HTML5引入了两种机制是会话存储(Session Storage)和本地存储(Local Storage),它们将用于处理不同的情况。
几乎每个浏览器的最新版本都支持HTML5存储,包括Internet Explorer。
Session Storage
HTML5引入了 sessionStorage 属性,站点将使用该属性将数据添加到会话存储中,并且在该窗口中打开的同一站点中的任何页面(即 session)都可以访问它,一旦您关闭窗口,会话就会丢失,以下是设置会话变量并访问该变量的代码-
<script type="text/javascript">if( sessionStorage.hits ) {sessionStorage.hits=Number(sessionStorage.hits) +1; } else {sessionStorage.hits=1; } document.write("Total Hits :" + sessionStorage.hits );Refresh the page to increase number of hits.Close the window and open it again and check the result.
Local Storage
HTML5引入了 localStorage 属性,该属性将用于访问页面的本地存储区域而没有时间限制,并且只要您使用该页面,该本地存储都将可用。
<script type="text/javascript">if( localStorage.hits ) {localStorage.hits=Number(localStorage.hits) +1; } else {localStorage.hits=1; } document.write("Total Hits :" + localStorage.hits );Refresh the page to increase number of hits.Close the window and open it again and check the result.
Delete Web Storage
要清除本地存储设置,您需要调用 localStorage.remove(key)其中”key”是您要删除的值的键。如果要清除所有设置,则需要调用 localStorage.clear()方法。
<script type="text/javascript"> localStorage.clear(); //Reset number of hits. if( localStorage.hits ) {localStorage.hits=Number(localStorage.hits) +1; } else {localStorage.hits=1; } document.write("Total Hits :" + localStorage.hits );Refreshing the page would not to increase hit counter.Close the window and open it again and check the result.
HTML5 – Web 存储 – 无涯教程网无涯教程网提供HTML5引入了两种机制是会话存储(Session Storage)和本地存储(Local Storage),它们将…