摘要:本文就针对因USING子句的书写方式可能导致MERGE INTO语句的执行不下推的场景,对USING子句的SQL语句进行改写一遍,整个SQL语句可以下推。

本文分享自华为云社区《GaussDB(DWS)运维 — values子句做MERGE数据源导致SQL执行不下推的改写方案》,作者: 譡里个檔。

现网做实时接入的时候,有的时候会使用MERGE INTO语句实现类似UPSERT的功能。这种场景下MERGE INTO语句的USING部分的数据位VALUES子句,为了后续的SQL语句中描述方便,需要对VALUES子句的输出命名别名。USING子句的书写方式可能导致MERGE INTO语句的执行不下推,本文就针对因此导致的不下推的场景,对USING子句的SQL语句进行改写一遍,整个SQL语句可以下推。




MERGE INTO t1 USING ( SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('json', 1), ('sam', 2)) AS val(name, id)) tmp ON (t1.id = tmp.id)WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET t1.name = tmp.nameWHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (name, id) VALUES(tmp.name, tmp.id);


postgres=# EXPLAIN VERBOSE MERGE INTO t1 USING (postgres(#     SELECT *postgres(#     FROM (VALUES ('json', 1), ('sam', 2)) AS val(name, id)postgres(# ) tmp ON (t1.id = tmp.id)postgres-# WHEN MATCHED THENpostgres-#     UPDATE SET t1.name = tmp.namepostgres-# WHEN NOT MATCHED THENpostgres-#     INSERT (name, id) VALUES(tmp.name, tmp.id);                                                                            QUERY PLAN-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  id |                       operation                       | E-rows | E-distinct | E-width | E-costs ----+-------------------------------------------------------+--------+------------+---------+--------- 1 | -> Merge on public.t1                                | 2 | | 54 | 0.08 2 | ->  Nested Loop Left Join (3, 4)                   | 2 | | 54 | 0.08 3 | -> Values Scan on "*VALUES*" | 2 | | 36 | 0.03 4 | -> Data Node Scan on t1 "_REMOTE_TABLE_QUERY_" | 2 | | 18 | 0.00 SQL Diagnostic Information ------------------------------------------------------------ SQL is not plan-shipping         reason: Type of Record in non-real table can not be shipped   Predicate Information (identified by plan id) ------------------------------------------------- 1 --Merge on public.t1         Node expr: : $10 2 --Nested Loop Left Join (3, 4) Join Filter: (t1.id = "*VALUES*".column2) Targetlist Information (identified by plan id) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 --Merge on public.t1         Node/s: All datanodes         Remote query: UPDATE ONLY public.t1 SET name = $7, id = $8 WHERE t1.ctid = $5 AND t1.xc_node_id = $6         Node/s: All datanodes         Remote query: INSERT INTO public.t1 (name, id) VALUES ($9, $10) 2 --Nested Loop Left Join (3, 4)         Output: "*VALUES*".column1, "*VALUES*".column2, t1.name, t1.id, t1.ctid, t1.xc_node_id, "*VALUES*".column1, t1.id, "*VALUES*".column1, "*VALUES*".column2 3 --Values Scan on "*VALUES*"         Output: "*VALUES*".column1, "*VALUES*".column2 4 --Data Node Scan on t1 "_REMOTE_TABLE_QUERY_"         Output: t1.name, t1.id, t1.ctid, t1.xc_node_id         Node/s: All datanodes         Remote query: SELECT name, id, ctid, xc_node_id FROM ONLY public.t1 WHERE true ====== Query Summary ===== -------------------------- Parser runtime: 0.079 ms Planner runtime: 1.392 ms Unique SQL Id: 1657855173(40 rows)


MERGE INTO t1 USING ( WITH val(name, id) AS( VALUES ('json', 1), ('sam', 2)    ) SELECT * FROM val) tmp ON (t1.id = tmp.id)WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET t1.name = tmp.nameWHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (name, id) VALUES(tmp.name, tmp.id);


postgres=# EXPLAIN VERBOSE MERGE INTO t1 USING (postgres(#     WITH val(name, id) AS(postgres(#         VALUES ('json', 1), ('sam', 2)postgres(#     )postgres(#     SELECT * FROM valpostgres(# ) tmp ON (t1.id = tmp.id)postgres-# WHEN MATCHED THENpostgres-#     UPDATE SET t1.name = tmp.namepostgres-# WHEN NOT MATCHED THENpostgres-#     INSERT (name, id) VALUES(tmp.name, tmp.id);                                                                      QUERY PLAN------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  id |                  operation                   | E-rows | E-distinct | E-memory | E-width | E-costs ----+----------------------------------------------+--------+------------+----------+---------+--------- 1 | ->  Streaming (type: GATHER)                 | 1 | | | 54 | 1.56 2 | -> Merge on public.t1                    | 2 | | | 54 | 1.15 3 | ->  Streaming(type: REDISTRIBUTE)      | 2 | | 2MB      | 54 | 1.15 4 | ->  Nested Loop Left Join (5, 7)    | 2 | | 1MB      | 54 | 1.11 5 | ->  Subquery Scan on tmp | 2 | | 1MB      | 36 | 0.08 6 | -> Values Scan on "*VALUES*" | 24 | | 1MB      | 36 | 0.03 7 | ->  Seq Scan on public.t1        | 2 | | 1MB      | 18 | 1.01 Predicate Information (identified by plan id) --------------------------------------------- 4 --Nested Loop Left Join (5, 7) Join Filter: (t1.id = tmp.id) 5 --Subquery Scan on tmp         Filter: (Hash By tmp.id) Targetlist Information (identified by plan id) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 --Streaming (type: GATHER)         Node/s: All datanodes 3 --Streaming(type: REDISTRIBUTE)         Output: tmp.name, tmp.id, t1.name, t1.id, t1.ctid, t1.xc_node_id, tmp.name, tmp.id, (CASE WHEN (t1.ctid IS NULL) THEN tmp.id ELSE t1.id END)         Distribute Key: (CASE WHEN (t1.ctid IS NULL) THEN tmp.id ELSE t1.id END)         Spawn on: All datanodes         Consumer Nodes: All datanodes 4 --Nested Loop Left Join (5, 7)         Output: tmp.name, tmp.id, t1.name, t1.id, t1.ctid, t1.xc_node_id, tmp.name, tmp.id, CASE WHEN (t1.ctid IS NULL) THEN tmp.id ELSE t1.id END 5 --Subquery Scan on tmp         Output: tmp.name, tmp.id 6 --Values Scan on "*VALUES*"         Output: "*VALUES*".column1, "*VALUES*".column2 7 --Seq Scan on public.t1         Output: t1.name, t1.id, t1.ctid, t1.xc_node_id         Distribute Key: t1.id ====== Query Summary ===== ------------------------------- System available mem: 3112960KB Query Max mem: 3112960KB Query estimated mem: 6336KB Parser runtime: 0.107 ms Planner runtime: 1.185 ms Unique SQL Id: 780461632(44 rows)
