
  • 0 专栏介绍
  • 1 什么是Dubins曲线?
  • 2 Dubins曲线原理
    • 2.1 坐标变换
    • 2.2 单步运动公式
    • 2.3 曲线模式
  • 3 Dubins曲线生成算法
  • 4 仿真实现
    • 4.1 ROS C++实现
    • 4.2 Python实现
    • 4.3 Matlab实现

0 专栏介绍


详情:图解自动驾驶中的运动规划(Motion Planning),附几十种规划算法

1 什么是Dubins曲线?

Dubins曲线是指由美国数学家 Lester Dubins 在20世纪50年代提出的一种特殊类型的最短路径曲线。这种曲线通常用于描述在给定转弯半径下的无人机、汽车或船只等载具的最短路径,其特点是起始点和终点处的切线方向和曲率都是已知的。


2 Dubins曲线原理

2.1 坐标变换

如图所示,在全局坐标系 x O yxOyxOy中,设机器人起始位姿、终止位姿、最小转弯半径分别为 ( xs, ys, α )\left( x_s,y_s,\alpha \right)(xs,ys,α) ( xg, yg, β )\left( x_g,y_g,\beta \right)(xg,yg,β) RRR,则以 ps= ( x s, y s) \boldsymbol{p}_s=\left( x_s,y_s \right)ps=(xs,ys)为新坐标系原点, ps \boldsymbol{p}_sps指向 pg= ( x g, y g) \boldsymbol{p}_g=\left( x_g,y_g \right)pg=(xg,yg)方向为 x′ x’x轴,垂直方向为 y′ y’y轴建立新坐标系 x′O′y′ x’O’y’xOy

根据比例关系 d/D= r/R {{d}/{D}}={{r}/{R}}d/D=r/R,其中 D =∥ ps− pg∥2 D=\left\| \boldsymbol{p}_s-\boldsymbol{p}_g \right\| _2D= pspg 2。为了便于后续推导,不妨归一化最小转弯半径,即令 r = 1r=1r=1。所以在坐标系 x′O′y′ x’O’y’xOy中,通常取起点、终点间距为 d = D/R d={{D}/{R}}d=D/R,从而起始位姿、终止位姿、最小转弯半径分别转换为

s t a r t= [00 α − θ]T, g o a l= [d0 β − θ]T,r=1\mathrm{start}=\left[ \begin{matrix} 0& 0& \alpha -\theta\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T, \mathrm{goal}=\left[ \begin{matrix} d& 0& \beta -\theta\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T, r=1 start=[00αθ]T,goal=[d0βθ]T,r=1

其中 θ = arctan ⁡ ( ( y g− y s)/ ( x g− x s) ) \theta =\mathrm{arc}\tan \left( {{\left( y_g-y_s \right)}/{\left( x_g-x_s \right)}} \right)θ=arctan((ygys)/(xgxs)),接下来的推导均基于转换坐标系 x′O′y′ x’O’y’xOy

2.2 单步运动公式

对于直行运动,设沿直线行进距离为 lll,则

[ x ∗ y ∗ ϕ ∗]T= [ x + l cos ⁡ ϕ y + l sin ⁡ ϕϕ]T\left[ \begin{matrix} x^*& y^*& \phi ^*\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T=\left[ \begin{matrix} x+l\cos \phi& y+l\sin \phi& \phi\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T [xyϕ]T=[x+lcosϕy+lsinϕϕ]T

对于转弯运动,假设转向角为 ψ\psiψ,则由弧长公式可得

l=ψr =r = 1 ψl=\psi r\xlongequal{r=1}\psi l=ψrr=1 ψ

因此设沿圆弧行进距离为 lll,以左转为例,由几何关系易得

[ x ∗ y ∗ ϕ ∗]T= [ x + r sin ⁡ (ϕ+ψ)− r sin ⁡ (ϕ)y + r cos ⁡ (ϕ+ψ)+ r cos ⁡ (ϕ)ϕ + ψ]T\left[ \begin{matrix} x^*& y^*& \phi ^*\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T=\left[ \begin{matrix} x+r\sin \left( \phi +\psi \right) -r\sin \left( \phi \right)& y+r\cos \left( \phi +\psi \right) +r\cos \left( \phi \right)& \phi +\psi\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T [xyϕ]T=[x+rsin(ϕ+ψ)rsin(ϕ)y+rcos(ϕ+ψ)+rcos(ϕ)ϕ+ψ]T

