该笔记整理至尚硅谷周阳老师的SpringCloud课程SpringCloud Alibaba篇

SpringCloud Alibaba入门简介

Spring Cloud Netflix 项目进入维护模式,Spring Cloud Netflix 将不再开发新的组件。Spring Cloud 版本迭代算是比较快的,因而出现了很多重大 ISSUE 都还来不及 Fix 就又推另一个 Release 了。进入维护模式意思就是目前一直以后一段时间Spring Cloud Netflix提供的服务和功能就这么多了,不在开发新的组件和功能了。以后将以维护和Merge分支Full Request为主,新组件功能将以其他替代平代替的方式实现。基于该背景下,诞生了 SpringCloud Alibaba.


SpringCloud Alibaba 特性

  1. 服务限流降级:默认支持 Servlet、Feign、RestTemplate、Dubbo 和 RocketMQ 限流降级功能的接入,可以在运行时通过控制台实时修改限流降级规则,还支持查看限流降级 Metrics 监控。
  2. 服务注册与发现:适配 Spring Cloud 服务注册与发现标准,默认集成了 Ribbon 的支持。
  3. 分布式配置管理:支持分布式系统中的外部化配置,配置更改时自动刷新。
  4. 消息驱动能力:基于 Spring Cloud Stream 为微服务应用构建消息驱动能力。
  5. 阿里云对象存储:阿里云提供的海量、安全、低成本、高可靠的云存储服务。支持在任何应用、任何时间、任何地点存储和访问任意类型的数据。
  6. 分布式任务调度:提供秒级、精准、高可靠、高可用的定时(基于 Cron 表达式)任务调度服务。同时提供分布式的任务执行模型,如网格任务。网格任务支持海量子任务均匀分配到所有 Worker(schedulerx-client)上执行。

Spring Alibaba核心组件








Nacos,全称 Dynamic Naming and Configuration Service,Nacos = Eureka+Config +Bus,能够替代 Eureka 做服务注册中心和 Config 做服务配置中心。


EurakaAP支持低(2.x 闭源)


  1. 准备 Java8 + Maven 环境
  2. 下载 Nocas:https://github.com/alibaba/nacos/releases
  3. 解压安装包,直接运行 bin 目录下的 startup.cmd
startup.cmd -m standalone
  1. 命令运行成功后直接访问:http://localhost:8848/nacos


  1. 新建 module:cloudalibaba-provider-payment9001

  2. 改 POM

    • 修改父 POM,添加以下依赖
        com.alibaba.cloud    spring-cloud-alibaba-dependencies    2.1.0.RELEASE    pom    import
    • 本模块 POM
                                com.alibaba.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery                                    org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-web                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-actuator                                    org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-devtools            runtime            true                            org.projectlombok            lombok            true                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-test            test            
  3. 写 YML

server:  port: 9001spring:  application:    name: nacos-payment-provider  cloud:    nacos:      discovery:        server-addr: localhost:8848 #配置Nacos地址management:  endpoints:    web:      exposure:        include: '*'
  1. 主启动
@EnableDiscoveryClient@SpringBootApplicationpublic class PaymentMain9001{    public static void main(String[] args) {            SpringApplication.run(PaymentMain9001.class, args);    }}
  1. 业务类
@RestControllerpublic class PaymentController{    @Value("${server.port}")    private String serverPort;    @GetMapping(value = "/payment/nacos/{id}")    public String getPayment(@PathVariable("id") Integer id)    {        return "nacos registry, serverPort: "+ serverPort+"\t id"+id;    }}
  1. 测试
    • 访问:http://localhost:9001/payment/nacos/1,控制台输出服务注册成功提示;
    • 访问 Nacos 控制台:http://localhost:8848/nacos,服务列表中显示注册成功的服务提供者


  1. 根据 cloudalibaba-provider-payment9001 新建 cloudalibaba-provider-payment9002 演示负载均衡。
  2. 新建 module:cloudalibaba-consumer-nacos-order83
  3. 改 POM
                            com.alibaba.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery                                    com.xiaobai.springcloud            cloud-api-commons            ${project.version}                                    org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-web                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-actuator                                    org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-devtools            runtime            true                            org.projectlombok            lombok            true                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-test            test            
  1. 写 YML
server:  port: 83spring:  application:    name: nacos-order-consumer  cloud:    nacos:      discovery:        server-addr: localhost:8848#消费者将要去访问的微服务名称(注册成功进nacos的微服务提供者)service-url:  nacos-user-service: http://nacos-payment-provider 
  1. 主启动
@EnableDiscoveryClient@SpringBootApplicationpublic class OrderNacosMain83{    public static void main(String[] args)    {        SpringApplication.run(OrderNacosMain83.class,args);    }} 
  1. 业务类

    • config
    @Configurationpublic class ApplicationContextBean{    @Bean    @LoadBalanced    public RestTemplate getRestTemplate()    {        return new RestTemplate();    }}
    • OrderNacosController
    @RestControllerpublic class OrderNacosController{    @Resource    private RestTemplate restTemplate;    @Value("${service-url.nacos-user-service}")    private String serverURL;    @GetMapping("/consumer/payment/nacos/{id}")    public String paymentInfo(@PathVariable("id") Long id)    {        return restTemplate.getForObject(serverURL+"/payment/nacos/"+id,String.class);    }}
  2. 测试

    • 启动 Nocas 服务、服务提供者 9001、9002
    • 访问:http://localhost:83/consumer/payment/nacos/13,实现 83 访问 9001/9002,轮询负载OK

为什么 Nocas 支持负载轮询? Nocas 中内置了 Ribbon !


Nocas 全景图


健康检查TCP/HTTP/MySQL/Client BeatClient BeatTCP/HTTP/GRPC/Cmd/Client Beat

Nacos 服务发现实例模型

Nacos 支持AP和CP模式的切换

C 是所有节点在同一时间看到的数据是一致的;而 A 的定义是所有的请求都会收到响应。


一般来说,如果不需要存储服务级别的信息且服务实例是通过nacos-client注册,并能够保持心跳上报,那么就可以选择AP模式。当前主流的服务如 Spring cloud 和 Dubbo 服务,都适用于AP模式,AP模式为了服务的可能性而减弱了一致性,因此AP模式下只支持注册临时实例。

如果需要在服务级别编辑或者存储配置信息,那么 CP 是必须,K8S服务和DNS服务则适用于CP模式。
CP模式下则支持注册持久化实例,此时则是以 Raft 协议为集群运行模式,该模式下注册实例之前必须先注册服务,如果服务不存在,则会返回错误。

curl -X PUT '$NACOS_SERVER:8848/nacos/v1/ns/operator/switches?entry=serverMode&value=CP'


  1. 新建 module:cloudalibaba-config-nacos-client3377
  2. 改 POM
                            com.alibaba.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config                                    com.alibaba.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery                                    org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-web                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-actuator                                    org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-devtools            runtime            true                            org.projectlombok            lombok            true                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-test            test            
  1. 写 YML

    • bootstrap
    # nacos配置server:  port: 3377spring:  application:    name: nacos-config-client  cloud:    nacos:      discovery:        server-addr: localhost:8848 #Nacos服务注册中心地址      config:        server-addr: localhost:8848 #Nacos作为配置中心地址        file-extension: yaml #指定yaml格式的配置  # ${spring.application.name}-${spring.profile.active}.${spring.cloud.nacos.config.file-extension}
    • application
    spring:  profiles:    active: dev # 表示开发环境
  2. 主启动

@EnableDiscoveryClient@SpringBootApplicationpublic class NacosConfigClientMain3377{    public static void main(String[] args) {            SpringApplication.run(NacosConfigClientMain3377.class, args);    }}
  1. 业务类

    • controller
    @RestController //通过Spring Cloud原生注解@RefreshScope实现配置自动更新@RefreshScope //在控制器类加入@RefreshScope注解使当前类下的配置支持Nacos的动态刷新功能。public class ConfigClientController{    @Value("${config.info}")    private String configInfo;    @GetMapping("/config/info")    public String getConfigInfo() {        return configInfo;    }}
  2. 在 Nacos 中添加配置信息



    • prefix 默认为 spring.application.name 的值;
    • spring.profile.active 即为当前环境对应的 profile,可以通过配置项 spring.profile.active 来配置;
    • file-exetension 为配置内容的数据格式,可以通过配置项 spring.cloud.nacos.config.file-extension 来配置

