
D题 野生动物贸易是否应长期禁止





  我们使用CITES贸易数据库作为我的数据源。该数据库包含2 000多万份贸易记录,可以公开访问。附件为1990-2021年哺乳动物贸易数据,也可通过以下链接获取完整数据库:https://caiyun.139.com/m/i” />要求您的团队建立合理的数学模型,分析数据,并解决以下问题:











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1 %LSTM Initial Code2 clc;clear3 %% Enter data for 1990-20214 data = [0.287259615 0.213347921 0.186021505 0.205663189 0.3355155480.395131086 0.413533835 0.346978558 0.338954469 0.340277778 0.2716535430.25748503 0.31122449 0.309278351 0.352941176 0.414772727 0.4058441560.35125448 0.42019544 0.37804878 0.337595908 0.330218069 0.30815710.438709677 0.420849421 0.404761905 0.418867925 0.303501946 0.550.520710059 0.472826087 0.428571429];5 %% Load the dataset6 Train_data = data(1:27); %Training set7 Text_data = data(28:32); %Texting set8 %% Data preprocessing9 me = mean(Train_data); %Mean10 sd = std(Train_data); %Standard Deviation11 TrainDataStandard = (Train_data - me) / sd;12 XTrain = TrainDataStandard(1:end-1);13 YTrain = TrainDataStandard(2:end);14 %% Build the LSTM neural network15 FeaturesNum = 1;16 OutputNum = 1;17 HiddenNum = 200; %The number of hidden layer units18 layers = [ ...19 sequenceInputLayer(FeaturesNum)20 lstmLayer(HiddenNum)21 fullyConnectedLayer(OutputNum)22 regressionLayer];23 options = trainingOptions('adam', ...24 'MaxEpochs',1000, ...25 'GradientThreshold',1, ...26 'InitialLearnRate',0.01, ...27 'LearnRateSchedule','piecewise', ...28 'LearnRateDropPeriod',400, ...29 'LearnRateDropFactor',0.15, ...30 'Verbose',0, ...31 'Plots','training-progress');32 net = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);33 %% Initialize Network34 net = predictAndUpdateState(net,XTrain);35 [net,predict_y] = predictAndUpdateState(net,YTrain(end));36 %% Forecast37 for i = 2:638 [net,predict_y(:,i)] =predictAndUpdateState(net,predict_y(:,i-1),'ExecutionEnvironment','cpu');39 end40 %% Calculate RMSE41 predict_y = sd * predict_y + me;42 RMSE = sqrt(mean((predict_y(1:5)-Text_data).^2)) ;43 %% Draw a curve44 subplot(2,1,1)45 plot(Train_data(1:end))46 hold on47 x = 28:(27+5);48 plot(x,predict_y(1:5),'.-')49 hold off50 xlabel("Time")51 ylabel("Case")52 title("Forecast")53 legend(["Observed" "Forecast"])54 subplot(2,1,2)55 plot(data)56 xlabel("Time")57 ylabel("Case")58 title("Dataset")59 %% Comparison between predicted value and actual value60 figure(2)61 x =1990:2021;62 yy = [Train_data ,predict_y(1:5)];63 plot(x,yy,'r') %Including predicted partial curve64 hold on65 plot(x,data,'b') %Actual curve66 hold off67 xlabel("Time")68 ylabel("Case")69 legend(["Predict" "Data"])7071 %LSTM Improved Code72 clc;clear73 %% Enter data for 1990-202174 data0 = [0.287259615 0.213347921 0.186021505 0.205663189 0.3355155480.395131086 0.413533835 0.346978558 0.338954469 0.340277778 0.2716535430.25748503 0.31122449 0.309278351 0.352941176 0.414772727 0.4058441560.35125448 0.42019544 0.37804878 0.337595908 0.330218069 0.30815710.438709677 0.420849421 0.404761905 0.418867925 0.303501946 0.550.520710059 0.472826087 0.428571429];75 %% Complementary data of cubic spline interpolation76 year =[1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021];77 new_x = 1990:0.01:202178 data = spline(year,data0,new_x)79 %% Load