Go语言TCP Socket编程

Golang的主要 设计目标之一就是面向大规模后端服务程序,网络通信这块是服务端 程序必不可少也是至关重要的一部分。在日常应用中,我们也可以看到Go中的net以及其subdirectories下的包均是“高频+刚需”,而TCP socket则是网络编程的主流,即便您没有直接使用到net中有关TCP Socket方面的接口,但net/http总是用到了吧,http底层依旧是用tcp socket实现的。

网络编程方面,我们最常用的就是tcp socket编程了,在posix标准出来后,socket在各大主流OS平台上都得到了很好的支持。关于tcp programming,最好的资料莫过于W. Richard Stevens 的网络编程圣经《UNIX网络 编程 卷1:套接字联网API》 了,书中关于tcp socket接口的各种使用、行为模式、异常处理讲解的十分细致。Go是自带runtime的跨平台编程语言,Go中暴露给语言使用者的tcp socket api是建立OS原生tcp socket接口之上的。由于Go runtime调度的需要,golang tcp socket接口在行为特点与异常处理方面与OS原生接口有着一些差别。这篇博文的目标就是整理出关于Go tcp socket在各个场景下的使用方法、行为特点以及注意事项。


从tcp socket诞生后,网络编程架构模型也几经演化,大致是:“每进程一个连接” –> “每线程一个连接” –> “Non-Block + I/O多路复用(linux epoll/windows iocp/freebsd darwin kqueue/solaris Event Port)”。伴随着模型的演化,服务程序愈加强大,可以支持更多的连接,获得更好的处理性能。

目前主流web server一般均采用的都是”Non-Block + I/O多路复用”(有的也结合了多线程、多进程)。不过I/O多路复用也给使用者带来了不小的复杂度,以至于后续出现了许多高性能的I/O多路复用框架, 比如libevent、libev、libuv等,以帮助开发者简化开发复杂性,降低心智负担。不过Go的设计者似乎认为I/O多路复用的这种通过回调机制割裂控制流 的方式依旧复杂,且有悖于“一般逻辑”设计,为此Go语言将该“复杂性”隐藏在Runtime中了:Go开发者无需关注socket是否是 non-block的,也无需亲自注册文件描述符的回调,只需在每个连接对应的goroutine中以“block I/O”的方式对待socket处理即可,这可以说大大降低了开发人员的心智负担。一个典型的Go server端程序大致如下:

//go-tcpsock/server.gofunc handleConn(c net.Conn) {defer c.Close()for {// read from the connection// ... ...// write to the connection//... ...}}func main() {l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8888")if err != nil {fmt.Println("listen error:", err)return}for {c, err := l.Accept()if err != nil {fmt.Println("accept error:", err)break}// start a new goroutine to handle// the new connection.go handleConn(c)}}

用户层眼中看到的goroutine中的“block socket”,实际上是通过Go runtime中的netpoller通过Non-block socket + I/O多路复用机制“模拟”出来的,真实的underlying socket实际上是non-block的,只是runtime拦截了底层socket系统调用的错误码,并通过netpoller和goroutine 调度让goroutine“阻塞”在用户层得到的Socket fd上。比如:当用户层针对某个socket fd发起read操作时,如果该socket fd中尚无数据,那么runtime会将该socket fd加入到netpoller中监听,同时对应的goroutine被挂起,直到runtime收到socket fd 数据ready的通知,runtime才会重新唤醒等待在该socket fd上准备read的那个Goroutine。而这个过程从Goroutine的视角来看,就像是read操作一直block在那个socket fd上似的。具体实现细节在后续场景中会有补充描述。


众所周知,TCP Socket的连接的建立需要经历客户端和服务端的三次握手的过程。连接建立过程中,服务端是一个标准的Listen + Accept的结构(可参考上面的代码),而在客户端Go语言使用net.Dial或DialTimeout进行连接建立:


conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "google.com:80")if err != nil {//handle error}// read or write on conn


conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", ":8080", 2 * time.Second)if err != nil {//handle error}// read or write on conn




//go-tcpsock/conn_establish/client1.go... ...func main() {log.Println("begin dial...")conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ":8888")if err != nil {log.Println("dial error:", err)return}defer conn.Close()log.Println("dial ok")}


$go run client1.go2015/11/16 14:37:41 begin dial...2015/11/16 14:37:41 dial error: dial tcp :8888: getsockopt: connection refused

2、对方服务的listen backlog满

还有一种场景就是对方服务器很忙,瞬间有大量client端连接尝试向server建立,server端的listen backlog队列满,server accept不及时((即便不accept,那么在backlog数量范畴里面,connect都会是成功的,因为new conn已经加入到server side的listen queue中了,accept只是从queue中取出一个conn而已),这将导致client端Dial阻塞。我们还是通过例子感受Dial的行为特点:


//go-tcpsock/conn_establish/server2.go... ...func main() {l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8888")if err != nil {log.Println("error listen:", err)return}defer l.Close()log.Println("listen ok")var i intfor {time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)if _, err := l.Accept(); err != nil {log.Println("accept error:", err)break}i++log.Printf("%d: accept a new connection\n", i)}}


//go-tcpsock/conn_establish/client2.go... ...func establishConn(i int) net.Conn {conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ":8888")if err != nil {log.Printf("%d: dial error: %s", i, err)return nil}log.Println(i, ":connect to server ok")return conn}func main() {var sl []net.Connfor i := 1; i < 1000; i++ {conn := establishConn(i)if conn != nil {sl = append(sl, conn)}}time.Sleep(time.Second * 10000)}

从程序可以看出,服务端在listen成功后,每隔10s钟accept一次。客户端则是串行的尝试建立连接。这两个程序在Darwin下的执行 结果:

$go run server2.go2015/11/16 21:55:41 listen ok2015/11/16 21:55:51 1: accept a new connection2015/11/16 21:56:01 2: accept a new connection... ...$go run client2.go2015/11/16 21:55:44 1 :connect to server ok2015/11/16 21:55:44 2 :connect to server ok2015/11/16 21:55:44 3 :connect to server ok... ...2015/11/16 21:55:44 126 :connect to server ok2015/11/16 21:55:44 127 :connect to server ok2015/11/16 21:55:44 128 :connect to server ok2015/11/16 21:55:52 129 :connect to server ok2015/11/16 21:56:03 130 :connect to server ok2015/11/16 21:56:14 131 :connect to server ok... ...

可以看出Client初始时成功地一次性建立了128个连接,然后后续每阻塞近10s才能成功建立一条连接。也就是说在server端 backlog满时(未及时accept),客户端将阻塞在Dial上,直到server端进行一次accept。至于为什么是128,这与darwin 下的默认设置有关:

$sysctl -a|grep kern.ipc.somaxconnkern.ipc.somaxconn: 128

如果我在ubuntu 14.04上运行上述server程序,我们的client端初始可以成功建立499条连接。

如果server一直不accept,client端会一直阻塞么?我们去掉accept后的结果是:在Darwin下,client端会阻塞大 约1分多钟才会返回timeout:

2015/11/16 22:03:31 128 :connect to server ok2015/11/16 22:04:48 129: dial error: dial tcp :8888: getsockopt: operation timed out

而如果server运行在ubuntu 14.04上,client似乎一直阻塞,我等了10多分钟依旧没有返回。 阻塞与否看来与server端的网络实现和设置有关。


如果网络延迟较大,TCP握手过程将更加艰难坎坷(各种丢包),时间消耗的自然也会更长。Dial这时会阻塞,如果长时间依旧无法建立连接,则Dial也会返回“ getsockopt: operation timed out”错误。

在连接建立阶段,多数情况下,Dial是可以满足需求的,即便阻塞一小会儿。但对于某些程序而言,需要有严格的连接时间限定,如果一定时间内没能成功建立连接,程序可能会需要执行一段“异常”处理逻辑,为此我们就需要DialTimeout了。下面的例子将Dial的最长阻塞时间限制在2s内,超出这个时长,Dial将返回timeout error:

//go-tcpsock/conn_establish/client3.go... ...func main() {log.Println("begin dial...")conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", "", 2*time.Second)if err != nil {log.Println("dial error:", err)return}defer conn.Close()log.Println("dial ok")}


$go run client3.go2015/11/17 09:28:34 begin dial...2015/11/17 09:28:36 dial error: dial tcp i/o timeout


连接建立起来后,我们就要在conn上进行读写,以完成业务逻辑。前面说过Go runtime隐藏了I/O多路复用的复杂性。语言使用者只需采用goroutine+Block I/O的模式即可满足大部分场景需求。Dial成功后,方法返回一个net.Conn接口类型变量值,这个接口变量的动态类型为一个*TCPConn:

//$GOROOT/src/net/tcpsock_posix.gotype TCPConn struct {conn}


//$GOROOT/src/net/net.gotype conn struct {fd *netFD}func (c *conn) ok() bool { return c != nil && c.fd != nil }// Implementation of the Conn interface.// Read implements the Conn Read method.func (c *conn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {if !c.ok() {return 0, syscall.EINVAL}n, err := c.fd.Read(b)if err != nil && err != io.EOF {err = &OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.fd.net, Source: c.fd.laddr, Addr: c.fd.raddr, Err: err}}return n, err}// Write implements the Conn Write method.func (c *conn) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {if !c.ok() {return 0, syscall.EINVAL}n, err := c.fd.Write(b)if err != nil {err = &OpError{Op: "write", Net: c.fd.net, Source: c.fd.laddr, Addr: c.fd.raddr, Err: err}}return n, err}