    Nacos 会记录配置文件的历史版本默认保留30天,此外还有一键回滚功能,回滚操作将会触发配置更新。

  1. 测试
    • 启动前需要在nacos客户端-配置管理-配置管理栏目下有对应的yaml配置文件;
    • 运行cloud-config-nacos-client3377的主启动类;
    • 调用接口查看配置信息:http://localhost:3377/config/info
    • 修改下 Nacos 中的yaml配置文件,再次调用查看配置的接口,就会发现配置已经刷新



  1. 实际开发中,通常一个系统会准备 dev开发环境、test测试环境、prod生产环境。如何保证指定环境启动时服务能正确读取到Nacos上相应环境的配置文件呢?
  2. 一个大型分布式微服务系统会有很多微服务子项目,每个微服务项目又都会有相应的开发环境、测试环境、预发环境、正式环境……

Nacos 的图形化管理界面

Namespace+Group+Data ID三者关系

默认情况:Namespace=public,Group=DEFAULT_GROUP, 默认Cluster是DEFAULT

Nacos 默认的命名空间是 public,Namespace 主要用来实现隔离。比方说我们现在有三个环境:开发、测试、生产环境,我们就可以创建三个Namespace,不同的Namespace之间是隔离的。

Group 默认是 DEFAULT_GROUP,Group 可以把不同的微服务划分到同一个分组里面去。

Service 就是微服务;一个Service可以包含多个Cluster(集群),Nacos 默认 Cluster 是 DEFAULT,Cluster 是对指定微服务的一个虚拟划分。比方说为了容灾,将 Service 微服务分别部署在了杭州机房和广州机房,这时就可以给杭州机房的 Service 微服务起一个集群名称(HZ),给广州机房的Service微服务起一个集群名称(GZ),还可以尽量让同一个机房的微服务互相调用,以提升性能。

最后是 Instance,就是微服务的实例。


  • DataID方案:指定spring.profile.active和配置文件的DataID来使不同环境下读取不同的配置。

    1. 新建 dev 配置 DataID

    1. 同上,新建 test 配置 DataID
    2. 通过spring.profile.active属性就能进行多环境下配置文件的读取

    1. 测试,访问:http://localhost:3377/config/info,返回配置内容
  • Group方案:通过Group实现环境区分

    1. 新建 Group,在 nacos 图形界面控制台上面新建配置文件DataID

    1. 在config下增加一条group的配置即可。可配置为 DEV_GROUP 或 TEST_GROUP

    1. 测试,访问:http://localhost:3377/config/info,返回配置内容
  • Namespace方案

    1. 新建dev/test的Namespace

    1. 回到服务管理-服务列表查看

    1. 按照域名配置填写

    1. 修改 YML

      • bootstrap:config 添加 namespace 配置
      config:        server-addr: localhost:8848 #Nacos作为配置中心地址        file-extension: yaml #这里我们获取的yaml格式的配置        namespace: 5da1dccc-ee26-49e0-b8e5-7d9559b95ab0        #group: DEV_GROUP        group: TEST_GROUP
      • application
      # Nacos注册配置,application.ymlspring:  profiles:    #active: test    active: dev    #active: info
    2. 测试,访问:http://localhost:3377/config/info,返回配置内容







切换配置 MySQL 步骤

  1. 新建 nacos 数据库,在 nacos-server-1.1.4\nacos\conf 目录下找到 sql 脚本,执行:
create database nacos;use nacos;source D:\Devware\nacos-server-2.1.0-BETA\conf\nacos-mysql.sql
  1. nacos-server-1.1.4\nacos\conf 目录下找到 application.properties,修改数据库配置
#*************** Config Module Related Configurations ***************#### If use MySQL as datasource:spring.datasource.platform=mysql### Count of DB:db.num=1### Connect URL of DB:db.url.0=jdbc:mysql://
  1. 启动Nacos,可以看到是个全新的空记录界面,以前是记录进derby


  1. 环境准备

    • 下载 Linux 版 Nacos: https://github.com/alibaba/nacos/releases/tag/1.1.4,解压到 opt 目录下
    tar -xzvf /opt/ nacos-server-1.1.4.tar.gz
  2. 集群配置

    • 新建 nacos 数据库,将 nacos 安装目录里的 nacos-mysql.sql 导入到 mysql 数据库中
    create database nacos;use nacos;source /opt/nacos/confnacos-mysql.sql
    • 修改 application.properties 配置
    cp application.properties.example application.propertiesvim application.properties

    • Linux服务器上nacos的集群配置 cluster.conf
    cp cluster.conf.example cluster.confvim cluster.conf

    #执行方式./startup.sh -p 3333./startup.sh -p 4444
    • Nginx的配置,由它作为负载均衡器
    vim /usr/local/nginx/conf


    upstream cluster{    server;    server;    server;}server {    listen       1111;    server_name  localhost;    #charset koi8-r;    #access_log  logs/host.access.log  main;    location / {    #root   html;    #index  index.html index.htm;    proxy_pass http://cluster;}......

    启动 nginx,执行: ./nginx -C /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

    • 截止到此处,1个Nginx+3个nacos注册中心+1个mysql

      测试通过nginx访问nacos :



  3. 测试

    • 修改 cloudablibaba-provider-payment9002 yml
    • 微服务 cloudalibaba-provider-payment9002 启动,注册进 nacos 集群



Sentinel 是一款功能强大的流量控制组件,以 flow 为突破点,覆盖流量控制、并发限制、断路、自适应系统保护等多个领域,保障微服务的可靠性。



Sentinel 分为两个部分:

  • 核心库(Uava客户端):不依赖任何框架/库,能够运行于所有ava运行时环境,同时对 Dubbo/Spring Cloud 等框架也有较好的支特。
  • 控制台(Dashboard):基于Spring Boot开发,打包后可以直接运行,不需要额外的 Tomcat 等应用容器。
  1. 下载:https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/releases
  2. 保证 Java8 环境且 8080 端口不被占用,运行 java -jar sentinel-dashboard-1.7.0.jar
  3. 访问sentinel管理界面:http://localhost:8080 ,登录账号密码均为 sentinel


  1. 新建 module,cloudalibaba-sentinel-service8401
  2. 改 POM
                            com.alibaba.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery                                    com.alibaba.csp            sentinel-datasource-nacos                                    com.alibaba.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-sentinel                                    org.springframework.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-openfeign                                    org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-web                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-actuator                                    org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-devtools            runtime            true                            cn.hutool            hutool-all            4.6.3                            org.projectlombok            lombok            true                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-test            test            
  1. 写 YML
server:  port: 8401spring:  application:    name: cloudalibaba-sentinel-service  cloud:    nacos:      discovery:        #Nacos服务注册中心地址        server-addr: localhost:8848    sentinel:      transport:        #配置Sentinel dashboard地址        dashboard: localhost:8080        #默认8719端口,假如被占用会自动从8719开始依次+1扫描,直至找到未被占用的端口        port: 8719management:  endpoints:    web:      exposure:        include: '*'
  1. 主启动
@EnableDiscoveryClient@SpringBootApplicationpublic class MainApp8401{    public static void main(String[] args) {        SpringApplication.run(MainApp8401.class, args);    }}
  1. controller
@RestController@Log4j2public class FlowLimitController{    @GetMapping("/testA")    public String testA()    {        return "------testA";    }    @GetMapping("/testB")    public String testB()    {        return "------testB";    }}
  1. 测试

    • 启动 nacos 执行 startup.cmd -m standalone,访问:http://localhost:8848/nacos/#/login
    • 启动 sentinel,执行 java -jar sentinel-dashboard-1.7.0.jar,访问:http://localhost:8080
    • 启动8401微服务,查看 sentienl 控制台,分别访问:http://localhost:8401/testA、http://localhost:8401/testB

Sentinel 采用的懒加载方式,只有在微服务被访问之后 Sentienl 才进行监测。


  • 资源名:唯一名称,默认请求路径
  • 针对来源:Sentinel可以针对调用者进行限流,填写微服务名,默认default(不区分来源)
  • 调值类型单机阔值:
    • QPS(每秒钟的请求数量):当调用该 API 的 QPS 达到阈值的时候,进行限流
    • 线程数:当调用该p的线程数达到阔值的时候,进行限流
  • 是否集群:不需要集群
  • 流控模式:
    • 直接:API 达到限流条件时,直接限流
    • 关联:当关联的资源达到阈值时,就限流自己
  • 链路:只记录指定链路上的流量(指定资源从入口资源进来的流量,如果达到城值,就进行限流)【 API 级别的针对来源】
  • 流控效果:
    • 快速失败:直接失败,抛异常
    • warm Up:根据 codeFactor (冷加载因子,默认3) 的值,从阔值/codeFactor,经过预热时长,才达到设置的QPS阔值
    • 排队等待:匀速排队,让请求以匀速的速度通过,阈值类型必须设置为QPS,否则无效


