
考前说明:所有项目运行过程中出现红色字体的报错信息是正常的,运行完成后看 “failed=0” 就代表执行成功,如果在执行任务期间暂停并且报错那么代表项目内部书写格式或者命令输入错误,请认真检查此文档为考前模拟不代表真实考试环境及内容。环境说明:

systemIP AddressRole
workstation.lab.example.com172.25.250.9Ansible control node
servera.lab.example.com172.25.250.10Ansible managed node
serverb.lab.example.com172.25.250.11Ansible managed node
serverc.lab.example.com172.25.250.12Ansible managed node
serverd.lab.example.com172.25.250.13Ansible managed node
bastion.lab.example.com172.25.250.254Ansible managed node


这些系统的 IP 地址采用静态设置,主机名称解析已配置为解析上方列出的主机名。 请勿更改这些 设置。

foundation0 主机(以下简称 f0)的 root 密码为 Asimov ,f0 上其他用户的密码均为 redhat

f0 里面所有虚拟系统的 root 密码是 redhat ,请勿更改 root 密码。

所有系统上已预装了 SSH 密 钥,允许在不输⼊密码的前提下通过 SSH 进⾏ root 访问。请勿对系 统上的 root SSH 配置文件进⾏ 任何修改。

Ansible 控制节点上已创建了用户 student 。此帐户预装了 SSH 密钥,允许在 Ansible 控制节点 和 各个 Ansible 受管节点之间进行 SSH 登录。请勿对系统上的 student SSH 配置文件进行任何修改。 Ansible 被管理节点上已创建了用户 devops 。用于控制节点连接使用,考试时 ssh 免密和 sudo 提权已 经全部配置好,请勿修改。


[root@foundation0 ~]# rht-vmctl all -y[root@foundation0 ~]# rht-vmctl classroom -y

说明:考试需要通过图形界面对虚拟机进行开机(start),关机(poweroff),重启(reboot)和重置(rebuilt)操 作,重置虚拟机后,虚拟机所有的配置将会清空。

一、安装和配置 ansible

按照下方所述,在控制节点 workstation.lab.example.com 上安装和配置 Ansible:
2.创建名为/home/student/ansible/inventory 的静态清单文件, 以满足以下需求:
servera 是 dev 主机组的成员
serverb 是 test 主机组的成员
serverc 和 serverd 是 prod 主机组的成员
bastion 是 balancers 主机组的成员
prod 组是 webservers 主机组的成员
3.创建名为/home/student/ansible/ansible.cfg 的配置文件, 以满足以下要求:
playbook 中使用的角色的位置包括/home/student/ansible/roles


[root@foundation0 ~]# ssh root@workstationActivate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket[root@workstation ~]# ssh root@bastion "useradd devops; echo redhat |passwd --stdin devops"Warning: Permanently added 'bastion,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Changing password for user devops.passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.[root@workstation ~]# for i in server{a..d} bastion;do ssh root@$i "echo 'devops ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/devops";doneWarning: Permanently added 'servera,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Warning: Permanently added 'serverb,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Warning: Permanently added 'serverc,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Warning: Permanently added 'serverd,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.[root@workstation ~]# yum -y install ansible #若考试已经安装好了,则不需要安装了[root@workstation ~]# su - student #考试要求所有的配置都⽤⼀个普通⽤户进⾏配置


[student@workstation ~]$ mkdir ansible[student@workstation ~]$ cd ansible/[student@workstation ansible]$ vim inventory[dev]servera[test]serverb[prod]servercserverd[balancers]bastion[webservers:children]prod[student@workstation ansible]$ cp /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg .[student@workstation ansible]$ vim ansible.cfginventory      = /home/student/ansible/inventory//取消注释并更改路径roles_path    = /home/student/ansible/roles//取消注释并更改路径remote_user = devops//取消注释并更改用户[privilege_escalation]become=True//取消注释即可become_method=sudo//取消注释即可become_user=root//取消注释即可become_ask_pass=False//取消注释即可[student@workstation ansible]$ mkdir -p /home/student/ansible/roles[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible all -m ping//执行后呈现绿色的“ping  pong”即代表成功

