Ever want to know how to display the contents of a text document using ASP. Here is a easy way to read
from a text file
‘by James Seymour, http://jamesdot.org
Dim write
Dim fileSysObj, tf, read
‘ Read the read.txt
‘ Store the file name where the Information is stored into a variable called read
read = “read.txt”
‘ Retrieve the fullpath of the read file
read = LEFT(Server.Mappath(Request.ServerVariables(“PATH_INFO”)), InStrRev(Server.Mappath
(Request.ServerVariables(“PATH_INFO”)), “\”)) & read
‘ Create an instance of FileSystem Object and store it into a variable called fileSysObj
Set fileSysObj = createObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
‘ Check whether the read file exists
IF (fileSysObj.FileExists(read)) Then
‘ if the file exists, then open it for reading
Set tf = filesysobj.OpenTextFile(read, 1)
read = tf.ReadLine
‘ if you can’t find read.text, display default message
read = “I can’t find the file read.txt! So this is my default message.”
‘ table the displays the read.txt file
use the code above, click and drag your mouse over the code to highlight it. Then right click on the |