【网络安全 | 指纹识别工具】WhatWeb使用详析


WhatWeb 是一款用于识别 Web 应用程序和 Web 服务器的开源工具。它可以识别网站使用的编程语言、Web 框架、Web 服务器软件、Web 应用程序等信息,从而帮助安全测试人员快速了解目标网站的技术特征,发现可能存在的漏洞。

本文将对 WhatWeb 的使用方法进行讲解


    • 前言
    • 正文
    • 扫描网站指纹
      • 实例
    • 设置扫描强度
    • 扫描内网网段
    • 批量扫描
    • 常用命令
    • 编写插件
    • 帮助



图片[1] - 【网络安全 | 指纹识别工具】WhatWeb使用详析 - MaxSSL


  • 在终端或命令行中输入 whatweb 命令,加上要扫描的网站 URL 或 IP 地址,例如:whatweb example.com
  • WhatWeb 会自动识别目标网站的相关信息,并输出到终端或命令行中。
  • 可以使用 -v 参数来显示所有信息,例如:whatweb -v example.com


whatweb www.alibaba.com


图片[2] - 【网络安全 | 指纹识别工具】WhatWeb使用详析 - MaxSSL

对于 http://www.alibaba.com:状态码(Status Code):301 Moved Permanently国家(Country):中国(CN)HTTP 服务器(HTTP Server):TengineIP 地址(IP):由 Tengine 提供支持(Powered By Tengine)重定向地址(Redirect Location):https://www.alibaba.com/Tengine Web 服务器页面标题(Title):301 Moved Permanently不常见的头部信息(Uncommon Headers):timing-allow-origin、eagleid、server-timing对于 https://www.alibaba.com/:状态码(Status Code):200 OKCookies:ali_apache_id、cna、ug_se_c国家(Country):中国(CN)使用 HTML5 技术HttpOnly:ug_se_cIP 地址(IP): Graph Protocol:site(100002227819697, 124207444332529)脚本类型:application/ld+json、text/javascript严格传输安全性(Strict Transport Security):max-age=31536000页面标题(Title):Alibaba.com: Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters & Importers from the world's largest online B2B marketplace不常见的头部信息(Uncommon Headers):render-policy、x-content-type-options、timing-allow-origin、eagleid、server-timingX-Frame-Options:DENYX-XSS-Protection:1; mode=block


whatweb -v www.alibaba.com

图片[3] - 【网络安全 | 指纹识别工具】WhatWeb使用详析 - MaxSSL




whatweb www.alibaba.com -a 3

图片[4] - 【网络安全 | 指纹识别工具】WhatWeb使用详析 - MaxSSL

  • 1表示发送1次http请求
  • 3表示发送少量http请求
  • 4表示发送大量http请求



whatweb --no-errors -t 255 内网网段



whatweb -i "root/1.txt"


  • whatweb [URL]:扫描指定的 URL,输出识别结果。
  • whatweb -v [URL] :以详细模式扫描指定的 URL,显示更多信息。
  • whatweb [URL] -a "User-Agent":指定自定义的用户代理进行扫描。
  • whatweb [URL] -t 10:设置超时时间为 10 秒。
  • whatweb [URL] -x "/path/to/exclude":指定要排除的目录或文件。
  • whatweb [URL] -p 80,443:指定要扫描的端口号,多个端口使用逗号分隔。
  • whatweb -iL [file.txt]:从文件中读取多个 URL 进行扫描。
  • whatweb --color=never:禁用彩色输出。




Plugin.define "Plugin-Template" doauthor "Enter Your Name"version "0.1"description "Describe what the plugin identifies. Include the homepage of the software package"examples %w| include-some.net example-websites.com here.com | \# a comment block here is a good place to make notes for yourself and others\# There are four types of matches: regexp, text, ghdb \# Matches are enclosed in {} brackets and separated by commas matches [{:name=>"a brief description of the match, eg. powered by in footer",:certainty=>100, # 100 is certain, 75 is probably and 25 is maybe. if omitted, it defaults to 100. :regexp=>/This page was generated by http://www.genericcms.com\/en\/products\/generic-cms\/">Generic CMS/ }, {:name=>"title",:certainty=>75,:text=>"Generic Homepage" }]end



