select a.ename, c.sname, sum(b.cgmoney)
from employee a, stock b, supplier c
where a.etype=2 and a.eid=b.eid and b.sid=c.sid
group by a.ename, c.sname

select a.ename, b.said, d.cuname, e.cname, c.sdnumber, c.sdprice
from employee a
left outer join sale b on a.eid=b.eid
left outer join saledetail c on b.said=c.said
left outer join customer d on b.cuid=d.cuid
left outer join commodity e on e.cid=c.cid
where a.etype=3
order by b.said

select b.cuid,sum(samoney)
from sale a,customer b
where a.cuid=b.cuid and year(sadate)=2006
group by b.cuid
order by sum(samoney)desc

select sname
from supplier a
where not exists
( select a.sid from supplying b
where a.sid=b.sid)

select ename,sdnumber
from employee a,stockdetail b,stock c
where a.eid=c.eid and b.cgid=c.cgid
and year(cgdate)=2005
and ename=’刘明’
group by sdnumber,ename

select b.ename,d.cname,sum(cgmoney)
from stock a,employee b,stockdetail c,commodity d
where a.eid=b.eid and c.cid=d.cid and a.cgid=c.cgid
and year(cgdate)=2005 and ename=’刘明’ and cname=’数码相机’
group by b.ename,d.cname

select distinct sum(samoney),c.eid,e.cname
from saledetail a,sale b,employee c,commodity e
where a.said=b.said and c.eid=b.eid and e.cid=a.cid
group by a.cid,c.eid,e.cname

select cname,min(price)
from supplying a,commodity b
where a.cid=b.cid and cname=’鲜橙多’
group by a.cid,cname

select c.said,cid,sdnumber,sdprice,sddiscount
from employee a,sale b,saledetail c
where a.eid=b.eid and b.said=c.said
and ename=’王良’ and year (sadate)=2005

select CUname from customer
where CUid in
( select CUid from sale where SAid in
( select SAid from saleDetail where Cid in
(select CId from Supplying where Sid=’A001′ )

select sname,count(cid)
from supplying inner join supplier
on supplying.sid=supplier.sid
group by supplier.sid,sname

select CUname,Cname,SDnumber,SDprice
FROM customer LEFT JOIN sale ON customer.CUid=sale.CUid
LEFT JOIN saleDetail ON sale.SAid=saleDetail.SAid
LEFT JOIN commodity ON saleDetail.Cid=commodity.cid

select *
from employee ,stock
where stock.Eid=employee.Eid

select *
from employee left join stock
on stock.Eid=employee.Eid

select sname
from supplier where sname in
(select sname from stock a,supplier b,employee c
where a.sid=b.sid and a.eid=c.eid and ename=’李云’)

select sname
from stock a,supplier b,Employee c
where a.sid=b.sid and a.eid=c.eid and ename=’李云’

select sname,cname
from supplier,supplying,commodity
where supplier.sid=supplying.sid
and supplying.cid=commodity.cid