
CartView.vue script

  • 数组的filter函数需要return显式返回布尔值,该方法得到一个新数组。
  • 使用Vuex store的modules方式,注意读取状态的方式 this.$store.state.cart.items
  • 刷新页面后state状态还原,需要用session保存状态(TODO)
  • axios 发出 get 请求,第二个参数对象的 params 字段值显式使用 JSON.stringify 进行转化,如果不使用会表示成 xxx?items=xxx&items=xxx&items=xxx
import { defineComponent } from "vue";export default defineComponent({  name: "CartView",  components: {},  methods: {    deleteItem(id: number) {      this.$store.dispatch("del", id);      console.log(this.$store.state.cart.items);      this.items = this.items.filter((item) => {        return != id; // @ return      });    },  },  data() {    return {      days: 29,      hours: 8,      minutes: 20,      discount: 24,      items: [        {          id: 201,          img: "",          name: "Family",          price: 2.99,          author: "Tim Sheinman",          category: "Puzzle",        }      ],    };  },  computed: {    cost() {      let total = 0;      this.items.forEach((item) => {        total += item.price;      });      total *= (100 - / 100;      const res = total.toFixed(2);      return res;    },  },  created() {    this.axios      .get("/game/query", {        params: {          items: JSON.stringify(this.$store.state.cart.items),        },      })      .then((response) => {        if (! {          console.log("无数据");          return;        }        this.items = []; any) => {          this.items.push({            id:,            img: item.img,            name: item.title,            price: item.price,            author:,            category: item.category,          });        });      })      .catch((err) => {        console.log(err);      });  },});

CartView.vue template

My Cart
Buy everything for ${{ cost }}! Save {{ discount }}%!
Buy all for ${{ cost }}
offer ends in
{{ days }}
{{ hours }}
{{ minutes }}
includes the following items:
{{ }}
${{ value.price }}
{{ }}
{{ value.category }}


VUE里面的export default 是什么_啊了个呜的博客-CSDN博客

const state = {  items: [    // 201, 202, 203, 204  ]}const mutations = {  add(state: any, param: number) {    if (!state.items.includes(param)) {      state.items.push(param)    }  },  del(state: any, param: number) {    if (state.items.indexOf(param) != -1) {      state.items.splice(state.items.indexOf(param), 1)    }  }}const actions = {  add(context: any, param: number) {  // 可以 {commit} 解构简化    context.commit('add', param)  },  del(context: any, param: number) {     context.commit('del', param)  }}const cart = {  state,  mutations,  actions}export default cart


import { createStore } from 'vuex'import cart from './cart'export default createStore({  modules: {    cart: cart  }})

Property ‘$store‘ does not exist on type ‘CreateComponentPublicInstance


// vuex.d.tsimport { ComponentCustomProperties } from '@/vue'import { Store } from 'vuex'declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {  // declare your own store states  interface State {    cart  }  // provide typings for `this.$store`  interface ComponentCustomProperties {    $store: Store  }}


// 跳转后自动返回页面顶部router.afterEach(() => {window.scrollTo(0,0);})

const router = new VueRouter({routes:[...],scrollBehavior () {// return返回期望滚动到的位置的坐标return { x: 0, y: 0 }}})

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {    // chrome兼容document.body.scrollTop = 0// firefox兼容document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0// safari兼容window.pageYOffset = 0next()})

Golang Ginstructs/game.go

package structstype Game struct {ID       int64   `db:"id" json:"id"`Title    string  `db:"title" json:"title"`Text     string  `db:"text" json:"text"`Img      string  `db:"img" json:"img"`Author   string  `db:"author" json:"author"`Category string  `db:"category" json:"category"`Price    float64 `db:"price" json:"price"`}


package controllerimport ("encoding/json""fmt""""""")func QueryGame(c *gin.Context) {db := variable.DBitems_ := c.Query("items")var items []int64err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(items_), &items)if err != nil || len(items) == 0 {c.JSON(501, gin.H{"message": "failure items",})c.Abort()return}// fmt.Println(items)stmt := `select id,title,author,category,img,price from game where id in (`for i, v := range items {stmt += fmt.Sprintf("%d", v)if i != len(items)-1 {stmt += ","}}stmt += ")"rows, err := db.Query(stmt)checkError(err)defer rows.Close()var res []structs.Gamefor rows.Next() {var c structs.Gameerr = rows.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Title, &c.Author, &c.Category, &c.Img, &c.Price)checkError(err)res = append(res, c)}c.JSON(200, res)}



