

1. 使用说明




2. 代码实现


图片[1] - C语言实现staque结构 - MaxSSL图片[2] - C语言实现staque结构 - MaxSSL

 1 #ifndef __STAQUE_H 2 #define __STAQUE_H 3  4 typedef 5 struct unidirectional_node 6 { 7     void* p_data; 8     struct unidirectional_node* p_next; 9 }STRUCT_UD_NODE,10 * P_STRUCT_UD_NODE;11 12 typedef13 struct staque14 {15     unsigned int count;16     P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_first;17     P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_last;18 }STRUCT_STAQUE,19 * P_STRUCT_STAQUE;20 21 P_STRUCT_STAQUE22 f_staque_construct(void);23 24 void25 f_staque_push_back(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, void* const p_data);26 27 void28 f_staque_push_front(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, void* const p_data);29 30 void*31 f_staque_pop_front(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq);32 33 int34 f_staque_data_insert(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, void* const p_data, const unsigned int index);35 36 void*37 f_staque_data_remove(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, const unsigned int index);38 39 void*40 f_staque_data_access(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, const unsigned int index);41 42 int43 f_staque_data_index(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, void* const p_data, unsigned int* const p_index);44 45 void46 f_staque_destroy(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq);47 48 #endif // !__STAQUE_H



图片[1] - C语言实现staque结构 - MaxSSL图片[2] - C语言实现staque结构 - MaxSSL

  1 #include "staque.h"  2 #include   3   4 #pragma warning(disable:6011)  5   6 P_STRUCT_STAQUE f_staque_construct(void)  7 {  8     P_STRUCT_STAQUE p_ret_vec = (P_STRUCT_STAQUE)malloc(sizeof(STRUCT_STAQUE));  9     p_ret_vec->count = 0; 10     p_ret_vec->p_first = NULL; 11     p_ret_vec->p_last = NULL; 12     return p_ret_vec; 13 } 14  15 void innf_add_first_node(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, void* const p_data) 16 { 17     p_stq->p_first = (P_STRUCT_UD_NODE)malloc(sizeof(STRUCT_UD_NODE)); 18     p_stq->p_first->p_data = p_data; 19     p_stq->p_first->p_next = NULL; 20     p_stq->p_last = p_stq->p_first; 21     p_stq->count = 1; 22 } 23  24 void* innf_remove_last_node(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq) 25 { 26     void* p_ret_data = p_stq->p_first->p_data; 27     free(p_stq->p_first); 28     p_stq->p_first = NULL; 29     p_stq->p_last = NULL; 30     p_stq->count = 0; 31     return p_ret_data; 32 } 33  34 void f_staque_push_back(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, void* const p_data) 35 { 36     switch (p_stq->count) 37     { 38     case 0: 39         innf_add_first_node(p_stq, p_data); 40         return; 41     } 42     P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node = (P_STRUCT_UD_NODE)malloc(sizeof(STRUCT_UD_NODE)); 43     p_node->p_data = p_data; 44     p_node->p_next = NULL; 45     p_stq->p_last->p_next = p_node; 46     p_stq->p_last = p_node; 47     p_stq->count++; 48 } 49  50 void f_staque_push_front(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, void* const p_data) 51 { 52     switch (p_stq->count) { 53     case 0: 54         innf_add_first_node(p_stq, p_data); 55         return; 56     } 57     P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node = (P_STRUCT_UD_NODE)malloc(sizeof(STRUCT_UD_NODE)); 58     p_node->p_data = p_data; 59     p_node->p_next = p_stq->p_first; 60     p_stq->p_first = p_node; 61     p_stq->count++; 62 } 63  64 void* f_staque_pop_front(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq) 65 { 66     switch (p_stq->count) { 67     case 0: 68         return NULL; 69     case 1: 70         return innf_remove_last_node(p_stq); 71     } 72     void* p_ret_data = p_stq->p_first->p_data; 73     P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node = p_stq->p_first->p_next; 74     free(p_stq->p_first); 75     p_stq->p_first = p_node; 76     p_stq->count--; 77     return p_ret_data; 78 } 79  80 int f_staque_data_insert(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, void* const p_data, const unsigned int index) 81 { 82     switch (index) { 83     case 0: 84         f_staque_push_front(p_stq, p_data); 85         return 0; 86     } 87     if (index == p_stq->count) { 88         f_staque_push_back(p_stq, p_data); 89         return 0; 90     } 91     else if (index > p_stq->count) { 92         return -1; 93     } 94     P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node = p_stq->p_first; 95     for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < index - 1; i++) { 96         p_node = p_node->p_next; 97     } 98     P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node_next = p_node->p_next; 99     p_node->p_next = (P_STRUCT_UD_NODE)malloc(sizeof(STRUCT_UD_NODE));100     p_node->p_next->p_data = p_data;101     p_node->p_next->p_next = p_node_next;102     p_stq->count++;103     return 0;104 }105 106 void* f_staque_data_remove(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, const unsigned int index)107 {108     switch (p_stq->count) {109     case 0:110         return NULL;111     }112     switch (index) {113     case 0:114         return f_staque_pop_front(p_stq);115     }116     if (index >= p_stq->count) {117         return NULL;118     }119     P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node = p_stq->p_first;120     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < index - 1; i++) {121         p_node = p_node->p_next;122     }123     P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node_next = p_node->p_next->p_next;124     void* p_ret_data = p_node->p_next->p_data;125     free(p_node->p_next);126     p_node->p_next = p_node_next;127     p_stq->count--;128     return p_ret_data;129 }130 131 void* f_staque_data_access(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, const unsigned int index)132 {133     switch (p_stq->count) {134     case 0:135         return NULL;136     }137     if (index >= p_stq->count) {138         return NULL;139     }140     P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node = p_stq->p_first;141     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < index; i++) {142         p_node = p_node->p_next;143     }144     return p_node->p_data;145 }146 147 int f_staque_data_index(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq, void* const p_data, unsigned int* const p_index)148 {149     P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node = p_stq->p_first;150     for (unsigned int i = 0; i 

