BeanWrapper:原生包装器,对bean对象进行处理,由此方法进入MetaClass类最后进入 Reflector反射将对象数据得到。
Invoker: 调用者接口,定义反射调用
GetFieldInvoker :此类用于执行读取属性值的反射操作
PropertyTokenizer :属性解析器,属性也不只有单一属性也会有复杂属性,例如属性.属性,集合等
3.1 反射调用者
package df.middleware.mybatis.reflection.invoker
/** * @description 调用者接口 * @date 2022/5/2 * 此接口的作用统一基于反射处理方法和属性的调用方式,采取策略模式 */public interface Invoker { /** * 执行反射操作 * * @param target 方法或者属性执行的目标对象 * @param args 方法或者属性执行时依赖的参数 */ Object invoke(Object target, Object[] args) throws Exception; /** *方法或者属性对应的类型 */ Class methods = setters.iterator(); Method setter = null; while (methods.hasNext()) { Method method = methods.next(); if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && expectedType.equals(method.getParameterTypes()[0])) { setter = method; break; } } if (setter == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Illegal overloaded setter method with ambiguous type for property " + propName + " in class " + firstMethod.getDeclaringClass() + ". This breaks the JavaBeans " + "specification and can cause unpredicatble results."); } addSetMethod(propName, setter); } } } } // 加入set方法以MethodInvoker放入全局变量里 private void addSetMethod(String name, Method method) { if (isValidPropertyName(name)) { setMethods.put(name, new MethodInvoker(method)); setTypes.put(name, method.getParameterTypes()[0]); } } private void addFields(Class clazz) { Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { if (canAccessPrivateMethods()) { try { field.setAccessible(true); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignored. This is only a final precaution, nothing we can do. } } if (field.isAccessible()) { if (!setMethods.containsKey(field.getName())) { // issue #379 - removed the check for final because JDK 1.5 allows // modification of final fields through reflection (JSR-133). (JGB) // pr #16 - final static can only be set by the classloader int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); if (!(Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) && Modifier.isStatic(modifiers))) { addSetField(field); } } if (!getMethods.containsKey(field.getName())) { addGetField(field); } } } if (clazz.getSuperclass() != null) { addFields(clazz.getSuperclass()); } } private void addSetField(Field field) { if (isValidPropertyName(field.getName())) { setMethods.put(field.getName(), new SetFieldInvoker(field)); setTypes.put(field.getName(), field.getType()); } } private void addGetField(Field field) { if (isValidPropertyName(field.getName())) { getMethods.put(field.getName(), new GetFieldInvoker(field)); getTypes.put(field.getName(), field.getType()); } } private void resolveGetterConflicts(Map<String, List> conflictingGetters) { for (String propName : conflictingGetters.keySet()) { List getters = conflictingGetters.get(propName); Iterator iterator = getters.iterator(); Method firstMethod = iterator.next(); if (getters.size() == 1) { // 存放全局变量里 addGetMethod(propName, firstMethod); } else { // 多个方法情况 Method getter = firstMethod; Class getterType = firstMethod.getReturnType(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Method method = iterator.next(); Class methodType = method.getReturnType(); if (methodType.equals(getterType)) { throw new RuntimeException("Illegal overloaded getter method with ambiguous type for property " + propName + " in class " + firstMethod.getDeclaringClass() + ". This breaks the JavaBeans " + "specification and can cause unpredicatble results."); } else if (methodType.isAssignableFrom(getterType)) { // OK getter type is descendant } else if (getterType.isAssignableFrom(methodType)) { getter = method; getterType = methodType; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Illegal overloaded getter method with ambiguous type for property " + propName + " in class " + firstMethod.getDeclaringClass() + ". This breaks the JavaBeans " + "specification and can cause unpredicatble results."); } } addGetMethod(propName, getter); } } } // 加入get方法以MethodInvoker放入全局变量里 private void addGetMethod(String name, Method method) { if (isValidPropertyName(name)) { getMethods.put(name, new MethodInvoker(method)); getTypes.put(name, method.getReturnType()); } } private boolean isValidPropertyName(String name) { return !(name.startsWith("$") || "serialVersionUID".equals(name) || "class".equals(name)); } private void addMethodConflict(Map<String, List> conflictingMethods, String name, Method method) { List list = conflictingMethods.computeIfAbsent(name, k -> new ArrayList()); list.add(method); } // 查找当前类及父类方法 private Method[] getClassMethods(Class cls) { Map uniqueMethods = new HashMap(); Class currentClass = cls; while (currentClass != null) { addUniqueMethods(uniqueMethods, currentClass.getDeclaredMethods()); // we also need to look for interface methods - // because the class may be abstract Class[] interfaces = currentClass.getInterfaces(); for (Class anInterface : interfaces) { addUniqueMethods(uniqueMethods, anInterface.getMethods()); } currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass(); } Collection