
  1. Start importing material (background picture)

Create a graph window and define macros for the window

 #define WIN_WINDTH 1012 #define WIN_HEIGHT 396initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);
  1. Import game background (scroll cycle)

    #include //global variableIMAGE imgsBgs[3];//define imgae variablevoid init(){initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);char name[64];//Load background resourcesfor (int i = 0;i < 3;i++){sprintf(name,"res/bg%03d.png",i+1);//generate file name //loadimage(&imgBgs[i],"file name");loadimage(&imgBgs[i],name);} }
     ```c++ int main() {init ();updataBg();return 0; } ```
  2. Local modularization
    Game background coordinates

    void updataBg(){putimage(0,0,&imgBgs[0]);putimage(0,119,&imgBgs[1]);putimage(0,330,&imgBgs[2]);}

The picture is the Y coordinate of motion, and the definition amount is constantly changed to keep the last y coordinate

int bgX[3];//X coordinate global variable of background picture

change initialization

#include  void init(){initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);char name[64];//Load background resourcesfor (int i = 0;i < 3;i++){sprintf(name,"res/bg%03d.png",i+1);//generate file name //loadimage(&imgBgs[i],"file name");loadimage(&imgBgs[i],name);bgX[i] = 0;} } void updataBg() {putimage(bgX[0],0,&imgBgs[0]); putimage(bgX[1],119,&imgBgs[1]); putimage(bgX[2],330,&imgBgs[2]); }


Call tool H transparent map
Easy background black

add tools file

#include "tools.h"

**Change the put image code **

**putimagePNG is Internet GPl code **

 void updataBg() {putimagePNG(bgX[0],0,&imgBgs[0]); putimagePNG(bgX[1],110,&imgBgs[1]); putimagePNG(bgX[2],330,&imgBgs[2]); }


#include #pragma comment(lib,"winmm.lib")


int main(){ init ();while(1){updataBg();} return 0;}


void fly(){for(int i = 0 ;i <3 ;i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;}}
int bgSpeed[3] = { 1,2,4};
void fly(){for(int i = 0 ;i <3 ;i++){ // same speed bgX[i] -= bgSpeed[1];}}
int main(){ init ();while(1){updataBg();fly();// add Frame waitingSleep(20);} return 0;}



void updataBg(){putimagePNG2(bgX[0],0, &imgBgs[0]);putimagePNG2(bgX[1],119, & imgBgs[1]);putimagePNG2(bgX[2],330, & imgBgs[2]);}
void fly(){for(int i = 0 ;i <3 ;i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if(bgX[i] < -WIN_WINDTH){bgX[i] = 0;}}}
 int main(){ init ();while(1){ BeginBatchDraw();//double buffer mechanical start updataBg();//FlushBatshDraw EndBatshDraw();//ouble buffer mechanical endfly();// add Frame waitingSleep(30);}return 0;}

Hero appera

define goba l variable

IMAGE imgHeros[12];


void init(){initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);char name[64];//Load background resourcesfor (int i = 0;i < 3;i++){sprintf(name,"res/bg%03d.png",i+1);//generate file name //loadimage(&imgBgs[i],"file name");loadimage(&imgBgs[i],name);bgX[i] = 0;}//加载玩家奔跑帧数采for (int i = 0; i < 12;i++){//res/hero1.png ~ hero12.pngsprintf(name,"res/hero%d",i + 1);loadimage(&imgHeros[i],name);} }


 int main(){ init ();while(1){ BeginBatchDraw();//double buffer mechanical start updataBg();//打印奔跑的heroputimagePNG2(heroX,heroY,&imgHeros[heroIndex]);//FlushBatchDraw(); EndBatshDraw();//ouble buffer mechanical endfly();// add Frame waitingSleep(30);}return 0;}


int heroX,heroY;
void init(){initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);char name[64];//Load background resourcesfor (int i = 0;i < 3;i++){sprintf(name,"res/bg%03d.png",i+1);//generate file name //loadimage(&imgBgs[i],"file name");loadimage(&imgBgs[i],name);bgX[i] = 0;}//加载玩家奔跑帧数采for (int i = 0; i < 12;i++){//res/hero1.png ~ hero12.pngsprintf(name,"res/hero%d.png",i + 1);loadimage(&imgHeros[1],name);}heroX = WIN_WIDTH * 0.5 - imgHeros[0].getwidth() *0.5;heroY = 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight();heroIndex = 0; }
int heroIndex;//玩家显示的是第几章frame
void fly(){for(int i = 0 ;i <3 ;i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if(bgX[i] < -WIN_WINDTH){bgX[i] = 0;}} heroIndex = (heroIndex + 1)%12;}



#include #include #include void keyEvent(){char ch; if(_kbhit())//如果有按键输入{ ch = _getch();//_getch() 不需要按下回车 直接读取if(ch == ''){jump();}} }


