


2.熟悉实验环境和加密软件CrypTool 1.4(CrypTool 2)的使用。



  1. 运行CrypTool 1.4(CrypTool 2),使用RSA算法对消息进行签名操作,选择公钥PK=(e,N),私钥为sk=(d,N)。例如:


Out of all cryptographic primitives, the digital signature using public key cryptography is considered as very important and useful tool to achieve information security. Apart from ability to provide non-repudiation of message, the digital signature also provides message authentication and data integrity.

密钥:e = 11

N =


d =


  1. 编程实现RSA/ElGamal签名算法并测试签名和验证过程。要求消息头部包含作者的姓名拼音,并通过哈希函数SHA-1得到消息摘要,对摘要进行签名,编程语言不限。
  • 实验步骤


  1. 通过课堂与课本得知,RSA签名和实验4中的RSA算法正好相反,解密对应于签名,且解密的密钥为加密者的私钥。加密对应于验证,于是打开Cryptool2.1使用RSA解密算法生成16进制文件。如图一、二。

图片[1] - 现代密码学实验五:签名算法 - MaxSSL


图片[2] - 现代密码学实验五:签名算法 - MaxSSL




图片[3] - 现代密码学实验五:签名算法 - MaxSSL



图片[4] - 现代密码学实验五:签名算法 - MaxSSL


图片[5] - 现代密码学实验五:签名算法 - MaxSSL


  • 实验结果



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


Out of all cryptographic primitives, the digital signature using public key cryptography is considered as very important and useful tool to achieve information security. Apart from ability to provide non-repudiation of message, the digital signature also provides message authentication and data integrity.




图片[6] - 现代密码学实验五:签名算法 - MaxSSL


  • 实验心得


  • 附录 (程序代码)
from random import randintfrom datetime import datetimeimport hashlib"""判断是否是素数"""def is_sushu(sushu): for i in range(2,sushu): if sushu % i == 0: return False return True"""随机生成指定范围的大素数"""def Create_Sushu(): while True: sushu = randint(100,1000 )#下限越大,加密越安全,此处考虑计算时间,取值较小 if is_sushu(sushu): return sushu"""计算欧拉函数"""def Oula(sushu1 , sushu2): return (sushu1-1)*(sushu2-1)"""判断是否互质"""def Is_Huzhi(int_min,int_max): for i in range(2,int_min+1): if int_min % i == 0 and int_max % i == 0: return False return True"""计算公钥,直接计算编程较简单,此处考虑了计算效率的优化"""def Creat_E(oula): top = oula while True: i = randint(2,top) for e in range(i,top): if Is_Huzhi(e,oula): return e top = i"""计算私钥"""def Compute_D(oula,e): k = 1 while ( k*oula+1 )% e != 0: k+=1 return int((k*oula+1)/e)"""将字符串转成ASCII"""def Transfer_To_Ascii(messages): result = [] for message in messages: result.append( ord(message) ) return result"""将列表转化成字符串"""def Transfer_To_String(string_list): string = ''.join('%s' %id for id in string_list) #有数字不能直接join .join('%s' %id for id in list1)) return stringif __name__ == "__main__": """ pq为大素数 n=p*q oula = p-1* q-1 e 为公钥 d 为私钥 """ print("通信开始,正在计算公钥与私钥...") time_start = datetime.now() p = Create_Sushu() q = p while p ==q : q = Create_Sushu() n = p * q oula = Oula(p, q) e = Creat_E(oula) d = Compute_D(oula,e) time_end = datetime.now() print(f"计算完成,用时{str(time_end -time_start)}") print(f"公钥:n = {str(n)} , e = {str(e)}") print(f"私钥:n = {str(n)} , d = {str(d)}") m = input('待签名信息:') hash = hashlib.sha1(m.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() c_list= Transfer_To_Ascii(hash) print(f"sha-1消息摘要为:{hash}") print("正在签名...") decode_messages=[] for c in c_list: decode_message = c**d%n decode_messages.append(chr(decode_message)) m_list = Transfer_To_Ascii(decode_messages) print(f"签名信息:{m_list}") c_list = [] for m in m_list: c = m**e%n c_list.append(chr(c)) print("正在验证...") print(f"收到的摘要为:{Transfer_To_String(c_list)}") if Transfer_To_String(c_list) == hash: print("验证成功!!!")

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