二、创建和运行Ansible 临时命令

请按照下方所述, 创建⼀个名为/home/student/ansible/adhoc.sh 的 shell 脚本, 该脚将使用
Ansible 临时命令在各个受管节点上安装 yum 存储库:
存储库 1:
描述为:rh294 base software
基础 URL 为 http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/BaseOS
GPG 签名检查为启用状态
GPG 密钥 URL 为 http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release
存储库 2:
描述为:rh294 stream software
基础 URL 为 http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/AppStream
GPG 签名检查为启⽤状态
GPG 密钥 URL 为 http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release


[student@workstation ansible]$ for i in server{a..d} bastion; do ssh root@$i "rm -rf/etc/yum.repos.d/*"; done//因虚拟机自带 yum 源, 需要先删除, 考试时不需要操作Warning: Permanently added 'servera,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Warning: Permanently added 'serverb,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Warning: Permanently added 'serverc,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Warning: Permanently added 'serverd,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Warning: Permanently added 'bastion,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim adhoc.sh#!/bin/bashansible all -m yum_repository -a "name=rh294_BASE description='rh294 base software' file=rhed_dvd gpgcheck=yes gpgkey=http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release baseurl=http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/BaseOS/ enabled=yes"ansible all -m yum_repository -a "name=rh294_STREAM description='rh294 stream software' file=rhed_dvd gpgcheck=yes gpgkey=http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release baseurl=http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/AppStream/ enabled=yes"[student@workstation ansible]$ chmod a+x adhoc.sh[student@workstation ansible]$ ./adhoc.sh


创建⼀个名为 /home/student/ansible/packages.yml 的 playbook:
1.将 php 和 mariadb 软件包安装到 dev、test 和 prod 主机组中的主机上
2.将 Development Tools 软件包组安装到 dev 主机组中的主机上
3.将 dev 主机组中主机上的所有软件包更新为最新版本


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim packages.yml---- hosts: dev,test,prod  tasks:    - name: install mariadb php      yum:        name:          - php          - mariadb        state: present- hosts: dev  tasks:    - name: install Development Tools      yum:        name: "@Development Tools"        state: present    - name: update pkgs      yum:        name: '*'        state: latest        [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook packages.yml

四、使用 RHEL 系统角色

安装 RHEL 系统角色软件包,并创建符合以下条件的 playbook /home/student/ansible/timesync.yml:
2.使用 timesync 角色
3.配置该角色,以使用当前有效的 NTP 提供
4.配置该角色,以使用时间服务器 classroom.example.com


[root@foundation0 ~]# ssh root@workstationActivate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socketLast login: Wed Sep 21 07:51:44 2022 from[root@workstation ~]# yum -y install rhel-system-roles[root@workstation ~]# su - student[student@workstation ~]$ cd ansible/[student@workstation ansible]$ cp -r /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.timesync roles/timesync


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim timesync.yml---- hosts: all  vars:    timesync_ntp_servers:      - hostname: classroom.example.com        iburst: yes    timesync_ntp_provider: chrony  roles:    - timesync  post_tasks:    - name: set timezone      timezone:        name: Asia/Shanghai      notify: restart crond  handlers:    - name: restart crond      service:        name: crond        state: restarted        [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook timesync.yml//说明:若考试没有要求设置时区,post_tasks 和 handlers 部分可以不⽤配置;如果重新设置了时区,建议重启⼀下crond 定时器,确保计划任务运⾏的时间是对的。

五、使用 RHEL 系统角色

安装 RHEL 系统角色软件包,并使用 SeLinux 角色,要求在所有节点运行,将 SELINUX 设置为强制模式。


[student@workstation ansible]$ sudo yum -y install rhel-system-roles[sudo] password for student: student[student@workstation ansible]$ lsadhoc.sh ansible.cfg inventory packages.yml roles timesync.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ cp -r /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.selinuxroles/selinux


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim selinux.yml //看题目要求的文件名是什么---- hosts: all  vars:    selinux_policy: targeted    selinux_state: enforcing  roles:    - role: selinux      become: true      [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook selinux.yml

六、使用 Ansible Galaxy 安装角色

使用 Ansible Galaxy 和要求文件 /home/student/ansible/roles/requirements.yml,从以下 URL
下载角色并安装到 /home/student/ansible/roles:
1.http://classroom.example.com/content/haproxy.tar.gz 此角色的名称应当为 balancer
2.http://classroom.example.com/content/phpinfo.tar.gz 此角色的名称应当为 phpinfo