#include #include #include void jump(){heroJump = true;}


bool heroJump;//初始化 void init(){//。。。heroJump = false;}

开始跳跃 实现

void fly(){for(int i = 0 ;i <3 ;i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if(bgX[i]  JumpHeightMax){//上升 heroJumpOff = 4;}heroY += heroJumpOff;if(heroY > 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight()){heroJump = false;heroJumpOff = -4;}}}


int main(){ // test();init();while (1){ keyEvent();BeginBatchDraw();//double buffer mechanical startupdataBg();putimagePNG2(heroX, heroY, &imgHeros[heroIndex]);FlushBatchDraw(); //EndBatshDraw();//ouble buffer mechanical endfly();// add Frame waitingSleep(20);}return 0;}



int jumpHeightMax;void init(){//...jumpHeightMax =345 - imgHeros[0].getheight() - 120;}


int heroJumpOff;void init(){///....heroJumpOff = -4;}


void fly(){for(int i = 0 ;i <3 ;i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if(bgX[i] < -WIN_WINDTH){bgX[i] = 0;}} //实现跳跃if(heroJump){if(heroY  345 - imgHeros[0].getheight()) { heroJump = false;heroJumpOff = -4;}}else {//不跳跃的时候heroIndex = (heroIndex + 1)%12;}}


int main(){ // test();init();int timer;//调用时间while (1){ keyEvent();timer += getDelay();if(timer > 30){timer = 0;BeginBatchDraw(); updataBg();putimagePNG2(heroX, heroY,&imgHeros[heroIndex]);FlushBatchDraw(); fly();} //Sleep(20);}return 0;}

getDelay() function

int updata; //表示是否要刷新画面void init(){//...updata = true;}
int main(){ // test();init();int timer;//调用时间while (1){ keyEvent();timer += getDelay();if(timer > 30){timer = 0; updata = true;} if(updata){ BeginBatchDraw(); updataBg();putimagePNG2(heroX, heroY,&imgHeros[heroIndex]);FlushBatchDraw(); fly();}//Sleep(20);}return 0;}


void jump(){heroJump = true;updata = true;}
 if(updata){updata = false;//不能一直刷 BeginBatchDraw(); updataBg();putimagePNG2(heroX, heroY,&imgHeros[heroIndex]);FlushBatchDraw();fly();}//Sleep(20);

new main

int main(){ // test();init();int timer;//调用时间while (1){ keyEvent();timer += getDelay();if(timer > 30){timer = 0; updata = true;} if(updata){updata = false;//不能一直刷 BeginBatchDraw(); updataBg();putimagePNG2(heroX, heroY, &imgHeros[heroIndex]);FlushBatchDraw(); fly();}//Sleep(20);}return 0;}



IMAGE imgTortoise;//小乌龟int torToiseX,torToiseY;//小乌龟的水平坐标bool torToiseExits;//当前窗口是否有小乌龟


void init(){ // ..loadimage(&imgTortoise,"res/t1.png");torTooiseExist = false;torToiseY = 345 - imgTortoise.getheight() +5;}


void fly(){for(int i = 0 ;i <3 ;i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if(bgX[i]  JumpHeightMax){//上升 heroJumpOff = 4;}heroY += heroJumpOff; if(heroY > 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight()) { heroJump = false;heroJumpOff = -4;}}else {//不跳跃的时候heroIndex = (heroIndex + 1)%12;} //创建小乌龟static int frameCount = 0;frameCount++;if(frameCount > 100){frameCount = 0;if(!torToiseExist){torToiseExist = true;torToiseY = WIN_WIDTH;} } }
int main(){ // test();init();int timer;//调用时间while (1){ keyEvent();timer += getDelay();if(timer > 30){timer = 0; updata = true;} if(updata){updata = false;//不能一直刷 BeginBatchDraw(); updataBg();putimagePNG2(heroX, heroY,&imgHeros[heroIndex]);updataEnemy();FlushBatchDraw(); fly();}//Sleep(20);}return 0;}
void updataEnemy(){//渲染小乌龟if(torTooiseExist){putimagePNG2(torToiseX,torToiseY,WIN_WIDTH,&imgTortoise);}}


void fly(){for(int i = 0 ;i <3 ;i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if(bgX[i] < -WIN_WINDTH){bgX[i] = 0;}} //实现跳跃if(heroJump){if(heroY 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight()) { heroJump = false;heroJumpOff = -4;}}else {//不跳跃的时候heroIndex = (heroIndex + 1)%12;} //创建小乌龟static int frameCount = 0;frameCount++;if(frameCount > 100){frameCount = 0;if(!torToiseExist){torToiseExist = true;torToiseX = WIN_WIDTH;} }torTOiseX -+ bgSpeed[2];if(torToiseExist){if(torToiseX < - imgTortoise.getwidth()){torToiseExits = false;} }}


