polygonscan.com`,      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    250,    {      id: 250,      nativeCurrency: FTM,      type: 'fantom',      fullName: 'Fantom Opera Mainnet',      shortName: 'FTM',      explorerUrl: `https://ftmscan.com/`,      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    1666600000,    {      id: 1666600000,      nativeCurrency: ONE,      type: 'harmony',      fullName: 'Harmony ONE',      shortName: 'Harmony',      explorerUrl: `https://explorer.harmony.one/`,      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    1666700000,    {      id: 1666700000,      nativeCurrency: ONE,      type: 'harmonyTest',      fullName: 'Harmony ONE Testnet',      shortName: 'Harmony Testnet',      explorerUrl: `https://explorer.testnet.harmony.one/`,      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    56,    {      id: 56,      nativeCurrency: BNB,      type: 'bsc',      fullName: 'Binance Smart Chain',      shortName: 'BSC',      explorerUrl: `https://bscscan.com/`,      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    97,    {      id: 97,      nativeCurrency: BNB,      type: 'bscTest',      fullName: 'Binance Smart Chain Testnet',      shortName: 'BSC Testnet',      explorerUrl: `https://testnet.bscscan.com/`,      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    108,    {      id: 108,      nativeCurrency: TT,      type: 'thundercore',      fullName: 'ThunderCore Mainnet',      shortName: 'ThunderCore',      explorerUrl: `https://scan.thundercore.com/`,      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    18,    {      id: 18,      nativeCurrency: TT,      type: 'thundercoreTest',      fullName: 'ThunderCore Testnet',      shortName: 'ThunderCore Testnet',      explorerUrl: `https://scan-testnet.thundercore.com/`,      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    421611,    {      id: 421611,      nativeCurrency: ETH,      type: 'arbitrumTest',      fullName: 'Arbitrum Testnet',      shortName: 'Arbitrum Testnet',      explorerUrl: 'https://testnet.arbiscan.io/',      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    42161,    {      id: 42161,      nativeCurrency: ETH,      type: 'arbitrum',      fullName: 'Arbitrum Mainnet',      shortName: 'Arbitrum',      explorerUrl: 'https://arbiscan.io/',      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    42220,    {      id: 42220,      nativeCurrency: CELO,      type: 'celo',      fullName: 'Celo (Mainnet)',      shortName: 'Celo',      explorerUrl: 'https://explorer.celo.org/',      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    44787,    {      id: 44787,      nativeCurrency: CELO,      type: 'celoTest',      fullName: 'Celo (Alfajores Testnet)',      shortName: 'Alfajores',      explorerUrl: 'https://alfajores-blockscout.celo-testnet.org/',      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    588,    {      id: 588,      nativeCurrency: METIS,      type: 'stardust',      fullName: 'Metis Stardust Testnet',      shortName: 'Stardust',      explorerUrl: 'https://stardust-explorer.metis.io/',      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    1088,    {      id: 1088,      nativeCurrency: METIS,      type: 'andromeda',      fullName: 'Metis Andromeda',      shortName: 'Andromeda',      explorerUrl: 'https://andromeda-explorer.metis.io/',      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    1313161555,    {      id: 1313161555,      nativeCurrency: ETH,      type: 'aurora',      fullName: 'Aurora Testnet',      shortName: 'AuroraTest',      explorerUrl: 'https://explorer.testnet.aurora.dev/',      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    1313161554,    {      id: 1313161554,      nativeCurrency: ETH,      type: 'aurora',      fullName: 'Aurora Mainnet',      shortName: 'Aurora',      explorerUrl: 'https://explorer.mainnet.aurora.dev/',      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    1287,    {      id: 1287,      nativeCurrency: DEV,      type: 'moonbase',      fullName: 'moonbase',      shortName: 'Moonbase Alphanet',      explorerUrl: 'https://moonbase.moonscan.io/',      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    1285,    {      id: 1285,      nativeCurrency: MOVR,      type: 'moonriver',      fullName: 'Moonriver',      shortName: 'Moonriver',      explorerUrl: 'https://moonriver.moonscan.io/',      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    1284,    {      id: 1284,      nativeCurrency: GLMR,      type: 'moonbeam',      fullName: 'Moonbeam',      shortName: 'Moonbeam',      explorerUrl: 'https://moonbeam.moonscan.io/',      testnet: false,    },  ],  [    1337,    {      id: 1337,      nativeCurrency: EDC,      fullName: 'EDC',      shortName: 'EDC',      type: 'local',      testnet: true,    },  ],  [    5777,    {      id: 5777,      type: 'ganache',      testnet: true,    },  ],])/** * This method checks whether a particular chain id is known. * * @param {number} chainId chain id to check * @returns {boolean} true if chain is known */export function isKnownChain(chainId: number): boolean {  return CHAIN_INFORMATION.has(chainId)}/** * * @param {number} chainId chain id to retrieve information for * @throws {ChainUnknownError} if chain is unknown * @returns {boolean} information for specified chain */export function getChainInformation(  chainId: number): ChainInformation | ChainType {  const chainInfo = CHAIN_INFORMATION.get(chainId)  if (!chainInfo) throw new ChainUnknownError(`Unknown chain id: ${chainId}`)  return chainInfo}/** * This is a getter method to returns the chain ids of all known chains. * * @returns {number[]} array of chain Ids */export function getKnownChainsIds(): number[] {  return Array.from(CHAIN_INFORMATION.keys())}/** * This is a getter method to return all information available for each known chain. * * @returns {ChainInformation | ChainType[]} An array containing information for * each known chain */export function getKnownChainInformation(): ChainInformation | ChainType[] {  return Array.from(CHAIN_INFORMATION.values())}export function getDefaultChainId(): number {  return 1}


yarn run build



  • src/network-config.js把 isActive: false,改成isActive: true,

  • ensRegistry: localEnsRegistryAddress,要改成(ensRegistry: localEnsRegistryAddress||"0x5f6f7e8cc7346a11ca2def8f827b7a0b612c56a1")

[chains.getChainInformation(1337).type]: {    isActive: false,//就是这里    addresses: {      ensRegistry: localEnsRegistryAddress,      governExecutorProxy: null,    },    nodes: {      defaultEth: 'ws://localhost:8545',    },    connectGraphEndpoint: null,    settings: {      // Local development environments by convention use      // a chainId of value 1337, but for the sake of configuration      // we expose a way to change this value.      chainId: 1337,      testnet: true,      ...chains.getChainInformation(1337),      live: false,    },  },


图片[17] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL


图片[18] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL


下面演示本地创建一个组织的过程:图片[19] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL

点击 create

图片[20] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL点击membership

图片[21] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL

点击 Use this template

图片[22] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL

点击 next

图片[23] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL

点击 next 输入一个本地账户地址

图片[24] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL

继续 next

图片[25] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL图片[26] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL图片[27] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL图片[28] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL



图片[29] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL图片[30] - 从Dao聊到Aragon - MaxSSL



  • 合约可以在dao-templates里下载部署有机会后面可以写一下;其实项目里的配置文件写的很清楚。

  • 还有就是我们用的都是aragon默认的ganache环境可以改吗?也可以aragen下载源码;

  • web3.0是python2的nodejs版本选择很重要;

  • 项目会自动下载所有主要项目,其中几个项目的环境有差异,但可以分块切换环境部署,

  • 还有就是ipfs其实很多图片都存在ipfs里需要本地部署的通过aragon项目发布到ipfs本地服务上;

  • ipfs官网地址,



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