
    • @[toc]
  • 人工智能 AI Code 写代码测试
    • 用golang实现冒泡排序
    • 用golang实现计算环比函数
    • goroutine and channel
    • 用golang实现二叉树遍历代码
    • 用golang实现线程安全的HashMap操作代码
    • using C programming language write a tiny Operation System
    • use C language write a tiny compiler
    • 用golang实现B+树代码
    • 使用 golang 写一个开启10个协程请求rpc接口的代码
    • 用 C 语言实现一个HashMap 代码
    • use C language write a Collection Operation API

人工智能 AI Code 写代码测试


package mainimport "fmt" func main() {    arr := []int{3,2,1,3,2,4,8,7,9,2,3}    bubbleSort(arr) //冒泡排序    fmt.Println("排序后:",arr)} func bubbleSort(arr []int){    for i:= 0; i < len(arr)-1; i++{        for j:=0;j < len(arr)-1-i ;j++{            if arr[j] > arr[j+1]{                arr[j],arr[j+1] = arr[j+1],arr[j]            }        }    }}


package main import "fmt" func main() {fmt.Println(calcLinkRatio(5,3))} //计算环比值(升、降)func calcLinkRatio(a, b float64) float64 {    //环比    linkRatio := (b - a) / a * 100    return linkRatio}

goroutine and channel

package mainimport "fmt"// create a channelvar ch = make(chan int)// send data to channelfunc sendData(nums ...int) {for _, n := range nums {ch <- n}}// receive data from channelfunc receiveData() {for {num := <-chfmt.Println("receive data from channel:", num)}}// main functionfunc main() {// create go routinego sendData(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)go receiveData()// wait for all routines to finishvar input stringfmt.Scanln(&input)fmt.Println("Done")}


type TreeNode struct{    Val int    Left *TreeNode    Right *TreeNode}//先序遍历func PreOrder(node *TreeNode) {    if node == nil {        return    }    //访问根节点    fmt.Printf("%d ", node.Val)    PreOrder(node.Left)    PreOrder(node.Right)}//中序遍历func InOrder(node *TreeNode) {    if node == nil {        return    }    InOrder(node.Left)    fmt.Printf("%d ", node.Val)    InOrder(node.Right)}//后序遍历func PostOrder(node *TreeNode) {    if node == nil {        return    }    PostOrder(node.Left)    PostOrder(node.Right)    fmt.Printf("%d ", node.Val)}


gopackage main import (    "fmt"    "sync") type SafeHashMap struct {    lock *sync.Mutex    m    map[int]int}// 创建一个新的 HashMap,并初始化 Mutex 锁func NewSafeHashMap() *SafeHashMap {    return &SafeHashMap{ lock: new(sync.Mutex), m : make(map[int]int)}} // 根据键值对 kv 向 HashMap 中插入一项数据// 返回 bool 值,若插入成功则返回 true,否则返回 falsefunc (shm *SafeHashMap) Put(k int, v int) bool {    // 上锁    shm.lock.Lock()    defer shm.lock.Unlock()     // 若 key 已经存在,则返回 false    _, ok := shm.m[k]    if ok {        return false    }     // 插入 key-value 键值对    shm.m[k] = v     return true} // 根据 key 从 HashMap 中取出一项 key-value 键值对,// 若 key 存在则返回对应的 value 以及 true 值,// 否则返回零值以及 false 值func (shm *SafeHashMap) Get(k int) (int, bool) {    // 上锁    shm.lock.Lock()    defer shm.lock.Unlock()     // 根据 key 取出 value    v, ok := shm.m[k]    return v, ok} // 从 HashMap 中移除一项 key-value 键值对,// 若 key 存在则移除该项并返回 true 值,// 否则返回 false 值func (shm *SafeHashMap) Remove(k int) bool {    // 上锁    shm.lock.Lock()    defer shm.lock.Unlock()     _, ok := shm.m[k]    if ok {        delete(shm.m, k)    }    return ok} // 返回 HashMap 中 key-value 键值对的项数func (shm *SafeHashMap) Size() int {    return len(shm.m)} func main() {    // 创建一个空的安全的 HashMap    shm := NewSafeHashMap()     // 插入 key-value 键值对    shm.Put(1, 10)    v, ok := shm.Get(1)    fmt.Println(v, ok)     // 移除 key    ok = shm.Remove(1)    fmt.Println(ok)     // 获取 key 的数量    fmt.Println(shm.Size())}