methods = uniqueMethods.values(); return methods.toArray(new Method[methods.size()]); } // 校验方法唯一性,暂存临时集合 private void addUniqueMethods(Map uniqueMethods, Method[] methods) { for (Method currentMethod : methods) { if (!currentMethod.isBridge()) { //取得签名 方法返回值#方法名:方法参数(多个用逗号分割) String signature = getSignature(currentMethod); // check to see if the method is already known // if it is known, then an extended class must have // overridden a method if (!uniqueMethods.containsKey(signature)) { if (canAccessPrivateMethods()) { try { currentMethod.setAccessible(true); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignored. This is only a final precaution, nothing we can do. } } uniqueMethods.put(signature, currentMethod); } } } } private String getSignature(Method method) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Class returnType = method.getReturnType(); if (returnType != null) { sb.append(returnType.getName()).append('#'); } sb.append(method.getName()); Class[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { sb.append(':'); } else { sb.append(','); } sb.append(parameters[i].getName()); } return sb.toString(); } private static boolean canAccessPrivateMethods() { try { SecurityManager securityManager = System.getSecurityManager(); if (null != securityManager) { securityManager.checkPermission(new ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks")); } } catch (SecurityException e) { return false; } return true; } public Class getType() { return type; } // -------------------------------------------解析并存储的数据需要对外提供基础容器获取--------------- public Constructor getDefaultConstructor() { if (defaultConstructor != null) { return defaultConstructor; } else { throw new RuntimeException("There is no default constructor for " + type); } } public boolean hasDefaultConstructor() { return defaultConstructor != null; } public Class getSetterType(String propertyName) { Class clazz = setTypes.get(propertyName); if (clazz == null) { throw new RuntimeException("There is no setter for property named '" + propertyName + "' in '" + type + "'"); } return clazz; } public Invoker getGetInvoker(String propertyName) { Invoker method = getMethods.get(propertyName); if (method == null) { throw new RuntimeException("There is no getter for property named '" + propertyName + "' in '" + type + "'"); } return method; } public Invoker getSetInvoker(String propertyName) { Invoker method = setMethods.get(propertyName); if (method == null) { throw new RuntimeException("There is no setter for property named '" + propertyName + "' in '" + type + "'"); } return method; } /* * Gets the type for a property getter * * @param propertyName - the name of the property * @return The Class of the propery getter */ public Class getGetterType(String propertyName) { Class clazz = getTypes.get(propertyName); if (clazz == null) { throw new RuntimeException("There is no getter for property named '" + propertyName + "' in '" + type + "'"); } return clazz; } /* * Gets an array of the readable properties for an object * * @return The array */ public String[] getGetablePropertyNames() { return readablePropertyNames; } /* * Gets an array of the writeable properties for an object * * @return The array */ public String[] getSetablePropertyNames() { return writeablePropertyNames; } /* * Check to see if a class has a writeable property by name * * @param propertyName - the name of the property to check * @return True if the object has a writeable property by the name */ public boolean hasSetter(String propertyName) { return setMethods.keySet().contains(propertyName); } /* * Check to see if a class has a readable property by name * * @param propertyName - the name of the property to check * @return True if the object has a readable property by the name */ public boolean hasGetter(String propertyName) { return getMethods.keySet().contains(propertyName); } public String findPropertyName(String name) { return caseInsensitivePropertyMap.get(name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } /* * Gets an instance of ClassInfo for the specified class. * 得到某个类的反射器,是静态方法,而且要缓存,又要多线程,所以REFLECTOR_MAP是一个ConcurrentHashMap * * @param clazz The class for which to lookup the method cache. * @return The method cache for the class */ public static Reflector forClass(Class clazz) { if (classCacheEnabled) { // synchronized (clazz) removed see issue #461 // 对于每个类来说,我们假设它是不会变的,这样可以考虑将这个类的信息(构造函数,getter,setter,字段)加入缓存,以提高速度 Reflector cached = REFLECTOR_MAP.get(clazz); if (cached == null) { cached = new Reflector(clazz); REFLECTOR_MAP.put(clazz, cached); } return cached; } else { return new Reflector(clazz); } } public static void setClassCacheEnabled(boolean classCacheEnabled) { Reflector.classCacheEnabled = classCacheEnabled; } public static boolean isClassCacheEnabled() { return classCacheEnabled; }}
3.3 元类
