
  • 1.屏幕规格
  • 2.原理图
  • 3.程序实现
    • 3.1引脚定义
    • 3.2Adafruit_GFX / Arduino_ST7789版
    • 3.3TFT_eSPI库版
      • 3.3.1配置TFT_eSPI
        • a.选择屏幕的驱动和尺寸
        • b.定义引脚
        • c.定义启用的字体
        • d. 其他选项
      • 3.3.2TFT_eSPI 显示图片
  • 4.成果展示
  • 资料下载
  • 参考资料

TFT 一般指薄膜晶体管。 薄膜晶体管(Thin Film Transistor,简称TFT)是一种器件。








参考:ESP32 入门笔记01:乐鑫ESP32-DevKitC开发板信息、开发环境搭建以及学资料准备

3.2Adafruit_GFX / Arduino_ST7789版

/***************************************************1.3TFTST7789 IPS SPI display.接线 TFT_DC15 TFT_RST 17 TFT_SDA 23 TFT_SCL 18 GNDVCC 5V/3.3V 都行 BLK 不用接 ****************************************************/#include // Core graphics library by Adafruit#include  // Hardware-specific library for ST7789 (with or without CS pin)#include #define TFT_DC15#define TFT_RST 17 #define TFT_CS4 // only for displays with CS pin#define TFT_MOSI23 // for hardware SPI data pin (all of available pins)#define TFT_SCLK18 // for hardware SPI sclk pin (all of available pins)//You can use different type of hardware initialization//using hardware SPI (11, 13 on UNO; 51, 52 on MEGA; ICSP-4, ICSP-3 on DUE and etc)//Arduino_ST7789 tft = Arduino_ST7789(TFT_DC, TFT_RST); //for display without CS pin//Arduino_ST7789 tft = Arduino_ST7789(TFT_DC, TFT_RST, TFT_CS); //for display with CS pin//or you can use software SPI on all available pins (slow)Arduino_ST7789 tft = Arduino_ST7789(TFT_DC, TFT_RST, TFT_MOSI, TFT_SCLK); //for display without CS pin//Arduino_ST7789 tft = Arduino_ST7789(TFT_DC, TFT_RST, TFT_MOSI, TFT_SCLK, TFT_CS); //for display with CS pinfloat p = 3.1415926;void setup(void) {Serial.begin(9600);Serial.print("Hello! ST7789 TFT Test");tft.init(240, 240); // initialize a ST7789 chip, 240x240 pixelsSerial.println("Initialized");/*9uint16_t time = millis();tft.fillScreen(BLACK);time = millis() - time;/*Serial.println(time, DEC);delay(500);// large block of texttft.fillScreen(BLACK);testdrawtext("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur adipiscing ante sed nibh tincidunt feugiat. Maecenas enim massa, fringilla sed malesuada et, malesuada sit amet turpis. Sed porttitor neque ut ante pretium vitae malesuada nunc bibendum. Nullam aliquet ultrices massa eu hendrerit. Ut sed nisi lorem. In vestibulum purus a tortor imperdiet posuere. ", WHITE);delay(1000);// tft print functiontftPrintTest();delay(4000);// a single pixeltft.drawPixel(tft.width()/2, tft.height()/2, GREEN);delay(500);// line draw testtestlines(YELLOW);delay(500);// optimized linestestfastlines(RED, BLUE);delay(500);testdrawrects(GREEN);delay(500);testfillrects(YELLOW, MAGENTA);delay(500);tft.fillScreen(BLACK);testfillcircles(10, BLUE);testdrawcircles(10, WHITE);delay(500);testroundrects();delay(500);testtriangles();delay(500);*//*mediabuttons();delay(500);Serial.println("done");delay(1000);*/}void loop() {//tft.fillScreen(BLACK);testfillcircles(10, BLUE);testdrawcircles(10, WHITE);testfillrects(YELLOW, MAGENTA);delay(500);tft.invertDisplay(true);delay(500);tft.invertDisplay(false);delay(500);tftPrintTest();delay(500);mediabuttons();delay(500);}void testlines(uint16_t color) {tft.fillScreen(BLACK);for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=6) {tft.drawLine(0, 0, x, tft.height()-1, color);}for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height(); y+=6) {tft.drawLine(0, 0, tft.width()-1, y, color);}tft.fillScreen(BLACK);for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=6) {tft.drawLine(tft.width()-1, 0, x, tft.height()-1, color);}for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height(); y+=6) {tft.drawLine(tft.width()-1, 0, 0, y, color);}tft.fillScreen(BLACK);for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=6) {tft.drawLine(0, tft.height()-1, x, 