  • 直接模式(默认):直接->快速失败


​快速点击访问:http://localhost:8401/testA,结果 Blocked by Sentinel (flow limiting)

  • 关联模式:当关联的资源达到阈值时,就限流自己

postman 模拟并发密集访问 testB,大批量线程高并发访问B,导致A失效了

  • 链路模式:多个请求调用了同一个微服务


  • 默认的流控处理:直接->快速失败


  • 预热:阈值除以coldFactor(默认值为3),经过预热时长后才会达到阈值



例如:系统初始化的阀值为10 / 3 约等于3,即阀值刚开始为3;然后过了5秒后阀值才慢慢升高恢复到10



  • 等待排队:匀速排队,让请求以均匀的速度通过,阀值类型必须设成QPS,否则无效。






Sentinel 熔断降级会在调用链路中某个资源出现不稳定状态时(例如调用超时或异常比例升高),对这个资源的调用进行限制,

当资源被降级后,在接下来的降级时间窗口之内,对该资源的调用都自动熔断(默认行为是抛出 DegradeException)。



  1. RT(平均响应时间,秒级):平均响应时间 超出阈值在时间窗口内通过的请求>=5,两个条件同时满足后触发降级。窗口期过后关闭断路器,RT最大4900(更大的需要通过-Dcsp.sentinel.statistic.max.rt=XXXX才能生效)。

    • 代码
    @GetMapping("/testD")public String testD(){    //暂停几秒钟线程    try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }    log.info("testD 测试RT");    return "------testD";}
    • 配置

    • jmeter压测

    • 结论


  2. 异常比列(秒级):QPS >= 5 且异常比例(秒级统计)超过阈值时,触发降级;时间窗口结束后,关闭降级。

    • 代码
    @GetMapping("/testD")public String testD(){    log.info("testD 测试RT");    int age = 10/0;    return "------testD";}
    • 配置

    • jmeter压测

    • 结论


  3. 异常数(分钟级):异常数(分钟统计)超过阈值时,触发降级;时间窗口结束后,关闭降级。

    • 代码
    @GetMapping("/testE")public String testE(){    log.info("testE 测试异常比例");    int age = 10/0;    return "------testE 测试异常比例";}
    • 配置


    • jmeter压测





@GetMapping("/testHotKey")@SentinelResource(value = "testHotKey",blockHandler = "dealHandler_testHotKey")public String testHotKey(@RequestParam(value = "p1",required = false) String p1,                          @RequestParam(value = "p2",required = false) String p2){    return "------testHotKey";}public String dealHandler_testHotKey(String p1,String p2,BlockException exception){    return "-----dealHandler_testHotKey";}



  • http://localhost:8401/testHotKey?p1=abc,快速访问返回异常
  • http://localhost:8401/testHotKey?p1=abc&p2=33,快速访问返回异常
  • http://localhost:8401/testHotKey?p2=abc,快速访问成功返回



  • 访问:http://localhost:8401/testHotKey?p1=5,快速访问成功
  • 访问:http://localhost:8401/testHotKey?p1=3,快速访问返回异常







  • Load自适应(仅对Linux/Unix-ike机器生效):系统的load1作为启发指标,进行自适应系统保护。当系统Ioād1超过设定的启发值,且系统当前的并发线程数超过估算的系统容量时才会触发系统保护(BBR阶段)。系统容量由系统的maxQps*mit估算得出。设定参考值一般是CPU cores 2.5。
  • CPU usage(1.5.0+版本):当系统CPU使用率超过阈值即触发系统保护(取值范围0.0-1.0),比较灵敏。
  • 平均T:当单台机器上所有入口流量的平均T达到阔值即触发系统保护,单位是毫秒。
  • 并发线程数:当单台机器上所有入口流量的并发线程数达到阔值即触发系统保护。
  • 入口QPS:当单台机器上所有入口流量的QPS达到阈值即触发系统保护。


启动 Nacos,执行:startup.cmd -m standalone,访问:http://localhost:8848/nacos/#/login 测试

启动 Sentinel,执行:java -jar sentinel-dashboard-1.7.0.jar

修改 cloudablibaba-sentinel-service8401

  1. 改 POM,添加以依赖
            com.xiaobai.springcloud        cloud-api-commons        ${project.version}    
  1. controller,新建 RateLimitController
@RestControllerpublic class RateLimitController{    @GetMapping("/byResource")    @SentinelResource(value = "byResource",blockHandler = "handleException")    public CommonResult byResource()    {        return new CommonResult(200,"按资源名称限流测试OK",new Payment(2020L,"serial001"));    }    public CommonResult handleException(BlockException exception)    {        return new CommonResult(444,exception.getClass().getCanonicalName()+"\t 服务不可用");    }}
  1. 流控规则配置

    • 配置步骤

    • 图形配置与代码关系

  2. 测试,启动 8401,访问:http://localhost:8401/byResource,间隔时间大于等于 1s 访问成功,间隔时间小于 1s 返回自定义的限流处理信息。

遗留问题: 当 8401 服务关闭,Sentinel 流量控制规则消失。


  1. 修改 controller,添加如下方法
@GetMapping("/rateLimit/byUrl")@SentinelResource(value = "byUrl")public CommonResult byUrl(){    return new CommonResult(200,"按url限流测试OK",new Payment(2020L,"serial002"));}
  1. 初步测试,访问:http://localhost:8401/rateLimit/byUrl,访问成功
  2. 配置流控规则

  1. 二次测试,连续访问:http://localhost:8401/rateLimit/byUrl,返回 Sentinel 自带的限流处理结果


  1. 系统默认的,没有体现我们自己的业务要求。
  2. 依照现有条件,我们自定义的处理方法又和业务代码耦合在一块,不直观。
  3. 每个业务方法都添加一个兜底的,那代码膨胀加剧。
  4. 全局统一的处理方法没有体现。


  1. 创建 CustomerBlockHandler 类用于自定义限流处理逻辑
public class CustomerBlockHandler{    public static CommonResult handleException(BlockException exception){        return new CommonResult(2020,"自定义的限流处理信息......CustomerBlockHandler-----1");    }        public static CommonResult handleException2(BlockException exception){        return new CommonResult(2020,"自定义的限流处理信息......CustomerBlockHandler------2");    }}
  1. RateLimitController 添加自定义限流处理逻辑
   /**     * 自定义通用的限流处理逻辑,     * blockHandlerClass = CustomerBlockHandler.class     * blockHandler = handleException2     * 上述配置:找CustomerBlockHandler类里的handleException2方法进行兜底处理     */    /**     * 自定义通用的限流处理逻辑     */    @GetMapping("/rateLimit/customerBlockHandler")    @SentinelResource(value = "customerBlockHandler",            blockHandlerClass = CustomerBlockHandler.class, blockHandler = "handleException2")    public CommonResult customerBlockHandler()    {        return new CommonResult(200,"按客户自定义限流处理逻辑");    }
  1. 启动微服务后调用:http://localhost:8401/rateLimit/customerBlockHandler
  2. Sentinel 控制台添加配置