/** * @description 元类 * Reflector 反射器类提供的是最基础的核心功能,很多方法也都是私有的,为了更加方便的使用, * 还需要做一层元类的包装。在元类 MetaClass 提供必要的创建反射器以及使用反射器获取 * get/set 的 Invoker 反射方法 * */public class MetaClass { // 反射器,用于解析和存储目标类中的元信息 private Reflector reflector; // Reflector.forClass获取当前类的反射器 private MetaClass(Class type) { this.reflector = Reflector.forClass(type); } public static MetaClass forClass(Class type) { return new MetaClass(type); } public static boolean isClassCacheEnabled() { return Reflector.isClassCacheEnabled(); } public static void setClassCacheEnabled(boolean classCacheEnabled) { Reflector.setClassCacheEnabled(classCacheEnabled); } public MetaClass metaClassForProperty(String name) { Class propType = reflector.getGetterType(name); return MetaClass.forClass(propType); } public String findProperty(String name) { StringBuilder prop = buildProperty(name, new StringBuilder()); return prop.length() > 0 ? prop.toString() : null; } public String findProperty(String name, boolean useCamelCaseMapping) { if (useCamelCaseMapping) { name = name.replace("_", ""); } return findProperty(name); } public String[] getGetterNames() { return reflector.getGetablePropertyNames(); } public String[] getSetterNames() { return reflector.getSetablePropertyNames(); } public Class getSetterType(String name) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { MetaClass metaProp = metaClassForProperty(prop.getName()); return metaProp.getSetterType(prop.getChildren()); } else { return reflector.getSetterType(prop.getName()); } } public Class getGetterType(String name) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { MetaClass metaProp = metaClassForProperty(prop); return metaProp.getGetterType(prop.getChildren()); } // issue #506. Resolve the type inside a Collection Object return getGetterType(prop); } private MetaClass metaClassForProperty(PropertyTokenizer prop) { Class propType = getGetterType(prop); return MetaClass.forClass(propType); } private Class getGetterType(PropertyTokenizer prop) { Class type = reflector.getGetterType(prop.getName()); if (prop.getIndex() != null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { Type returnType = getGenericGetterType(prop.getName()); if (returnType instanceof ParameterizedType) { Type[] actualTypeArguments = ((ParameterizedType) returnType).getActualTypeArguments(); if (actualTypeArguments != null && actualTypeArguments.length == 1) { returnType = actualTypeArguments[0]; if (returnType instanceof Class) { type = (Class) returnType; } else if (returnType instanceof ParameterizedType) { type = (Class) ((ParameterizedType) returnType).getRawType(); } } } } return type; } private Type getGenericGetterType(String propertyName) { try { Invoker invoker = reflector.getGetInvoker(propertyName); if (invoker instanceof MethodInvoker) { Field _method = MethodInvoker.class.getDeclaredField("method"); _method.setAccessible(true); Method method = (Method) _method.get(invoker); return method.getGenericReturnType(); } else if (invoker instanceof GetFieldInvoker) { Field _field = GetFieldInvoker.class.getDeclaredField("field"); _field.setAccessible(true); Field field = (Field) _field.get(invoker); return field.getGenericType(); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException ignored) { } return null; } public boolean hasSetter(String name) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { if (reflector.hasSetter(prop.getName())) { MetaClass metaProp = metaClassForProperty(prop.getName()); return metaProp.hasSetter(prop.getChildren()); } else { return false; } } else { return reflector.hasSetter(prop.getName()); } } public boolean hasGetter(String name) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { if (reflector.hasGetter(prop.getName())) { MetaClass metaProp = metaClassForProperty(prop); return metaProp.hasGetter(prop.getChildren()); } else { return false; } } else { return reflector.hasGetter(prop.getName()); } } public Invoker getGetInvoker(String name) { return reflector.getGetInvoker(name); } public Invoker getSetInvoker(String name) { return reflector.getSetInvoker(name); } private StringBuilder buildProperty(String name, StringBuilder builder) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { String propertyName = reflector.findPropertyName(prop.getName()); if (propertyName != null) { builder.append(propertyName); builder.append("."); MetaClass metaProp = metaClassForProperty(propertyName); metaProp.buildProperty(prop.getChildren(), builder); } } else { String propertyName = reflector.findPropertyName(name); if (propertyName != null) { builder.append(propertyName); } } return builder; } public boolean hasDefaultConstructor() { return reflector.hasDefaultConstructor(); }}
3.4 对象包装器
package df.middleware.mybatis.reflection.wrapper
