
Day1 选择595. 大的国家


+-------------+---------+| Column Name | Type    |+-------------+---------+| name        | varchar || continent   | varchar || area        | int     || population  | int     || gdp         | int     |+-------------+---------+name 是这张表的主键。这张表的每一行提供:国家名称、所属大陆、面积、人口和 GDP 值


  1. 面积至少为 300 万平方公里(即,\(3000000\ km^2\)),或者
  2. 人口至少为 2500 万(即 \(25000000\)



select name, population, area from World where area >= 3000000 or population >= 25000000;



select name, population, areafrom worldwhere area >= 3000000unionselect name, population, areafrom worldwhere population >= 25000000;

Union:对两个结果集进行并集操作,不包括重复行,同时进行默认规则的排序; 即:去重+排序

Union All:对两个结果集进行并集操作,包括重复行,不进行排序; 即:不去重+不排序

1757. 可回收且低脂的产品


+-------------+---------+| Column Name | Type    |+-------------+---------+| product_id  | int     || low_fats    | enum    || recyclable  | enum    |+-------------+---------+product_id 是这个表的主键。low_fats 是枚举类型,取值为以下两种 ('Y', 'N'),其中 'Y' 表示该产品是低脂产品,'N' 表示不是低脂产品。recyclable 是枚举类型,取值为以下两种 ('Y', 'N'),其中 'Y' 表示该产品可回收,而 'N' 表示不可回收。
select product_idfrom productswhere low_fats = 'Y' and recyclable = 'Y';

584. 寻找用户推荐人

+------+------+-----------+| id   | name | referee_id|+------+------+-----------+|    1 | Will |      NULL ||    2 | Jane |      NULL ||    3 | Alex |         2 ||    4 | Bill |      NULL ||    5 | Zack |         1 ||    6 | Mark |         2 |+------+------+-----------+


所以这个题如果直接选择 referee_id != 2,则会导致 referee_id = NULL的数据没有被选择出来,所以要加上 referee_id is null

select namefrom customerwhere referee_id != 2 or referee_id is null;


运算符相当于封装了= 和 is ,既可以判断 非NULL值,也可以用来判断NULL值。只能在MySQL中使用

select namefrom customerwhere not referee_id  2;

或者使用 not in

select namefrom customerwhere id not in (select id from customer where referee_id = 2);# id是主键,所以选择referee_id等于2的id然后取反

183. 从不订购的客户

Customers 表:

+----+-------+| Id | Name  |+----+-------+| 1  | Joe   || 2  | Henry || 3  | Sam   || 4  | Max   |+----+-------+

Orders 表:

+----+------------+| Id | CustomerId |+----+------------+| 1  | 3          || 2  | 1          |+----+------------+


select customers.name as 'Customers'from customerswhere customers.id not in(select CustomerId from orders);


select Customers.name as 'Customers'from Customersleft join orderson Customers.id = orders.CustomerIdwhere orders.CustomerId is null;

Day2 排序&修改1873. 计算特殊奖金


+-------------+---------+| 列名        | 类型     |+-------------+---------+| employee_id | int     || name        | varchar || salary      | int     |+-------------+---------+employee_id 是这个表的主键。此表的每一行给出了雇员id ,名字和薪水。




select employee_id,(    case         when mod(employee_id, 2) != 0 and left(name, 1) != 'M' then salary        else 0    end) as bonusfrom Employeesorder by employee_id;



select employee_id,if(mod(employee_id, 2) != 0 and left(name, 1) != 'M', salary, 0) as bonusfrom Employeesorder by employee_id;



select employee_id,if(mod(employee_id, 2) = 0 or name like 'M%', 0, salary) as bonusfrom Employeesorder by employee_id;

627. 变更性别

要求只使用单个 update 语句 ,且不产生中间临时表。

Salary 表:

+-------------+----------+| Column Name | Type     |+-------------+----------+| id          | int      || name        | varchar  || sex         | ENUM     || salary      | int      |+-------------+----------+id 是这个表的主键。sex 这一列的值是 ENUM 类型,只能从 ('m', 'f') 中取。本表包含公司雇员的信息。


update Salary set sex = if(sex = 'f', 'm', 'f');


update Salary set sex = case    when sex = 'f' then 'm'    else 'f'end;

196. 删除重复的电子邮箱



+-------------+---------+| Column Name | Type    |+-------------+---------+| id          | int     || email       | varchar |+-------------+---------+id是该表的主键列。该表的每一行包含一封电子邮件。电子邮件将不包含大写字母。


delete p1表示从p1表中删除满足where条件的记录

# Please write a DELETE statement and DO NOT write a SELECT statement.# Write your MySQL query statement belowdelete p1from Person p1, Person p2where p1.email = p2.email and p1.id > p2.id;


delete from Personwhere id not in(    select * from(select min(id) from Person group by email) t);

Day3 字符串处理函数/正则1667. 修复表中的名字


+----------------+---------+| Column Name    | Type    |+----------------+---------+| user_id        | int     || name           | varchar |+----------------+---------+user_id 是该表的主键。该表包含用户的 ID 和名字。名字仅由小写和大写字符组成。

CONCAT函数用来拼接两个字符串,使用 UPPERLOWER来对name进行变换,然后拼接起来

select user_id, concat(upper(left(name, 1)), lower(substring(name, 2))) as namefrom Usersorder by user_id;

1484. 按日期分组销售产品


+-------------+---------+| 列名         | 类型    |+-------------+---------+| sell_date   | date    || product     | varchar |+-------------+---------+此表没有主键,它可能包含重复项。此表的每一行都包含产品名称和在市场上销售的日期。

group by sell_date将产品按日期统计起来,然后使用 count进行计数,使用 group_concat将产品名拼接起来

select sell_date,count(distinct(product)) as num_sold,group_concat(distinct product order by product asc separator ',') as productsfrom Activitiesgroup by sell_date;

1527. 患某种疾病的患者

患者信息表: Patients

+--------------+---------+| Column Name  | Type    |+--------------+---------+| patient_id   | int     || patient_name | varchar || conditions   | varchar |+--------------+---------+patient_id (患者 ID)是该表的主键。'conditions' (疾病)包含 0 个或以上的疾病代码,以空格分隔。这个表包含医院中患者的信息。


  1. DIAB1在第一个,这时候用 DIAN1%匹配
  2. DIAB1不在第一个,此时要在用 % DIAB1%匹配,注意前面有个空格
select patient_id, patient_name, conditionsfrom Patientswhere conditions like 'DIAB1%' or conditions like '% DIAB1%';

Day4 组合查询 & 指定选取1965. 丢失信息的雇员

表: Employees

+-------------+---------+| Column Name | Type    |+-------------+---------+| employee_id | int     || name        | varchar |+-------------+---------+employee_id 是这个表的主键。每一行表示雇员的id 和他的姓名。

表: Salaries

+-------------+---------+| Column Name | Type    |+-------------+---------+| employee_id | int     || salary      | int     |+-------------+---------+employee_id is 这个表的主键。每一行表示雇员的id 和他的薪水。

使用 union all来连接两个查询结果,通过 group by进行将employee_id进行聚合,使用 having count()选择仅出现一次的id

UNIONUNION ALL的区别:前者会在连接后进行去重操作;后者不会去重,把查询出来的所有结果一起返回

select employee_idfrom(    select employee_id from Employees    union all    select employee_id from Salaries) as tgroup by employee_idhaving count(*) = 1order by employee_id asc;

1795. 每个产品在不同商店的价格


+-------------+---------+| Column Name | Type    |+-------------+---------+| product_id  | int     || store1      | int     || store2      | int     || store3      | int     |+-------------+---------+这张表的主键是product_id(产品Id)。每行存储了这一产品在不同商店store1, store2, store3的价格。如果这一产品在商店里没有出售,则值将为null。