将 haproxy.tar.gz 和 phpinfo.tar.gz 下载下来放入 foundation0 下面的/content 目录下。起一个新的终端:[root@foundation0 ~]# cd /content/[root@foundation0 content]# wgethttp://classroom.example.com/content/ansible2.8/haproxy.tar.gz[root@foundation0 content]# wgethttp://classroom.example.com/content/ansible2.8/phpinfo.tar.gz


[root@foundation0 content]# ssh workstation[student@workstation ~]$ cd ansible/[student@workstation ansible]$ lsadhoc.sh ansible.cfg inventory packages.yml roles selinux.yml timesync.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ vim roles/requirements.yml- name: balancer  src: http://content.example.com/haproxy.tar.gz- name: phpinfo  src: http://content.example.com/phpinfo.tar.gz  [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -proles/


根据下列要求,在 /home/student/ansible/roles 中创建名为 apache 的角色:
1.httpd 软件包已安装,设为在系统启动时启用
2.防⽕墙已启用并正在运行,并使用允许访问 Web 服务器的规则
3.模板文件 index.html.j2 已存在,用于创建具有以下输出的文件 /var/www/html/index.html:
其中,HOSTNAME 是受管节点的完全限定域名,IPADDRESS 则是受管节点的 IP 地址。
4.按照下方所述,创建⼀个使用此角色的 playbook /home/student/ansible/newrole.yml:
该 playbook 在 webservers 主机组中的主机上运行


[student@workstation ansible]$ lsadhoc.sh ansible.cfg inventory packages.yml roles selinux.yml timesync.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ cd roles/[student@workstation roles]$ ansible-galaxy init apache- apache was created successfully[student@workstation roles]$ vim apache/tasks/main.yml---# tasks file for apache- name: install http  yum:    name: "{{ item }}"    state: present  loop:    - httpd    - firewalld- name: system service  service:    name: "{{ item }}"    state: started    enabled: yes  loop:    - httpd    - firewalld- name: firewalld service  firewalld:    service: http    zone: public    permanent: yes    immediate: yes    state: enabled- name: user templates  template:    src: index.html.j2    dest: /var/www/html/index.html[student@workstation roles]$ vim apache/templates/index.html.j2Welcome to {{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }} on {{ ansible_facts['default_ipv4']['address'] }}[student@workstation roles]$ cd ..[student@workstation ansible]$ vim newrole.yml---- hosts: webservers  roles:    - apache    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook newrole.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ curl serverc//验证Welcome to serverc.lab.example.com on[student@workstation ansible]$ curl serverd//验证Welcome to serverd.lab.example.com on

八、从 Ansible Galaxy 使用角色

根据下列要求,创建⼀个名为 /home/student/ansible/roles.yml 的 playbook:
1.playbook 中包含⼀个 play,该 play 在 balancers 主机组中的主机上运⾏并将使用 balancer
此角色配置⼀项服务,以在 webservers 主机组中的主机之间平衡 Web 服务器请求的负载。
浏览到 balancers 主机组中的主机(例如 http:/bastion.lab.example.com/ )将生成以下输
Welcome to serverc.example.com on
重新加载浏览器将从另⼀ Web 服务器生成输出:
Welcome to serverd.example.com on
2.playbook 中包含⼀个 play,该 play 在 webservers 主机组中的主机上运⾏并将使用 phpinfo
通过 URL /hello.php 浏览到 webservers 主机组中的主机将生成以下输出:
Hello PHP World from FQDN
其中,FQDN 是主机的完全限定名称。
例如,浏览到 http://serverc.lab.example.com/hello.php 会生成以下输出:
Hello PHP World from serverc.lab.example.com
另外还有 PHP 配置的各种详细信息,如安装的 PHP 版本等。
同样,浏览到 http://serverd.lab.example.com/hello.php 会生成以下输出:
Hello PHP World from serverd.lab.example.com
另外还有 PHP 配置的各种详细信息,如安装的 PHP 版本等。


[student@workstation ansible]$ ssh root@bastion 'systemctl stop httpd && systemctldisable httpd'//关闭 bastion 主机上的 httpd 服务,以免冲突,考试不需要做Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/httpd.service.


