开始构建 Serverless SaaS 架构

关键字: [Amazon Web Services re:Invent 2023, Serverless, Serverless, Saas, Architectures, Multi-Tenanted, Integration]

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您是否计划在亚马逊云科技上使用 Serverless 构建新的软件即服务(SaaS)应用程序?您想将现有的SaaS应用程序现代化为 Serverless 应用程序,并想了解更多关于多租户的信息吗?在本论坛中,探索亚马逊云科技中 Serverless 的基础知识。了解Amazon Lambda、Amazon API Gateway和事件驱动集成服务;如何构建第一个 Serverless 应用程序;以及如何处理 SaaS 应用程序的多租户架构。



经过多年与软件供应商客户的多轮对话,演讲者已经注意到了一些明确的趋势,这些趋势正推动着无服务器架构和软件即服务(SaaS)解决方案的广泛应用。像Any Company这样的企业正渴望借助这些新技术实现关键业务目标。

Their primary concerns revolve around reducing the cost of maintaining infrastructure and servers. The current model employed by Any Company requires the configuration and operation of dedicated servers for each tenant, such as EC2 instances. Even with auto-scaling, they still have to pay for running costs, regardless of actual usage. Small tenants, like a single-location restaurant, may experience sporadic workloads, leading to idle resources and unnecessary expenses. By adopting a serverless architecture, customers only pay for what they use, directly aligned with their tenants’ activities. As the speaker puts it, “In most cases, we don’t need to pay for idle resources.”

For example, a small restaurant tenant may experience very low usage during off-peak hours. But Any Company still has to pay for 24/7 EC2 instance costs. With serverless technology, costs will be directly proportional to the number of events and scaled down when not in use.

Besides saving costs, clients also desire to modernize their legacy codebases, which have become increasingly complex and difficult to update. Restaurant management software still contains legacy code that dates back to the early 2000s. After years of additions and modifications, it has become a tangled mess of spaghetti code. Deploying updates without introducing new bugs is a rare occurrence. Serverless allows them to focus on business logic unhindered by legacy constraints. As the speaker states, it permits “writing business logic that adds value and makes customers happy directly.”

Consider the difficulties faced by Any Company in updating and adding new features based on legacy code. The complexity resulted in errors with every deployment. Serverless will enable them to innovate faster by removing legacy barriers.

Finally, customers want to improve operational efficiency so they can respond more quickly to market changes. Currently, even minor alterations require allocating new infrastructure and instances. As the speaker describes it, “It’s difficult for new tenants to join our system. Every time a new tenant comes on board, we have to allocate new infrastructure and VPCs as well as new EC2 instances.” Serverless eliminates this burden, enabling faster adaptation.

Whenever Any Company adds a new restaurant tenant to its current system, they must manually initiate a new EC2 server tailored to that specific customer. With the use of a serverless architecture, tenants can be added instantly without the need for capacity planning and waiting times.

To demonstrate patterns and examples in a presentation, the speaker introduced a scenario involving a fictional restaurant management software-as-a-service company called Any Company. Their software handles various functions for restaurants – accepting orders, sending them to the kitchen, managing menus, and handling supplies. Although this example is targeted at restaurants, the speaker pointed out that attendees should consider how to apply this solution to their own business and usage scenarios.

The speaker then outlined the evolution of Any Company’s solutions over time. Initially offered as a downloadable software package with a permanent license fee, it required customers to install and manage the software themselves, often resulting in poor experiences when hardware failed.

Any Company decided to offer a hosted hosting option, using dedicated EC2 instances for each customer tenant. However, due to the largely unchanged legacy codebase, versions still dated back to the 2000s. They hoped to adopt a serverless architecture to provide a true software-as-a-service solution.

The speaker also mentioned the diversity of Any Company’s clients – ranging from small, single-location restaurants to large global enterprises, such as companies with chains of restaurants across multiple brands and locations. He emphasized the importance of identifying tenants early on, whether at the company level or individual site level. As he put it, “Determining how tenants are defined will help you determine how to manage authentication, permissions, data, and more; it’s essential to consider this during the design process from the outset.”

For example, a large enterprise client might be a parent company of multiple acquired restaurant chains around the globe. The definition of tenants may occur at the parent company level or individual site level, affecting architectural decisions such as data isolation.

Lastly, the speaker listed the current issues with Any Company’s hosted architecture:

  • For irregular, sporadic small tenants, there is an excess of idle resources. Even when utilization is low, fees for EC2 instances continue.

  • Due to the legacy code, the delivery speed of new features is slow. Complexity increases the likelihood of errors during deployments.

  • New tenant onboarding is cumbersome. Configuring infrastructure and EC2 servers for each tenant is time-consuming.