0, color);}for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height(); y+=6) {tft.drawLine(0, tft.height()-1, tft.width()-1, y, color);}tft.fillScreen(BLACK);for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=6) {tft.drawLine(tft.width()-1, tft.height()-1, x, 0, color);}for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height(); y+=6) {tft.drawLine(tft.width()-1, tft.height()-1, 0, y, color);}}void testdrawtext(char *text, uint16_t color) {tft.setCursor(0, 0);tft.setTextColor(color);tft.setTextWrap(true);tft.print(text);}void testfastlines(uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2) {tft.fillScreen(BLACK);for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height(); y+=5) {tft.drawFastHLine(0, y, tft.width(), color1);}for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=5) {tft.drawFastVLine(x, 0, tft.height(), color2);}}void testdrawrects(uint16_t color) {tft.fillScreen(BLACK);for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width(); x+=6) {tft.drawRect(tft.width()/2 -x/2, tft.height()/2 -x/2 , x, x, color);}}void testfillrects(uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2) {tft.fillScreen(BLACK);for (int16_t x=tft.width()-1; x > 6; x-=6) {tft.fillRect(tft.width()/2 -x/2, tft.height()/2 -x/2 , x, x, color1);tft.drawRect(tft.width()/2 -x/2, tft.height()/2 -x/2 , x, x, color2);}}void testfillcircles(uint8_t radius, uint16_t color) {for (int16_t x=radius; x < tft.width(); x+=radius*2) {for (int16_t y=radius; y < tft.height(); y+=radius*2) {tft.fillCircle(x, y, radius, color);}}}void testdrawcircles(uint8_t radius, uint16_t color) {for (int16_t x=0; x < tft.width()+radius; x+=radius*2) {for (int16_t y=0; y < tft.height()+radius; y+=radius*2) {tft.drawCircle(x, y, radius, color);}}}void testtriangles() {tft.fillScreen(BLACK);int color = 0xF800;int t;int w = tft.width()/2;int x = tft.height()-1;int y = 0;int z = tft.width();for(t = 0 ; t <= 15; t++) {tft.drawTriangle(w, y, y, x, z, x, color);x-=4;y+=4;z-=4;color+=100;}}void testroundrects() {tft.fillScreen(BLACK);int color = 100;int i;int t;for(t = 0 ; t <= 4; t+=1) {int x = 0;int y = 0;int w = tft.width()-2;int h = tft.height()-2;for(i = 0 ; i <= 16; i+=1) {tft.drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, 5, color);x+=2;y+=3;w-=4;h-=6;color+=1100;}color+=100;}}void tftPrintTest() {tft.setTextWrap(false);tft.fillScreen(BLACK);tft.setCursor(0, 30);tft.setTextColor(RED);tft.setTextSize(1);tft.println("Hello World!");tft.setTextColor(YELLOW);tft.setTextSize(2);tft.println("Hello World!");tft.setTextColor(GREEN);tft.setTextSize(3);tft.println("Hello World!");tft.setTextColor(BLUE);tft.setTextSize(4);tft.print(1234.567);delay(1500);tft.setCursor(0, 0);tft.fillScreen(BLACK);tft.setTextColor(WHITE);tft.setTextSize(0);tft.println("Hello World!");tft.setTextSize(1);tft.setTextColor(GREEN);tft.print(p, 6);tft.println(" Want pi" />);tft.println(" ");tft.print(8675309, HEX); // print 8,675,309 out in HEX!tft.println(" Print HEX!");tft.println(" ");tft.setTextColor(WHITE);tft.println("Sketch has been");tft.println("running for: ");tft.setTextColor(MAGENTA);tft.print(millis() / 1000);tft.setTextColor(WHITE);tft.print(" seconds.");}void mediabuttons() {// playtft.fillScreen(BLACK);tft.fillRoundRect(25, 10, 78, 60, 8, WHITE);tft.fillTriangle(42, 20, 42, 60, 90, 40, RED);delay(500);// pausetft.fillRoundRect(25, 90, 78, 60, 8, WHITE);tft.fillRoundRect(39, 98, 20, 45, 5, GREEN);tft.fillRoundRect(69, 98, 20, 45, 5, GREEN);delay(500);// play colortft.fillTriangle(42, 20, 42, 60, 90, 40, BLUE);delay(50);// pause colortft.fillRoundRect(39, 98, 20, 45, 5, RED);tft.fillRoundRect(69, 98, 20, 45, 5, RED);// play colortft.fillTriangle(42, 20, 42, 60, 90, 40, GREEN);}