/** * @description 对象包装器 * 是对对象的包装的接口,抽象了对象的字段信息、 getter| setter 方法、和上面三个成员的数据类型, * 它定义了一系列查询对象属性信息的方法,以及更新属性的方法 。添加属性方法 */public interface ObjectWrapper { // get Object get(PropertyTokenizer prop); // set void set(PropertyTokenizer prop, Object value); // 查找属性 String findProperty(String name, boolean useCamelCaseMapping); // 取得getter的名字列表 String[] getGetterNames(); // 取得setter的名字列表 String[] getSetterNames(); //取得setter的类型 Class getSetterType(String name); // 取得getter的类型 Class getGetterType(String name); // 是否有指定的setter boolean hasSetter(String name); // 是否有指定的getter boolean hasGetter(String name); // 实例化属性 MetaObject instantiatePropertyValue(String name, PropertyTokenizer prop, ObjectFactory objectFactory); // 是否是集合 boolean isCollection(); // 添加属性 void add(Object element); // 添加属性 void addAll(List element);}
/** * @description 对象包装器抽象基类,提供一些工具方法 * BaseWrapper 抽象类 定义了集合的相关操作。 * 1.解析集合 * 2.获取集合中的值 * 3.设置集合中的值 * */public abstract class BaseWrapper implements ObjectWrapper { protected static final Object[] NO_ARGUMENTS = new Object[0]; protected MetaObject metaObject; protected BaseWrapper(MetaObject metaObject) { this.metaObject = metaObject; } /** * 解析集合 */ protected Object resolveCollection(PropertyTokenizer prop, Object object) { if ("".equals(prop.getName())) { return object; } else { return metaObject.getValue(prop.getName()); } } /** * 取集合的值 * 中括号有2个意思,一个是Map,一个是List或数组 */ protected Object getCollectionValue(PropertyTokenizer prop, Object collection) { if (collection instanceof Map) { //map['name'] return ((Map) collection).get(prop.getIndex()); } else { int i = Integer.parseInt(prop.getIndex()); if (collection instanceof List) { //list[0] return ((List) collection).get(i); } else if (collection instanceof Object[]) { return ((Object[]) collection)[i]; } else if (collection instanceof char[]) { return ((char[]) collection)[i]; } else if (collection instanceof boolean[]) { return ((boolean[]) collection)[i]; } else if (collection instanceof byte[]) { return ((byte[]) collection)[i]; } else if (collection instanceof double[]) { return ((double[]) collection)[i]; } else if (collection instanceof float[]) { return ((float[]) collection)[i]; } else if (collection instanceof int[]) { return ((int[]) collection)[i]; } else if (collection instanceof long[]) { return ((long[]) collection)[i]; } else if (collection instanceof short[]) { return ((short[]) collection)[i]; } else { throw new RuntimeException("The '" + prop.getName() + "' property of " + collection + " is not a List or Array."); } } } /** * 设集合的值 * 中括号有2个意思,一个是Map,一个是List或数组 */ protected void setCollectionValue(PropertyTokenizer prop, Object collection, Object value) { if (collection instanceof Map) { ((Map) collection).put(prop.getIndex(), value); } else { int i = Integer.parseInt(prop.getIndex()); if (collection instanceof List) { ((List) collection).set(i, value); } else if (collection instanceof Object[]) { ((Object[]) collection)[i] = value; } else if (collection instanceof char[]) { ((char[]) collection)[i] = (Character) value; } else if (collection instanceof boolean[]) { ((boolean[]) collection)[i] = (Boolean) value; } else if (collection instanceof byte[]) { ((byte[]) collection)[i] = (Byte) value; } else if (collection instanceof double[]) { ((double[]) collection)[i] = (Double) value; } else if (collection instanceof float[]) { ((float[]) collection)[i] = (Float) value; } else if (collection instanceof int[]) { ((int[]) collection)[i] = (Integer) value; } else if (collection instanceof long[]) { ((long[]) collection)[i] = (Long) value; } else if (collection instanceof short[]) { ((short[]) collection)[i] = (Short) value; } else { throw new RuntimeException("The '" + prop.getName() + "' property of " + collection + " is not a List or Array."); } } }}
MapWrapper:Map对象包装器,是对Map对象的封装,继承了 BaseWrapper,构造传入map类型对象,获取设置值等等也以map方式即可。
/** * @description Map 包装器 * MapWrapper 是 Map 集合对象的封装。*/public class MapWrapper extends BaseWrapper { // 原来的对象 private Map map; public MapWrapper(MetaObject metaObject, Map map) { super(metaObject); this.map = map; } // get,set是允许的, @Override public Object get(PropertyTokenizer prop) { //如果有index,说明是集合,那就要分解集合,调用的是BaseWrapper.resolveCollection 和 getCollectionValue if (prop.getIndex() != null) { Object collection = resolveCollection(prop, map); return getCollectionValue(prop, collection); } else { return map.get(prop.getName()); } } @Override public void set(PropertyTokenizer prop, Object value) { if (prop.getIndex() != null) { Object collection = resolveCollection(prop, map); setCollectionValue(prop, collection, value); } else { map.put(prop.getName(), value); } } @Override public String findProperty(String name, boolean useCamelCaseMapping) { return name; } @Override public String[] getGetterNames() { return map.keySet().toArray(new String[map.keySet().size()]); } @Override public String[] getSetterNames() { return map.keySet().toArray(new String[map.keySet().size()]); } @Override public Class getSetterType(String name) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { MetaObject metaValue = metaObject.metaObjectForProperty(prop.getIndexedName()); if (metaValue == SystemMetaObject.NULL_META_OBJECT) { return