  1. 再次调用:http://localhost:8401/rateLimit/customerBlockHandler


  1. 新建cloudalibaba-provider-payment9003/9004
  2. 改 POM
                com.alibaba.cloud        spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery                com.xiaobai.springcloud        cloud-api-commons        ${project.version}                    org.springframework.boot        spring-boot-starter-web                org.springframework.boot        spring-boot-starter-actuator                    org.springframework.boot        spring-boot-devtools        runtime        true                org.projectlombok        lombok        true                org.springframework.boot        spring-boot-starter-test        test    
  1. 写 YML(记得该端口号)
server:  port: 9003spring:  application:    name: nacos-payment-provider  cloud:    nacos:      discovery:        server-addr: localhost:8848 #配置Nacos地址management:  endpoints:    web:      exposure:        include: '*'
  1. 主启动
@SpringBootApplication@EnableDiscoveryClientpublic class PaymentMain9003{    public static void main(String[] args) {            SpringApplication.run(PaymentMain9003.class, args);    }}
  1. 业务类
@RestControllerpublic class PaymentController{    @Value("${server.port}")    private String serverPort;    public static HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();    static    {        hashMap.put(1L,new Payment(1L,"28a8c1e3bc2742d8848569891fb42181"));        hashMap.put(2L,new Payment(2L,"bba8c1e3bc2742d8848569891ac32182"));        hashMap.put(3L,new Payment(3L,"6ua8c1e3bc2742d8848569891xt92183"));    }    @GetMapping(value = "/paymentSQL/{id}")    public CommonResult paymentSQL(@PathVariable("id") Long id)    {        Payment payment = hashMap.get(id);        CommonResult result = new CommonResult(200,"from mysql,serverPort:  "+serverPort,payment);        return result;    }}
  1. 测试,访问:http://localhost:9003/paymentSQL/1


  1. 新建 cloudalibaba-consumer-nacos-order84
  2. 改 POM
                com.alibaba.cloud        spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery                    com.alibaba.cloud        spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-sentinel                    com.xiaobai.springcloud        cloud-api-commons        ${project.version}                    org.springframework.boot        spring-boot-starter-web                org.springframework.boot        spring-boot-starter-actuator                    org.springframework.boot        spring-boot-devtools        runtime        true                org.projectlombok        lombok        true                org.springframework.boot        spring-boot-starter-test        test    
  1. 写 YML
server:  port: 84spring:  application:    name: nacos-order-consumer  cloud:    nacos:      discovery:        server-addr: localhost:8848    sentinel:      transport:        #配置Sentinel dashboard地址        dashboard: localhost:8080        #默认8719端口,假如被占用会自动从8719开始依次+1扫描,直至找到未被占用的端口        port: 8719#消费者将要去访问的微服务名称(注册成功进nacos的微服务提供者)service-url:  nacos-user-service: http://nacos-payment-provider
  1. 主启动
@EnableDiscoveryClient@SpringBootApplicationpublic class OrderNacosMain84{    public static void main(String[] args) {            SpringApplication.run(OrderNacosMain84.class, args);    }}
  1. 配置类
@Configurationpublic class ApplicationContextConfig{    @Bean    @LoadBalanced    public RestTemplate getRestTemplate()    {        return new RestTemplate();    }}
  1. 业务类
@RestController@Slf4jpublic class CircleBreakerController{    public static final String SERVICE_URL = "http://nacos-payment-provider";    @Resource    private RestTemplate restTemplate;    @RequestMapping("/consumer/fallback/{id}")    @SentinelResource(value = "fallback")      public CommonResult fallback(@PathVariable Long id)    {        CommonResult result = restTemplate.getForObject(SERVICE_URL + "/paymentSQL/"+id,CommonResult.class,id);        if (id == 4) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("IllegalArgumentException,非法参数异常....");        }else if (result.getData() == null) {            throw new NullPointerException ("NullPointerException,该ID没有对应记录,空指针异常");        }        return result;    }}
  1. 测试:http://localhost:84/consumer/fallback/4,直接给客户展示 error 页面,不友好

添加 fallback 配置

  1. 修改 CircleBreakerController,添加 fallback 配置
@RequestMapping("/consumer/fallback/{id}")@SentinelResource(value = "fallback",fallback = "handlerFallback") //fallback负责业务异常public CommonResult fallback(@PathVariable Long id){    CommonResult result = restTemplate.getForObject(SERVICE_URL + "/paymentSQL/"+id,CommonResult.class,id);    if (id == 4) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException ("IllegalArgumentException,非法参数异常....");    }else if (result.getData() == null) {        throw new NullPointerException ("NullPointerException,该ID没有对应记录,空指针异常");    }    return result;}public CommonResult handlerFallback(@PathVariable  Long id,Throwable e) {    Payment payment = new Payment(id,"null");    return new CommonResult(444,"兜底异常handlerFallback,exception内容  "+e.getMessage(),payment);}

  1. 测试

添加 blockHandler

  1. 修改 CircleBreakerController,添加 fallback 配置
@RequestMapping("/consumer/fallback/{id}")@SentinelResource(value = "fallback",blockHandler = "blockHandler") //blockHandler负责在sentinel里面配置的降级限流public CommonResult fallback(@PathVariable Long id){    CommonResult result = restTemplate.getForObject(SERVICE_URL + "/paymentSQL/"+id,CommonResult.class,id);    if (id == 4) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException ("非法参数异常....");    }else if (result.getData() == null) {        throw new NullPointerException ("NullPointerException,该ID没有对应记录");    }    return result;}public CommonResult blockHandler(@PathVariable  Long id,BlockException blockException) {    Payment payment = new Payment(id,"null");    return new CommonResult(445,"blockHandler-sentinel限流,无此流水: blockException  "+blockException.getMessage(),payment);}

  1. Sentinel 配置

  1. 测试

添加 fallback 和 blockHandler 配置

  1. 修改 CircleBreakerController,添加 fallback 和 blockHandler 配置
@RequestMapping("/consumer/fallback/{id}")@SentinelResource(value = "fallback",fallback = "handlerFallback",blockHandler = "blockHandler")public CommonResult fallback(@PathVariable Long id){    CommonResult result = restTemplate.getForObject(SERVICE_URL + "/paymentSQL/"+id,CommonResult.class,id);    if (id == 4) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException ("非法参数异常....");    }else if (result.getData() == null) {        throw new NullPointerException ("NullPointerException,该ID没有对应记录");    }    return result;}public CommonResult handlerFallback(@PathVariable  Long id,Throwable e) {    Payment payment = new Payment(id,"null");    return new CommonResult(444,"fallback,无此流水,exception  "+e.getMessage(),payment);}public CommonResult blockHandler(@PathVariable  Long id,BlockException blockException) {    Payment payment = new Payment(id,"null");    return new CommonResult(445,"blockHandler-sentinel限流,无此流水: blockException  "+blockException.getMessage(),payment);}

  1. Sentinel 配置

  1. 测试

若 blockHandler 和 fallback 都进行了配置,则被限流降级而抛出 BlockException 时只会进入 blockHandler 处理逻辑。


  1. 修改 controller
@RequestMapping("/consumer/fallback/{id}")    @SentinelResource(value = "fallback", fallback = "handlerFallback", blockHandler = "blockHandler",            exceptionsToIgnore = {IllegalArgumentException.class})    public CommonResult fallback(@PathVariable Long id)    {        CommonResult result = restTemplate.getForObject(SERVICE_URL + "/paymentSQL/"+id,CommonResult.class,id);        if (id == 4) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("非法参数异常....");        }else if (result.getData() == null) {            throw new NullPointerException ("NullPointerException,该ID没有对应记录");        }        return result;    }



  1. 修改 POM,添加依赖
    org.springframework.cloud    spring-cloud-starter-openfeign
  1. 修改 YML,添加配置
# 激活Sentinel对Feign的支持feign:  sentinel:    enabled: true 
  1. 业务类

    • 带 @FeignClient 注解的业务接口
    /** 使用 fallback 方式是无法获取异常信息的, *  如果想要获取异常信息,可以使用 fallbackFactory参数 */@FeignClient(value = "nacos-payment-provider",fallback = PaymentFallbackService.class)//调用中关闭9003服务提供者public interface PaymentService{    @GetMapping(value = "/paymentSQL/{id}")    public CommonResult paymentSQL(@PathVariable("id") Long id);}
    • 添加 fallback 类
    @Componentpublic class PaymentFallbackService implements PaymentService{    @Override    public CommonResult paymentSQL(Long id)    {        return new CommonResult(444,"服务降级返回,没有该流水信息",new Payment(id, "errorSerial......"));    }}
  2. controller

//==================OpenFeign    @Resource    private PaymentService paymentService;    @GetMapping(value = "/consumer/paymentSQL/{id}")    public CommonResult paymentSQL(@PathVariable("id") Long id)    {        if(id == 4)        {            throw new RuntimeException("没有该id");        }        return paymentService.paymentSQL(id);    }
  1. 主启动,添加 @EnableFeignClients 启动 Feign 的功能
  2. 测试,访问:http://localhost:84/consumer/paymentSQL/1,故意关闭9003微服务提供者,看84消费侧自动降级,不会被耗死