count; i++) {151 if (p_node->p_data == p_data) {152 *p_index = i;153 return 0;154 }155 p_node = p_node->p_next;156 }157 return -1;158 }159 160 void f_staque_destroy(P_STRUCT_STAQUE const p_stq)161 {162 if (p_stq == NULL) {163 return;164 }165 while (p_stq->count != 0) {166 f_staque_pop_front(p_stq);167 }168 free(p_stq);169 }


3. 代码测试


图片[1] - C语言实现staque结构 - MaxSSL图片[2] - C语言实现staque结构 - MaxSSL

 1 #include "staque.h" 2 #include  3 #include  4  5 #pragma warning(disable:6011) 6  7 int main(int argc, char** argv) 8 { 9     P_STRUCT_STAQUE p_stq = f_staque_construct();10     const unsigned int arr_size = 10;11     int* arr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * arr_size);12     printf("arr: ");13     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arr_size; i++) {14         *(arr + i) = i * 2;15         printf("%d ", *(arr + i));16     }17     printf("\nstaque push back all\n");18     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arr_size; i++) {19         f_staque_push_back(p_stq, arr + i);20     }21     printf("access staque data\n");22     for (unsigned int i = 0; i 

count; i++) {23 printf("%d ", *(int*)f_staque_data_access(p_stq, i));24 }25 printf("\nstaque push front all\n");26 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arr_size; i++) {27 f_staque_push_front(p_stq, arr + i);28 }29 for (P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node = p_stq->p_first; p_node != NULL; p_node = p_node->p_next) {30 printf("%d ", *(int*)p_node->p_data);31 }32 printf("\ninsert to half\n");33 f_staque_data_insert(p_stq, &p_stq->count, p_stq->count / 2);34 for (P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node = p_stq->p_first; p_node != NULL; p_node = p_node->p_next) {35 printf("%d ", *(int*)p_node->p_data);36 }37 unsigned int index = 0;38 f_staque_data_index(p_stq, &p_stq->count, &index);39 printf("\nget index of that node: %d", index);40 printf("\nremove half: %d\n", *(int*)f_staque_data_remove(p_stq, p_stq->count / 2));41 for (P_STRUCT_UD_NODE p_node = p_stq->p_first; p_node != NULL; p_node = p_node->p_next) {42 printf("%d ", *(int*)p_node->p_data);43 }44 printf("\nstaque pop front all\n");45 while (p_stq->count != 0) {46 printf("%d ", *(int*)f_staque_pop_front(p_stq));47 }48 printf("\n");49 f_staque_destroy(p_stq);50 free(arr);51 return 0;52 }



arr: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
staque push back all
access staque data
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
staque push front all
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
insert to half
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 21 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
get index of that node: 10
remove half: 20
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
staque pop front all
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

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