首先写一个简单的猜大小的智能合约 名字叫Game
定义了两个事件 一个是NewPlayer 一个是 PlayGame
和合约集成的要点是:合约ABI, 部署地址,event参数和类型。有了这些就可以监测合约里所有的设定事件。
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.7;contract Game { address Owner; uint public bet; address[] public players; mapping(address=>bool) public haswon; event NewPlayer(address player); event PlayGame(address player,uint256 value, bool hasWon); constructor() { Owner = msg.sender; } modifier onlyOwner { require(msg.sender == Owner,"only owner can set a bet"); _; } function setbet(uint betnum)public onlyOwner{ bet = betnum; } function play(uint guess) public returns (bool){ if (isnewgamer()){ emit NewPlayer(msg.sender); } if (bet == guess){ haswon[msg.sender]= true; emit PlayGame(msg.sender,guess,haswon[msg.sender]); return true; }else{ haswon[msg.sender]=false; emit PlayGame(msg.sender,guess,haswon[msg.sender]); return false; } } function isnewgamer() public returns (bool){ for(uint i = 0;i<players.length;i++){ if(players[i]==msg.sender){ return false; } } players.push(msg.sender); return true; }}
npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
graph init --product hosted-service metaverseman/gamecd gamegraph codegen && graph build
graph init --product hosted-service metaverseman/game✔ Protocol · ethereum✔ Subgraph name · metaverseman/game✔ Directory to create the subgraph in · game" /> 将上边的import手动修改。
import { BigInt } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts"import { Game, NewPlayer, PlayGame } from "../generated/Game/Game"import { ExampleEntity } from "../generated/schema"
import { BigInt } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts"import { Game,NewPlayer as NewPlayerEvent,PlayGame as PlayGameEvent } from "../generated/Game/Game"import { ExampleEntity,NewPlayer,PlayGame } from "../generated/schema"
import { BigInt } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts"import { Game,NewPlayer as NewPlayerEvent,PlayGame as PlayGameEvent } from "../generated/Game/Game"import { ExampleEntity,NewPlayer,PlayGame } from "../generated/schema"export function handleNewPlayer(event: NewPlayerEvent): void { // Entities can be loaded from the store using a string ID; this ID // needs to be unique across all entities of the same type let id = event.transaction.hash.toHex() // let id = event.params.id // let entity = ExampleEntity.load(event.transaction.from.toHex()) let entity = NewPlayer.load(id) // Entities only exist after they have been saved to the store; // `null` checks allow to create entities on demand if (!entity) { entity = new NewPlayer(id) } // BigInt and BigDecimal math are supported // entity.address = event.params.player.at.toString() entity.address = event.params.player.toString() // Entities can be written to the store with `.save()` entity.save() // Note: If a handler doesn't require existing field values, it is faster // _not_ to load the entity from the store. Instead, create it fresh with // `new Entity(...)`, set the fields that should be updated and save the // entity back to the store. Fields that were not set or unset remain // unchanged, allowing for partial updates to be applied. // It is also possible to access smart contracts from mappings. For // example, the contract that has emitted the event can be connected to // with: // // let contract = Contract.bind(event.address) // // The following functions can then be called on this contract to access // state variables and other data: // // - contract.isnewgamer(...) // - contract.play(...) // - contract.bet(...) // - contract.haswon(...) // - contract.players(...)}export function handlePlayGame(event: PlayGameEvent): void { let id = event.transaction.hash.toHex() let entity = PlayGame.load(id) if (!entity) { entity = new PlayGame(id) } // BigInt and BigDecimal math are supported // entity.address = event.params.player.toString() entity.address = event.params.player.toHexString() // Entity fields can be set based on event parameters entity.value = event.params.value.toI32() entity.haswon = event.params.hasWon // Entities can be written to the store with `.save()` entity.save()}
graph codegen && graph build graph auth --product hosted-service xxxxxxxxxx(在你的subgraph网页上复制)graph deploy --product hosted-service metaverseman/game
hanpeng@hanpeng game % graph deploy --product hosted-service metaverseman/game⠋ Apply migrations(node:76651) ExperimentalWarning: The Fetch API is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created) Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2 Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.2 to 0.0.3 Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.3 to 0.0.4 Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5 Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 Skip migration: Bump manifest specVersion from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2 Skip migration: Bump manifest specVersion from 0.0.2 to 0.0.4✔ Apply migrations✔ Load subgraph from subgraph.yaml Compile data source: Game => build/Game/Game.wasm✔ Compile subgraph Copy schema file build/schema.graphql Write subgraph file build/Game/abis/Game.json Write subgraph manifest build/subgraph.yaml✔ Write compiled subgraph to build/ Add file to IPFS build/schema.graphql .. Qmc8mBqzRArjzreqnyBF4PEargATRKuaLesmGm7vbXALQ8 Add file to IPFS build/Game/abis/Game.json .. QmapPy7RyHEGVX7Fpp8ZgjdeeDXGN3JA2xnvJzbV78R2rP Add file to IPFS build/Game/Game.wasm .. QmdW8vg7vvPJBXnPxx3dQURBdi3Peq3yiKCJSdbYsjdddG✔ Upload subgraph to IPFSBuild completed: QmZVKfWzp8Z1gZsaF5AxtgYVg7SVCTDftPRebVDQ2Y4Yc4Deployed to https://thegraph.com/explorer/subgraph/metaverseman/gameSubgraph endpoints:Queries (HTTP): https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/metaverseman/game
Subgraph endpoints:
Queries (HTTP): https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/metaverseman/game
注意关于地址的记录 在编写game.ts的时候要用toHexString()
GraphQL API 提供了多个查询后缀:
使用示例:如果想要查询 newPlayers ID 为“0x4f3def6e4a8a4a2637b018c53e7c2ad4d9a63a9b0a36e908726ffbcdc4e9146a”,playGames value 大于 99 的,则是这么写:
{ newPlayers(where: {id: "0x4f3def6e4a8a4a2637b018c53e7c2ad4d9a63a9b0a36e908726ffbcdc4e9146a"}){ id address } playGames(where: {value_gt:99}){ id address value haswon }}
除了 where 参数,GraphQL API 还提供了其他参数,包括:
id:指定 id 查询orderBy:指定排序的字段orderDirection:排序方向,asc | descfirst:查询条数,比如设为 10,则最多只查出 10 条记录skip:跳过不查询的条数block:指定区块查询,可以指定区块 number 或 hashtext:全文检索
可以反复部署,也就是当你需要修改game.ts或者其他那几个文件的时候,修改后就可以重新用graph codegen && graph build
graph deploy --product hosted-service metaverseman/game 去更新部署了