void fly(){for(int i = 0 ;i <3 ;i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if(bgX[i]  JumpHeightMax){//上升 heroJumpOff = 4;}heroY += heroJumpOff; if(heroY > 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight()) { heroJump = false;heroJumpOff = -4;}}else {//不跳跃的时候heroIndex = (heroIndex + 1)%12;} //创建小乌龟static int frameCount = 0;static int torToiseFre = 100;frameCount++;if(frameCount > torToiseFre ){frameCount = 0;if(!torToiseExist){torToiseExist = true;torToiseX = WIN_WIDTH;torToiseFre = 200 + rand()%300 ;} }torTOiseX -+ bgSpeed[2];if(torToiseExist){if(torToiseX < - imgTortoise.getwidth()){torToiseExits = false;} }}


#include using namespace std;#define OBSTACLE_COUNT 10typedefenum {TORTOISE,//0LION,//1OBSTACLE_TYPE_COUNT//2}obstacle_type;//IMAGE obstacleImgs[3][12];//二维vector<vector>obstacleImgs;//存放所有障碍的图片typedef struct obstacle//障碍物{obstacle_type type;//障碍物的类型 int x,y;//障碍物的坐标 int speed; int power;//受到的伤害bool exist;int imgIndex;//显示当前图片的序号 }obstacle_t;obstacle_t obstacles[ OBSTACLE_COUNT];//障碍物的个数


before init()

void init(){initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);char name[64];//Load background resourcesfor (int i = 0;i < 3;i++){sprintf(name,"res/bg%03d.png",i+1);//generate file name //loadimage(&imgBgs[i],"file name");loadimage(&imgBgs[i],name);bgX[i] = 0;}//加载玩家奔跑帧数采for (int i = 0; i < 12;i++){//res/hero1.png ~ hero12.pngsprintf(name,"res/hero%d.png",i + 1);loadimage(&imgHeros[1],name);}heroX = WIN_WIDTH * 0.5 - imgHeros[0].getwidth() *0.5;heroY = 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight();heroIndex = 0;heroJump = false;jumpHeightMax =345 - imgHeros[0].getheight() - 120;updata = true; loadimage(&imgTortoise,"res/t1.png");torTooiseExist = false;torToiseY = 345 - imgTortoise.getheight() +5;heroJumpOff = -4;}


void init(){initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);char name[64];//Load background resourcesfor (int i = 0;i < 3;i++){sprintf(name,"res/bg%03d.png",i+1);//generate file name //loadimage(&imgBgs[i],"file name");loadimage(&imgBgs[i],name);bgX[i] = 0;}//加载玩家奔跑帧数采for (int i = 0; i < 12;i++){//res/hero1.png ~ hero12.pngsprintf(name,"res/hero%d.png",i + 1);loadimage(&imgHeros[1],name);}heroX = WIN_WIDTH * 0.5 - imgHeros[0].getwidth() *0.5;heroY = 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight();heroIndex = 0;heroJump = false;jumpHeightMax =345 - imgHeros[0].getheight() - 120;updata = true;heroJumpOff = -4;IMAGE imgTort ; loadimage(&imgTort,"res/t1.png");vectorimgTortArray;imgTortArray.push_back(imgTort); obstacleImgs.push_back(imgTortArray);//lionIMAGE imgLion; vectorimgLionArry;for (int i = 0 ; i < 6;i++){sprintf(name,"res/p%d.png",i+1);loadimage(&mgLion,name);imgLionArry.push_back(imgLion);}obstacleImgs.push_back(imgLionArray);//对障碍物池进行初始化for(int i = 0;i < OBSTALE_COUNT;i++){obstacles[i].exist = false;//都不允许出场}}


void updataEnemy(){//渲染小乌龟for(int i = 0;i < OBSTACLE_COUNT;i++){if(obstacles[i].exist){putimagePNG2(obstacles[i].x,obstacles[i].y,WIN_WIDTH, &obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type] [obstacles[i].imgIndex])}}}


void fly(){for(int i = 0 ;i <3 ;i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if(bgX[i] < -WIN_WINDTH){bgX[i] = 0;}} //实现跳跃if(heroJump){if(heroY  345 - imgHeros[0].getheight()) { heroJump = false;heroJumpOff = -4;}}else {//不跳跃的时候heroIndex = (heroIndex + 1)%12;} //创建障碍物static int frameCount = 0;static int enemyFre = 50;frameCount++;if(frameCount > enemyFre ){frameCount = 0;enemyFre = 50 + rand()%50 ;createObstacle();} }