//go-tcpsock/read_write/client2.go... ...func main() {if len(os.Args) <= 1 {fmt.Println("usage: go run client2.go YOUR_CONTENT")return}log.Println("begin dial...")conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ":8888")if err != nil {log.Println("dial error:", err)return}defer conn.Close()log.Println("dial ok")time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)data := os.Args[1]conn.Write([]byte(data))time.Sleep(time.Second * 10000)}


//go-tcpsock/read_write/server2.go... ...func handleConn(c net.Conn) {defer c.Close()for {// read from the connectionvar buf = make([]byte, 10)log.Println("start to read from conn")n, err := c.Read(buf)if err != nil {log.Println("conn read error:", err)return}log.Printf("read %d bytes, content is %s\n", n, string(buf[:n]))}}... ...



$go run client2.go hi2015/11/17 13:30:53 begin dial...2015/11/17 13:30:53 dial ok$go run server2.go2015/11/17 13:33:45 accept a new connection2015/11/17 13:33:45 start to read from conn2015/11/17 13:33:47 read 2 bytes, content is hi...

Client向socket中写入两个字节数据(“hi”),Server端创建一个len = 10的slice,等待Read将读取的数据放入slice;Server随后读取到那两个字节:”hi”。Read成功返回,n =2 ,err = nil。


如果socket中有数据,且长度大于等于一次Read操作所期望读出的数据长度,那么Read将会成功读出这部分数据并返回。这个情景是最符合我们对Read的期待的了:Read将用Socket中的数据将我们传入的slice填满后返回:n = 10, err = nil。


$go run client2.go abcdefghij123452015/11/17 13:38:00 begin dial...2015/11/17 13:38:00 dial ok$go run server2.go2015/11/17 13:38:00 accept a new connection2015/11/17 13:38:00 start to read from conn2015/11/17 13:38:02 read 10 bytes, content is abcdefghij2015/11/17 13:38:02 start to read from conn2015/11/17 13:38:02 read 5 bytes, content is 12345

client端发送的内容长度为15个字节,Server端Read buffer的长度为10,因此Server Read第一次返回时只会读取10个字节;Socket中还剩余5个字节数据,Server再次Read时会把剩余数据读出(如:情形2)。




$go run client3.go hello2015/11/17 13:50:57 begin dial...2015/11/17 13:50:57 dial ok$go run server3.go2015/11/17 13:50:57 accept a new connection2015/11/17 13:51:07 start to read from conn2015/11/17 13:51:07 read 5 bytes, content is hello2015/11/17 13:51:17 start to read from conn2015/11/17 13:51:17 conn read error: EOF

从输出结果来看,当client端close socket退出后,server3依旧没有开始Read,10s后第一次Read成功读出了5个字节的数据,当第二次Read时,由于client端 socket关闭,Read返回EOF error。

通过上面这个例子,我们也可以猜测出“无数据关闭”情形下的结果,那就是Read直接返回EOF error。



//go-tcpsock/read_write/client4.go... ...func main() {log.Println("begin dial...")conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ":8888")if err != nil {log.Println("dial error:", err)return}defer conn.Close()log.Println("dial ok")data := make([]byte, 65536)conn.Write(data)time.Sleep(time.Second * 10000)}//go-tcpsock/read_write/server4.go... ...func handleConn(c net.Conn) {defer c.Close()for {// read from the connectiontime.Sleep(10 * time.Second)var buf = make([]byte, 65536)log.Println("start to read from conn")c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Microsecond * 10))n, err := c.Read(buf)if err != nil {log.Printf("conn read %d bytes,error: %s", n, err)if nerr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && nerr.Timeout() {continue}return}log.Printf("read %d bytes, content is %s\n", n, string(buf[:n]))}}


$go run server4.go2015/11/17 14:21:17 accept a new connection2015/11/17 14:21:27 start to read from conn2015/11/17 14:21:27 conn read 0 bytes,error: read tcp> i/o timeout2015/11/17 14:21:37 start to read from conn2015/11/17 14:21:37 read 65536 bytes, content is




前面例子着重于Read,client端在Write时并未判断Write的返回值。所谓“成功写”指的就是Write调用返回的n与预期要写入的数据长度相等,且error = nil。这是我们在调用Write时遇到的最常见的情形,这里不再举例了。