代入 r = 1r=1r=1 ψ = l\psi=lψ=l可得

[ x ∗ y ∗ ϕ ∗]T= [ x + sin ⁡ (ϕ+l)− sin ⁡ (ϕ)y + cos ⁡ (ϕ+l)+ cos ⁡ (ϕ)ϕ + l]T\left[ \begin{matrix} x^*& y^*& \phi ^*\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T=\left[ \begin{matrix} x+\sin \left( \phi +l \right) -\sin \left( \phi \right)& y+\cos \left( \phi +l \right) +\cos \left( \phi \right)& \phi +l\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T [xyϕ]T=[x+sin(ϕ+l)sin(ϕ)y+cos(ϕ+l)+cos(ϕ)ϕ+l]T


[ x ∗ y ∗ ϕ ∗]T= [ x − sin ⁡ (ϕ−l)+ sin ⁡ (ϕ)y + cos ⁡ (ϕ+l)− cos ⁡ (ϕ)ϕ − l]T\left[ \begin{matrix} x^*& y^*& \phi ^*\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T=\left[ \begin{matrix} x-\sin \left( \phi -l \right) +\sin \left( \phi \right)& y+\cos \left( \phi +l \right) -\cos \left( \phi \right)& \phi -l\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T [xyϕ]T=[xsin(ϕl)+sin(ϕ)y+cos(ϕ+l)cos(ϕ)ϕl]T


{ Ll+(x,y,ϕ)=[ x+sin⁡ ( ϕ + l )−sin⁡ ( ϕ )y−cos⁡ ( ϕ + l )+cos⁡ ( ϕ )ϕ+l]TRl+(x,y,ϕ)=[ x−sin⁡ ( ϕ − l )+sin⁡ ( ϕ )y+cos⁡ ( ϕ − l )−cos⁡ ( ϕ )ϕ−l]TSl+(x,y,ϕ)=[ x+lcos⁡ϕy+lsin⁡ϕϕ ]T \begin{cases} L_{l}^{+}\left( x,y,\phi \right) =\left[ \begin{matrix} x+\sin \left( \phi +l \right) -\sin \left( \phi \right)& y-\cos \left( \phi +l \right) +\cos \left( \phi \right)& \phi +l\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T\\ R_{l}^{+}\left( x,y,\phi \right) =\left[ \begin{matrix} x-\sin \left( \phi -l \right) +\sin \left( \phi \right)& y+\cos \left( \phi -l \right) -\cos \left( \phi \right)& \phi -l\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T\\ S_{l}^{+}\left( x,y,\phi \right) =\left[ \begin{matrix} x+l\cos \phi& y+l\sin \phi& \phi\\\end{matrix} \right] ^T\\\end{cases} Ll+(x,y,ϕ)=[x+sin(ϕ+l)sin(ϕ)ycos(ϕ+l)+cos(ϕ)ϕ+l]TRl+(x,y,ϕ)=[xsin(ϕl)+sin(ϕ)y+cos(ϕl)cos(ϕ)ϕl]TSl+(x,y,ϕ)=[x+lcosϕy+lsinϕϕ]T