void createObstacle(){int i;for( i = 0 ;i = OBSTACLE_COUNT){return;}obstacles[i].exist = true;obstacles[i].imgIndex = 0;obstacles[i].type =(obstacle_type)(rand()%OBSTACLE_TYPE_COUNT);obstacles[i].x = WIN_WIDTH;obstacles[i].y = 345 +5 - obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type][0].getheirgt();if(obstacles[i].type == TORTOISE){obstacles[i].speed = 0;obstacles[i].power = 5;}else if(obstacles[i].type == LION){obstacles[i].speed = 4;obstacles[i].power = 20;}}


void fly(){for(int i = 0 ;i <3 ;i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if(bgX[i]  JumpHeightMax){//上升 heroJumpOff = 4;}heroY += heroJumpOff; if(heroY > 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight()) { heroJump = false;heroJumpOff = -4;}}else {//不跳跃的时候heroIndex = (heroIndex + 1)%12;} //创建障碍物static int frameCount = 0;static int enemyFre = 50;frameCount++;if(frameCount > enemyFre ){frameCount = 0;enemyFre = 50 + rand()%50 ;createObstacle();}//更新所有障碍物的坐标for(int i = 0;i < OBSTACLE_COUNT;i++){if(obstacles[i].exist){obstacles[i].x -= obstacles[i].speed + bgSpeed[2];if(obstacles[i].x < -obstaceImgs[obstacles[i].type][0].getwidth() *2)//跑出screen{obstacles[i].exist = false;}int len = obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type].size();obstacles[i].imgIndex = (obstacles[i].imgIndex+1) % len;} }}
int main(){// test();init();int timer = 0;//调用时间while (1){keyEvent();timer += getDelay();if (timer > 30){timer = 0;updata = true;}if (updata){updata = false;//不能一直刷BeginBatchDraw();updataBg();putimagePNG2(heroX, heroY, &imgHeros[heroIndex]);updataEnemy();FlushBatchDraw();fly();}//Sleep(20);}return 0;}



IMAGE imgHeroDown[12];


void init(){initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);char name[64];//Load background resourcesfor (int i = 0;i < 3;i++){sprintf(name,"res/bg%03d.png",i+1);//generate file name //loadimage(&imgBgs[i],"file name");loadimage(&imgBgs[i],name);bgX[i] = 0;}//加载玩家奔跑帧数采for (int i = 0; i < 12;i++){//res/hero1.png ~ hero12.pngsprintf(name,"res/hero%d.png",i + 1);loadimage(&imgHeros[1],name);}heroX = WIN_WIDTH * 0.5 - imgHeros[0].getwidth() *0.5;heroY = 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight();heroIndex = 0;heroJump = false;jumpHeightMax =345 - imgHeros[0].getheight() - 120;updata = true;heroJumpOff = -4;IMAGE imgTort ; loadimage(&imgTort,"res/t1.png");vectorimgTortArray;imgTortArrat.push_back(imgTort); obstacleImgs.push_back(imgTortArray);//lionIMAGE imgLion; vectorimgLionArry;for (int i = 0 ; i < 6;i++){sprintf(name,"res/p%d.png",i+1);loadimage(imgLion,name);imgLionArry.push_back(imgLion);}obstacleImgs.push_back(imgLionArray);//对障碍物池进行初始化for(int i = 0;i < OBSTALE_COUNT;i++){obstacles[i].exist = false;//都不允许出场}//加载人物下蹲图for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++){// res/hero1.png ~ hero12.pngsprintf(name, "res/g%02d.png", i + 1);loadimage(&imgHeroDown[i], name);}}


void keyEvent(){char ch;if (_kbhit())//如果有按键输入{ch = _getch();//_getch() 不需要按下回车 直接读取if (ch == ' '){jump();}else if (ch == 'a'){down();}}}
bool heroDown;


void init(){initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);char name[64];//Load background resourcesfor (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){sprintf(name, "res/bg%03d.png", i + 1);//generate file name//loadimage(&imgBgs[i],"file name");loadimage(&imgsBgs[i], name);bgX[i] = 0;}for (int i = 0;i < 12;i++){// res/hero1.png ~ hero12.pngsprintf(name, "res/hero%d.png", i + 1);loadimage(&imgHeros[i], name);}heroX = WIN_WINDTH * 0.5 - imgHeros[0].getwidth() * 0.5;heroY = 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight();heroJump = false;jumpHeightMax = 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight() - 120;updata = true;heroJumpOff = -4;//IMAGE imgTort;//loadimage(&imgTort, "res/t1.png");//vectorimgTortArray;//imgTortArray.push_back(imgTort);//obstacleImgs.push_back(imgTortArray);//lionIMAGE imgLion;vector imgLionArry;for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){sprintf(name, "res/p%d.png", i + 1);loadimage(&imgLion, name);imgLionArry.push_back(imgLion);}obstacleImgs.push_back(imgLionArry);//对障碍物池进行初始化for (int i = 0; i < OBSTACLE_COUNT; i++){obstacles[i].exist = false;//都不允许出场} for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++){// res/hero1.png ~ hero12.pngsprintf(name, "res/g%02d.png", i + 1);loadimage(&imgHeroDown[i], name);}heroDown = false;}
void down(){updata = true;heroDown = true;heroIndex = 0;}