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim roles.yml---- hosts: webservers  gather_facts: false  tasks:    - name: test facts      setup:- hosts: balancers  roles:    - balancer- hosts: webservers  roles:    - phpinfo[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook roles.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ curl http://bastion.lab.example.com///验证Welcome to serverc.lab.example.com on[student@workstation ansible]$ curl http://bastion.lab.example.com///验证Welcome to serverd.lab.example.com on[student@workstation ansible]$ curl http://serverc.lab.example.com/hello.php//验证Hello PHP World form serverc.lab.example.com[student@workstation ansible]$ curl http://serverd.lab.example.com/hello.php//验证Hello PHP World form serverd.lab.example.com

九、 创建和使用逻辑卷

将创建一个名为/home/student/ansible/lv.yml 的 playbook,它将在所有受管节点上运行以执行下
逻辑卷创建在 research 卷组中
逻辑卷名称为 data
逻辑卷大小为 1500MiB
2.使用 ext4 文件系统格式化逻辑卷
Could not create logical volume of that size,并且应改为使用大小 800MiB。
4.如果卷组 research 不存在 ,应显示错误消息
Volume group does not exist。


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim lvm_pre.yml---- hosts: dev,test  tasks:    - name: crteam 2G      parted:        device: /dev/vdb        number: 1        flags: [ lvm ]        state: present        part_start: 1MiB        part_end: 2GiB    - name: create vg      lvg:       vg: research       pvs: /dev/vdb1- hosts: prod  tasks:    - name: crteam 1G      parted:        device: /dev/vdb        number: 1        flags: [ lvm ]        state: present        part_start: 1MiB        part_end: 1GiB    - name: create vg      lvg:       vg: research       pvs: /dev/vdb1[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook lvm_pre.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ for i in server{a..d};do ssh root@$i 'vgs';done//验证  VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree research 1 0 0 wz--n- <2.00g <2.00g VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree research 1 0 0 wz--n- <2.00g <2.00g VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree  research 1 0 0 wz--n- 1020.00m 1020.00m VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree  research 1 0 0 wz--n- 1020.00m 1020.00m


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim lv.yml---- hosts: all  tasks:    - name: create logical volume      block:        - name: create lvm 1500m          lvol:            vg: research            lv: data            size: 1500m      rescue:        - debug:            msg: Could not create logical volume of that size        - name: create lvm 800m          lvol:            vg: research            lv: data            size: 800m      always:        - name: format lvm          filesystem:            fstype: ext4            dev: /dev/research/data          when: "'research' in ansible_facts['lvm']['vgs']"        - name: serche not          debug:            msg: Volume group does not exist          when: "'research' not in ansible_facts['lvm']['vgs']"[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook lv.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ for i in server{a..d}; do ssh root@$i 'lvs'; done//验证 LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert data research -wi-a----- 1.46g  LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert data research -wi-a----- 1.46g  LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert data research -wi-a----- 800.00m  LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert data research -wi-a----- 800.00m


创建一个名为/home/student/ansible/parted.yml 的 playbook,它将在 dev 主机组上运行下列任务
1.如果磁盘/dev/vdd 存在,则创建 1500m 分区
Could not create partition of that size,并且应改为使用大小 800m。
3.如果磁盘/dev/vdd 不存在 ,应显示错误消息
disk /dev/vdd does not exist。
4.如果磁盘/dev/vdb 存在,则创建 1500m 分区
Could not create partition of that size,并且应改为使用大小 800m。
6.最后分区都要格式化为 ext4 文件系统,并挂载在/mnt/fs01 上


//先将 dev 环境主机 servera 的/dev/vdb 硬盘分区删除,即题目所说重置磁盘。

[student@workstation ansible]$ ssh root@servera[root@servera ~]# lvremove /dev/research/data[root@servera ~]# vgremove research[root@servera ~]# pvremove /dev/vdb1[root@servera ~]# pvs[root@servera ~]# lsblkNAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTvda 252:0 0 10G 0 disk└─vda1 252:1 0 10G 0 part /vdb 252:16 0 5G 0 disk└─vdb1 252:17 0 2G 0 part └─research-data 253:0 0 1.5G 0 lvm  [root@servera ~]# fdisk /dev/vdb输入: d输入: wThe partition table has been altered.Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.Syncing disks.如果以上命令执行后提示需要重启则先执行 reboot 命令,然后再次进行删除分区动作,待 servera 主机重启完成后执行以下命令[root@servera ~]# lsblkNAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTvda 252:0 0 10G 0 disk└─vda1 252:1 0 10G 0 part /vdb 252:16 0 5G 0 disk[root@servera ~]# exit