2.3 曲线模式




3 Dubins曲线生成算法


4 仿真实现

4.1 ROS C++实现


Points2d Dubins::generation(Pose2d start, Pose2d goal){Points2d path;double sx, sy, syaw;double gx, gy, gyaw;std::tie(sx, sy, syaw) = start;std::tie(gx, gy, gyaw) = goal;// coordinate transformationgx -= sx;gy -= sy;double theta = helper::mod2pi(atan2(gy, gx));double dist = hypot(gx, gy) * max_curv_;double alpha = helper::mod2pi(syaw - theta);double beta = helper::mod2pi(gyaw - theta);// select the best motionDubinsMode best_mode;double best_cost = DUBINS_MAX;DubinsLength length;DubinsLength best_length = { DUBINS_NONE, DUBINS_NONE, DUBINS_NONE };DubinsMode mode;for (const auto solver : dubins_solvers){(this->*solver)(alpha, beta, dist, length, mode);_update(length, mode, best_length, best_mode, best_cost);}if (best_cost == DUBINS_MAX)return path;// interpolation...// coordinate transformationEigen::AngleAxisd r_vec(theta, Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, 1));Eigen::Matrix3d R = r_vec.toRotationMatrix();Eigen::MatrixXd P = Eigen::MatrixXd::Ones(3, path_x.size());for (size_t i = 0; i < path_x.size(); i++){P(0, i) = path_x[i];P(1, i) = path_y[i];}P = R * P;for (size_t i = 0; i < path_x.size(); i++)path.push_back({ P(0, i) + sx, P(1, i) + sy });return path;}

4.2 Python实现


def generation(self, start_pose: tuple, goal_pose: tuple):sx, sy, syaw = start_posegx, gy, gyaw = goal_pose# coordinate transformationgx, gy = gx - sx, gy - sytheta = self.mod2pi(math.atan2(gy, gx))dist = math.hypot(gx, gy) * self.max_curvalpha = self.mod2pi(syaw - theta)beta = self.mod2pi(gyaw - theta)# select the best motionplanners = [self.LSL, self.RSR, self.LSR, self.RSL, self.RLR, self.LRL]best_t, best_p, best_q, best_mode, best_cost = None, None, None, None, float("inf")for planner in planners:t, p, q, mode = planner(alpha, beta, dist)if t is None:continuecost = (abs(t) + abs(p) + abs(q))if best_cost > cost:best_t, best_p, best_q, best_mode, best_cost = t, p, q, mode, cost# interpolation...# coordinate transformationrot = Rot.from_euler('z', theta).as_matrix()[0:2, 0:2]converted_xy = rot @ np.stack([x_list, y_list])x_list = converted_xy[0, :] + sxy_list = converted_xy[1, :] + syyaw_list = [self.pi2pi(i_yaw + theta) for i_yaw in yaw_list]return best_cost, best_mode, x_list, y_list, yaw_list

4.3 Matlab实现


function [x_list, y_list, yaw_list] = generation(start_pose, goal_pose, param)sx = start_pose(1); sy = start_pose(2); syaw = start_pose(3);gx = goal_pose(1); gy = goal_pose(2); gyaw = goal_pose(3);% coordinate transformationgx = gx - sx; gy = gy - sy;theta = mod2pi(atan2(gy, gx));dist = hypot(gx, gy) * param.max_curv;alpha = mod2pi(syaw - theta);beta = mod2pi(gyaw - theta);% select the best motionplanners = ["LSL", "RSR", "LSR", "RSL", "RLR", "LRL"];best_cost = inf;best_segs = [];best_mode = [];for i=1:length(planners)planner = str2func(planners(i));[segs, mode] = planner(alpha, beta, dist);if isempty(segs)continueendcost = (abs(segs(1)) + abs(segs(2)) + abs(segs(3)));if best_cost > costbest_segs = segs;best_mode = mode;best_cost = cost;endend% interpolation...% coordinate transformationrot = [cos(theta), -sin(theta); sin(theta), cos(theta)];converted_xy = rot * [x_list; y_list];x_list = converted_xy(1, :) + sx;y_list = converted_xy(2, :) + sy;for j=1:length(yaw_list)yaw_list(j) = pi2pi(yaw_list(j) + theta);endend



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  • 《机器学习强基计划》
  • 《运动规划实战精讲》

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