change main

int main(){// test();init();int timer = 0;//调用时间while (1){keyEvent();timer += getDelay();if (timer > 30){timer = 0;updata = true;}if (updata){updata = false;//不能一直刷BeginBatchDraw();updataBg();updataHero();updataEnemy();FlushBatchDraw();fly();}//Sleep(20);}return 0;}
void fly(){for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if (bgX[i] < -WIN_WINDTH){bgX[i] = 0;}}//实现跳跃if (heroJump){if (heroY  345 - imgHeros[0].getheight()){heroJump = false;heroJumpOff = -4;}}else if (heroDown){heroIndex++;if (heroIndex >= 12){heroIndex = 0;heroDown = false;}//heroIndex = (heroIndex + 1) % 12;}else{//不跳跃的时候heroIndex = (heroIndex + 1) % 12;}//创建障碍物static int frameCount = 0;static int enemyFre = 50;frameCount++;if (frameCount > enemyFre) {frameCount = 0;enemyFre = 50 + rand() % 50;createObstacle();}//更新所有障碍物的坐标for (int i = 0; i < OBSTACLE_COUNT; i++){if (obstacles[i].exist){obstacles[i].x -= (obstacles[i].speed + bgSpeed[2]);if (obstacles[i].x < (- obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type][0].getwidth() * 2) )//跑出screen{obstacles[i].exist = false;}int len = obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type].size();obstacles[i].imgIndex = (obstacles[i].imgIndex + 1) % len;}}}

new fly

 void fly(){for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if (bgX[i] < -WIN_WINDTH){bgX[i] = 0;}}//实现跳跃if (heroJump){if (heroY  345 - imgHeros[0].getheight()){heroJump = false;heroJumpOff = -4;}}else if (heroDown){static int count = 0;count++;int delays[2] = { 4,10 };if (count >= delays[heroIndex]){count = 0;heroIndex++;if (heroIndex >= 2){heroIndex = 0;heroDown = false;}}}else{//不跳跃的时候heroIndex = (heroIndex + 1) % 12;}//创建障碍物static int frameCount = 0;static int enemyFre = 50;frameCount++;if (frameCount > enemyFre) {frameCount = 0;enemyFre = 50 + rand() % 50;createObstacle();}//更新所有障碍物的坐标for (int i = 0; i < OBSTACLE_COUNT; i++){if (obstacles[i].exist){obstacles[i].x -= (obstacles[i].speed + bgSpeed[2]);if (obstacles[i].x < (- obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type][0].getwidth() * 2) )//跑出screen{obstacles[i].exist = false;}int len = obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type].size();obstacles[i].imgIndex = (obstacles[i].imgIndex + 1) % len;}}}


