quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码)

参见generalized focal loss paper
其中包含有Quality Focal LossDistribution Focal Loss


    • Quality Focal Loss
    • Distribute Focal Loss

Quality Focal Loss

先来说一下Quality Focal Loss,
在这之前,先要了解一下Focal Loss, 在这篇文章里有写过。
它主要是解决class imbalance,同时降低容易分类的weight,使训练更集中到难分类的上面

我们从cross entropy入手:
cross entropy的公式如下:
图片[1] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL

把其中的y=1时为p, y=0时1-p 写成一个 pt p_{t}pt
图片[2] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL

那么,cross entropy可以简化为:

图片[3] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL

降低容易分类的weight, 比如 pt= 0.9p_{t}=0.9pt=0.9时,很容易分类,降低它的weight, 同时结合 αt \alpha_{t}αt解决class imbalance的问题。
这个就是Focal Loss的公式

图片[4] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL

现在有一个问题,就是(1)训练集和测试集的用途是不同的,训练集单独用来训练,却和测试集一起在现实中做推理。而且supervision只用于positive sample, 但是有时negative sample会有更高的score

图片[5] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL

图片[6] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL
图片[7] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL

背景的IOU可能比positive sample还要大,所以作者把IOU和分类的score结合起来
而且把one-hot label给soft化,具体就是把label的1 乘以 IOU,
这里的IOU是指预测出的bounding box和与之匹配的ground truth box的IOU。范围在0~1之间。
理论上来说一个预测box会匹配一个gt_box, 当匹配多个时,取cost最小的那个。

至于如何匹配,就是计算一张图片中有效的(自己定义)预测box和这张图片所有的ground truth box的IOU,
每个box还会有一个class score.

class score经过sigmoid运算后就是公式中的σ\sigma σ
公式中的yy y是label乘以对应的IOU。

为了解决class imbalance的问题,还需要结合Focal Loss,
但是Focal Loss的label是0,1,而这里的soft label是小数,
所以把Focal Loss中的两项做一下扩展:

图片[4] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL

图片[9] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL


图片[10] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL


def quality_focal_loss(pred, target, beta=2.0):r"""Quality Focal Loss (QFL) is from `Generalized Focal Loss: LearningQualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Dense Object Detection`_.Args:pred (torch.Tensor): Predicted joint representation of classificationand quality (IoU) estimation with shape (N, C), C is the number ofclasses.target (tuple([torch.Tensor])): Target category label with shape (N,)and target quality label with shape (N,).beta (float): The beta parameter for calculating the modulating factor.Defaults to 2.0.Returns:torch.Tensor: Loss tensor with shape (N,)."""assert (len(target) == 2), """target for QFL must be a tuple of two elements,including category label and quality label, respectively"""# label denotes the category id, score denotes the quality scorelabel, score = target#label:gt label,score:gt score(IOU),# negatives are supervised by 0 quality score#pred:预测的class scorepred_sigmoid = pred.sigmoid() #sigmoid:1/(1+e^-x)scale_factor = pred_sigmoidzerolabel = scale_factor.new_zeros(pred.shape) #全0#label全为0时的qfl loss,即先把背景的loss填上loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( #等价于sigmoid+binary entropy, 更稳定pred, zerolabel, reduction="none") * scale_factor.pow(beta)# FG cat_id: [0, num_classes -1], BG cat_id: num_classesbg_class_ind = pred.size(1)#背景的下标#label是前景的下标,注意这是gt labelpos = torch.nonzero((label >= 0) & (label < bg_class_ind), as_tuple=False).squeeze(1)pos_label = label[pos].long()#取出下标对应的前景gt label# positives are supervised by bbox quality (IoU) scorescale_factor = score[pos] - pred_sigmoid[pos, pos_label] #公式中的(y-sigma)#在有前景的对应位置填上gfl的前景lossloss[pos, pos_label] = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred[pos, pos_label], score[pos], reduction="none") * scale_factor.abs().pow(beta) #公式中的QFL(sigma)不要负号loss = loss.sum(dim=1, keepdim=False) return loss

Distribute Focal Loss

再来说Distribution focal loss

一般来说,预测值x 和真实标签y 之间,是假设的Dirac delta分布,即
图片[11] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL
这表示预测值x 总有一个标签y与之对应。


图片[12] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL

图片[13] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL
图片[14] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL

公式(5) 中可以看到能得到y 的不同组合很多,例如下图

图片[15] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL
因此就推出 要把预测的P(x) 尽可能地在 y 处有较大的概率。
因此就取靠近y 的两个label, yi y_{i}yi y i + 1 y_{i+1}yi+1,

类似GFL公式,同时不需要考虑class imbalance, 所以只需取cross entropy的那一项:

图片[16] - quality focal loss & distribute focal loss 解说(附代码) - MaxSSL

def distribution_focal_loss(pred, label):r"""Distribution Focal Loss (DFL) is from `Generalized Focal Loss: LearningQualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Dense Object Detection`_.Args:pred (torch.Tensor): Predicted general distribution of bounding boxes(before softmax) with shape (N, n+1), n is the max value of theintegral set `{0, ..., n}` in paper.label (torch.Tensor): Target distance label for bounding boxes withshape (N,).Returns:torch.Tensor: Loss tensor with shape (N,)."""dis_left = label.long()dis_right = dis_left + 1weight_left = dis_right.float() - labelweight_right = label - dis_left.float()loss = (F.cross_entropy(pred, dis_left, reduction="none") * weight_left+ F.cross_entropy(pred, dis_right, reduction="none") * weight_right)return loss
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