
Linkerd is aservice meshfor Kubernetes. It makes running services easier and safer by giving you runtime debugging, observability, reliability, and security—all without requiring any changes to your code.


Ensure you have access to the Kubernetes cluster and a functioning kubectl, if not, you could set up Kubernetes cluster on your local machine through Minikube, docker desktop, or kind, etc.

Install linked CLIFor Linux

Follow the instructions from the official site:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL | sh

For Windows

Download the Windows execution file from Github:

图片[1] - Linkerd - MaxSSL

No need to install, change the file name to linkerd and add it to the Path environment.

Check whether linked cli is running correctly by

linkerd version

Install Linkerd control plane

Check if your cluster is ready for installing Linkerd.

linkerd check --pre

InstallLinkerd’s Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), it must be installed first.

linkerd install --crds | kubectl apply -f -

Install Linkerd control panel.

linkerd install | kubectl apply -f -

You may encounter some installation errors, for example, the one below, based on the error message, change the install command accordingly.

图片[2] - Linkerd - MaxSSL

linkerd install --set proxyInit.runAsRoot=true | kubectl apply -f -

Check whether the control plane is installed successfully, linkerd control plane will be deployed to your cluster, a couple of images will be pulled, so make sure you have a workable network.

linkerd check

Deploy Linkerd to your application

First, you need an application deployed in your cluster, you can use the emojivoto application in

After the application is deployed, add Linkerd’s data plane proxy to it.

kubectl get -n emojivoto deploy -o yaml  | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -

Afteremojivotois ‘meshed’, check the data plane

linkerd -n emojivoto check --proxy


Install Linkerd’s dashboard extension

linkerd viz install | kubectl apply -f -

This is the official way to access the dashboard

linkerd viz dashboard &

While this doesn’t work when I using Windows docker desktop Kubernetes, I got this error

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Looks like the normal way doesn’t work, so let’s inspect the webservice

 kubectl get service web -n linkerd-viz -o yaml

And, got this, service type is ClusterIP and listening at port 8080 port

apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  annotations: |      {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Service","metadata":{"annotations":{"":"linkerd/helm stable-2.14.7","":"enabled"},"labels":{"component":"web","":"viz","namespace":"linkerd-viz"},"name":"web","namespace":"linkerd-viz"},"spec":{"ports":[{"name":"http","port":8084,"targetPort":8084},{"name":"admin-http","port":9994,"targetPort":9994}],"selector":{"component":"web","":"viz"},"type":"ClusterIP"}} linkerd/helm stable-2.14.7 enabled  creationTimestamp: "2023-12-29T05:06:38Z"  labels:    component: web viz    namespace: linkerd-viz  name: web  namespace: linkerd-viz  resourceVersion: "5396830"  uid: ba0b70ec-89f3-4f9a-a407-492744f3f90bspec:  clusterIP:  clusterIPs:  -  internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster  ipFamilies:  - IPv4  ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack  ports:  - name: http    port: 8084    protocol: TCP    targetPort: 8084  - name: admin-http    port: 9994    protocol: TCP    targetPort: 9994  selector:    component: web viz  sessionAffinity: None  type: ClusterIPstatus:  loadBalancer: {}

Then we can do a workaround, expose the service outside the cluster

kubectl -n linkerd-viz port-forward svc/web 8084


图片[4] - Linkerd - MaxSSL

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