whatweb -h
WhatWeb - Next generation web scanner version 0.5.5.Developed by Andrew Horton (urbanadventurer) and Brendan Coles (bcoles).Homepage: https://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatwebUsage: whatweb [options] TARGET SELECTION: Enter URLs, hostnames, IP addresses, filenames orIP ranges in CIDR, x.x.x-x, or x.x.x.x-x.x.x.xformat.--input-file=FILE, -i Read targets from a file. You can pipehostnames or URLs directly with -i /dev/stdin.TARGET MODIFICATION:--url-prefixAdd a prefix to target URLs.--url-suffixAdd a suffix to target URLs.--url-pattern Insert the targets into a URL.e.g. example.com/%insert%/robots.txtAGGRESSION:The aggression level controls the trade-off between speed/stealth andreliability.--aggression, -a=LEVELSet the aggression level. Default: 1.1. Stealthy Makes one HTTP request per target and alsofollows redirects.3. Aggressive If a level 1 plugin is matched, additionalrequests will be made.4. HeavyMakes a lot of HTTP requests per target. URLsfrom all plugins are attempted.HTTP OPTIONS:--user-agent, -U=AGENTIdentify as AGENT instead of WhatWeb/0.5.5.--header, -HAdd an HTTP header. eg "Foo:Bar". Specifying adefault header will replace it. Specifying anempty value, e.g. "User-Agent:" will remove it.--follow-redirect=WHENControl when to follow redirects. WHEN may be`never', `http-only', `meta-only', `same-site',or `always'. Default: always.--max-redirects=NUM Maximum number of redirects. Default: 10.AUTHENTICATION:--user, -u=HTTP basic authentication.--cookie, -c=COOKIESUse cookies, e.g. 'name=value; name2=value2'.--cookie-jar=FILE Read cookies from a file.PROXY:--proxy  Set proxy hostname and port.Default: 8080.--proxy-user Set proxy user and password.PLUGINS:--list-plugins, -lList all plugins.--info-plugins, -I=[SEARCH] List all plugins with detailed information.Optionally search with keywords in a commadelimited list.--search-plugins=STRING Search plugins for a keyword.--plugins, -p=LISTSelect plugins. LIST is a comma delimited setof selected plugins. Default is all.Each element can be a directory, file or pluginname and can optionally have a modifier, +/-.Examples: +/tmp/moo.rb,+/tmp/foo.rbtitle,md5,+./plugins-disabled/./plugins-disabled,-md5-p + is a shortcut for -p +plugins-disabled.--grep, -g=STRING|REGEXPSearch for STRING or a Regular Expression. Showsonly the results that match.Examples: --grep "hello"--grep "/he[l]*o/"--custom-plugin=DEFINITIONDefine a custom plugin named Custom-Plugin,Examples: ":text=>'powered by abc'"":version=>/powered[ ]" />'intitle:abc \"powered by abc\"'"":md5=>'8666257030b94d3bdb46e05945f60b42'""{:text=>'powered by abc'}"--dorks=PLUGINList Google dorks for the selected plugin.OUTPUT:--verbose, -v Verbose output includes plugin descriptions.Use twice for debugging.--colour,--color=WHEN control whether colour is used. WHEN may be`never', `always', or `auto'.--quiet, -q Do not display brief logging to STDOUT.--no-errors Suppress error messages.LOGGING:--log-brief=FILELog brief, one-line output.--log-verbose=FILELog verbose output.--log-errors=FILE Log errors.--log-xml=FILELog XML format.--log-json=FILE Log JSON format.--log-sql=FILELog SQL INSERT statements.--log-sql-create=FILE Create SQL database tables.--log-json-verbose=FILE Log JSON Verbose format.--log-magictree=FILELog MagicTree XML format.--log-object=FILE Log Ruby object inspection format.--log-mongo-databaseName of the MongoDB database.--log-mongo-collectionName of the MongoDB collection.Default: whatweb.--log-mongo-hostMongoDB hostname or IP address.Default: username. Default: nil.--log-mongo-passwordMongoDB password. Default: nil.--log-elastic-index Name of the index to store results. Default: whatweb--log-elastic-hostHost:port of the elastic http interface. Default: & STABILITY:--max-threads, -t Number of simultaneous threads. Default: 25.--open-timeoutTime in seconds. Default: 15.--read-timeoutTime in seconds. Default: 30.--wait=SECONDSWait SECONDS between connections.This is useful when using a single thread.HELP & MISCELLANEOUS:--short-helpShort usage help.--help, -hComplete usage help.--debug Raise errors in plugins.--version Display version information.EXAMPLE USAGE:* Scan example.com../whatweb example.com* Scan reddit.com slashdot.org with verbose plugin descriptions../whatweb -v reddit.com slashdot.org* An aggressive scan of wired.com detects the exact version of WordPress../whatweb -a 3 www.wired.com* Scan the local network quickly and suppress errors.whatweb --no-errors* Scan the local network for https websites.whatweb --no-errors --url-prefix https://* Scan for crossdomain policies in the Alexa Top 1000../whatweb -i plugin-development/alexa-top-100.txt \--url-suffix /crossdomain.xml -p crossdomain_xml
  • TARGET SELECTION: 设置目标选择,可以输入URL、主机名、IP地址、文件名或CIDR格式的IP范围。
  • TARGET MODIFICATION: 目标修改选项,可以添加URL前缀或后缀,也可以将目标插入到URL中的指定位置。
  • AGGRESSION: 设置扫描侵入性级别,控制速度、隐蔽性和可靠性之间的平衡。
  • HTTP OPTIONS: 设置HTTP选项,如自定义User-Agent、添加HTTP头、控制重定向行为等。
  • AUTHENTICATION: 设置HTTP基本身份验证和cookie。
  • PROXY: 设置代理服务器,包括主机名、端口和身份验证信息。
  • PLUGINS: 插件相关选项,如列出插件、查看插件信息、搜索插件、选择插件等。
  • OUTPUT: 设置输出选项,如详细与简要输出、是否使用颜色、日志记录等。
  • LOGGING: 设置日志记录选项,包括日志文件格式和存储位置。
  • PERFORMANCE & STABILITY: 设置性能和稳定性选项,如线程数、连接超时时间等。
  • HELP & MISCELLANEOUS: 帮助和其他杂项选项,如显示帮助信息、调试模式、显示版本号等。
  • EXAMPLE USAGE: 示例用法,演示了几个常见的命令用法和参数组合。
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