game := r.Group("/game"){    game.GET("/query", controller.QueryGame)}

Mysql 建表

DROP DATABASE VUE;create database if not exists vue;use vue;CREATE TABLE gameblog (  id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,  title VARCHAR(255),  text VARCHAR(255),  img VARCHAR(255));insert into gameblog(title,text,img) values ("Games of the Month: surrealist solitaire puzzles","What’s that? You need more games? I hear you, anonymous hapi fan.We’ve reached the part of the year when games start coming out fast",""),("Games of the Month: Puzzles!","Sometimes you need a good puzzle game, just something to throw all of your attention at and ignore anything else going on. Well if that sometime for you is right now, then you’re in luck because in this Games of the Month",""),("The next hapi Creator Day is July 29th!","I don’t think I’m allowed to make the entire body of this post “Thenext Creator Day is taking place on Friday July 29th.” I mean it’s true, we are hosting the next Creator Day on Friday July 29th but I should probably write more here.","");select * from gameblog;drop table if exists game;CREATE TABLE game (  id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,  title VARCHAR(255),  text VARCHAR(255),  img VARCHAR(255),  author VARCHAR(255) default "", # TODO ID  category VARCHAR(255) default "", # TODO ID  price decimal(6,2) default 0,  web boolean default 0  # TODO 发布时间  # TODO 浏览量  # TODO 评论量  # TODO 热度综合指标);CREATE TABLE tag (  id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,  title VARCHAR(255));CREATE TABLE gametag (  gameid INT,  tagid INT);# TODO 外键insert into game(id,title,author,category,text,img,price,web) values(1,"Late Night Mop","","","A haunted house cleaning simulator.","",0,0),(2,"an average day at the cat cafe","A haunted house cleaning simulator.","","","",0,1),(3,"Corebreaker","A fast-paced action-platform shooter game with roguelike elements.","","","",19.99,0),(4,"Atuel","Traverse a surrealist landscape inspired by the Atuel River in Argentina.","","","",0,0),(201,"Family","Tim Sheinman","Puzzle","TEST","",2.99,0),(202,"Rivals","dreamfeel","Puzzle","TEST","",5.99,0),(203,"Conspiracy!","Tim Sheinman","Puzzle","TEST","",4.99,0),(204,"Riley & Rochelle","Nolski","Puzzle","TEST","",14.99,0);select * from game;insert into tag values(1,"Difficult"),(2,"Fast-Paced");insert into gametag values(3,1),(3,2),(4,1);DELIMITER $$CREATE PROCEDURE gamelist()BEGIN# TODOEND $$DELIMITER ;select a.title,a.text,img,price,web,if(group_concat(c.title separator "#") is null ,"", group_concat(c.title separator "#")) as tag from game a left join gametag b on = b.gameid left join tag c on b.tagid = group by;drop table if exists users;drop table if exists comments;create table users(id int primary key auto_increment,uid varchar(255),name varchar(255),password varchar(255));create table comments(id int primary key auto_increment,uid int,text mediumtext,pid int,date long);insert into users(uid,name,password) values("1001","admin","123456"),("1002","玉米炖萝卜","123456"),("1003","西红柿炒番茄","123456");INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date) VALUES (1, 1003, 'asdmoapsdasopdnopasdopasopdas localstorage', 100, 1666107328334);INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date) VALUES (2, 1003, 'asdmoapsdasopdnopasdopasopdas localstorage', 100, 1666107328836);INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date)  VALUES (3, 1003, 'asdmoapsdasopdnopasdopasopdas localstorage', 100, 1666107329459);INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date)  VALUES (4, 1001, 'asdmoapsdasopdnopasdopasopdas localstorage', 100, 1666107331864);INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date)  VALUES (5, 1001, 'asdmoapsdasopdnopasdopasopdas localstorage', 100, 1666107332720);INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date)  VALUES (6, 1002, '你好', 100, 1666107337646);select * from users;select * from comments;select * from game;drop table if exists posts;create table posts(id int primary key auto_increment,bgcolor varchar(7),textcolor varchar(7),headimg varchar(255),videosrc varchar(255),imgs mediumtext,html mediumtext);insert into posts(id,bgcolor,textcolor,headimg,videosrc,imgs,html) values(100,"#E8E1BC","#2f5b71","","",'["","","","",""]','
A sound reverberated from beyond the ocean.
At the edge of a desolate island, pick up what the waves wash ashore to make instruments. Use those instruments to answer the echoes heard from beyond the ocean. In this hand-drawn world, enjoy a soothing soundscape formed by waves, footsteps and the sounds made from things washed up.
Resonance of the Ocean is a short adventure game you can play in 10 ~ 30min. This game was made in the 22nd unity1week, a Japanese game jam event. This version is updated with an English localization and with small changes. In unity1week, this game placed 4th in the overall ranking, and 1st for art and sound.
This game only supports keyboard controls.
  • Arrow Keys: Move
  • Space Key(Or ZXC): Confirm
  • ZXC Keys: pick up, replace, throw, search
Save Function
There is no save function available as the time required to complete the game is short (10 ~ 30 min). Thank you for your understanding. '),(101,"#FFFFFF","#000000","","",'["","","",""]','
The past and future cannot be explored alone! Team up with a friend and piece together the mysteries surrounding Albert Vanderboom. Communicate what you see around you to help one another solve various puzzles and explore the worlds from different perspectives!
The Past Within is the first co-op only point-and-click adventure set in the mysterious world of Rusty Lake.
  • A co-op experience
  • Play together with a friend, one in The Past, the other in The Future. Work together to solve the puzzles and help Rose set her father’s plan in motion!
  • Two worlds - Two perspectives
  • Both players will experience their environments in two different dimensions: 2D as well as in 3D - a first-time experience in the Rusty Lake universe!
  • Cross-platform play
  • As long as you can communicate with each other, you and your partner of choice can each play The Past Within on your preferred platform: PC, Mac, iOS, Android and (very soon) Nintendo Switch!
  • Playtime & Replayability
  • The game contains 2 chapters and has an average play-time of 2 hours. For the full experience, we recommend replaying the game from the other perspective. Plus you can use our replayability feature for a fresh start with new solutions to all puzzles.
测试测试测试 '),(202,"#FFFFFF","#000000","","",'["","","",""]','
测试测试测试 '),(203,"#FFFFFF","#000000","","",'["","","",""]','
测试测试测试 '),(204,"#FFFFFF","#000000","","",'["","","",""]','
测试测试测试 ');select * from posts;drop table if exists sellopts;create table sellopts(id int primary key auto_increment,days int, hours int, minutes int, discount int);insert into sellopts(id,days,hours,minutes,discount) values(1,29,8,20,24);select id,bgcolor,textcolor,headimg,videosrc,imgs,html from posts where id = 100

JS 数组方法

JavaScript Array 对象 | 菜鸟教程 (

Gin Query


Gin Session

gin-contrib/sessions: Gin middleware for session management (

gin-contrib/sessions 筆記 | PJCHENder 未整理筆記