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim parted.yml---- hosts: dev  tasks:    - name: create partition      block:        - name: create 1500m vdd          parted:            device: /dev/vdd            number: 1            state: present            part_end: 1501MiB      rescue:        - debug:            msg: Could not create partition of that size        - name: create 800m vdd          parted:            device: /dev/vdd            number: 1            state: present            part_end: 801MiB      always:        - name: format partition          filesystem:            fstype: ext4            dev: /dev/vdd1        - name: mount device          mount:            path: /mnt/fs01            src: /dev/vdd1            fstype: ext4            opts: defaults            state: mounted      when: "'vdd' in ansible_facts['devices']"    - debug:        msg: disk /dev/vdd does not exist      when: "'vdd' not in ansible_facts['devices']"    - name: create partition      block:        - name: create 1500m vdb          parted:            device: /dev/vdb            number: 1            state: present            part_end: 1501MiB      rescue:        - debug:            msg: Could not create partition of that size        - name: create 800m vdb          parted:            device: /dev/vdb            number: 1            state: present            part_end: 801MiB      always:         - name: format partition          filesystem:            fstype: ext4            dev: /dev/vdb1        - name: mount device          mount:            path: /mnt/fs01            src: /dev/vdb1            fstype: ext4            opts: defaults            state: mounted      when:        - "'vdb' in ansible_facts['devices']"        - "'vdd' not in ansible_facts['devices']"    - debug:        msg: disk /dev/vdb does not exist      when: "'vdb' not in ansible_facts['devices']"[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook parted.yml


将⼀个初始模板文件从 下载到/home/student/ansible
1.完成该模板,以便用它生成以下文件:针对每个清单主机包含⼀⾏内容,其格式与 /etc/hosts
2.创建名为 /home/student/ansible/hosts.yml 的 playbook,它将使用此模板在 dev 主机组中的
主机上生成文件 /etc/myhosts。
3.该 playbook 运行后,dev 主机组中主机上的文件/etc/myhosts 应针对每个受管主机包含一行内
容。 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6172.25.254.10 servera.lab.example.com servera172.25.254.11 serverb.lab.example.com serverb172.25.254.12 serverc.lab.example.com serverc172.25.254.13 serverd.lab.example.com serverd172.25.250.254 bastion.lab.example.com bastion



[student@workstation ~]$ exit[root@foundation0 ~]# cd /content/[root@foundation0 content]# vim hosts.j2127.0.0.1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6{% for host in groups.all %}{{ hostvars[host].ansible_enp1s0.ipv4.address }} {{ hostvars[host].ansible_fqdn }}{{ hostvars[host].ansible_hostname }}{% endfor %}[root@foundation0 ~]# ssh workstation[student@workstation ~]$ cd ansible/


[student@workstation ansible]$ wget[student@workstation ansible]$ vim hosts.yml---- hosts: all- hosts: dev  tasks:    - name: copy hosts.j2 to dev      template:        src: hosts.j2        dest: /etc/myhosts[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook hosts.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ ssh root@servera 'cat /etc/myhosts'//验证127.0.0.1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6172.25.250.10 servera.lab.example.com servera172.25.250.11 serverb.lab.example.com serverb172.25.250.254 bastion.lab.example.com bastion172.25.250.12 serverc.lab.example.com serverc172.25.250.13 serverd.lab.example.com serverd//注意:清单主机名称的显示顺序不重要。


按照下方所述,创建一个名为 /home/student/ansible/issue.yml 的 playbook:
1.该 playbook 将在所有清单主机上运行
2.该 playbook 会将 /etc/issue 的内容替换为下方所示的一行文本:
在 dev 主机组中的主机上,这行文本显示为:Development
在 test 主机组中的主机上,这行文本显示为:Test
在 prod 主机组中的主机上,这行文本显示为:Production


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim issue.yml---- hosts: all  tasks:    - name: write something to /etc/issue      copy:        content: |          {% if 'dev' in group_names %}          Development          {% elif 'test' in group_names %}          Test          {% elif 'prod' in group_names %}          Production          {% endif %}        dest: /etc/issue[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook issue.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ for i in server{a..d} bastion ; do ssh root@$i "cat/etc/issue" ; done//验证DevelopmentTestProductionProduction