Object.class; } else { return metaValue.getSetterType(prop.getChildren()); } } else { if (map.get(name) != null) { return map.get(name).getClass(); } else { return Object.class; } } } @Override public Class getGetterType(String name) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { MetaObject metaValue = metaObject.metaObjectForProperty(prop.getIndexedName()); if (metaValue == SystemMetaObject.NULL_META_OBJECT) { return Object.class; } else { return metaValue.getGetterType(prop.getChildren()); } } else { if (map.get(name) != null) { return map.get(name).getClass(); } else { return Object.class; } } } @Override public boolean hasSetter(String name) { return true; } @Override public boolean hasGetter(String name) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { if (map.containsKey(prop.getIndexedName())) { MetaObject metaValue = metaObject.metaObjectForProperty(prop.getIndexedName()); if (metaValue == SystemMetaObject.NULL_META_OBJECT) { return true; } else { return metaValue.hasGetter(prop.getChildren()); } } else { return false; } } else { return map.containsKey(prop.getName()); } } @Override public MetaObject instantiatePropertyValue(String name, PropertyTokenizer prop, ObjectFactory objectFactory) { HashMap map = new HashMap(); set(prop, map); return MetaObject.forObject(map, metaObject.getObjectFactory(), metaObject.getObjectWrapperFactory()); } @Override public boolean isCollection() { return false; } @Override public void add(Object element) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void addAll(List element) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }}
/** * @author 小傅哥,微信:fustack * @description Collection 包装器 */public class CollectionWrapper implements ObjectWrapper{ // 原来的对象 private Collection
/** * @description Bean 包装器 * BeanWrapper 是原始对象的封装 */public class BeanWrapper extends BaseWrapper { // 原来的对象 private Object object; // 元类 private MetaClass metaClass; public BeanWrapper(MetaObject metaObject, Object object) { super(metaObject); this.object = object; // 通过元类获取反射器 1个入口 this.metaClass = MetaClass.forClass(object.getClass()); } @Override public Object get(PropertyTokenizer prop) { // 如果有index(有中括号),说明是集合,那就要解析集合,调用的是 BaseWrapper.resolveCollection 和 getCollectionValue if (prop.getIndex() != null) { Object collection = resolveCollection(prop, object); return getCollectionValue(prop, collection); } else { // 否则,getBeanProperty return getBeanProperty(prop, object); } } @Override public void set(PropertyTokenizer prop, Object value) { // 如果有index,说明是集合,那就要解析集合,调用的是BaseWrapper.resolveCollection 和 setCollectionValue if (prop.getIndex() != null) { Object collection = resolveCollection(prop, object); setCollectionValue(prop, collection, value); } else { // 否则,setBeanProperty setBeanProperty(prop, object, value); } } @Override public String findProperty(String name, boolean useCamelCaseMapping) { return metaClass.findProperty(name, useCamelCaseMapping); } @Override public String[] getGetterNames() { return metaClass.getGetterNames(); } @Override public String[] getSetterNames() { return metaClass.getSetterNames(); } @Override public Class getSetterType(String name) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { MetaObject metaValue = metaObject.metaObjectForProperty(prop.getIndexedName()); if (metaValue == SystemMetaObject.NULL_META_OBJECT) { return metaClass.getSetterType(name); } else { return metaValue.getSetterType(prop.getChildren()); } } else { return metaClass.getSetterType(name); } } @Override public Class getGetterType(String name) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { MetaObject metaValue = metaObject.metaObjectForProperty(prop.getIndexedName()); if (metaValue == SystemMetaObject.NULL_META_OBJECT) { return metaClass.getGetterType(name); } else { return metaValue.getGetterType(prop.getChildren()); } } else { return metaClass.getGetterType(name); } } @Override public boolean hasSetter(String name) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { if (metaClass.hasSetter(prop.getIndexedName())) { MetaObject metaValue = metaObject.metaObjectForProperty(prop.getIndexedName()); if (metaValue == SystemMetaObject.NULL_META_OBJECT) { return metaClass.hasSetter(name); } else { return metaValue.hasSetter(prop.getChildren()); } } else { return false; } } else { return metaClass.hasSetter(name); } } @Override public boolean hasGetter(String name) { PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); if (prop.hasNext()) { if (metaClass.hasGetter(prop.getIndexedName())) { MetaObject metaValue = metaObject.metaObjectForProperty(prop.getIndexedName()); if (metaValue == SystemMetaObject.NULL_META_OBJECT) { return metaClass.hasGetter(name); } else { return metaValue.hasGetter(prop.getChildren()); } } else { return false; } } else { return metaClass.hasGetter(name); } } @Override public MetaObject instantiatePropertyValue(String name, PropertyTokenizer prop, ObjectFactory objectFactory) { MetaObject metaValue; Class