

  • 算数运算
  • 赋值
  • 比较
  • 逻辑运算
  • 条件检查
  • size
  • 优先级
  • 数据类型转换

2.1 算数运算

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#include using namespace std;int main(){  int a = 8, b = 4;  cout << "Addition result: " << (a + b) << endl;  cout << "Subtraction result: " << (a - b) << endl;  cout << "Multiplication result: " << (a * b) << endl;  cout << "Division result: " << (a / b) << endl;  cout << "Modulus result: " << (a % b) << endl;  cout << "Postfix increment: " << a++ << endl;  cout << "Postfix result: " << a << endl;  cout << "Prefix increment: " << ++b << endl;  cout << "Prefix result: " << b << endl;  return 0;}


# ./arithmeticAddition result: 12Subtraction result: 4Multiplication result: 32Division result: 2Modulus result: 0Postfix increment: 8Postfix result: 9Prefix increment: 5Prefix result: 5


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#include using namespace std;int main(){  int a , b;  cout << "Assign values:  ";  cout << "a = " << (a = 8) << "   ";  cout << "b = " << (b = 4);  cout << endl << "Add & assign:  ";  cout << "a += b (8 += 4 ) a = " << (a += b);  cout << endl << "Subtract & assign: ";  cout << "a -= b (12 -= 4 ) a = " << (a -= b);  cout << endl << "Multiply & assign: ";  cout << "a *= b (8 *= 4 ) a = " << (a *= b);  cout << endl << "Divide & assign: ";  cout << "a /= b (32 /= 4 ) a = " << (a /= b);  cout << endl << "Modulus & assign: ";  cout << "a %= b (8 %= 4 )  a = " << (a %= b);  cout << endl;  return 0;}


# ./assignAssign values:  a = 8   b = 4Add & assign:  a += b (8 += 4 ) a = 12Subtract & assign: a -= b (12 -= 4 ) a = 8Multiply & assign: a *= b (8 *= 4 ) a = 32Divide & assign: a /= b (32 /= 4 ) a = 8Modulus & assign: a %= b (8 %= 4 )  a = 0


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#include using namespace std;int main(){  int nil = 0 , num = 0 , max = 1;  char cap = 'A' , low = 'a';  cout << "Equality comparisons: ";  cout << "(0 == 0) " << (nil == num) << "(true)  ";  cout << "(A == a) " << (cap == low) << "(false)";  cout << endl << "Inequality comparison:  ";  cout << "(0 != 1) " << (nil != max) << "(true)";  cout << endl << "Greater comparison:  ";  cout < 1) " < max) << "(false)";  cout << endl << "Lesser comparison:  ";  cout << "(0 < 1) " << (nil < max) << "(true)";  cout << endl << "Greater or equal comparison: ";  cout <= 0) " <= num) << "(true)";  cout << endl << "Lesser or equal comparison: ";  cout << "(1 <= 0) " << (max <= num) << "(false)";  cout << endl;  return 0;}


# ./comparisonEquality comparisons: (0 == 0) 1(true)  (A == a) 0(false)Inequality comparison:  (0 != 1) 1(true)Greater comparison:  (0 > 1) 0(false)Lesser comparison:  (0 = 0) 1(true)Lesser or equal comparison: (1 <= 0) 0(false)


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#include using namespace std ;int main(){  int a = 1 , b = 0 ;   cout << "AND logic: " << endl ;  cout << "(a && a) " << (a && a) << "(true)  " ;  cout << "(a && b) " << (a && b) << "(false)  " ;  cout << "(b && b) " << (b && b) << "(false)" << endl ;  cout << endl << "OR  logic: " << endl ;  cout << "(a || a) " << (a || a) << "(true)  " ;  cout << "(a || b) " << (a || b) << "(true)  " ;  cout << "(b || b) " << (b || b) << "(false)" << endl ;  cout << endl << "NOT logic: " << endl ;  cout << "a = " << a << "  !a= " << !a << "  " ;  cout << "b = " << b << "  !b= " << !b << endl ;  return 0 ;}


# ./logicAND logic:(a && a) 1(true)  (a && b) 0(false)  (b && b) 0(false)OR  logic:(a || a) 1(true)  (a || b) 1(true)  (b || b) 0(false)NOT logic:a = 1  !a= 0  b = 0  !b= 1



( test-expression ) ? if-true-return-this: if-false-return-this;