//go-tcpsock/read_write/client5.go... ...func main() {log.Println("begin dial...")conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ":8888")if err != nil {log.Println("dial error:", err)return}defer conn.Close()log.Println("dial ok")data := make([]byte, 65536)var total intfor {n, err := conn.Write(data)if err != nil {total += nlog.Printf("write %d bytes, error:%s\n", n, err)break}total += nlog.Printf("write %d bytes this time, %d bytes in total\n", n, total)}log.Printf("write %d bytes in total\n", total)time.Sleep(time.Second * 10000)}//go-tcpsock/read_write/server5.go... ...func handleConn(c net.Conn) {defer c.Close()time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)for {// read from the connectiontime.Sleep(5 * time.Second)var buf = make([]byte, 60000)log.Println("start to read from conn")n, err := c.Read(buf)if err != nil {log.Printf("conn read %d bytes,error: %s", n, err)if nerr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && nerr.Timeout() {continue}}log.Printf("read %d bytes, content is %s\n", n, string(buf[:n]))}}... ...


$go run client5.go2015/11/17 14:57:33 begin dial...2015/11/17 14:57:33 dial ok2015/11/17 14:57:33 write 65536 bytes this time, 65536 bytes in total2015/11/17 14:57:33 write 65536 bytes this time, 131072 bytes in total2015/11/17 14:57:33 write 65536 bytes this time, 196608 bytes in total2015/11/17 14:57:33 write 65536 bytes this time, 262144 bytes in total2015/11/17 14:57:33 write 65536 bytes this time, 327680 bytes in total2015/11/17 14:57:33 write 65536 bytes this time, 393216 bytes in total2015/11/17 14:57:33 write 65536 bytes this time, 458752 bytes in total2015/11/17 14:57:33 write 65536 bytes this time, 524288 bytes in total2015/11/17 14:57:33 write 65536 bytes this time, 589824 bytes in total2015/11/17 14:57:33 write 65536 bytes this time, 655360 bytes in total

在Darwin上,这个size大约在679468bytes。后续当server5每隔5s进行Read时,OS socket缓冲区腾出了空间,client5就又可以写入了:

$go run server5.go2015/11/17 15:07:01 accept a new connection2015/11/17 15:07:16 start to read from conn2015/11/17 15:07:16 read 60000 bytes, content is2015/11/17 15:07:21 start to read from conn2015/11/17 15:07:21 read 60000 bytes, content is2015/11/17 15:07:26 start to read from conn2015/11/17 15:07:26 read 60000 bytes, content is....


2015/11/17 15:07:01 write 65536 bytes this time, 720896 bytes in total2015/11/17 15:07:06 write 65536 bytes this time, 786432 bytes in total2015/11/17 15:07:16 write 65536 bytes this time, 851968 bytes in total2015/11/17 15:07:16 write 65536 bytes this time, 917504 bytes in total2015/11/17 15:07:27 write 65536 bytes this time, 983040 bytes in total2015/11/17 15:07:27 write 65536 bytes this time, 1048576 bytes in total.... ...


Write操作存在写入部分数据的情况,比如上面例子中,当client端输出日志停留在“write 65536 bytes this time, 655360 bytes in total”时,我们杀掉server5,这时我们会看到client5输出以下日志:

...2015/11/17 15:19:14 write 65536 bytes this time, 655360 bytes in total2015/11/17 15:19:16 write 24108 bytes, error:write tcp> write: broken pipe2015/11/17 15:19:16 write 679468 bytes in total

显然Write并非在655360这个地方阻塞的,而是后续又写入24108后发生了阻塞,server端socket关闭后,我们看到Wrote返回er != nil且n = 24108,程序需要对这部分写入的24108字节做特定处理。



conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Microsecond * 10))


$go run client6.go2015/11/17 15:26:34 begin dial...2015/11/17 15:26:34 dial ok2015/11/17 15:26:34 write 65536 bytes this time, 65536 bytes in total... ...2015/11/17 15:26:34 write 65536 bytes this time, 655360 bytes in total2015/11/17 15:26:34 write 24108 bytes, error:write tcp> i/o timeout2015/11/17 15:26:34 write 679468 bytes in total