实时统计实现滑动窗口滑动窗口Ring Bit Buffer
限流基于QPS,支持基于调用关系的限流有限支持Rate Limiter
流量整形支持预热模式、匀速器模式、预热排队模式不支持简单的 Rate Limiter


  1. 修改 cloudalibaba-sentinel-service8401
  2. 修改 POM,添加依赖
    com.alibaba.csp    sentinel-datasource-nacos
  1. 修改 YML,添加 Nacos 数据源配置
sentinel:      datasource:        ds1:          nacos:            server-addr: localhost:8848            dataId: cloudalibaba-sentinel-service            groupId: DEFAULT_GROUP            data-type: json            rule-type: flow
  1. 添加 Nacos 业务规则配置

[    {        "resource": "/rateLimit/byUrl",        "limitApp": "default",        "grade": 1,        "count": 1,        "strategy": 0,        "controlBehavior": 0,        "clusterMode": false    }]
  • resource:资源名称;
  • limitApp:来源应用;
  • grade:阈值类型,0表示线程数,1表示QPS;
  • count:单机阈值;
  • strategy:流控模式,0表示直接,1表示关联,2表示链路;
  • controlBehavior:流控效果,0表示快速失败,1表示Warm Up,2表示排队等待;
  • clusterMode:是否集群。
  1. 启动8401后刷新 sentinel 发现业务规则有了

  1. 快速访问测试接口:http://localhost:8401/rateLimit/byUrl,返回限流信息
  2. 停止 8401 再看 sentinel

  1. 重新启动 8401 再看 sentinel,调用:http://localhost:8401/rateLimit/byUrl,配置重新出现了,持久化验证通过


单体应用被拆分成微服务应用,原来的三个模块被拆分成 三个独立的应用,分别使用 三个独立的数据源,业务操作需要调用三个服务来完成。此时 每个服务内部的数据一致性由本地事务来保证,但是全局的数据一致性问题没法保证。






一个典型的分布式事务过程由一个事务ID + 三个组件组成。三个组件包括:

  1. Transaction Coordinator (TC):事务协调器,维护全局事务的运行状态,负责协调并驱动全局事务的提交或回滚;
  2. Transaction Manager (TM):控制全局事务的边界,负责开启一个全局事务,并最终发起全局提交或全局回滚的决议;
  3. Resource Manager (RM):控制分支事务,负责分支注册、状态汇报,并接收事务协调器的指令,驱动分支(本地)事务的提交和回滚。


  1. TM 向 TC 申请开启一个全局事务,全局事务创建成功并生成一个全局唯一的 XID;
  2. XID 在微服务调用链路的上下文中传播;
  3. RM 向 TC 注册分支事务,将其纳入 XID 对应全局事务的管辖;
  4. TM 向 TC 发起针对 XID 的全局提交或回滚决议;
  5. TC 调度 XID 下管辖的全部分支事务完成提交或回滚请求。

Seata 只需两个注解:本地@Transactional 和 全局@GlobalTransactional 即可实现分布式事务控制。


  1. 下载:https://github.com/seata/seata/releases,课程版本下载的是seata-server-0.9.0.zip

  2. seata-server-0.9.0.zip 解压到指定目录并修改 conf 目录下的 file.conf 配置文件

    • 备份 file.conf 文件

    • 修改自定义事务组名称+事务日志存储模式为db+数据库连接信息

      service 模块

      service {  vgroup_mapping.my_test_tx_group = "fsp_tx_group"}

      store 模块

      ## transaction log storestore {  ## store mode: file、db  mode = "db"   ## database store  db {    driver-class-name = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"    url = "jdbc:mysql://"    user = "root"    password = "root"  }}
  3. mysql5.7 数据库新建库 seata,运行在 seata 安装目录中 conf 目录下的 db_store.sql

create database seata;use seata;source D:\Devware\seata-server-0.9.0\conf\db_store.sql
  1. 修改 seata 安装目录下 conf 目录下的 registry.conf 配置文件
registry {  # file 、nacos 、eureka、redis、zk、consul、etcd3、sofa  type = "nacos" #指明注册中心为nacos   nacos {    serverAddr = "localhost:8848" #修改nacos连接信息  }
  1. 启动 Nacos 端口号8848,执行 startup.cmd -m standalone
  2. 启动 seata-server,运行 seata 安装目录中 bin 目录下的 seata-server.bat



  1. 建库
CREATE DATABASE seata_order;CREATE DATABASE seata_storage; CREATE DATABASE seata_account;
  1. 按照上述 3 库分别建对应业务表
#seata_order库下建t_order表CREATE TABLE t_order (  `id` BIGINT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,  `user_id` BIGINT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户id',  `product_id` BIGINT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '产品id',  `count` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '数量',  `money` DECIMAL(11,0) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '金额',  `status` INT(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '订单状态:0:创建中;1:已完结' ) ENGINE=INNODB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; SELECT * FROM t_order;#seata_storage库下建t_storage 表CREATE TABLE t_storage ( `id` BIGINT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `product_id` BIGINT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '产品id', `total` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '总库存', `used` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '已用库存', `residue` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '剩余库存') ENGINE=INNODB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;  INSERT INTO seata_storage.t_storage(`id`, `product_id`, `total`, `used`, `residue`)VALUES ('1', '1', '100', '0', '100'); SELECT * FROM t_storage;#seata_account库下建t_account 表CREATE TABLE t_account (  `id` BIGINT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY COMMENT 'id',  `user_id` BIGINT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户id',  `total` DECIMAL(10,0) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '总额度',  `used` DECIMAL(10,0) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '已用余额',  `residue` DECIMAL(10,0) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '剩余可用额度') ENGINE=INNODB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO seata_account.t_account(`id`, `user_id`, `total`, `used`, `residue`)  VALUES ('1', '1', '1000', '0', '1000'); SELECT * FROM t_account;
  1. 按照上述3库分别建对应的回滚日志表,导入 seata 安装目录 conf 下的 _undo_log.sql 文件
source D:\Devware\seata-server-0.9.0\conf\db_undo_log.sql