十三、创建 web 内容目录

按照下方所述,创建一个名为 /home/student/ansible/webcontent.yml 的 playbook:
1.该 playbook 在 dev 主机组中的受管节点上运行
2.创建符合下列要求的目录 /webdev:
拥有组为 devops 组
具有特殊权限: set group ID
3.用符号链接将 /var/www/html/webdev 链接到 /webdev
4.创建文件 /webdev/index.html,其中包含如下所示的单行文本:Development
5.在 dev 主机组中主机上浏览此目录(例如 http://servera.lab.example.com/webdev/ )将生成
以 下输出:


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim webcontent.yml---- hosts: dev  tasks:    - name: install httpd      yum:        name: httpd        state: present    - name: enabled httpd      service:        name: httpd        enabled: yes        state: started    - name: enabled 80/tcp      firewalld:        service: http        zone: public        permanent: yes        immediate: yes        state: enabled    - name: create /webdev      file:        path: /webdev        state: directory        owner: root        group: devops        mode: '2775'    - name: create file      copy:        content: "Devlopment\n"        dest: /webdev/index.html    - name: create soft link      file:        src: /webdev        dest: /var/www/html/webdev        state: link    - name: modify sefcontext      sefcontext:        target: '/webdev(/.*)?'        setype: httpd_sys_content_t        state: present    - name: Apply new SELinux file context to filesystem      command: restorecon -irv /webdev[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook webcontent.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ curl http://servera.lab.example.com/webdev///验证Devlopment


创建一个名为 /home/student/ansible/hwreport.yml 的 playbook,它将在所有受管节点上生成含
有以 下信息的输出文件 /root/hwreport.txt:
以 MB 表示的总内存大小
磁盘设备 vda 的大小
磁盘设备 vdb 的大小
输出文件中的每一行含有一个 key=value 对。
您的 playbook 应当:
1.从 下载文件,并将它保存为
2.使用正确的值修改 /root/hwreport.txt
3.如果硬件项不存在,相关的值应设为 NONE


[student@workstation ansible]$ exit[root@foundation0 ~]# cd /content/[root@foundation0 content]# vim hwreport.emptyhostname = inventoryhostnamememory = memory_in_MBbios_version = BIOS_versionvda_size = disk_vda_sizevdb_size = disk_vdb_size


[root@foundation0 ~]# ssh workstation[student@workstation ~]$ cd ansible/[student@workstation ansible]$ vim hwreport.yml---- hosts: all  tasks:    - name: create report file      get_url:        url: http://content.example.com/hwreport.empty        dest: /root/hwreport.txt    - name: get inventory      replace:        path: /root/hwreport.txt        regexp: 'inventoryhostname'        replace: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'    - name: get memory      replace:        path: /root/hwreport.txt        regexp: 'memory_in_MB'        replace: '{{ ansible_facts["memtotal_mb"] | string }}'    - name: get bios      replace:        path: /root/hwreport.txt        regexp: 'BIOS_version'        replace: '{{ ansible_facts["bios_version"] }}'    - name: get vda      replace:        path: /root/hwreport.txt        regexp: 'disk_vda_size'        replace: '{{ ansible_facts["devices"]["vda"]["size"] | default("NONE") }}'    - name: get vdb      replace:        path: /root/hwreport.txt        regexp: 'disk_vdb_size'        replace: '{{ ansible_facts["devices"]["vdb"]["size"] | default("NONE") }}'[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook hwreport.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ for i in server{a..d} bastion;do ssh root@$i 'cat/root/hwreport.txt';done//验证hostname = serveramemory = 821bios_version = 1.11.1-4.module+el8.1.0+4066+0f1aadabvda_size = 10.00 GBvdb_size = 5.00 GBhostname = serverbmemory = 821bios_version = 1.11.1-4.module+el8.1.0+4066+0f1aadabvda_size = 10.00 GBvdb_size = 5.00 GBhostname = servercmemory = 821bios_version = 1.11.1-4.module+el8.1.0+4066+0f1aadabvda_size = 10.00 GBvdb_size = 5.00 GBhostname = serverdmemory = 821bios_version = 1.11.1-4.module+el8.1.0+4066+0f1aadabvda_size = 10.00 GBvdb_size = 5.00 GBhostname = bastionmemory = 821bios_version = 1.11.1-4.module+el8.1.0+4066+0f1aadabvda_size = 10.00 GBvdb_size = NONE