type = getSetterType(prop.getName()); try { Object newObject = objectFactory.create(type); metaValue = MetaObject.forObject(newObject, metaObject.getObjectFactory(), metaObject.getObjectWrapperFactory()); set(prop, newObject); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot set value of property '" + name + "' because '" + name + "' is null and cannot be instantiated on instance of " + type.getName() + ". Cause:" + e.toString(), e); } return metaValue; } @Override public boolean isCollection() { return false; } @Override public void add(Object element) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void addAll(List list) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private Object getBeanProperty(PropertyTokenizer prop, Object object) { try { // 得到getter方法,然后调用 Invoker method = metaClass.getGetInvoker(prop.getName()); return method.invoke(object, NO_ARGUMENTS); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not get property '" + prop.getName() + "' from " + object.getClass() + ". Cause: " + t.toString(), t); } } private void setBeanProperty(PropertyTokenizer prop, Object object, Object value) { try { // 得到setter方法,然后调用 Invoker method = metaClass.getSetInvoker(prop.getName()); Object[] params = {value}; method.invoke(object, params); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not set property '" + prop.getName() + "' of '" + object.getClass() + "' with value '" + value + "' Cause: " + t.toString(), t); } }}
3.5 元对象
/** * @description 元对象 * */public class MetaObject { // 原对象 private Object originalObject; /** * 封装过的 Object 对象 */ // 对象包装器 private ObjectWrapper objectWrapper; // 对象工厂 private ObjectFactory objectFactory; // 对象包装工厂 private ObjectWrapperFactory objectWrapperFactory; // 赋值为不同的包装器 private MetaObject(Object object, ObjectFactory objectFactory, ObjectWrapperFactory objectWrapperFactory) { this.originalObject = object; this.objectFactory = objectFactory; this.objectWrapperFactory = objectWrapperFactory; if (object instanceof ObjectWrapper) { // 如果对象本身已经是ObjectWrapper型,则直接赋给objectWrapper this.objectWrapper = (ObjectWrapper) object; } else if (objectWrapperFactory.hasWrapperFor(object)) { // 如果有包装器,调用ObjectWrapperFactory.getWrapperFor this.objectWrapper = objectWrapperFactory.getWrapperFor(this, object); } else if (object instanceof Map) { // 如果是Map型,返回MapWrapper this.objectWrapper = new MapWrapper(this, (Map) object); } else if (object instanceof Collection) { // 如果是Collection型,返回CollectionWrapper this.objectWrapper = new CollectionWrapper(this, (Collection) object); } else { // 除此以外,返回BeanWrapper this.objectWrapper = new BeanWrapper(this, object); } } /** * 创建 MetaObject 对象 * * @param object 原始 Object 对象 * @param objectFactory * @param objectWrapperFactory * @return MetaObject 对象 */ public static MetaObject forObject(Object object, ObjectFactory objectFactory, ObjectWrapperFactory objectWrapperFactory) { if (object == null) { // 处理一下null,将null包装起来 return SystemMetaObject.NULL_META_OBJECT; } else { return new MetaObject(object, objectFactory, objectWrapperFactory); } } public ObjectFactory getObjectFactory() { return objectFactory; } public ObjectWrapperFactory getObjectWrapperFactory() { return objectWrapperFactory; } public Object getOriginalObject() { return originalObject; } /* --------以下方法都是委派给 ObjectWrapper------ */ // 查找属性,相当于又封装了一层 public String findProperty(String propName, boolean useCamelCaseMapping) { return objectWrapper.findProperty(propName, useCamelCaseMapping); } /** * 获取get方法属性名称和get方法去掉get后边的属性名称 * getIds(){return id;} --> (id、ids) * @return */ // 取得getter的名字列表 public String[] getGetterNames() { return objectWrapper.getGetterNames(); } /** * 获取set方法属性名称和set方法去掉set后边的属性名称 * setIds(){return id;} --> (id、ids) * @return */ // 取得setter的名字列表 public String[] getSetterNames() { return objectWrapper.getSetterNames(); } /** * 获取set方法后边属性的类型 * @param name 这个name 要和setXXX方法中的XXX相同才能获取到,否则抛异常 * @return */ // 取得setter的类型列表 public Class getSetterType(String name) { return objectWrapper.getSetterType(name); } /** * 获取get方法后边属性的类型 * @param name 这个name,要个getXXX方法中的XXX相同才能获取到,否则抛异常 * @return */ // 取得getter的类型列表 public Class getGetterType(String name) { return objectWrapper.getGetterType(name); } /** * 判断name是否是setXXX()方法中的XXX * @param name * @return */ //是否有指定的setter public boolean hasSetter(String name) { return objectWrapper.hasSetter(name); } /** * 判断name是否是getXXX()方法中的XXX * @param name * @return */ // 是否有指定的getter public boolean hasGetter(String name) { return objectWrapper.hasGetter(name); } /** * 获取对象属性值,可以递归获取 * @param name * @return */ // 取得值 // 如 班级[0].学生.成绩 public Object getValue(String name) { // 创建 PropertyTokenizer 对象,对 name 分词 PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); // 有子表达式 if (prop.hasNext()) { // 创建 MetaObject 对象,递归调用 MetaObject metaValue = metaObjectForProperty(prop.getIndexedName()); // 递归判断子表达式 children ,获取值,metaValue == null,则返回null if (metaValue == SystemMetaObject.NULL_META_OBJECT) { // 如果上层就是null了,那就结束,返回null return null; } else { // 否则继续看下一层,递归调用getValue return metaValue.getValue(prop.getChildren()); } } else { // 无子表达式,取值 return objectWrapper.get(prop); } } /** * 给对象属性设置值,可以递归设置,基本类型,数组,对象,都可以自动创建 * 但是ArrayList和数组需要手动创建 * List必须创建对象,添加进list * @param name * @param value */ // 如 班级[0].