一些常用的无服务器服务包括:CloudFront(用于内容交付和边缘缓存)、API Gateway和AppSync(用于API管理)、Cognito(用于身份管理)、Lambda(用于计算)、DynamoDB(用于数据库)、S3(用于对象存储)以及SQS、SNS和EventBridge(用于集成)。这些完全托管的服务可以自动扩展,无需进行容量规划。用户只需为实际使用情况付费,而无需为空闲状态付费。通过将这些服务组合在一起,用户可以构建高度可扩展的应用程序,而无需管理任何服务器。

云前端在Amazon S3中缓存静态资产如HTML/CSS/JS。前端JavaScript调用Amazon API网关中的API。API网关调用Amazon Lambda函数。Lambdas与数据库(如Amazon DynamoDB)互动。然而,简单地复制每个租户专用的栈并不能很好地扩展。演讲者提倡采用共享的多租户方法。但这带来了一些挑战,例如邻居噪音、数据隔离和后续部署影响等问题,他将在稍后解决这些问题。

关于前端,演讲者讨论了用于识别租户的URL选项。一个简单的方法是使用所有租户共享的通用域名。但这种方法缺乏租户上下文。其他选择是在路径中添加租户ID,为每个租户分配子域名,或允许使用自定义域名。实施后两种方法需要更多的努力,包括在Amazon ACM中颁发野卡SSL证书,管理Amazon Route 53中的DNS,以及可能需要额外的Amazon CloudFront分布。为了简化,他建议在认证期间使用包含租户ID的共享域。



该系统使用OpenID Connect,这是一个基于OAuth 2.0和JSON Web Tokens(JWT)的开放标准身份验证协议。在验证凭据后,身份提供者将返回包含用户、租户ID和其他详细信息签署的JWT。


JWT用作调用后端API的访问令牌。但是,需要一个额外的组件,即称为Lambda授权器, 以在每个请求上验证令牌才能允许访问。正如演讲者所解释的,授权器是一个检查令牌是否未过期、是否未被篡改且签名正确、然后查看某些声明和属性以确定用户是否有权访问的Lambda函数。


  1. 从DynamoDB中提取订单详细信息。
  2. 使用Lambda函数更新厨房显示器。
  3. 在准备就绪时,通过SNS向服务员发送通知。
  4. 发布订单完成事件。

Step Functions具有可视化的、分支/并行处理的和错误处理功能。正如专家所说,“我们按转换数量付费,而不是运行时间。”他建议在工作流程输入中包含租户ID,以便在整个过程中进行跨步骤跟踪。例如,任何公司都可以利用Step Functions来协调处理订单的多个步骤的工作流程。这使得在工作流图上可视化步骤并添加错误处理成为可能。最后,他讨论了部署和更新的话题。建议使用基础设施即代码、测试环境、小型/频繁更改以及自动化持续集成/持续部署(CI/CD)管道。更改应采用波浪形式推出——按地区、租户层或其他分片方法——以减少影响范围。

Finally, the speaker presented various solutions for migrating from existing hosting platforms to the new serverless SaaS architecture. Every company is building it in parallel to minimize disruptions before encouraging customers to switch. Strategies include achieving feature parity, incentivizing early adopters, or forcing deprecation on a specific date. The goal is to disable the old platform as soon as possible. For example, a company may offer discounted prices to motivate customers to migrate to the new serverless version. They hope to rapidly shut down the old servers after migrating the tenants. In summary, he highlighted the benefits of serverless SaaS: automatic scaling, pay-as-you-use model, cost reduction, and consistency with tenant usage; removal of server management accelerates development; tenant context is crucial for aggregating multi-tenant data; and event-driven systems generate scalable and efficient architectures. Serverless and SaaS are an obvious powerful combination. By focusing on business logic and leveraging Amazon Web Services services, companies can quickly provide innovative software to customers.


演讲者详细探讨了如何运用亚马逊云科技的服务,例如Route 53、CloudFront和ACM,以可扩展且高效的方式来实现多租户架构。

图片[1] - 开始构建 Serverless SaaS 架构 - MaxSSL

演讲过程中,重点强调了Amazon Cognito和JSON Web Token如何在系统中共享安全的用户身份验证。

图片[2] - 开始构建 Serverless SaaS 架构 - MaxSSL


图片[3] - 开始构建 Serverless SaaS 架构 - MaxSSL


图片[4] - 开始构建 Serverless SaaS 架构 - MaxSSL


图片[5] - 开始构建 Serverless SaaS 架构 - MaxSSL


图片[6] - 开始构建 Serverless SaaS 架构 - MaxSSL




此外,演讲者还展示了一些常见的无服务器模式,如基于API网关和Lambda的REST API设计,利用SQS队列进行异步处理,以及运用EventBridge规则和Step Functions实现事件驱动的工作流程。他强调,在进行集成时,应传递租户上下文以确保适当的隔离。




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亚马逊云科技(Amazon Web Services)是全球云计算的开创者和引领者,自 2006 年以来一直以不断创新、技术领先、服务丰富、应用广泛而享誉业界。亚马逊云科技可以支持几乎云上任意工作负载。亚马逊云科技目前提供超过 200 项全功能的服务,涵盖计算、存储、网络、数据库、数据分析、机器人、机器学习与人工智能、物联网、移动、安全、混合云、虚拟现实与增强现实、媒体,以及应用开发、部署与管理等方面;基础设施遍及 31 个地理区域的 99 个可用区,并计划新建 4 个区域和 12 个可用区。全球数百万客户,从初创公司、中小企业,到大型企业和政府机构都信赖亚马逊云科技,通过亚马逊云科技的服务强化其基础设施,提高敏捷性,降低成本,加快创新,提升竞争力,实现业务成长和成功。

图片[7] - 开始构建 Serverless SaaS 架构 - MaxSSL

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