将查询出来的 store{1,2,3}都重命名为 store,然后使用 union将三个查询连接起来

select product_id, 'store1' as store, store1 price from Products where store1 is not nullunionselect product_id, 'store2' as store, store2 price from Products where store2 is not nullunionselect product_id, 'store3' as store, store3 price from Products where store3 is not null;

608. 树节点

给定一个表 tree,id 是树节点的编号, p_id 是它父节点的 id 。

+----+------+| id | p_id |+----+------+| 1  | null || 2  | 1    || 3  | 1    || 4  | 2    || 5  | 2    |+----+------+


如果 p_id为null,则节点为根节点

如果 idp_id里出现过,则为内部节点


select t.id, (    case    when t.p_id is null then 'Root'    when (        select count(*)        from tree t1 where t1.p_id = t.id    ) > 0 then 'Inner'    else 'Leaf'    end) as typefrom tree as t;



如果 t1.p_id是空,则该节点是根节点

如果 t2.p_id是空,则说明 id没有在 p_id中出现过,即该节点是叶子


select distinct t1.id, (    if(isnull(t1.p_id), 'Root', if(isnull(t2.p_id), 'Leaf', 'Inner'))) as typefrom tree t1left jointree t2 on t1.id = t2.p_id;

176. 第二高的薪水

Employee 表:

+-------------+------+| Column Name | Type |+-------------+------+| id          | int  || salary      | int  |+-------------+------+id 是这个表的主键。表的每一行包含员工的工资信息。

方法二和方法三注意使用 DISTINCT去重,因为最高的薪水可能不止一个



select max(salary) as SecondHighestSalary from Employeewhere salary not in (select max(salary) from Employee);


使用 limitoffset


如果查询到的数据为空,用 ifnull将空数据变为null

select ifnull(    (        select distinct salary        from Employee        order by salary desc        limit 1 offset 1    ), null) as SecondHighestSalary;



select(    select distinct salary    from Employee    order by salary desc    limit 1 offset 1) as SecondHighestSalary;

Day5 合并

LEFT JOIN从左表(table1)返回所有的行,即使右表(table2)中没有匹配。如果右表中没有匹配,则结果为 NULL。


SELECT column_name(s)FROM table1LEFT JOIN table2ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;

175. 组合两个表

表: Person

+-------------+---------+| 列名         | 类型     |+-------------+---------+| PersonId    | int     || FirstName   | varchar || LastName    | varchar |+-------------+---------+personId 是该表的主键列。该表包含一些人的 ID 和他们的姓和名的信息。

表: Address

+-------------+---------+| 列名         | 类型    |+-------------+---------+| AddressId   | int     || PersonId    | int     || City        | varchar || State       | varchar |+-------------+---------+addressId 是该表的主键列。该表的每一行都包含一个 ID = PersonId 的人的城市和州的信息。


select firstName, lastName, city, statefrom Personleft join Addresson Person.personId = Address.personId;

1581. 进店却未进行过交易的顾客


+-------------+---------+| Column Name | Type    |+-------------+---------+| visit_id    | int     || customer_id | int     |+-------------+---------+visit_id 是该表的主键。该表包含有关光临过购物中心的顾客的信息。


+----------------+---------+| Column Name    | Type    |+----------------+---------+| transaction_id | int     || visit_id       | int     || amount         | int     |+----------------+---------+transaction_id 是此表的主键。此表包含 visit_id 期间进行的交易的信息。

使用左连接将 Visits表和 Transactions表连接,然后查询连接后的表里有多少个null

select customer_id, count(*) count_no_transfrom Visits vleft joinTransactions t on v.visit_id = t.visit_idwhere amount is nullgroup by customer_id;

1148. 文章浏览 I

Views 表:

+---------------+---------+| Column Name   | Type    |+---------------+---------+| article_id    | int     || author_id     | int     || viewer_id     | int     || view_date     | date    |+---------------+---------+此表无主键,因此可能会存在重复行。此表的每一行都表示某人在某天浏览了某位作者的某篇文章。请注意,同一人的 author_id 和 viewer_id 是相同的。


select distinct author_id as idfrom Viewswhere author_id = viewer_id# group by idorder by id asc;

Day6 合并197. 上升的温度

表: Weather

+---------------+---------+| Column Name   | Type    |+---------------+---------+| id            | int     || recordDate    | date    || temperature   | int     |+---------------+---------+id 是这个表的主键该表包含特定日期的温度信息

使用 DATEDIFF函数来判断两个日期的差值

可以使用 INNER JOIN连接,也可以直接select两个表:

select today.idfrom Weather today,Weather yesterday# 或者:# Weather today# inner join Weather yesterdaywhere datediff(today.recordDate, yesterday.recordDate) = 1 and today.Temperature > yesterday.Temperature;

607. 销售员

表: SalesPerson

+-----------------+---------+| Column Name     | Type    |+-----------------+---------+| sales_id        | int     || name            | varchar || salary          | int     || commission_rate | int     || hire_date       | date    |+-----------------+---------+sales_id 是该表的主键列。该表的每一行都显示了销售人员的姓名和 ID ,以及他们的工资、佣金率和雇佣日期。

使用 WHERE一直嵌套

select S.name as namefrom SalesPerson Swhere S.sales_id not in (    select O.sales_id    from Orders O    where O.com_id in    (        select C.com_id        from Company C        where C.name = 'RED'    ));

1141. 查询近30天活跃用户数


+---------------+---------+| Column Name   | Type    |+---------------+---------+| user_id       | int     || session_id    | int     || activity_date | date    || activity_type | enum    |+---------------+---------+该表是用户在社交网站的活动记录。该表没有主键,可能包含重复数据。activity_type 字段为以下四种值 ('open_session', 'end_session', 'scroll_down', 'send_message')。每个 session_id 只属于一个用户。

注意是 distinct user_id,因为 一个用户可能会对应多个 session_iddatediff的时候要注意不小于0

select activity_date as day, count(distinct user_id) as active_usersfrom Activitywhere datediff('2019-07-27', activity_date) = 0group by activity_date;

Day7 统计去重1141. 查询近30天活跃用户数


+---------------+---------+| Column Name   | Type    |+---------------+---------+| user_id       | int     || session_id    | int     || activity_date | date    || activity_type | enum    |+---------------+---------+该表是用户在社交网站的活动记录。该表没有主键,可能包含重复数据。activity_type 字段为以下四种值 ('open_session', 'end_session', 'scroll_down', 'send_message')。每个 session_id 只属于一个用户。

注意是 distinct user_id,因为 一个用户可能会对应多个 session_iddatediff的时候要注意不小于0

select activity_date as day, count(distinct user_id) as active_usersfrom Activitywhere datediff('2019-07-27', activity_date) = 0group by activity_date;

1693. 每天的领导和合伙人


+-------------+---------+| Column Name | Type    |+-------------+---------+| date_id     | date    || make_name   | varchar || lead_id     | int     || partner_id  | int     |+-------------+---------+该表没有主键。该表包含日期、产品的名称,以及售给的领导和合伙人的编号。名称只包含小写英文字母。
select date_id, make_name, count(distinct lead_id) as unique_leads, count(distinct partner_id) as unique_partnersfrom DailySalesgroup by date_id, make_name;

1729. 求关注者的数量

表: Followers

+-------------+------+| Column Name | Type |+-------------+------+| user_id     | int  || follower_id | int  |+-------------+------+(user_id, follower_id) 是这个表的主键。该表包含一个关注关系中关注者和用户的编号,其中关注者关注用户。
select user_id, count(follower_id) as followers_countfrom Followersgroup by user_idorder by user_id asc;