按照下方所述,创建一个 Ansible 库来存储用户密码:
1.库名称为 /home/student/ansible/locker.yml
pw_developer,值为 Imadev
pw_manager,值为 Imamgr
3.用于加密和解密该库的密码为 whenyouwishuponastar
4.密码存储在文件 /home/student/ansible/secret.txt 中


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim locker.ymlpw_developer: Imadevpw_manager: Imamgr[student@workstation ansible]$ echo whenyouwishuponastar > secret.txt[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-vault --vault-password-file=secret.txt encryptlocker.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-vault view locker.ymlVault password: # 输入密码pw_developer: Imadevpw_manager: Imamgr


1.从 下载要创建的用户的列表,并将它保存到
/home/student/ansible,用户密码来自于/home/student/ansible/locker.yml 文件。
2.创建名为/home/student/ansible/users.yml 的 playbook,从而按以下所述创建用户帐户:
职位描述为 developer 的用户应当:
在 dev 和 test 主机组中的受管节点上创建
从 pw_developer 变量分配密码
是附加组 student 的成员
职位描述为 manager 的用户应当:
在 prod 主机组中的受管节点上创建
从 pw_manager 变量分配密码
是附加组 opsmgr 的成员
3.密码应采用 SHA512 哈希格式。
4.您的 playbook 应能够在本次考试中使用在其他位置创建的库密码文件
/home/student/ansible/secret.txt 正常运行。


[student@workstation ansible]$ exit[root@foundation0 ~]# cd /content/[root@foundation0 content]# vim user_list.ymlusers: - name: bob   job: developer - name: sally   job: manager - name: fred    job: developer[root@foundation0 content]# ssh workstation[student@workstation ~]$ cd ansible/


[student@workstation ansible]$ wget[student@workstation ansible]$ vim users.yml---- hosts: dev,test  vars_files:    - locker.yml    - user_list.yml  tasks:    - name: student group      group:        name: student        state: present    - name: create user in developer      user:        name: "{{ item.name }}"        groups: student        password: "{{ pw_developer | password_hash('sha512') }}"      loop: "{{ users }}"      when: item.job == "developer"- hosts: prod  vars_files:    - locker.yml    - user_list.yml  tasks:    - name: group      group:        name: opsmgr        state: present    - name: create user      user:        name: "{{ item.name }}"        groups: opsmgr        password: "{{ pw_manager | password_hash('sha512') }}"      loop: "{{ users }}"      when: item.job == "manager"[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=secret.txt users.yml

十七、更新 ansible 库的密钥

按照下方所述,更新现有 Ansible 库的密钥:
1.从 下载 Ansible 库到 /home/student/ansible
2.当前的库密码为 insecure4sure
3.新的库密码为 bbe2de98389b


[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-vault create salaries.ymlNew Vault password: # 输入密码 insecure4sureConfirm New Vault password: # 输入密码 insecure4surethis is a test file # 内容任意[student@workstation ansible]$ exit[root@foundation0 ~]# cd /content/[root@foundation0 content]# scp workstation:/home/student/ansible/salaries.yml salaries.yml[root@foundation0 content]# chmod 644 salaries.yml[root@foundation0 content]# ssh workstation[student@workstation ~]$ cd ansible/[student@workstation ansible]$ rm -f salaries.yml


[student@workstation ansible]$ wget[student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-vault rekey salaries.ymlVault password: # 输入旧密码 insecure4sureNew Vault password: # 输入新密码 bbe2de98389bConfirm New Vault password: # 输入新密码 bbe2de98389bRekey successful


为 natasha 创建一个计划任务,要求每隔 2 分钟执行一次 echo hello,playbook 文件名为
cron.yml,该 playbook 在 dev 主机组上运行。


[student@workstation ansible]$ vim cron.yml---- hosts: dev  tasks:    - name: create user      user:        name: natasha        state: present    - name: create cron      cron:        minute: "*/2"        user: natasha        job: "echo hello"//复制题目给的任务即可        [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook cron.yml[student@workstation ansible]$ ssh root@servera//验证[root@servera ~]# crontab -l -u natasha#Ansible: exec tasks every 2 minute*/2 * * * * echo hello
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