  1. 新建 moudle,seata-order-service2001
  2. 修改 POM
                com.alibaba.cloud        spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery                    com.alibaba.cloud        spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-seata                                    seata-all                io.seata                                    io.seata        seata-all        0.9.0                    org.springframework.cloud        spring-cloud-starter-openfeign                    org.springframework.boot        spring-boot-starter-web                org.springframework.boot        spring-boot-starter-actuator                    mysql        mysql-connector-java        5.1.37                com.alibaba        druid-spring-boot-starter        1.1.10                org.mybatis.spring.boot        mybatis-spring-boot-starter        2.0.0                org.springframework.boot        spring-boot-starter-test        test                org.projectlombok        lombok        true    
  1. 写 YML
server:  port: 2001spring:  application:    name: seata-order-service  cloud:    alibaba:      seata:        #自定义事务组名称需要与seata-server中的对应        tx-service-group: fsp_tx_group    nacos:      discovery:        server-addr: localhost:8848  datasource:    driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/seata_order    username: root    password: 123456feign:  hystrix:    enabled: falselogging:  level:    io:      seata: infomybatis:  mapperLocations: classpath:mapper/*.xml
  1. 配置文件
  • file.conf
transport {  # tcp udt unix-domain-socket  type = "TCP"  #NIO NATIVE  server = "NIO"  #enable heartbeat  heartbeat = true  #thread factory for netty  thread-factory {    boss-thread-prefix = "NettyBoss"    worker-thread-prefix = "NettyServerNIOWorker"    server-executor-thread-prefix = "NettyServerBizHandler"    share-boss-worker = false    client-selector-thread-prefix = "NettyClientSelector"    client-selector-thread-size = 1    client-worker-thread-prefix = "NettyClientWorkerThread"    # netty boss thread size,will not be used for UDT    boss-thread-size = 1    #auto default pin or 8    worker-thread-size = 8  }  shutdown {    # when destroy server, wait seconds    wait = 3  }  serialization = "seata"  compressor = "none"} service {   vgroup_mapping.fsp_tx_group = "default" #修改自定义事务组名称   default.grouplist = ""  enableDegrade = false  disable = false  max.commit.retry.timeout = "-1"  max.rollback.retry.timeout = "-1"  disableGlobalTransaction = false}  client {  async.commit.buffer.limit = 10000  lock {    retry.internal = 10    retry.times = 30  }  report.retry.count = 5  tm.commit.retry.count = 1  tm.rollback.retry.count = 1} ## transaction log storestore {  ## store mode: file、db  mode = "db"   ## file store  file {    dir = "sessionStore"     # branch session size , if exceeded first try compress lockkey, still exceeded throws exceptions    max-branch-session-size = 16384    # globe session size , if exceeded throws exceptions    max-global-session-size = 512    # file buffer size , if exceeded allocate new buffer    file-write-buffer-cache-size = 16384    # when recover batch read size    session.reload.read_size = 100    # async, sync    flush-disk-mode = async  }   ## database store  db {    ## the implement of javax.sql.DataSource, such as DruidDataSource(druid)/BasicDataSource(dbcp) etc.    datasource = "dbcp"    ## mysql/oracle/h2/oceanbase etc.    db-type = "mysql"    driver-class-name = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"    url = "jdbc:mysql://"    user = "root"    password = "123456"    min-conn = 1    max-conn = 3    global.table = "global_table"    branch.table = "branch_table"    lock-table = "lock_table"    query-limit = 100  }}lock {  ## the lock store mode: local、remote  mode = "remote"   local {    ## store locks in user's database  }   remote {    ## store locks in the seata's server  }}recovery {  #schedule committing retry period in milliseconds  committing-retry-period = 1000  #schedule asyn committing retry period in milliseconds  asyn-committing-retry-period = 1000  #schedule rollbacking retry period in milliseconds  rollbacking-retry-period = 1000  #schedule timeout retry period in milliseconds  timeout-retry-period = 1000} transaction {  undo.data.validation = true  undo.log.serialization = "jackson"  undo.log.save.days = 7  #schedule delete expired undo_log in milliseconds  undo.log.delete.period = 86400000  undo.log.table = "undo_log"} ## metrics settingsmetrics {  enabled = false  registry-type = "compact"  # multi exporters use comma divided  exporter-list = "prometheus"  exporter-prometheus-port = 9898} support {  ## spring  spring {    # auto proxy the DataSource bean    datasource.autoproxy = false  }}
  • registry.conf
registry {  # file 、nacos 、eureka、redis、zk、consul、etcd3、sofa  type = "nacos"   nacos {    serverAddr = "localhost:8848"    namespace = ""    cluster = "default"  }  eureka {    serviceUrl = "http://localhost:8761/eureka"    application = "default"    weight = "1"  }  redis {    serverAddr = "localhost:6379"    db = "0"  }  zk {    cluster = "default"    serverAddr = ""    session.timeout = 6000    connect.timeout = 2000  }  consul {    cluster = "default"    serverAddr = ""  }  etcd3 {    cluster = "default"    serverAddr = "http://localhost:2379"  }  sofa {    serverAddr = ""    application = "default"    region = "DEFAULT_ZONE"    datacenter = "DefaultDataCenter"    cluster = "default"    group = "SEATA_GROUP"    addressWaitTime = "3000"  }  file {    name = "file.conf"  }} config {  # file、nacos 、apollo、zk、consul、etcd3  type = "file"   nacos {    serverAddr = "localhost"    namespace = ""  }  consul {    serverAddr = ""  }  apollo {    app.id = "seata-server"    apollo.meta = ""  }  zk {    serverAddr = ""    session.timeout = 6000    connect.timeout = 2000  }  etcd3 {    serverAddr = "http://localhost:2379"  }  file {    name = "file.conf"  }}
  1. domain

    • CommonResult
    @Data@AllArgsConstructor@NoArgsConstructorpublic class CommonResult{    private Integer code;    private String  message;    private T       data;    public CommonResult(Integer code, String message)    {        this(code,message,null);    }}
    • Order
    @Data@AllArgsConstructor@NoArgsConstructorpublic class Order{    private Long id;    private Long userId;    private Long productId;    private Integer count;    private BigDecimal money;    /**     * 订单状态:0:创建中;1:已完结     */    private Integer status;}
  2. Dao 接口实现及实现

    • OrderDao
    @Mapperpublic interface OrderDao {    /**     * 创建订单     */    void create(Order order);    /**     * 修改订单金额     */    void update(@Param("userId") Long userId, @Param("status") Integer status);}
    • resource 目录下添加 mapper 文件夹后添加 OrderMapper.xml
                                                                        INSERT INTO `t_order` (`id`, `user_id`, `product_id`, `count`, `money`, `status`)        VALUES (NULL, #{userId}, #{productId}, #{count}, #{money}, 0);                UPDATE `t_order`        SET status = 1        WHERE user_id = #{userId} AND status = #{status};    
  3. Service接口及实现

    • OrderService
    public interface OrderService {    /**     * 创建订单     */    void create(Order order);}
    • OrderServiceImpl
    @Service@Slf4jpublic class OrderServiceImpl implements OrderService{    @Resource    private OrderDao orderDao;    @Resource    private StorageService storageService;    @Resource    private AccountService accountService;    /**     * 创建订单->调用库存服务扣减库存->调用账户服务扣减账户余额->修改订单状态     * 简单说:     * 下订单->减库存->减余额->改状态     */    @Override    @GlobalTransactional(name = "fsp-create-order",rollbackFor = Exception.class)    public void create(Order order) {        log.info("------->下单开始");        //本应用创建订单        orderDao.create(order);        //远程调用库存服务扣减库存        log.info("------->order-service中扣减库存开始");        storageService.decrease(order.getProductId(),order.getCount());        log.info("------->order-service中扣减库存结束");        //远程调用账户服务扣减余额        log.info("------->order-service中扣减余额开始");        accountService.decrease(order.getUserId(),order.getMoney());        log.info("------->order-service中扣减余额结束");        //修改订单状态为已完成        log.info("------->order-service中修改订单状态开始");        orderDao.update(order.getUserId(),0);        log.info("------->order-service中修改订单状态结束");        log.info("------->下单结束");    }}
    • StorageService
    @FeignClient(value = "seata-storage-service")public interface StorageService {    /**     * 扣减库存     */    @PostMapping(value = "/storage/decrease")    CommonResult decrease(@RequestParam("productId") Long productId, @RequestParam("count") Integer count);}
    • AccountService
    @FeignClient(value = "seata-account-service")public interface AccountService {    /**     * 扣减账户余额     */    //@RequestMapping(value = "/account/decrease", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json; charset=UTF-8")    @PostMapping("/account/decrease")    CommonResult decrease(@RequestParam("userId") Long userId, @RequestParam("money") BigDecimal money);}
  4. controller

@RestControllerpublic class OrderController {    @Autowired    private OrderService orderService;    /**     * 创建订单     */    @GetMapping("/order/create")    public CommonResult create( Order order) {        orderService.create(order);        return new CommonResult(200, "订单创建成功!");    }}
  1. Config配置

    • MyBatisConfig
    @Configuration@MapperScan({"com.xiaobai.springcloud.alibaba.dao"})    public class MyBatisConfig {    }}
    • DataSourceProxyConfig
    @Configurationpublic class DataSourceProxyConfig {    @Value("${mybatis.mapperLocations}")    private String mapperLocations;    @Bean    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")    public DataSource druidDataSource(){        return new DruidDataSource();    }    @Bean    public DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy(DataSource dataSource) {        return new DataSourceProxy(dataSource);    }    @Bean    public SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactoryBean(DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy) throws Exception {        SqlSessionFactoryBean sqlSessionFactoryBean = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();        sqlSessionFactoryBean.setDataSource(dataSourceProxy);        sqlSessionFactoryBean.setMapperLocations(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResources(mapperLocations));        sqlSessionFactoryBean.setTransactionFactory(new SpringManagedTransactionFactory());        return sqlSessionFactoryBean.getObject();    }}


  1. 新建moudle,seata-storage-service2002

  2. 改 POM

                            com.alibaba.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery                                    com.alibaba.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-seata                                                seata-all                    io.seata                                                        io.seata            seata-all            0.9.0                                    org.springframework.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-openfeign                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-web                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-test            test                            org.mybatis.spring.boot            mybatis-spring-boot-starter            2.0.0                            mysql            mysql-connector-java            5.1.37                            com.alibaba            druid-spring-boot-starter            1.1.10                            org.projectlombok            lombok            true            
  1. 写 YML
server:  port: 2002spring:  application:    name: seata-storage-service  cloud:    alibaba:      seata:        tx-service-group: fsp_tx_group    nacos:      discovery:        server-addr: localhost:8848  datasource:    driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/seata_storage    username: root    password: 123456logging:  level:    io:      seata: infomybatis:  mapperLocations: classpath:mapper/*.xml
  1. 配置文件