using C programming language write a tiny Operation System

哈哈,让 AI 写一个操作系统,估计有点难为它了。目前来看,还达不到MOSS的水平,自动生成操作系统。

#include #include #include /******************** Function declarations ********************/void clear(void); // clears the consolevoid print_welcome_message (void);  // prints an introductory messagevoid command_input(void); // get an input from the userint run_command (char *inp); // runs the command which is given by the user/******************** Main code ********************/int main(void){    clear();    print_welcome_message();    command_input();    return 0;}/******************** Function definitions ********************/void clear(){    #ifdef WINDOWS    system("cls");    #else    system("clear");    #endif}void print_welcome_message(){    printf("Welcome to our Tiny OS!\n");    printf("Start typing the commands:\n\n");}void command_input(){    char input_str[20];    while(1)    {        printf("> ");        scanf("%s", input_str);        if(run_command(input_str) == -1)        {            break;        }    }}int run_command(char *inp){    if(strcmp(inp, "exit") == 0)    {        printf("\nbye!\n\n");        return -1;    }    else    {        printf("Invalid Command.\nType \"exit\" to Exit.\n\n");        return 0;    }    }

用 C 语言实现操作系统的自举启动的代码。

#include "boot.h"// 加载操作系统void boot_load_os(){        // 这里是一大堆代码    // ...    // 执行操作系统    execute_os();}

use C language write a tiny compiler


#include #include const int MAX_SIZE = 1000;// creating a structure to store the tokens.struct tokens {    char* type;    char* value;};//function to lex the programstruct tokens lex(char* input){    struct tokens token;    int i = 0;    int startIndex = 0;    while(input[i] != '\0')    {        char currentChar = input[i];        if (currentChar == ' ')        {            char* str = malloc(i - startIndex);            memcpy(str, &input[startIndex], i - startIndex);            token.type = str;            token.value = NULL;            break;        }        else if (currentChar == '+' || currentChar == '-')        {            token.type = "op";            token.value = malloc(1);            token.value[1] = '\0';            token.value = currentChar;            break;        }        i++;    }    return token;}int main() {    char input[MAX_SIZE];    printf("Enter a simple expression:\t");    scanf("%s", input);    struct tokens token = lex(input);    printf("Type: %s, Value: %s\n", token.type, token.value);    return 0;}


package bptree// B+树定义type BPTree struct {Order    int                    // B+树的阶数Root     *Node                  // 根节点Height   int                    // 树的高度Size     int                    // 树的大小Sequence func(interface{}, int) // B+树键比较函数}// B+树中的节点type Node struct {IsLeaf   bool              // 标识该节点是否为叶子节点Entries  []*Entry          // 节点上的数据条目Next     *Node             // 指向右兄弟节点Children []*Node           // 不是叶子节点时有效,存放子节点指针Parent   *Node             // 指向父节点Items    map[interface{}]*Entry // 键值对}// 数据条目type Entry struct {Key   interface{} // B+树索引键Value interface{} // 数据值}// 构造函数,构建一棵B+树func NewTree(order int, sequence func(interface{}, int)) *BPTree {tree := &BPTree{Order:    order,Root:     nil,Height:   0,Size:     0,Sequence: sequence,}return tree}// 搜索数据,返回搜索键的数据记录func (tree *BPTree) Search(key interface{}) interface{} {node := tree._search(tree.Root, key)if node == nil {return nil}entry := node.Items[key]if entry == nil {return nil}return entry.Value}// 内部搜索函数,返回搜索键所在节点func (tree *BPTree) _search(node *Node, key interface{}) *Node {if node == nil {return nil}// 在节点上搜索键i, _ := tree._binarySearch(node, key)// 找到键if i >= 0 && node.Entries[i].Key == key {return node}// 不是叶子节点,从子节点继续搜索if !node.IsLeaf {return tree._search(node.Children[i], key)}// 未找到键return nil}// 二分搜索函数,在节点上搜索键func (tree *BPTree) _binarySearch(node *Node, key interface{}) (int, bool) {low := 0high := len(node.Entries) - 1for low <= high {mid := (low + high) / 2result := tree.cmpFunc(key, node.Entries[mid])if result == 0 {return mid, true // 搜索成功} else if result < 0 {high = mid - 1} else {low = mid + 1}}return low, false // 搜索失败}

使用 golang 写一个开启10个协程请求rpc接口的代码

// 请求rpcfunc RpcRequest(aid int, ch chan int) {    resp := sendRpc(aid) // 发送rpc    ch <- resp}func main() {ch := make(chan int, 10)    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {    go RpcRequest(i, ch)    }    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {    resp := <- ch    fmt.Println("resp:", resp)    }}