Day8 计算函数586. 订单最多的客户

表: Orders

+-----------------+----------+| Column Name     | Type     |+-----------------+----------+| order_number    | int      || customer_number | int      |+-----------------+----------+Order_number是该表的主键。此表包含关于订单ID和客户ID的信息。

降序排序后用 limit 1选择出来第一个值,就是订单最多的用户

select customer_numberfrom Ordersgroup by customer_numberorder by count(*) desclimit 1;

511. 游戏玩法分析 I

活动表 Activity:

+--------------+---------+| Column Name  | Type    |+--------------+---------+| player_id    | int     || device_id    | int     || event_date   | date    || games_played | int     |+--------------+---------+表的主键是 (player_id, event_date)。这张表展示了一些游戏玩家在游戏平台上的行为活动。每行数据记录了一名玩家在退出平台之前,当天使用同一台设备登录平台后打开的游戏的数目(可能是 0 个)。

player_id进行分组,然后选择出每个id的最小的 event_date


MySQL 中先排序再取最小值可能会变快的原因是,在数据表中有索引的情况下,如果在排序之前就取最小值,MySQL 的引擎会扫描整个表并在内存中对所有行进行排序,而如果先排序再取最小值,MySQL 的引擎只需要扫描索引并返回第一个索引值即可。

在这种情况下,MySQL 的引擎可以使用索引进行排序,而无需在内存中对所有行进行排序。因此查询速度会显著加快.

select player_id, min(event_date) as first_loginfrom Activitygroup by player_idorder by event_date asc;

1890. 2020年最后一次登录

表: Logins

+----------------+----------+| 列名           | 类型      |+----------------+----------+| user_id        | int      || time_stamp     | datetime |+----------------+----------+(user_id, time_stamp) 是这个表的主键。每一行包含的信息是user_id 这个用户的登录时间。


select user_id, max(time_stamp) as last_stampfrom Loginswhere time_stamp between '2020-01-01 0:0:0' and '2020-12-31 23:59:59'group by user_id;

1741. 查找每个员工花费的总时间

表: Employees

+-------------+------+| Column Name | Type |+-------------+------+| emp_id      | int  || event_day   | date || in_time     | int  || out_time    | int  |+-------------+------+(emp_id, event_day, in_time) 是这个表的主键。该表显示了员工在办公室的出入情况。event_day 是此事件发生的日期,in_time 是员工进入办公室的时间,而 out_time 是他们离开办公室的时间。in_time 和 out_time 的取值在1到1440之间。题目保证同一天没有两个事件在时间上是相交的,并且保证 in_time 小于 out_time。
select event_day as day, emp_id, sum(out_time - in_time) as total_timefrom Employeesgroup by emp_id, event_day;

Day9 控制流1393. 股票的资本损益

Stocks 表:

+---------------+---------+| Column Name   | Type    |+---------------+---------+| stock_name    | varchar || operation     | enum    || operation_day | int     || price         | int     |+---------------+---------+(stock_name, day) 是这张表的主键operation 列使用的是一种枚举类型,包括:('Sell','Buy')此表的每一行代表了名为 stock_name 的某支股票在 operation_day 这一天的操作价格。保证股票的每次'Sell'操作前,都有相应的'Buy'操作。

if判断一下,用 case也可以

select stock_name, sum(    if(operation = 'Buy', -1 * price, price)) as capital_gain_lossfrom Stocksgroup by stock_name;

1407. 排名靠前的旅行者


+---------------+---------+| Column Name   | Type    |+---------------+---------+| id            | int     || name          | varchar |+---------------+---------+id 是该表单主键。name 是用户名字。

ifnull来将null变为0,order by可以排序多个字段

select name, ifnull(sum(distance), 0) as travelled_distancefrom Usersleft joinRides on Users.id = Rides.user_idgroup by user_idorder by travelled_distance desc, name asc;