the dataset80 Train_data = data(1:3000); %Training set81 Text_data = data(3001:3101); %Texting set82 %% Data preprocessing83 me = mean(Train_data); %Mean84 sd = std(Train_data); %Standard Deviation85 TrainDataStandard = (Train_data - me) / sd;86 XTrain = TrainDataStandard(1:end-1);87 YTrain = TrainDataStandard(2:end);88 %% Build the LSTM neural network89 FeaturesNum = 1;90 OutputNum = 1;91 HiddenNum = 200; %The number of hidden layer units92 layers = [ ...93 sequenceInputLayer(FeaturesNum)94 lstmLayer(HiddenNum)95 fullyConnectedLayer(OutputNum)96 regressionLayer];97 options = trainingOptions('adam', ...98 'MaxEpochs',100, ...99 'GradientThreshold',1, ...100 'InitialLearnRate',0.01, ...101 'LearnRateSchedule','piecewise', ...102 'LearnRateDropPeriod',400, ...103 'LearnRateDropFactor',0.15, ...104 'Verbose',0, ...105 'Plots','training-progress');106 net = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);107 %% Initialize Network108 net = predictAndUpdateState(net,XTrain);109 [net,predict_y] = predictAndUpdateState(net,YTrain(end));110 %% Forecast111 for i = 2:201112 [net,predict_y(:,i)] =predictAndUpdateState(net,predict_y(:,i-1),'ExecutionEnvironment','cpu');113 end114 %% Calculate RMSE115 predict_y = sd * predict_y + me;116 RMSE = sqrt(mean((predict_y(1:101)-Text_data).^2)) ;117 %% Draw a curve118 subplot(2,1,1)119 plot(Train_data(1:end))120 hold on121 x = 3001:(3000+101);122 plot(x,predict_y(1:101),'.-')123 hold off124 xlabel("Time")125 ylabel("Case")126 title("Forecast")127 legend(["Observed" "Forecast"])128 subplot(2,1,2)129 plot(data)130 xlabel("Time")131 ylabel("Case")132 title("Dataset")133 %% Comparison between predicted value and actual value134 figure(2)135 x =1990:0.01:2021;136 yy = [Train_data ,predict_y(1:101)];137 plot(x,yy,'r') %Including predicted partial curve138 hold on139 plot(x,data,'b') %Actual curve140 hold off141 xlabel("Time")142 ylabel("Case")143 legend(["Predict" "Data"])
1 import pandas as pd2 import numpy as np3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt4 plt.rcParams['font.family'] = ['sans-serif']5 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']6 plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False7 #data = pd.read_excel('trade_mammals_wild_live_1990_2021.xlsx')8 #data = pd.read_excel('cn_sars_98-03.xlsx')9 #data = pd.read_excel('us_covid19_16-21.xlsx')10 #data = pd.read_excel('cd_ebola_95-19.xlsx')11 #data = pd.read_excel('ga_ebola_90-13.xlsx')12 #data = pd.read_excel('ug_ebola_91-11.xlsx')13 #data = pd.read_excel('us_flu_06-21.xlsx')14 data = pd.read_excel('us_covid19_16-21_grey.xlsx')15 data.head()16 data.info()17 dsc = data.describe()18 dsc19 pd.plotting.scatter_matrix(data, figsize=(20,10), alpha=0.75)20 plt.show()21 cor = data.corr() # method='pearson'22 cor23 sns.heatmap(cor, cmap='YlGnBu', xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True,24 annot=True, square=True)25 from scipy import stats26 np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) # Scientific notation is not used27 pd.set_option('display.float_format',lambda x : '%.4f' % x) # Keep 4significant digits after the decimal point28 # T-distribution test29 tp = stats.t.isf(1-0.975, 