参考:使用DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1驱动屏幕ST7789






// TFT官方配置#define TFT_MOSI 15 // In some display driver board, it might be written as "SDA" and so on.#define TFT_SCLK 14#define TFT_CS 5// Chip select control pin#define TFT_DC 27// Data Command control pin#define TFT_RST33// Reset pin (could connect to Arduino RESET pin)#define TFT_BL 22// LED back-light//配置1,完全按照引脚图来配置#define TFT_MOSI 21 #define TFT_SCLK 22#define TFT_DC 4#define TFT_RST23//#define TFT_CS 34// 没有CS引脚//#define TFT_BL 35// 背光不需要设置//配置2,根据官方使用修改而来#define TFT_MOSI 5 //官方使用15,对应HSPI CS0引脚,这里用VSPI CS0,其中V指virtual#define TFT_SCLK 18//官方使用14,对应HSPI CLK,这里用VSPI CLK#define TFT_DC 4#define TFT_RST22//#define TFT_CS 34// 没有CS引脚//#define TFT_BL 35// 背光不需要设置


d. 其他选项


3.3.2TFT_eSPI 显示图片


  • 【CSDN】ESP32 Arduino 学习篇(五)TFT_eSPI库

  • 【CSDN@慕容流年】《Arduino》开发 之 TFT_eSPI 库 显示一张彩色图片


#include #include #include #include "bmp.h" #ifndef TFT_DISPOFF#define TFT_DISPOFF 0x28#endif #ifndef TFT_SLPIN#define TFT_SLPIN 0x10#endif TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(240, 240); // Invoke custom library void showImage(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h, const uint16_t *data); void setup(){Serial.begin(9600);Serial.println("Start");tft.init();// 设置屏幕显示的旋转角度,参数为:0, 1, 2, 3tft.setRotation(2); // 分别代表 0°、90°、180°、270°tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK);// //屏幕填充颜色,如果没有设置,没有显示的区域会发现花屏tft.setTextSize(2);tft.setTextColor(TFT_MAGENTA);tft.setCursor(0, 0);tft.setTextDatum(MC_DATUM);tft.setTextSize(1); if (TFT_BL > 0) { // TFT_BL has been set in the TFT_eSPI library in the User Setup file TTGO_T_Display.h //显示屏背光ledcSetup(10, 5000/*freq*/, 10 /*resolution*/);//信号频率 5000 Hz占空比分辨率 10位ledcAttachPin(TFT_BL, 10);// LEDC_CHANNEL_10analogReadResolution(10);ledcWrite(10,1023); // //1023 = 2 ^ 10 - 1}} void loop(){//tft.fillScreen(TFT_WHITE);//tft.setSwapBytes(true);showImage(0, 0,240, 160, bmp1);//delay(1000);} #define PI_BUF_SIZE 128void showImage(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h, const uint16_t *data){int32_t dx = 0;int32_t dy = 0;int32_t dw = w;int32_t dh = h*2; if (x < 0) { dw += x; dx = -x; x = 0; }if (y < 0) { dh += y; dy = -y; y = 0; } if (dw < 1 || dh < 1) return; CS_L; data += dx + dy * w; uint16_tbuffer[PI_BUF_SIZE];uint16_t* pix_buffer = buffer;uint16_thigh,low; tft.setWindow(x, y, x + dw - 1, y + dh - 1); // Work out the number whole buffers to senduint16_t nb = (dw * dh) / (2 * PI_BUF_SIZE); // Fill and send "nb" buffers to TFTfor (int32_t i = 0; i < nb; i++) {for (int32_t j = 0; j < PI_BUF_SIZE; j++) {high = pgm_read_word(&data[(i * 2 * PI_BUF_SIZE) + 2 * j + 1]);low = pgm_read_word(&data[(i * 2 * PI_BUF_SIZE) + 2 * j ]);pix_buffer[j] = (high<<8)+low;}tft.pushPixels(pix_buffer, PI_BUF_SIZE);} // Work out number of pixels not yet sentuint16_t np = (dw * dh) % (2 * PI_BUF_SIZE); // Send any partial buffer left overif (np) {for (int32_t i = 0; i < np; i++){high = pgm_read_word(&data[(nb * 2 * PI_BUF_SIZE) + 2 * i + 1]);low = pgm_read_word(&data[(nb * 2 * PI_BUF_SIZE) + 2 * i ]);pix_buffer[i] = (high<<8)+low;}tft.pushPixels(pix_buffer, np);} CS_H;}

LCD全彩图片时取模软件 Image2Lcd 2.9(破解版)。


const unsigned short bmp1[] PROGMEM = { 0X10,0X10,0X00,0XF0,0X00,0XA0,0X01,0X1B,};



ESP32 驱动ST7789液晶屏效果展示


  • 【CSDN】1.54寸(240240)彩色TFT 显示高清IPS LCD 屏幕 SPI接口ST7789驱动 资料汇总


  • [1] 【YouTube】ESP32 + 1.3 inch 240×240 IPS LCD (ST7789 SPI interface), using TFT_eSPI library
  • [2] https://arduino-er.blogspot.com/2020/07/esp32-13-inch-240×240-ips-lcd-st7789.html
  • [3] 【GitHub】TFT_eSPI库
  • [4] 【CSDN@LoveArduinos
    [5] 【简书】 使用DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1驱动屏幕ST7789的踩坑之旅