学生.成绩 public void setValue(String name, Object value) { // 创建 PropertyTokenizer 对象,对 name 分词 PropertyTokenizer prop = new PropertyTokenizer(name); // 有子表达式 if (prop.hasNext()) { // 创建 MetaObject 对象 MetaObject metaValue = metaObjectForProperty(prop.getIndexedName()); // 递归判断子表达式 children ,设置值 if (metaValue == SystemMetaObject.NULL_META_OBJECT) { if (value == null && prop.getChildren() != null) { // don't instantiate child path if value is null // 如果上层就是 null 了,还得看有没有儿子,没有那就结束 return; } else { // 创建值 // 否则还得 new 一个,委派给 ObjectWrapper.instantiatePropertyValue metaValue = objectWrapper.instantiatePropertyValue(name, prop, objectFactory); } } // 递归调用setValue metaValue.setValue(prop.getChildren(), value); } else { // 到了最后一层了,所以委派给 ObjectWrapper.set objectWrapper.set(prop, value); } } // 为属性生成元对象 public MetaObject metaObjectForProperty(String name) { // 实际是递归调用 Object value = getValue(name); return MetaObject.forObject(value, objectFactory, objectWrapperFactory); } public ObjectWrapper getObjectWrapper() { return objectWrapper; } // 是否是集合 public boolean isCollection() { return objectWrapper.isCollection(); } // 添加属性 public void add(Object element) { objectWrapper.add(element); } // 添加属性 public void addAll(List list) { objectWrapper.addAll(list); }}
3.6 系统元对象
/** * @description 一些系统级别的元对象 */public class SystemMetaObject { public static final ObjectFactory DEFAULT_OBJECT_FACTORY = new DefaultObjectFactory(); public static final ObjectWrapperFactory DEFAULT_OBJECT_WRAPPER_FACTORY = new DefaultObjectWrapperFactory(); public static final MetaObject NULL_META_OBJECT = MetaObject.forObject(NullObject.class, DEFAULT_OBJECT_FACTORY, DEFAULT_OBJECT_WRAPPER_FACTORY); private SystemMetaObject() { // Prevent Instantiation of Static Class } /** * 空对象 */ private static class NullObject { } public static MetaObject forObject(Object object) { return MetaObject.forObject(object, DEFAULT_OBJECT_FACTORY, DEFAULT_OBJECT_WRAPPER_FACTORY); }}
3.7 对象工厂
/** * @description 对象工厂接口*/public interface ObjectFactory { /** * Sets configuration properties. * 设置属性 * @param properties configuration properties */ void setProperties(Properties properties); /** * Creates a new object with default constructor. * 生产对象 * @param type Object type * @return */ T create(Class type); /** * Creates a new object with the specified constructor and params. * 生产对象,使用明确的构造函数和构造函数参数 * @param type Object type * @param constructorArgTypes Constructor argument types * @param constructorArgs Constructor argument values * @return */ T create(Class type, List<Class> constructorArgTypes, List constructorArgs); /** * Returns true if this object can have a set of other objects. * It's main purpose is to support non-java.util.Collection objects like Scala collections. * 返回这个对象是否是集合,为了支持 Scala collections * * @since 3.1.0 * @param type Object type * @return whether it is a collection or not */ boolean isCollection(Class type);}
/** * @description 默认对象工厂,所有的对象都有工厂来生成*/public class DefaultObjectFactory implements ObjectFactory, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8855120656740914948L; @Override public void setProperties(Properties properties) { // no props for default 默认无属性可设置 } @Override public T create(Class type) { return create(type, null, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public T create(Class type, List<Class> constructorArgTypes, List constructorArgs) { // 1. 解析接口 Class classToCreate = resolveInterface(type); // 2. 类实例化 return (T) instantiateClass(classToCreate, constructorArgTypes, constructorArgs); } private T instantiateClass(Class type, List<Class> constructorArgTypes, List constructorArgs) { try { Constructor constructor; //如果没有传入constructor,调用空构造函数,核心是调用Constructor.newInstance if (constructorArgTypes == null || constructorArgs == null) { // 能够得到私有的和公有的构造方法 constructor = type.getDeclaredConstructor(); if (!constructor.isAccessible()) { // 方法获得的构造器需要先设置可访问,再实例化对象 constructor.setAccessible(true); } return constructor.newInstance(); } // 如果传入constructor,调用传入的构造函数,核心是调用Constructor.newInstance constructor = type.getDeclaredConstructor(constructorArgTypes.toArray(new Class[constructorArgTypes.size()])); if (!constructor.isAccessible()) { constructor.setAccessible(true); } return constructor.newInstance(constructorArgs.toArray(new Object[constructorArgs.size()])); } catch (Exception e) { // 如果出错,包装一下,重新抛出自己的异常 StringBuilder argTypes = new StringBuilder(); if (constructorArgTypes != null) { for (Class argType : constructorArgTypes) { argTypes.append(argType.getSimpleName()); argTypes.append(","); } } StringBuilder argValues = new StringBuilder(); if (constructorArgs != null) { for (Object argValue : constructorArgs) { argValues.append(argValue); argValues.append(","); } } throw new RuntimeException("Error instantiating " + type + " with invalid types (" + argTypes + ") or values (" + argValues + "). Cause: " + e, e); } } @Override public boolean isCollection(Class type) { return Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type); } /** * 解析接口,将 interface 转换为实际的 class 类 */ protected Class resolveInterface(Class type) { Class classToCreate; if (type == List.class || type == Collection.class || type == Iterable.class) { // List|Collection|Iterable-->ArrayList classToCreate = ArrayList.class; } else if (type == Map.class) { // Map->HashMap classToCreate = HashMap.class; } else if (type == SortedSet.class) { // SortedSet->TreeSet classToCreate = TreeSet.class; } else if (type == Set.class) { // Set->HashSet classToCreate = HashSet.class; } else { // 除此以外,就用原来的类型 classToCreate = type; } return classToCreate; }}
3.8 属性命名器
/** * @description 属性命名器 * namer 命名者 */public class PropertyNamer { private PropertyNamer() { } /** * 方法转换为属性 */ public static String methodToProperty(String name) { if (name.startsWith("is")) { name = name.substring(2); } else if (name.startsWith("get") || name.startsWith("set")) { name = name.substring(3); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing property name '" + name + "'. Didn't start with 'is', 'get' or 'set'."); } /* * 如果只有1个字母,转换为小写 * 如果大于1个字母,第二个字母非大写,转换为小写 */ if (name.length() == 1 || (name.length() > 1 && !Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(1)))) { name = name.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + name.substring(1); } return name; } /** * 开头判断是否是get/set/is的方法 */ public static boolean isProperty(String name) { return name.startsWith("get") || name.startsWith("set") || name.startsWith("is"); } /** * 是否为 getter */ public static boolean isGetter(String name) { return name.startsWith("get") || name.startsWith("is"); } /** * 是否为 setter */ public static boolean isSetter(String name) { return name.startsWith("set"); }}
3.9 属性分解器
/** * @description 属性分解标记 * 可以解析处理简单属性以及list集合Map等等的数据 * 亮点:可迭代,可以看看 */public class PropertyTokenizer implements Iterable, Iterator { // 例子:班级[0].学生.成绩 // 班级,父表达式 private String name; // 班级[0],带索引的表达式,由父表达式和下标组成 private String indexedName; // 0 ,下标,该属性只对字段类型为map|list|array类型的字段有效,对于list和array类型的字段,index保存的是下标。 private String index; // 学生.成绩,,子表达式:该属性只对嵌套表达式有效 private String children; public PropertyTokenizer(String fullname) { // 班级[0].学生.成绩 // 找这个点 . // 解析出parent表达式和children表达式 int delim = fullname.indexOf('.'); if (delim > -1) { name = fullname.substring(0, delim);//截取到parent表达式 children = fullname.substring(delim + 1);//截取到children表达式 } else { // 找不到.的话,取全部部分 name = fullname;//fullname 即为parent表达式 children = null;//无children } indexedName = name; // 把中括号里的数字给解析出来 delim = name.indexOf('['); if (delim > -1) {//如果有下标 index = name.substring(delim + 1, name.length() - 1);保存下标到index name = name.substring(0, delim);//3.截取出field name, } } public String getName() { return name; } public String getIndex() { return index; } public String getIndexedName() { return indexedName; } public String getChildren() { return children; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return children != null; } // 取得下一个,非常简单,直接再通过儿子来new另外一个实例 @Override public PropertyTokenizer next() { return new PropertyTokenizer(children); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove is not supported, as it has no meaning in the context of properties."); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return this; }}
3.10 使用反射器数据源属性设置
public class UnpooledDataSourceFactory implements DataSourceFactory { protected DataSource dataSource; public UnpooledDataSourceFactory() { this.dataSource = new UnpooledDataSource(); } protected Properties pros; @Override public void setProperties(Properties props) { MetaObject metaObject = SystemMetaObject.forObject(dataSource); for (Object key : props.keySet()) { String propertyName = (String) key; if (metaObject.hasSetter(propertyName)) { String value = (String) props.get(propertyName); Object convertedValue = convertValue(metaObject, propertyName, value); metaObject.setValue(propertyName, convertedValue); } } } @Override public DataSource getDataSource() { return dataSource; } /** * 根据setter的类型,将配置文件中的值强转成相应的类型 */ private Object convertValue(MetaObject metaObject, String propertyName, String value) { Object convertedValue = value; Class targetType = metaObject.getSetterType(propertyName); if (targetType == Integer.class || targetType == int.class) { convertedValue = Integer.valueOf(value); } else if (targetType == Long.class || targetType == long.class) { convertedValue = Long.valueOf(value); } else if (targetType == Boolean.class || targetType == boolean.class) { convertedValue = Boolean.valueOf(value); } return convertedValue; }}
到此我们所有的类都介绍完毕了,我们用单元测试可以测试下,测试准备和上几节一样,可直接运行debug看下通过反射将DataSource的驱动 ,用户名,密码等反射设置进来