Goroutine safe
基于goroutine的网络架构模型,存在在不同goroutine间共享conn的情况,那么conn的读写是否是goroutine safe的呢?在深入这个问题之前,我们先从应用意义上来看read操作和write操作的goroutine-safe必要性。



type conn struct {fd *netFD}


// Network file descriptor.type netFD struct {// locking/lifetime of sysfd + serialize access to Read and Write methodsfdmu fdMutex// immutable until Closesysfd intfamilyintsotypeintisConnected boolnet stringladdr Addrraddr Addr// wait serverpd pollDesc}


func (fd *netFD) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {if err := fd.readLock(); err != nil {return 0, err}defer fd.readUnlock()if err := fd.pd.PrepareRead(); err != nil {return 0, err}for {n, err = syscall.Read(fd.sysfd, p)if err != nil {n = 0if err == syscall.EAGAIN {if err = fd.pd.WaitRead(); err == nil {continue}}}err = fd.eofError(n, err)break}if _, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok {err = os.NewSyscallError("read", err)}return}func (fd *netFD) Write(p []byte) (nn int, err error) {if err := fd.writeLock(); err != nil {return 0, err}defer fd.writeUnlock()if err := fd.pd.PrepareWrite(); err != nil {return 0, err}for {var n intn, err = syscall.Write(fd.sysfd, p[nn:])if n > 0 {nn += n}if nn == len(p) {break}if err == syscall.EAGAIN {if err = fd.pd.WaitWrite(); err == nil {continue}}if err != nil {break}if n == 0 {err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOFbreak}}if _, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok {err = os.NewSyscallError("write", err)}return nn, err}


同时也可以看出即便是Read操作,也是lock保护的。多个Goroutine对同一conn的并发读不会出现读出内容重叠的情况,但内容断点是依 runtime调度来随机确定的。存在一个业务包数据,1/3内容被goroutine-1读走,另外2/3被另外一个goroutine-2读 走的情况。比如一个完整包:world,当goroutine的read slice size < 5时,存在可能:一个goroutine读到 “worl”,另外一个goroutine读出”d”。


原生Socket API提供了丰富的sockopt设置接口,但Golang有自己的网络架构模型,golang提供的socket options接口也是基于上述模型的必要的属性设置。包括

SetKeepAliveSetKeepAlivePeriodSetLingerSetNoDelay (默认no delay)SetWriteBufferSetReadBuffer

不过上面的Method是TCPConn的,而不是Conn的,要使用上面的Method的,需要type assertion:

tcpConn, ok := c.(*TCPConn)if !ok {//error handle}tcpConn.SetNoDelay(true)

对于listener socket, golang默认采用了 SO_REUSEADDR,这样当你重启 listener程序时,不会因为address in use的错误而启动失败。而listen backlog的默认值是通过获取系统的设置值得到的。不同系统不同:mac 128, linux 512等。



//go-tcpsock/conn_close/client1.go... ...func main() {log.Println("begin dial...")conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ":8888")if err != nil {log.Println("dial error:", err)return}conn.Close()log.Println("close ok")var buf = make([]byte, 32)n, err := conn.Read(buf)if err != nil {log.Println("read error:", err)} else {log.Printf("read % bytes, content is %s\n", n, string(buf[:n]))}n, err = conn.Write(buf)if err != nil {log.Println("write error:", err)} else {log.Printf("write % bytes, content is %s\n", n, string(buf[:n]))}time.Sleep(time.Second * 1000)}//go-tcpsock/conn_close/server1.go... ...func handleConn(c net.Conn) {defer c.Close()// read from the connectionvar buf = make([]byte, 10)log.Println("start to read from conn")n, err := c.Read(buf)if err != nil {log.Println("conn read error:", err)} else {log.Printf("read %d bytes, content is %s\n", n, string(buf[:n]))}n, err = c.Write(buf)if err != nil {log.Println("conn write error:", err)} else {log.Printf("write %d bytes, content is %s\n", n, string(buf[:n]))}}... ...


$go run server1.go2015/11/17 17:00:51 accept a new connection2015/11/17 17:00:51 start to read from conn2015/11/17 17:00:51 conn read error: EOF2015/11/17 17:00:51 write 10 bytes, content is$go run client1.go2015/11/17 17:00:51 begin dial...2015/11/17 17:00:51 close ok2015/11/17 17:00:51 read error: read tcp> use of closed network connection2015/11/17 17:00:51 write error: write tcp> use of closed network connection

从client1的结果来看,在己方已经关闭的socket上再进行read和write操作,会得到”use of closed network connection” error;

从server1的执行结果来看,在对方关闭的socket上执行read操作会得到EOF error,但write操作会成功,因为数据会成功写入己方的内核socket缓冲区中,即便最终发不到对方socket缓冲区了,因为己方socket并未关闭。因此当发现对方socket关闭后,己方应该正确合理处理自己的socket,再继续write已经无任何意义了。



本文代码实验环境:go 1.5.1 on Darwin amd64以及部分在ubuntu 14.04 amd64。

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