    • file.conf
    transport {  # tcp udt unix-domain-socket  type = "TCP"  #NIO NATIVE  server = "NIO"  #enable heartbeat  heartbeat = true  #thread factory for netty  thread-factory {    boss-thread-prefix = "NettyBoss"    worker-thread-prefix = "NettyServerNIOWorker"    server-executor-thread-prefix = "NettyServerBizHandler"    share-boss-worker = false    client-selector-thread-prefix = "NettyClientSelector"    client-selector-thread-size = 1    client-worker-thread-prefix = "NettyClientWorkerThread"    # netty boss thread size,will not be used for UDT    boss-thread-size = 1    #auto default pin or 8    worker-thread-size = 8  }  shutdown {    # when destroy server, wait seconds    wait = 3  }  serialization = "seata"  compressor = "none"}service {  #vgroup->rgroup  vgroup_mapping.fsp_tx_group = "default"  #only support single node  default.grouplist = ""  #degrade current not support  enableDegrade = false  #disable  disable = false  #unit ms,s,m,h,d represents milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, default permanent  max.commit.retry.timeout = "-1"  max.rollback.retry.timeout = "-1"  disableGlobalTransaction = false}client {  async.commit.buffer.limit = 10000  lock {    retry.internal = 10    retry.times = 30  }  report.retry.count = 5  tm.commit.retry.count = 1  tm.rollback.retry.count = 1}transaction {  undo.data.validation = true  undo.log.serialization = "jackson"  undo.log.save.days = 7  #schedule delete expired undo_log in milliseconds  undo.log.delete.period = 86400000  undo.log.table = "undo_log"}support {  ## spring  spring {    # auto proxy the DataSource bean    datasource.autoproxy = false  }}
    • registry.conf
    registry {  # file 、nacos 、eureka、redis、zk  type = "nacos"  nacos {    serverAddr = "localhost:8848"    namespace = ""    cluster = "default"  }  eureka {    serviceUrl = "http://localhost:8761/eureka"    application = "default"    weight = "1"  }  redis {    serverAddr = "localhost:6381"    db = "0"  }  zk {    cluster = "default"    serverAddr = ""    session.timeout = 6000    connect.timeout = 2000  }  file {    name = "file.conf"  }}config {  # file、nacos 、apollo、zk  type = "file"  nacos {    serverAddr = "localhost"    namespace = ""    cluster = "default"  }  apollo {    app.id = "fescar-server"    apollo.meta = ""  }  zk {    serverAddr = ""    session.timeout = 6000    connect.timeout = 2000  }  file {    name = "file.conf"  }}
  2. domain

    • CommanResult
    @Data@AllArgsConstructor@NoArgsConstructorpublic class CommonResult{    private Integer code;    private String  message;    private T       data;    public CommonResult(Integer code, String message)    {        this(code,message,null);    }}
    • Storage
    @Datapublic class Storage {    private Long id;    /**     * 产品id     */    private Long productId;    /**     * 总库存     */    private Integer total;    /**     * 已用库存     */    private Integer used;    /**     * 剩余库存     */    private Integer residue;}
  3. Dao接口及实现

    • StorageDao
    @Mapperpublic interface StorageDao {    /**     * 扣减库存     */    void decrease(@Param("productId") Long productId, @Param("count") Integer count);}
    • resources文件夹下新建mapper文件夹后添加 StorageMapper.xml
                                                                UPDATE t_storage        SET used    = used + #{count},            residue = residue - #{count}        WHERE product_id = #{productId}    
  4. Service接口及实现

    • StorageService
    public interface StorageService {    /**     * 扣减库存     */    void decrease(Long productId, Integer count);}
    • StorageServiceImpl
    @Servicepublic class StorageServiceImpl implements StorageService {    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StorageServiceImpl.class);    @Resource    private StorageDao storageDao;    /**     * 扣减库存     */    @Override    public void decrease(Long productId, Integer count) {        LOGGER.info("------->storage-service中扣减库存开始");        storageDao.decrease(productId,count);        LOGGER.info("------->storage-service中扣减库存结束");    }}
  5. Controller

@RestControllerpublic class StorageController {    @Autowired    private StorageService storageService;    /**     * 扣减库存     */    @RequestMapping("/storage/decrease")    public CommonResult decrease(Long productId, Integer count) {        storageService.decrease(productId, count);        return new CommonResult(200,"扣减库存成功!");    }}
  1. Config配置

    • MyBatisConfig
    @Configuration@MapperScan({"com.xiaobai.springcloud.alibaba.dao"})public class MyBatisConfig {}
    • DataSourceProxyConfig
    @Configurationpublic class DataSourceProxyConfig {    @Value("${mybatis.mapperLocations}")    private String mapperLocations;    @Bean    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")    public DataSource druidDataSource(){        return new DruidDataSource();    }    @Bean    public DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy(DataSource dataSource) {        return new DataSourceProxy(dataSource);    }    @Bean    public SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactoryBean(DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy) throws Exception {        SqlSessionFactoryBean sqlSessionFactoryBean = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();        sqlSessionFactoryBean.setDataSource(dataSourceProxy);        sqlSessionFactoryBean.setMapperLocations(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResources(mapperLocations));        sqlSessionFactoryBean.setTransactionFactory(new SpringManagedTransactionFactory());        return sqlSessionFactoryBean.getObject();    }}
  2. 主启动

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class)@EnableDiscoveryClient@EnableFeignClientspublic class SeataStorageServiceApplication2002 {    public static void main(String[] args) {        SpringApplication.run(SeataStorageServiceApplication2002.class, args);    }}


  1. 新建moudle,seata-account-service2003
  2. 改 POM
                            com.alibaba.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery                                    com.alibaba.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-seata                                                seata-all                    io.seata                                                        io.seata            seata-all            0.9.0                                    org.springframework.cloud            spring-cloud-starter-openfeign                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-web                            org.springframework.boot            spring-boot-starter-test            test                            org.mybatis.spring.boot            mybatis-spring-boot-starter            2.0.0                            mysql            mysql-connector-java            5.1.37                            com.alibaba            druid-spring-boot-starter            1.1.10                            org.projectlombok            lombok            true            
  1. 写YML
server:  port: 2003spring:  application:    name: seata-account-service  cloud:    alibaba:      seata:        tx-service-group: fsp_tx_group    nacos:      discovery:        server-addr: localhost:8848  datasource:    driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/seata_account    username: root    password: 123456feign:  hystrix:    enabled: falselogging:  level:    io:      seata: infomybatis:  mapperLocations: classpath:mapper/*.xml
  1. 配置文件