typedefenum {TORTOISE,//0LION,//1HOOK1,HOOK2,//柱子HOOK3,HOOK4,OBSTACLE_TYPE_COUNT//2}obstacle_type;
void init(){initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);char name[64];//Load background resourcesfor (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){sprintf(name, "res/bg%03d.png", i + 1);//generate file name//loadimage(&imgBgs[i],"file name");loadimage(&imgsBgs[i], name);bgX[i] = 0;}for (int i = 0;i < 12;i++){// res/hero1.png ~ hero12.pngsprintf(name, "res/hero%d.png", i + 1);loadimage(&imgHeros[i], name);}heroX = WIN_WINDTH * 0.5 - imgHeros[0].getwidth() * 0.5;heroY = 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight();heroJump = false;jumpHeightMax = 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight() - 120;updata = true;heroJumpOff = -4;IMAGE imgTort;loadimage(&imgTort, "res/t1.png");vectorimgTortArray;imgTortArray.push_back(imgTort);obstacleImgs.push_back(imgTortArray);//lionIMAGE imgLion; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){ vector imgLionArry;sprintf(name, "res/p%d.png", i + 1);loadimage(&imgLion, name);imgLionArry.push_back(imgLion);obstacleImgs.push_back(imgLionArry);}//对障碍物池进行初始化for (int i = 0; i < OBSTACLE_COUNT; i++){obstacles[i].exist = false;//都不允许出场}loadimage(&imgHeroDown[0], "res/d1.png");loadimage(&imgHeroDown[1], "res/d2.png");//for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)//{//// res/hero1.png ~ hero12.png//sprintf(name, "res/g%02d.png", i + 1);//loadimage(&imgHeroDown[i], name);//}heroDown = false;IMAGE imgH; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){vector imgHookArray;sprintf_s(name, sizeof(name), "res/h%d.png", i + 1);loadimage(&imgH, name,63,260,true);imgHookArray.push_back(imgH);obstacleImgs.push_back(imgHookArray);}}
void createObstacle(){srand((unsigned)time(NULL));int i; for( i = 0; i = OBSTACLE_COUNT) {return;}obstacles[i].exist = true;obstacles[i].imgIndex = 0;//obstacles[i].type = (obstacle_type)(rand() % OBSTACLE_TYPE_COUNT); obstacles[i].type = (obstacle_type)(rand() % 3);obstacles[i].y =345 + 5 -obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type][0].getheight(); obstacles[i].x = WIN_WINDTH;if (obstacles[i].type == HOOK1) { obstacles[i].type = (obstacle_type)((int)(obstacles[i].type) + rand() % 4); } if (obstacles[i].type == TORTOISE){obstacles[i].speed = 0;obstacles[i].power = 5;}else if (obstacles[i].type == LION){obstacles[i].speed = 4;obstacles[i].power = 20;}//&&而且else if (obstacles[i].type >= HOOK1&&obstacles[i].type <= HOOK4){obstacles[i].power = 20;obstacles[i].speed = 0;obstacles[i].y = 0;}} 
#include #include #include #include #include #include "tools.h"#include #include  #define OBSTACLE_COUNT 5#define WIN_WINDTH 1012#define WIN_HEIGHT 396using namespace std;typedefenum {TORTOISE,//0LION,HOOK1,HOOK2,HOOK3,HOOK4,OBSTACLE_TYPE_COUNT}obstacle_type;//IMAGE obstacleImgs[3][12];//二维vector<vector<IMAGE>>obstacleImgs;//存放所有障碍的图片Button btnStart;typedef struct obstacle//障碍物{obstacle_type type;//障碍物的类型int x, y;//障碍物的坐标int speed;int power;//受到的伤害 bool exist;int imgIndex;//显示当前图片的序号bool hited;//表示是否已经发生碰撞bool passed;//表示障碍物是否被通过}obstacle_t;obstacle_t obstacles[OBSTACLE_COUNT];//障碍物的个数//global variableIMAGE imgsBgs[3];int bgX[3];int updata; //表示是否要刷新画面int bgSpeed[3] = { 1,2,4 };int jumpHeightMax;IMAGE imgHeros[12];IMAGE imgBackground;int heroBlood;int heroIndex;int heroX, heroY;bool heroJump;bool heroJump2;//二段跳bool heroGun;bool heroDown;IMAGE imgHeroDown[2];IMAGE imgHeroGun[12];int heroJumpOff;int lastObsIndex;int score;IMAGE imgSZ[10];void daoJiShi() { IMAGE img[6];char name[64];for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {sprintf(name, "res/%d.png", i);loadimage(&img[i], name,300,250);}for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {BeginBatchDraw();cleardevice();putimage(355,85, &img[i]);EndBatchDraw();mciSendString("play res/hit.mp3", 0, 0, 0);Sleep(1000);}cleardevice();mciSendString("stop res/hit.mp3", 0, 0, 0);}void createObstacle(){srand((unsigned)time(NULL));int i; for( i = 0; i < OBSTACLE_COUNT;i++){if (obstacles[i].exist == false) {break;}}if (i >= OBSTACLE_COUNT) {return;}obstacles[i].hited = false;obstacles[i].exist = true;obstacles[i].imgIndex = 0;//obstacles[i].type = (obstacle_type)(rand() % OBSTACLE_TYPE_COUNT); obstacles[i].type = (obstacle_type)(rand() % 3);obstacles[i].y =345 + 5 -obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type][0].getheight(); obstacles[i].x = WIN_WINDTH;obstacles[i].passed = false; if ( lastObsIndex >= 0&&obstacles[lastObsIndex].type >= HOOK1&& obstacles[lastObsIndex ].type<= HOOK4 &&obstacles[i].type == LION &&obstacles[lastObsIndex].x>(WIN_WINDTH-500)){ obstacles[i].type == TORTOISE; } lastObsIndex = i;//更新 if (obstacles[i].type == HOOK1) { obstacles[i].type = (obstacle_type)((int)(obstacles[i].type) + rand() % 4); } if (obstacles[i].type == TORTOISE){obstacles[i].speed = 0;obstacles[i].power = 5;}else if (obstacles[i].type == LION){obstacles[i].speed = 4;obstacles[i].power = 20;}//&&而且else if (obstacles[i].type >= HOOK1&&obstacles[i].type <= HOOK4){obstacles[i].power = 20;obstacles[i].speed = 0;obstacles[i].y = 0;}}void updataEnemy(){for (int i = 0; i <OBSTACLE_COUNT; i++){if (obstacles[i].exist) { putimagePNG2(obstacles[i].x, obstacles[i].y, WIN_WINDTH, &obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type] [obstacles[i].imgIndex]);}}}void init(){initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT, EW_SHOWCONSOLE);char name[64];//载入背景图片for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){sprintf(name, "res/bg%03d.png", i + 1);//generate file name//loadimage(&imgBgs[i],"file name");loadimage(&imgsBgs[i], name);bgX[i] = 0;}//载入人物1for (int i = 0;i < 12;i++){// res/hero1.png ~ hero12.pngsprintf(name, "res/hero%d.png", i + 1);loadimage(&imgHeros[i], name);}heroX = WIN_WINDTH * 0.5 - imgHeros[0].getwidth() * 0.5;heroY = 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight();heroJump = false;heroGun = false;jumpHeightMax = 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight() - 150;updata = true;heroJumpOff = -4;//乌龟IMAGE imgTort;loadimage(&imgTort, "res/t1.png");vector<IMAGE>imgTortArray;imgTortArray.push_back(imgTort);obstacleImgs.push_back(imgTortArray);//狮子IMAGE imgLion; vector<IMAGE> imgLionArry;for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){sprintf(name, "res/p%d.png", i + 1);loadimage(&imgLion, name);imgLionArry.push_back(imgLion); } obstacleImgs.push_back(imgLionArry);//对障碍物池进行初始化for (int i = 0; i < OBSTACLE_COUNT; i++){obstacles[i].exist = false;//都不允许出场}loadimage(&imgHeroDown[0], "res/d1.png");loadimage(&imgHeroDown[1], "res/d2.png");for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++){// res/hero1.png ~ hero12.pngsprintf(name, "res/g%02d.png", i + 1);loadimage(&imgHeroGun[i], name);}heroDown = false;IMAGE imgH; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){vector<IMAGE> imgHookArray;sprintf_s(name, sizeof(name), "res/h%d.png", i + 1);loadimage(&imgH, name,63,260,true);imgHookArray.push_back(imgH);obstacleImgs.push_back(imgHookArray);}initButton(&btnStart, "res/btn-normal.jpg", "res/btn-press.jpg" ,131, 58, 0);btnStart.x = 436;btnStart.y = 259;loadimage(&imgBackground, "res/over.png");heroBlood = 100;//预加载音效preLoadSound("res/hit.mp3");//mciSendString(" play res/bg.mp3 repeat", 0, 0, 0);lastObsIndex = -1;score = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){sprintf(name, "res/sz/%d.png", i);loadimage(&imgSZ[i], name);}} void checkHit(){ for (int i = 0; i < OBSTACLE_COUNT; i++) { if (obstacles[i].exist&& obstacles[i].hited == false){int a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y;int off = 20;if (!heroDown)//非下蹲 奔跑 跳跃{a1x = heroX + off ;a1y = heroY + off;a2x = heroX + imgHeros[heroIndex].getwidth() -off;a2y = heroY + imgHeros[heroIndex].getheight();}else { //下蹲状态a1x = heroX + off;a1y = 345- imgHeroDown[heroIndex].getheight();a2x = heroX + imgHeroDown[heroIndex].getwidth() - off ;a2y =345;}IMAGE img = obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type][obstacles[i].imgIndex];int b1x = obstacles[i].x + off;int b1y = obstacles[i].y + off;int b2x = obstacles[i].x + img.getwidth() - off;int b2y = obstacles[i].y + img.getheight() - 10;if (rectIntersect(a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y, b1x, b1y, b2x, b2y)){//mciSendString("play res/hit.mp3", 0, 0, 0);heroBlood -= obstacles[i].power; printf("血量剩余 %d\n",heroBlood); playSound("res/hit.mp3"); obstacles[i].hited = true;}}}}void fly(){srand((unsigned)time(NULL));for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){// same