9)30 x = np.linspace(-5,5,100)31 y = stats.t.pdf(x, 9)32 plt.plot(x,y)33 plt.vlines(-tp, 0, stats.t.pdf(-tp, 9), colors='orange')34 plt.vlines(tp, 0, stats.t.pdf(tp, 9), colors='orange')35 plt.fill_between(x, 0, y, where=abs(x)>tp, interpolate=True, color='r')36 # P-value test37 def my_pvalue_pearson(x):38 col = x.shape[1]39 col_name = x.columns.values40 p_val = []41 for i in range(col):42 for j in range(col):43 p_val.append(stats.pearsonr(x[col_name[i]], x[col_name[j]])[1])44 p_val = pd.DataFrame(np.array(p_val).reshape(col, col),columns=col_name, index=col_name)45 return p_val46 my_pvalue_pearson(data)4748 # Analytic Hierarchy Process49 import numpy as np50 def ConsisTest(X):51 # Arithmetic averaging52 X = np.array(X)53 sum_X = X.sum(axis=0)54 (n,n) = X.shape55 sum_X = np.tile(sum_X,(n,1))56 stand_X = X/sum_X # Standardized X57 ## Normalization58 sum_row = stand_X.sum(axis=1)59 print("The result of the arithmetic averaging method to find the weightsis:")60 print(sum_row/n)6162 # Eigenvalue method63 V,E = np.linalg.eig(X)64 max_value = np.max(V) # Maximum eigenvalue65 #print("Maximum eigenvalue:",max_value)66 max_v_index = np.argmax(V)67 max_eiv = E[:,max_v_index]68 stand_eiv = max_eiv/max_eiv.sum()69 print("The result of the weighting of the eigenvalue method is:")70 print(stand_eiv)71 print("———————————————————————————————")72 # Consistency check73 ## Calculate the consistency metric CI74 CI = (max_value-n)/(n-1)75 ## Find the corresponding mean random consistency metric RI76 RI =np.array([15,0,0,0.52,0.89,1.12,1.26,1.36,1.41,1.46,1.49,1.52,1.54,1.56,1.58,1.59])77 ## Calculate the consistency scale CR78 CR = CI/RI[n]79 if CR < 0.1:80 print("CR=",CR,",Less than 0.1, pass the consistency test ")81 else:82 print("CR=",CR,",greater than or equal to 0.1, the consistency testis not passed, please modify the judgment matrix ")83 return None84 # ConsisTest(b)85 b = np.array([[1, 7,3,5],[1/7, 1,1/5,1/3] ,[1/3, 5,1,3],[1/5,3,1/3, 1]])86 ConsisTest(b)878889 # Grey Relational Analysis90 import pandas as pd91 import numpy as np92 #xlsx_file = "ug_ebola_91-11_grey_preprocess.xlsx"93 #xlsx_file = "cn_sars_98-03_grey.xlsx"94 #xlsx_file = "us_covid19_16-21_grey.xlsx"95 xlsx_file = "cd_ebola_95-19_grey.xlsx"96 xlsx_data = pd.read_excel(xlsx_file) # Prevent warnings from popping upx=pd.DataFrame(xlsx_data)97 x=x.iloc[:,1:].T98 # 1、Data averaging processing99 x_mean=x.mean(axis=1)100 for i in range(x.index.size):101 x.iloc[i,:] = x.iloc[i,:]/x_mean[i]102 # 2、Extract reference and compare queues103 ck=x.iloc[0,:]104 cp=x.iloc[1:,:]105 # The comparison queue is subtracted from the reference queue106 t=pd.DataFrame()107 for j in range(cp.index.size):108 temp=pd.Series(cp.iloc[j,:]-ck)109 t=t.append(temp,ignore_index=True)110111 # Find the maximum difference and minimum difference112 mmax=t.abs().max().max()113 mmin=t.abs().min().min()114 rho=0.5115116 #3、Find the correlation coefficient117 ksi=((mmin+rho*mmax)/(abs(t)+rho*mmax))118119 #4、Find the degree of correlation120 r=ksi.sum(axis=1)/ksi.columns.size121122 #5、Relevance sorting123 result=r.sort_values(ascending=False)124 print(result)
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