    • file.conf
    transport {  # tcp udt unix-domain-socket  type = "TCP"  #NIO NATIVE  server = "NIO"  #enable heartbeat  heartbeat = true  #thread factory for netty  thread-factory {    boss-thread-prefix = "NettyBoss"    worker-thread-prefix = "NettyServerNIOWorker"    server-executor-thread-prefix = "NettyServerBizHandler"    share-boss-worker = false    client-selector-thread-prefix = "NettyClientSelector"    client-selector-thread-size = 1    client-worker-thread-prefix = "NettyClientWorkerThread"    # netty boss thread size,will not be used for UDT    boss-thread-size = 1    #auto default pin or 8    worker-thread-size = 8  }  shutdown {    # when destroy server, wait seconds    wait = 3  }  serialization = "seata"  compressor = "none"}service {  vgroup_mapping.fsp_tx_group = "default" #修改自定义事务组名称  default.grouplist = ""  enableDegrade = false  disable = false  max.commit.retry.timeout = "-1"  max.rollback.retry.timeout = "-1"  disableGlobalTransaction = false}client {  async.commit.buffer.limit = 10000  lock {    retry.internal = 10    retry.times = 30  }  report.retry.count = 5  tm.commit.retry.count = 1  tm.rollback.retry.count = 1}## transaction log storestore {  ## store mode: file、db  mode = "db"  ## file store  file {    dir = "sessionStore"    # branch session size , if exceeded first try compress lockkey, still exceeded throws exceptions    max-branch-session-size = 16384    # globe session size , if exceeded throws exceptions    max-global-session-size = 512    # file buffer size , if exceeded allocate new buffer    file-write-buffer-cache-size = 16384    # when recover batch read size    session.reload.read_size = 100    # async, sync    flush-disk-mode = async  }  ## database store  db {    ## the implement of javax.sql.DataSource, such as DruidDataSource(druid)/BasicDataSource(dbcp) etc.    datasource = "dbcp"    ## mysql/oracle/h2/oceanbase etc.    db-type = "mysql"    driver-class-name = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"    url = "jdbc:mysql://"    user = "root"    password = "123456"    min-conn = 1    max-conn = 3    global.table = "global_table"    branch.table = "branch_table"    lock-table = "lock_table"    query-limit = 100  }}lock {  ## the lock store mode: local、remote  mode = "remote"  local {    ## store locks in user's database  }  remote {    ## store locks in the seata's server  }}recovery {  #schedule committing retry period in milliseconds  committing-retry-period = 1000  #schedule asyn committing retry period in milliseconds  asyn-committing-retry-period = 1000  #schedule rollbacking retry period in milliseconds  rollbacking-retry-period = 1000  #schedule timeout retry period in milliseconds  timeout-retry-period = 1000}transaction {  undo.data.validation = true  undo.log.serialization = "jackson"  undo.log.save.days = 7  #schedule delete expired undo_log in milliseconds  undo.log.delete.period = 86400000  undo.log.table = "undo_log"}## metrics settingsmetrics {  enabled = false  registry-type = "compact"  # multi exporters use comma divided  exporter-list = "prometheus"  exporter-prometheus-port = 9898}support {  ## spring  spring {    # auto proxy the DataSource bean    datasource.autoproxy = false  }}
    • registry.conf
    registry {  # file 、nacos 、eureka、redis、zk、consul、etcd3、sofa  type = "nacos"  nacos {    serverAddr = "localhost:8848"    namespace = ""    cluster = "default"  }  eureka {    serviceUrl = "http://localhost:8761/eureka"    application = "default"    weight = "1"  }  redis {    serverAddr = "localhost:6379"    db = "0"  }  zk {    cluster = "default"    serverAddr = ""    session.timeout = 6000    connect.timeout = 2000  }  consul {    cluster = "default"    serverAddr = ""  }  etcd3 {    cluster = "default"    serverAddr = "http://localhost:2379"  }  sofa {    serverAddr = ""    application = "default"    region = "DEFAULT_ZONE"    datacenter = "DefaultDataCenter"    cluster = "default"    group = "SEATA_GROUP"    addressWaitTime = "3000"  }  file {    name = "file.conf"  }}config {  # file、nacos 、apollo、zk、consul、etcd3  type = "file"  nacos {    serverAddr = "localhost"    namespace = ""  }  consul {    serverAddr = ""  }  apollo {    app.id = "seata-server"    apollo.meta = ""  }  zk {    serverAddr = ""    session.timeout = 6000    connect.timeout = 2000  }  etcd3 {    serverAddr = "http://localhost:2379"  }  file {    name = "file.conf"  }}
  2. domain

    • CommonResult
    @Data@AllArgsConstructor@NoArgsConstructorpublic class CommonResult{    private Integer code;    private String  message;    private T       data;    public CommonResult(Integer code, String message)    {        this(code,message,null);    }}
    • Account
    @Data@AllArgsConstructor@NoArgsConstructorpublic class Account {    private Long id;    /**     * 用户id     */    private Long userId;    /**     * 总额度     */    private BigDecimal total;    /**     * 已用额度     */    private BigDecimal used;    /**     * 剩余额度     */    private BigDecimal residue;}
  3. Dao接口及实现

    • AccountDao
    @Mapperpublic interface AccountDao {    /**     * 扣减账户余额     */    void decrease(@Param("userId") Long userId, @Param("money") BigDecimal money);}
    • resources文件夹下新建mapper文件夹后添加AccountMapper.xml
                                                                UPDATE t_account        SET          residue = residue - #{money},used = used + #{money}        WHERE          user_id = #{userId};    
  4. Service接口及实现

    • AccountService
    public interface AccountService {    /**     * 扣减账户余额     * @param userId 用户id     * @param money 金额     */    void decrease(@RequestParam("userId") Long userId, @RequestParam("money") BigDecimal money);}
    • AccountServiceImpl
    /** * 账户业务实现类 * Created by zzyy on 2019/11/11. */@Servicepublic class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccountServiceImpl.class);    @Resource    AccountDao accountDao;    /**     * 扣减账户余额     */    @Override    public void decrease(Long userId, BigDecimal money) {        LOGGER.info("------->account-service中扣减账户余额开始");        //模拟超时异常,全局事务回滚        //暂停几秒钟线程        //try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(30); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }        accountDao.decrease(userId,money);        LOGGER.info("------->account-service中扣减账户余额结束");    }}
  5. Controller

@RestControllerpublic class AccountController {    @Resource    AccountService accountService;    /**     * 扣减账户余额     */    @RequestMapping("/account/decrease")    public CommonResult decrease(@RequestParam("userId") Long userId, @RequestParam("money") BigDecimal money){        accountService.decrease(userId,money);        return new CommonResult(200,"扣减账户余额成功!");    }}
  1. Config配置

    • MyBatisConfig
    @Configuration@MapperScan({"com.xiaobai.springcloud.alibaba.dao"})public class MyBatisConfig {}
    • DataSourceProxyConfig
    @Configurationpublic class DataSourceProxyConfig {    @Value("${mybatis.mapperLocations}")    private String mapperLocations;    @Bean    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")    public DataSource druidDataSource(){        return new DruidDataSource();    }    @Bean    public DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy(DataSource dataSource) {        return new DataSourceProxy(dataSource);    }    @Bean    public SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactoryBean(DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy) throws Exception {        SqlSessionFactoryBean sqlSessionFactoryBean = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();        sqlSessionFactoryBean.setDataSource(dataSourceProxy);        sqlSessionFactoryBean.setMapperLocations(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResources(mapperLocations));        sqlSessionFactoryBean.setTransactionFactory(new SpringManagedTransactionFactory());        return sqlSessionFactoryBean.getObject();    }}
  2. 主启动

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class)@EnableDiscoveryClient@EnableFeignClientspublic class SeataAccountMainApp2003{    public static void main(String[] args)    {        SpringApplication.run(SeataAccountMainApp2003.class, args);    }}


  1. 添加订单:http://localhost:2001/order/create?userId=1&productId=1&count=10&money=100
  2. 初次测试,t_order、t_storage、t_account 三个 表添加数据均符合预期;
  3. 给 AccountServiceImpl 添加超时,再次测试;
  4. 再次测试,当库存和账户金额扣减后,订单状态并没有设置为已经完成,没有从零改为1。而且由于feign的重试机制,账户余额还有可能被多次扣减;
  5. 使用 @GlobalTransactional 对 OrderServiceImpl 进行全局事务处理;
  6. 再次测试,下单后数据库数据并没有任何改变,记录都添加不进来。




  1. TM 开启分布式事务(TM 向 TC 注册全局事务记录);
  2. 按业务场景,编排数据库、服务等事务内资源(RM 向 TC 汇报资源准备状态 );
  3. TM 结束分布式事务,事务一阶段结束(TM 通知 TC 提交/回滚分布式事务);
  4. TC 汇总事务信息,决定分布式事务是提交还是回滚;
  5. TC 通知所有 RM 提交/回滚 资源,事务二阶段结束。


在一阶段,Seata 会拦截 业务 SQL

  1. 解析 SQL 语义,找到 业务 SQL 要更新的业务数据,在业务数据被更新前,将其保存成 before image ;
  2. 执行 业务 SQL 更新业务数据,在业务数据更新之后,
  3. 其保存成 after image,最后生成行锁。


二阶段如是顺利提交的话,因为“业务 SQL”在一阶段已经提交至数据库,所以Seata框架只需 将一阶段保存的快照数据和行锁删掉,完成数据清理即可。

二阶段如果是回滚的话,Seata 就需要回滚一阶段已经执行的 业务 SQL ,还原业务数据。回滚方式便是用 before image 还原业务数据;但在还原前要首先要校验脏写,对比 数据库当前业务数据after image ,如果两份数据完全一致就说明没有脏写,可以还原业务数据,如果不一致就说明有脏写,出现脏写就需要转人工处理。
