《Django+React前后端分离项目开发实战:爱计划》 01 项目整体概述

01 Introduction

《Django+React前后端分离项目开发实战:爱计划》 01 项目整体概述

Welcome to Beginning Django API wih React! This book focuses on they key tasks and concepts to get you started to learn and build a RESTFul web API with Django REST Framework, one of the most popular and customizable ways to build web APIs. In the second part of the book, we then show how to create a frontend using React to connect to the API. In all, the book is designed for readers who don’t need all the details about Django or React at this point in the learning curve but concentrate on what you really need to know.

欢迎阅读 Beginning Django API wih React!本书重点介绍了一些关键任务和概念,帮助您开始学习并使用 Django REST 框架构建 RESTFul Web API,这是构建 Web API 的最流行、最可定制的方法之一。在本书的第二部分,我们将展示如何使用 React 创建前端来连接 API。总之,本书是为那些在学习阶段不需要Django或React的所有细节,而只需要专注于真正需要了解的内容的读者而设计的。

If you are brand new to Django, I recommend first reading my book, Beginning

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