1158. 市场分析 I

Table: Users

+----------------+---------+| Column Name    | Type    |+----------------+---------+| user_id        | int     || join_date      | date    || favorite_brand | varchar |+----------------+---------+此表主键是 user_id。表中描述了购物网站的用户信息,用户可以在此网站上进行商品买卖。

Table: Orders

+---------------+---------+| Column Name   | Type    |+---------------+---------+| order_id      | int     || order_date    | date    || item_id       | int     || buyer_id      | int     || seller_id     | int     |+---------------+---------+此表主键是 order_id。外键是 item_id 和(buyer_id,seller_id)。

Table: Items

+---------------+---------+| Column Name   | Type    |+---------------+---------+| item_id       | int     || item_brand    | varchar |+---------------+---------+此表主键是 item_id。


首先从 Orders表中选出在2019年买过商品的 buyer_id,然后用 group by分组,统计出来每个人买的次数,然后和 Users表进行连接

select user_id as buyer_id, join_date, ifnull(orders_in_2019, 0) as orders_in_2019from Users as Uleft join(    select buyer_id, count(*) as orders_in_2019    from Orders as O    where O.order_date between '2019-01-01' and '2019-12-31'    group by buyer_id) as ton t.buyer_id = U.user_id;

Day10 过滤182. 查找重复的电子邮箱

编写一个 SQL 查询,查找 Person 表中所有重复的电子邮箱。


+----+---------+| Id | Email   |+----+---------+| 1  | a@b.com || 2  | c@d.com || 3  | a@b.com |+----+---------+


select Emailfrom(    select Email, count(*) as cnt    from Person    group by Email) as twhere t.cnt > 1;


select Emailfrom Persongroup by Emailhaving count(*) > 1;

1050. 合作过至少三次的演员和导演

ActorDirector 表:

+-------------+---------+| Column Name | Type    |+-------------+---------+| actor_id    | int     || director_id | int     || timestamp   | int     |+-------------+---------+timestamp 是这张表的主键.


select actor_id, director_idfrom ActorDirectorgroup by actor_id, director_idhaving count(*) >= 3;

1587. 银行账户概要 II

表: Users

+--------------+---------+| Column Name  | Type    |+--------------+---------+| account      | int     || name         | varchar |+--------------+---------+account 是该表的主键.表中的每一行包含银行里中每一个用户的账号.

表: Transactions

+---------------+---------+| Column Name   | Type    |+---------------+---------+| trans_id      | int     || account       | int     || amount        | int     || transacted_on | date    |+---------------+---------+trans_id 是该表主键.该表的每一行包含了所有账户的交易改变情况.如果用户收到了钱, 那么金额是正的; 如果用户转了钱, 那么金额是负的.所有账户的起始余额为 0.

使用左连接将两个表连接起来,然后对 account进行分组,计算账户余额,最后用 having选出余额大于一万的账户

select name,sum(amount) as balancefrom Users as Uleft joinTransactions as Ton U.account = T.accountgroup by T.accounthaving balance > 10000;

1084. 销售分析III

Table: Product

+--------------+---------+| Column Name  | Type    |+--------------+---------+| product_id   | int     || product_name | varchar || unit_price   | int     |+--------------+---------+Product_id是该表的主键。该表的每一行显示每个产品的名称和价格。

Table: Sales

+-------------+---------+| Column Name | Type    |+-------------+---------+| seller_id   | int     || product_id  | int     || buyer_id    | int     || sale_date   | date    || quantity    | int     || price       | int     |+------ ------+---------+这个表没有主键,它可以有重复的行。product_id 是 Product 表的外键。该表的每一行包含关于一个销售的一些信息。


select P.product_id, P.product_namefrom Product as Pleft joinSales as S on S.product_id = P.product_idgroup by S.product_idhaving (min(S.sale_date) between '2019-01-01' and '2019-03-31') and  (max(S.sale_date) between '2019-01-01' and '2019-03-31')
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