用 C 语言实现一个HashMap 代码

/* 定义key-value字段 */typedef struct{    void *key; //key     void *value; //value    struct ht_node *next; //单链表} ht_node;/* 定义hashmap */typedef struct{    int size; //字典的大小     ht_node **head;  //字典的头    int count;   //元素的个数}ht_hash_map;/*hash函数,计算键值*/int hash_int_func(int key){    key += ~(key << 15);    key ^= (key >> 10);    key += (key << 3);    key ^= (key >> 6);    key += ~(key << 11);    key ^= (key >> 16);    return (key & 0x7FFFFFFF);}/* 创建hashmap */ht_hash_map *ht_create(int size){    ht_hash_map *ht = (ht_hash_map*)malloc(sizeof(ht_hash_map));    ht->count = 0;    ht->size = size;    ht->head = (ht_node**)malloc(sizeof(ht_node*)*size);    int i;    for(i = 0; i < ht->size; i++){        ht->head[i] = NULL;    }    return ht;}/* 设置hashmap */int ht_set(ht_hash_map *ht,void *key, void *value){    int index = hash_int_func(*(int*)key) % ht->size;    ht_node *tmp = ht->head[index];    ht_node *last = NULL;    while(tmp){        if(*(int*)tmp->key == *(int*)key){            tmp->value = value;            return 0;        }        last = tmp;        tmp = tmp->next;    }    // 没有重复映射    ht_node *node = (ht_node*)malloc(sizeof(ht_node));    node->key = key;    node->value = value;    node->next = NULL;    // head为空    if(ht->head[index] == NULL){        ht->head[index] = node;    }    else{        last->next = node;    }    ht->count++;    return 1;}/* 获取hashmap */void *ht_get(ht_hash_map *ht, void *key){    int index = hash_int_func(*(int*)key) % ht->size;    ht_node *tmp = ht->head[index];    while(tmp){        if(*(int*)tmp->key == *(int*)key)            return tmp->value;        tmp = tmp->next;    }    return NULL;}/* 删除hashmap */int ht_remove(ht_hash_map *ht, void *key){    int index = hash_int_func(*(int*)key) % ht->size;    ht_node *tmp = ht->head[index];    ht_node *last = NULL;    while(tmp){        if(*(int*)tmp->key == *(int*)key){            if(last == NULL){//头节点                ht->head[index] = tmp->next;            }            else{                last->next = tmp->next;            }            free(tmp);            return 0;        }        last = tmp;        tmp = tmp->next;    }    return 1;}/* 销毁hashmap */void ht_destory(ht_hash_map *ht) {    int i;    for (i = 0; i < ht.size; i++) {        item *cur_item, *cur_item_tmp;        cur_item_tmp = ht->items[i];        while (cur_item_tmp) {            cur_item = cur_item_tmp;            cur_item_tmp = cur_item_tmp->next;            free(cur_item);        }    }    free(ht);}/* 查找hashmap中的key-value */ht_item *ht_search(ht_hash_map *ht, const char *key) {    int index;    index = hash(key, ht->size);    item *cur_item;    cur_item = ht->items[index];    while (cur_item) {        if (strcmp(cur_item->key, key) == 0) { return cur_item; }        cur_item = cur_item->next;    }    return NULL;}

use C language write a Collection Operation API

#include typedef struct item {    void *data;} Item;typedef struct Collection{    void* data;    int size;} Collection;// Create a new CollectionCollection* Collection_create() {    Collection *collection = (Collection*)malloc(sizeof(Collection));    if (collection == NULL) {        return NULL;    }    collection->data = NULL;    collection->size = 0;    return collection;}// Add an item to the Collectionint Collection_add(Collection *collection, void* item) {    if (collection == NULL) return 0;    // Increase the size of the collection    int newSize = collection->size + 1;    Item *items = (Item*)realloc(collection->data, newSize*sizeof(Item));    if (items == NULL) {        return 0;    }    collection->data = items;    // Add the item    Item *item_ptr = &items[collection->size];    item_ptr->data = item;    collection->size = newSize;    return 1;}// Remove an item from the Collectionint Collection_remove(Collection *collection, void* item) {    if (collection == NULL || collection->size == 0) return 0;    // Find the item to remove    Item *items = (Item*)collection->data;    int removeIndex = -1;    int i;    for (i = 0; i < collection->size; i++) {        Item *item_ptr = &items[i];        if (item_ptr->data == item) {            removeIndex = i;            break;        }    }    if (removeIndex == -1) {        return 0;    }    // Remove the item    int newSize = collection->size - 1;    Item *newItems = (Item*)malloc(newSize*sizeof(Item));    if (newItems == NULL) return 0;    // Copy the elements before the removeIndex    for (i = 0; i < removeIndex; i++) {        newItems[i] = items[i];    }    // Copy the elements after the removeIndex    for (i = removeIndex; i < newSize; i++) {        newItems[i] = items[i+1];    }    free(collection->data);    collection->data = newItems;    collection->size = newSize;    return 1;}// Clear all items from the Collectionint Collection_clear(Collection *collection) {    if (collection == NULL) return 0;    free(collection->data);    collection->data = NULL;    collection->size = 0;    return 1;}// Delete the Collectionvoid Collection_delete(Collection *collection) {    if (collection == NULL) return;    free(collection->data);    free(collection);}

估计 csdn 封掉链接,不让贴,请私信我!