org.geotools gt-main 27.2 org.geotools gt-jdbc-postgis 27.2
Map params = Map.of( PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.HOST.key, host, PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.PORT.key, port, PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.DATABASE.key, database, PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.SCHEMA.key, schema, PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.USER.key, user, PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.PASSWD.key, passwd, PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.DBTYPE.key, dbtype);JDBCDataStore jdbcDataStore = (JDBCDataStore)DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(params);
Parameter | Description |
dbtype | Must be the string postgis |
host | Machine name or IP address to connect to |
port | Port number to connect to, default 5432 |
schema | The database schema to access |
database | The database to connect to |
user | User name |
passwd | Password |
loose bbox | Flag controlling loose bbox comparisons, default is true |
preparedStatements | Flag controlling whether prepared statements are used, default is false |
encode functions | Flag controlling if some common functions can be encoded into their SQL equivalent |
Parameter | Description |
max connections | Maximum number of connection the pool will hold at any time, default is 10 |
min connections | Minimum number of connection the pool will hold at any time, default is 1 |
connection timeout | Maximum number of second the pool will wait when trying to obtain a connection, default is 20 seconds |
validate connections | Flag controlling if the pool should validate connections when a new connection is obtained |
Max open prepared statements | Maximum number of prepared statements kept open and cached for each connection in the pool. Set to 0 to have unbounded caching, -1 to disable |
Test while idle | Periodically test if the connections are still valid also while idle in the pool |
Time between evictor runs | Number of seconds between idle object evictor runs. The default value is 300 seconds. |
Min evictable time | Number of seconds a connection needs to stay idle before the evictor starts to consider closing it |
Evictor tests per run | Number of connections checked by the idle connection evictor for each of its runs. The default value is 3 connections. |
// 普通字段FilterFactory ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory();/** * field 字段名 * value 条件值 * geometry 条件几何体 * * * matchCase 是否区分大小写,默认true-区分 * MatchAction(实现MultiValuedFilter的会有),匹配逻辑 * MatchAction.ANY-任何一个满足,默认值 * MatchAction.ALL-全部满足 * MatchAction.ONE-只有一个满足 * */PropertyIsEqualTo equal = ff.equal(, ff.literal(value), true);//等于PropertyIsLike like =, "%keywords%");//模糊匹配PropertyIsNotEqualTo notEqualTo = ff.notEqual(, ff.literal(value));//不等于PropertyIsNull aNull = ff.isNull(;//nullPropertyIsGreaterThan greater = ff.greater(, ff.literal(value));// 大于PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo greaterOrEqual = ff.greaterOrEqual(, ff.literal(value));// 大于等于PropertyIsLessThan less = ff.less(, ff.literal(value));//小于PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo lessOrEqual = ff.lessOrEqual(, ff.literal(value));//小于等于PropertyIsBetween between = ff.between(, ff.literal(value), ff.literal(value));//在...之间During during = ff.during(, ff.literal(value));//在时间期间Before before = ff.before(, ff.literal(value));//在时间之前After after = ff.after(, ff.literal(value));//在时间之后// Geometry字段FilterFactory2 ff2 = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2();Beyond beyond = ff2.beyond(, ff2.literal(geometry), 100.0,;// 图层几何字段超出给定几何100米距离的Contains contains = ff2.contains(, ff2.literal(geometry));// 图层几何字段包含给定几何Within within = ff2.within(, ff2.literal(geometry));// 图层几何字段被给定几何包含Intersects intersects = ff2.intersects(, ff2.literal(geometry));// 图层几何字段与给定几何相交Disjoint disjoint = ff2.disjoint(, ff2.literal(geometry));// 图层几何字段与给定几何不相交Touches touches = ff2.touches(, ff2.literal(geometry));// 图层几何字段与给定几何相切// filter集合的逻辑关系,and并,or或,not非And and = ff.and(List.of(equal,like,beyond));//Or or = ff.or(List.of(notEqualTo,greater,contains));Not not = ff.not(during);// Function的实现类具体实现函数,name-函数名,例如:min,strReplace,toWKTFunction function = ff.function(name,expr1,exprN);PropertyName property =;Literal v = ff.literal(value);Function min = ff.function("min", property, v);PropertyName property =;Literal search = ff.literal("search");Literal replace = ff.literal("replace");Literal all = ff.literal( true );Function replace = ff.function("strReplace", new Expression[]{property,search,replace,all});PropertyName property =;Function toWKT = ff.function("toWKT", property);
/** * tableName 表名 * filter 过滤器 * List propNames 字段名列表 * * startIndex 起始位 * maxFeatures 最大条数 * sortField 排序字段名 * */ContentFeatureSource featureSource = (ContentFeatureSource) jdbcDataStore.getFeatureSource(tableName);//返回字段列List propertyNames =;Query query = new Query(tableName,filter,propertyNames);int count = featureSource.getCount(query);//计数// 分页,倒序query.setStartIndex(startIndex);query.setMaxFeatures(maxFeatures);query.setSortBy(new SortByImpl(, SortOrder.DESCENDING));ContentFeatureCollection collection = featureSource.getFeatures(query);SimpleFeatureIterator iterator = collection.features();// SimpleFeatureIterator必须关闭,否则会造成内存泄漏iterator.close();
/*** tableName 图层名* fieldName1 字段名* fieldValue1 字段值**/ContentFeatureSource featureSource = (ContentFeatureSource) jdbcDataStore.getFeatureSource(tableName);SimpleFeatureStore store = (SimpleFeatureStore)featureSource; // write access!SimpleFeatureBuilder featureBuilder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(store.getSchema());featureBuilder.set(fieldName1,fieldValue1);featureBuilder.set(fieldNameN,fieldValueN);SimpleFeature feature = featureBuilder.buildFeature(null);ListFeatureCollection featureCollection = new ListFeatureCollection(store.getSchema(), List.of(feature));List addFeatures = store.addFeatures(featureCollection);
/**** typeName 图层名* fliter 过滤条件**/ContentFeatureSource featureSource = (ContentFeatureSource) jdbcDataStore.getFeatureSource(tableName);SimpleFeatureStore store = (SimpleFeatureStore)featureSource; // write access!store.removeFeatures(filter);
/*** * typeName 图层名* names 修改字段名数组* values 修改值数组* fliter 过滤条件* names和values顺序保持一致*/ContentFeatureSource featureSource = (ContentFeatureSource) jdbcDataStore.getFeatureSource(tableName);SimpleFeatureStore store = (SimpleFeatureStore)featureSource; // write access!store.modifyFeature(names, values, filter)
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