#include using namespace std;int main(){  int a, b, max;  a = 1, b = 2;  cout << "Variable a value is: ";  cout << ( (a != 1) ? "not 1, " : "1, " );  cout << ( (a % 2 != 0) ? "odd" : "even" );  cout << endl << "Variable b value is: ";  cout << ( (b != 1) ? "not 1, " : "1, " );cout < b) ? a : b;  cout << endl << "Greater value is: " << max << endl;   return 0;}


# ./ternaryVariable a value is: 1, oddVariable b value is: not 1, evenGreater value is: 2


  • 软件测试精品书籍文档下载持续更新 https://github.com/china-testing/python-testing-examples 请点赞,谢谢!
  • 本文涉及的python测试开发库 谢谢点赞! https://github.com/china-testing/python_cn_resouce
  • python精品书籍下载 https://github.com/china-testing/python_cn_resouce/blob/main/python_good_books.md
  • Linux精品书籍下载 https://www.cnblogs.com/testing-/p/17438558.html
  • https://askubuntu.com/questions/1408873/ubuntu-22-04-chinese-simplified-pinyin-input-support

2.6 size


在声明变量时,可以在int关键字前加上short或long限定符,明确指定首选范围。如果确定永远不会超出限定范围,short int关键字可以节省内存空间。

在声明int变量时,默认情况下它可以包含正整数或负整数,也就是所谓的”有符号”值。如果变量始终只包含正整数,可以将其限定为无符号变量,以增加其最大可能值。通常情况下,unsigned int的取值范围为0到65,535之间,unsigned long int的取值范围为0到 4,294,967,295 之间。

任何变量的内存大小都可以使用 C++ 的 sizeof 运算符来确定。要检查的变量名称可以在sizeof运算符名称后的可选括号中指定。


#include using namespace std;int main(){  int num; int nums[50];  short int number; unsigned int max;  double pi; float decimal;  char letter; char letters[50];  bool isTrue;  cout << "int size: " << sizeof( num ) << endl;  cout << "50 int size: " << sizeof( nums ) << endl;  cout << "short int size: " << sizeof( number ) << endl;  cout << "unsigned int size: " << sizeof( max ) << endl;  cout << "double size: " << sizeof( pi ) << endl ;  cout << "float size: " << sizeof( decimal ) << endl;  cout << "char size: " << sizeof( letter ) << endl;  cout << "50 char size: " << sizeof( letters )<< endl;  cout << "bool size: " << sizeof( isTrue ) << endl;return 0;}


# ./sizeofint size: 450 int size: 200short int size: 2unsigned int size: 4double size: 8float size: 4char size: 150 char size: 50bool size: 1



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#include using namespace std;int main(){  // Multiply, add default precedence.  int num = 1 + 4 * 3;  cout << endl << "Default order:  " << num << endl;  // Forced precedence.  num = ( 1 + 4 ) * 3;  cout << "Forced order:  " << num << endl << endl;  // Left to right default direction.  num = 7 - 4 + 2;  cout<< "Default direction: " << num << endl;  // Forced direction.  num = 7 - ( 4 + 2 );  cout << "Forced direction: " << num << endl;  return 0;}


# ./precedenceDefault order:  13Forced order:  15Default direction: 5Forced direction: 1



variable-name = ( data-type ) variable-name;


variable-name = static_cast  variable-name;


要准确存储算术运算的结果,通常需要进行转换,因为一个整数除以另一个整数总是会产生一个整数结果。例如,整数除以 7/2 的截断整数结果是3。


float result = ( float ) 7 / 2 ;


float result = static_cast  7 / 2 ;


float result = static_cast  ( 7 ) / 2 ;

括号中的表达式 ( 7 / 2 ) 将首先对整数执行算术运算,因此整数结果将在投到 float 变量之前被截断,这不是我们想要的效果!

#include using namespace std;int main(){  int num = 7 , factor = 2;  char letter = 'A';  float result = 0.0;  // Plain division.  cout << "Integer division: " << ( num / factor ) << endl;  // Cast int to float.  result = (float) (num) / factor;   cout << "Cast division float: " << result << endl;  // Cast char to int.  num = static_cast  (letter);  cout << "Cast character int: " << num << endl;  // Cast int to char.  letter = static_cast  (70);  cout << "Cast integer char: " << letter << endl;  return 0;}


# ./castInteger division: 3Cast division float: 3.5Cast character int: 65Cast integer char: F

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