speedbgX[i] -= 2;if (bgX[i] < -WIN_WINDTH){bgX[i] = 0;}}//实现跳跃if (heroJump){if (heroY < jumpHeightMax){//上升heroJumpOff = 4;}heroY += heroJumpOff;if (heroY > 345 - imgHeros[0].getheight()){heroJump = false;heroJumpOff = -4;}}else if (heroDown){static int count = 0;count++; int delays[2] = { 8,30 };if (count >= delays[heroIndex]){count = 0;heroIndex++;if (heroIndex >= 2){heroIndex = 0;heroDown = false;}}}else if (heroGun){ heroIndex++;Sleep(5);if (heroIndex >= 12) { heroGun = false;}}else{//不跳跃的时候heroIndex = (heroIndex + 1) % 12;}//创建障碍物static int frameCount = 0;static int enemyFre = 50;frameCount++;if (frameCount > enemyFre) {frameCount = 0;enemyFre = 50 + rand() % 50;createObstacle();}//更新所有障碍物的坐标for (int i = 0; i < OBSTACLE_COUNT; i++){if (obstacles[i].exist){obstacles[i].x -= (obstacles[i].speed + bgSpeed[2]);if (obstacles[i].x < (-(obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type][0].getwidth() * 2) ) )//跑出screen{obstacles[i].exist = false;}int len = obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type].size();obstacles[i].imgIndex = (obstacles[i].imgIndex + 1) % len;}//碰撞检测checkHit();}}void updataBg(){putimagePNG2(bgX[0], 0, &imgsBgs[0]);putimagePNG2(bgX[1], 119, &imgsBgs[1]);putimagePNG2(bgX[2], 330, &imgsBgs[2]);}void down(){updata = true;heroDown = true;heroIndex = 0;}void jump(){heroJump = true;updata = true;}void gun(){heroGun = true;updata = true;}void keyEvent(){char ch;if (_kbhit())//如果有按键输入{ch = _getch();//_getch() 不需要按下回车 直接读取if (ch == 'w'){jump();}else if (ch == 's'){down();}else if (ch == 'd'){gun();//滚}}}void updataHero(){if (!heroDown && !heroGun){putimagePNG2(heroX, heroY,&imgHeros[heroIndex]);}else if(heroDown) {int y = 345 - (imgHeroDown[heroIndex].getheight());putimagePNG2(heroX, y, &imgHeroDown[heroIndex]);}else if (heroGun) {int y = 345 - (imgHeroGun[heroIndex].getheight());putimagePNG2(heroX, y, &imgHeroGun[heroIndex]);}}void welcome(){mciSendString("play res/bg.mp3", 0, 0, 0);for (;;){MOUSEMSG m = GetMouseMsg();FlushMouseMsgBuffer(); //不能少,后缀快速拖动顶部的标题按钮,讲导致鼠标消息太多switch (m.uMsg){case WM_MOUSEMOVE:if (checkButtonSelect(&btnStart, &m)) {btnStart.pressed = true;drawButton(&btnStart);}else {btnStart.pressed = false;drawButton(&btnStart);}break;case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:if (checkButtonSelect(&btnStart, &m)){btnStart.pressed = true;drawButton(&btnStart);break; } case WM_LBUTTONUP:if ( checkButtonSelect(&btnStart, &m) ){if (btnStart.pressed){mciSendString("stop res/bg.mp3", 0, 0, 0); // daoJiShi();return;}}break;}}}void updataBloodBar(){drawBloodBar(10, 10, 200, 10, 2, BLUE, DARKGRAY, RED,heroBlood/100.0);}void checkOver(){if (heroBlood <= 0){ // cleardevice();loadimage(0, "res/over.png");FlushBatchDraw();mciSendString("stop res/bg.mp3", 0, 0, 0);system("pause"); heroBlood = 100; score = 0; mciSendString("play res/bg.mp3 repeat", 0, 0, 0); }}void checkScore(){for (int i = 0; i < OBSTACLE_COUNT; i++){if (obstacles[i].exist &&obstacles[i].passed == false && obstacles[i].hited ==false && obstacles[i].x + obstacleImgs[obstacles[i].type][0].getwidth() < heroX){score++;//加分obstacles[i].passed = true;printf("score :%d \n", score);}} }voidupdataScore(){int x = 20, y = 25;char str[8];sprintf(str, "%d", score);for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++){int sz = str[i] - '0';putimagePNG(x,y, &imgSZ[sz]);x += imgSZ[sz].getwidth() + 5;}}int main(){// test();init(); // putimage(0,0,&imgBackground);// drawButton(&btnStart); // welcome(); int timer = 0;//调用时间while (1){keyEvent();timer += getDelay();if (timer > 30){timer = 0;updata = true;}if (updata){updata = false;//不能一直刷BeginBatchDraw();updataBg();updataHero();updataEnemy();updataBloodBar();updataScore();FlushBatchDraw();checkOver();checkScore();fly();} }return 0;}int test(){IMAGE imgsBg[3];initgraph(WIN_WINDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);char name[64];//Load background resourcesfor (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){sprintf(name, "res/bg%03d.png", i + 1);//generate file name//loadimage(&imgBgs[i],"file name");loadimage(&imgsBgs[i], name);bgX[i] = 0;}putimagePNG2(0, 0, &imgsBgs[0]);putimagePNG2(0, 119, &imgsBgs[1]);putimagePNG2(0, 330, &imgsBgs[2]);Sleep(10000);return 0;}